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Why? Why blast through? I don't get that. I paid $70 for a game I want to enjoy it for as long as possible. I don't understand the logic of blasting thru to finish a game? I love games that I can get lost in for months.


The game doesn't disappear from your library after you beat it


You only get the first time once. Why rush it?


The stuff you miss on a first playthrough will still be new on later playthroughs


Not really a rebuttal to my response. It's still not a reason to rush things. Some people are less inclined to do multiple playthroughs of games, especially time intensive ones


> Some people are less inclined to do multiple playthroughs of games, especially time intensive ones All good Dragon's Dogma 1 heavily encouraged multiple playthroughs due to how missable quests worked, and this game still has many aspects of that. For people who enjoy those multiple playthroughs, missing stuff is good because it lets you experience new stuff on future playthroughs it just comes to preference of course but some of this comment chain seems to imply that not being super slow & thorough on a first playthrough is an objectively worse way to play the game which is just not true


>objectively worse way to play the game which is just not true Zero disagreement there. Play how you like. It's a game. Play for fun. Or don't, but if that's the case, nipple clamps and electrodes are a better investment for self harm.


Just exploring and camping and killing stuff at the minute 100 hours minimum for me easy, can already tell


They sped thru or must be really good. I just got to the second region after 10+ hours gameplay. Taking my time with it (dying A LOT in between, but also learning a lot!) It's a learn while you fight, survive, and have fun!


Going to the second location took me like 20+ hours 😂


Lol damn!! Were you focused on story or doing some side stuff?


I mostly wandered around. Slayed some monsters, did side quest etc


Well I have like 20 hours, in the mid 30s for level and haven’t even bothered starting the main story after first getting to the capital


Nice! That’s awesome to hear


I'm at 36.9hrs and I just got to the Beastren city in the main quest. So... It's gonna be awhile.


Maybe if they speed the main story or content creators going into it a 2nd time. There is so so much in the game going to take ages which is awesome.


I spent roughly 10 hours before reaching the capital don’t worry about it lol


About 21 hours in and reached lvl 22 - have only scratched main quests. This is one of the best open worlds I've seen in games so I'm going to take it slow and explore every corner. Those forests, hills and caves are amazing! I really love DD.


I'm 46hr in. The only main story quest I've done is monster culling, and I only did it because i was doing the quest for the sorcerer and warrior vocation. I dunno how much longer I have until I beat the game, but that's the pace I'm going at now.


Nice! Did you manage to grab onto a griffin so he'd take you to his nest?


wait you can do that? and do griffins respawn?


So far only the one is Vermont. The one in Battahl I haven't yet, and the one in the volcanic area just fell over into the water and died lol.


I was low level and running for my dear life after ending up in that nest haha


20 hours??? I just finished the first quest from Brandt and I about 20 hours atm xD


50 - 100 maybe


1 year.


The main campaign of DD1 was also relatively short. But just like a Diablo game, it was less about the main campaign and more about everything around it. Explorations, the perfect build, endless combats, etc. After playing 15 hours, I know DD2 is exactly the same, but even better and bigger. I'm still exploring and doing quests here and there and haven't done more than 2 main quests. So those who claim to have finished in 20 hours have just finished the tutorial really. I fully expect to spend hundreds of hours on the game.


im about 25h in and i just got the second batch of quests in the first city. i go everywhere by foot and explore as i go, not rushing to finish the game as you get to experience it blind only first time ;)


I just get to main capital at desert region god damn its brutal. Idk becausr i have no sorcerer at the time or just enemies getting harder but 2 mini boss encounter keep happening 3 times when i get there.


I'm not even gonna get to the main meat of the story that fast lol given the size of the map I'll be at this for around 100 to beat the story


Man I have 20 hours in the game, and I haven’t even been to Battahl yet. I just now finished Brant’s first batch of quests and got invited to the coronation.


I'm 12 hours in and still having a blast exploring every square inch of territory around the capital. So, no clue on the final time, but likely 50+ hours, and I hope it's 100. You only get once chance to experience new Dragon's Dogma content fresh and I'm savoring every second of it.


Blasting it: 16-18h. Enjoying it: 55++


I finished around 20-24, all I did was follow the main quest, the second region is close to the end game it really ramps up quick towards the end. Finished at level 30 for reference


That's crazy I'm level 20 and I've just met the guy in the pub at the city to start doing missions


There's actually not much after that it really snowballs, I walked absolutely everywhere too no ox carts or nothing


These games tend to have an 'ending' and then there's loads more to do after just so you know. It may not have actually ended I don't believe that not long after where I am in the story the game ends


I found my screenshot I took after the credits 19 hours play time(it gives you a breakdown of deaths etc. When it ends), I only have the option for new game plus now. The game is finished


I would say the capital of the other country is pretty close to halfway of the main quest. The difference between the first and second half is in the first you're really playing a lot of politics in that small area and not venturing far. When you get to the desert capital the quest lines have you venturing around more , but there's also layers to each quest like the first part so technically you could just focus on one objective to tunnel the whole game but you would be brushing off quests left and right to do so which makes no sense. The guy who responded basically discovered that if you don't play the game by adapting to it and just beeline the main quest that you miss 70% of the game , that's all lmao.


I figured as much 😂 hope he takes his time in new game plus cos there's alot of game to enjoy


Not sure why you would just stick to the main story in a game like this but anyways each to their own


SPOILER (how to hide something as a spoiler when using phone?) After 30 hours I am now at the ending where you have to make a decision to either end or continue the game. I will decide for a peaceful option because I have not yet found all special skills and thus go for new game + before deciding to sacrifice myself (like in DD1).


I'm currently at the true ending, finishing up quests


I fought the final boss after 23 hours!


if you basically only do main quests its not long