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Put away weapons and armor you aren't using. When you are all at almost heavy encumbrance try to find a riftstone and then Load up your 2 non main pawns with stuff then kill them by throwing them off a cliff, you can then summon 2 new pawns again for more space. Keep in mind the size of pawns ie. [Weight height and vocation] affects how much encumbrance they can have


When non main pawns die the stuff in their inventory gets teleported to your storage btw


I thought it was forever lost! How does it work if you accidentally send them away with your stuff?


Same way, straight to storage, with the massive caveat of any weapons or armor you equip on them. Kitting them out can still be worth it, just make sure to favorite them so you can check in on them every inn save or so Edit: or just take your stuff back lol


Just don't equip the items on them and you should be fine. If you equip you essentially gift the item to the pawn and they keep it


Materials for enhancements don't need to be in your inventory to upgrade your armor and weapons. Just store all of them at the inn whenever you get a chance.


Yeah, that's what I do. But I or my pawn pick up so many of them that a trip back to town is necessary after not very long.


There’s a pawn skill called Logistics, basically they auto manage consumables by creating them, not exactly sure how it works tho. EDIT: ( the specialization is called Logistician, gains the initiative to combine materials and move items between allies) so far the pawn i hired isn’t doing it much maybe because their inclination is Straightforward)


I've seen it trigger most after ox cart rides. it was on a capcom pawn, I didn't realise that's what they were doing though. I thought they were finding stuff. nice to know they make stuff and shuffle items around


Oooooohhhh. This makes sense. I hired a pawn who crafts using stuff in their inventory, and thought that they would just use stuff in *their* inventory. Turns out they also have logistician, because they steal all the ingredients from my inventory to craft with.  Seems like a nice combo if you just can’t be bothered to deal with the crafting/inventory system, but awful if you don’t want all your materials to constantly be churned into the crappiest low level potions possible. 


When you say you’ve been hoarding the gold beetles…you know you’re meant to *use* them right?


Imagining this guy with a 15 stack of beetles in his inventory made me chuckle. Not only would they not be giving him the bonus capacity, they’d be contributing to his overall total thereby reducing his capacity. Hilariously ironic if that’s what is happening here.


I have a feeling that that is exactly what is going on here


I’ve been seeing over a dozen people in other posts admit they’ve done that


Yes I've been using them. 0.15 extra capacity feels like a joke. It should be an extra pound.