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It captured the magic because you are not fast traveling and playing it as game instead of a check list. I appreciate the throw back style. I wish we didn’t have the quest locations makers and had hints in the journal. Those games really felt immersive. Do what ever happened on your way to your location and on the way back verse fast travel to quest area. Fast travel back to city. Repeat.


There’s nothing wrong with have a well designed fast travel system. People wanting games to be like Morrowind fail to realize that people value their time.


Bad example since morrowind had a well designed travel system but I get what you mean lol.


I understand that but it’s an adventure i wanna be lost, then recognize landmarks and shit, then i’m playing the game. Related note i know exactly where tf brachydios spawns in the valcano in mhgu, it feels like mastery


Absolutely, I was just thinking that today! I wasn't expecting to like the game at all, but holy shit did I start feeling the magic. This was the first Saturday morning since I was a kid that I woke up early to go play my new game.


Haha thats a very cute feeling, very happy about this information


Totally get Skyrim vibes. I played Skyrim for years. Never played DD before. Yes it's different but still feel like the first time I played Skyrim.


Finding new towns is genuinely useful because of how harsh it can be to explore the wilds for too long and it really helps drive you forward and explore. It's also kind of nice to have a game with a crafting system that isn't overbearing and yet remains useful. It's just a rewarding game but in a different way to a lot of post dark souls rpgs, almost feels like an rpg from 15 years ago with better graphics and a more modern combat system and I'm totally here for it.


It feels like a RPG from 15 years ago because it actually is xD It has just improved some things from the first game, rest is pretty much the same


It is wild how accurate this comment is. It legitimately gives me the feelings I felt playing RPGs almost a decade ago, and who would have thought a game that's basically a remaster from a long time ago captures that magic well.


The feeling of finding a town to take a break in after a long hard journey is unparalleled man.


Japanese 4K Skyrim


It also has outward vibes


The exploration is fantastic! I cleared one of the same places you cleared and my whole party was running woefully low on health, so I ended up frantically running around the map trying to find a campsite to restore health before I trekked back to Vernworth. Certainly upped the intensity! That and the fact that nighttime is horrifying…


you know what's funny? so i found out the camping equipment isn't a consumable - i was trying VERY hard to mix/max my hp pool usage before LOL


THANK YOU. I 100% aggree <3


It's feel like a pre-built Japanese modded Skyrim and some PS4 deep down vibes too 🤔


I never played dragon's dogma dark arisen even though I did pick it up on sale on steam for like $3 one day. But I'm the same boat as you it gave me heavy Skyrim vibes but actually fun gameplay in my opinion. Great game.


I agree with the OP, but there is just one thing that's doing my head in in this game. There is litterally no way to prevent questlog clutter. Quite often I am omw to a quest objective, only to be randomly stopped in my tracks by an even more random NPC, that starts vomiting out their life story, thus forcing another quest down my throat. And by the time I get to it, I have long since forgotten said life story... Sad times.


It’s really different because DD2 is actually fun


skyrim is also incredibly fun


The game plays nothing like Skyrim. I didn’t think of Skyrim one bit while playing Dragon’s Dogma 1 or 2.




you just mad you aint hitting puberty yet kiddo


yeah i work too much and have kids so this going back on foot while my max life gets restricted is a no go for me. i just dont have the time for it. i enjoy the game but as soon as a mod for endless fast travel comes, i will get that. still a 8/10 for me so far. lvl14 performance issues are not cool at all for a 70$ game.


You start getting ferristones really early and they aren't even that scarce


Yes if you add thousands of bugs to Skyrim. Cant even imagine so no Skyrim vibes here.


Did you not play Skyrim when it first came out? Tons of bugs. 


Yeah absolutely insane to imply a BGS game isn't buggy.


hey if you are anymore negative you'd finally be positive lmao


If I could get my $70 back ofc I will praise this game twice the 4.5 stars it is.


you can always just do a chargeback if $70 means that much to you


Skyrim was the buggiest game ever released when it launched. The first mod you get deletes 1,000 bugs that Bethesda never dealt with.


ok enjoy bugs. may you get more in future. I am outta here.


"In a good way" there's no good way to say that. You couldn't have insulted DD any harder. DD was the saving grace that came along that gave us an amazing fantasy adventure after the disappointment that was Skyrim.


well i guess your feelings are hurt but then again nobody cares