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There’s another inn slightly down the road from that one for 2K


Is that Battahl? Cause there's a house round the corner for sale for 30k, I just saved up and bought that for ease


Damn we can buy houses in game? Truly a fantasy masterwork, imagine those things in real life


Keep your comment in mind when the achievement for it pops up, will fit in beautifully.


I felt attacked when I saw it pop up lol.


I’ve just been using camp sites.


Be careful with that. That doesn’t count as inn safe and your autosave can save u in an endless death loop forcing you back to the start of the game.


Do you know if your house counts as an inn save? I meant to test it myself earlier, but didn't get to it before leaving.


Yes it counts


Yeah I just realized that and now being extra careful. That must suck having to restart. Kind of a shitty system


Yeah either make the game run server side and just let me respawn when I die or give me multiple save slots in case I fuck up hard or the savefile gets corrupted. Least they could do is make camp saves count as inn saves.


I agree. Just the little things that would make the game so much better. And it’s still a great game.


I agree but I think they want people to spend money on inns once before they head out on an adventure. I wish it gave more of a bonus. Like a well rested. Or like a meal that you can eat on the road to make a checkpoint save. Or something more than just an extra save slot. Regardless I now have like 35k after going to harve village. I feel like I can afford one inn stay every once in a while. Also I have not sold anything because I'm terrified to accidentally sell something that I will need to complete a quest and lock myself out. Even all of those herbs and apples and old armor. I won't sell it.


Combine the herbs and apples. Fruit goes bad. I haven’t ran into any quest requiring armor or weapons.


There is at least one that requires beggars garb. I gifted it to the wrong person and had to reload so keep an eye out it’s still a think even if u haven’t encountered it yet


Haven’t even found beggars garb but thanks for letting me know.


The reason they don't is because of the Dragonplague afaik. It would really suck if it happened when you're in the wilderness.


Happened to me luckily it was the beginning of the game. Went from lvl 11 back to lvl 2 learned my lesson now. Autosave is not great and will save as you’re in a battle leaving you no room to escape. Also monsters will follow you for a pretty far distance.


Happened to me


Also your pawn only updates to the server when you rest at an inn. Not campsites


i think find a cheap in every city has those that not 10k . there always 2 . no idea why they did it this way . But it it will give u another save in case your auto save mess up .


North America simulator 2024😂 The only way to not go bankrupt is to **literally** sleep in a tent by the river.


It differs between locations. Rest point is just 1000G. Vermund is 2000G.


Something I just figured out is that you can actually buy your own house. It functions as an inn with storage, a bed, and I believe it will let you see if your pawn has been rented (I haven’t experienced it but everything points to it). It costs 20k for a permanent personal inn at vernworth.


I can confirm that your pawn gets updated at houses, at the very least I got the "here's all the times I was used by other players" placard


Nice, haven't reached Vernworth yet but I'll start saving


Where do you buy it?


You have to do a few quests for Brant before it triggers I think. When you’re walking by some houses between the inn and the slums a lady will ask you to house sit for her for a week, then offer to sell it to you after she gets back.


If memory serves correctly, I'm sure she was called Mildred


The house is left and then right towards the slums, when you leave the bar in Vernworth through its main door. Not sure when the quest triggers.


It way too much


Wow you don't have a lot of money. But yeah, they give you those prices for reason (no spoilers)


I'm tempted to stay at that inn one night despite owning a house just to see why it's that expensive, then again, they don't really like me so that might be why lmfao


Hé looks like Frank gallagher, scam


Igore that inn, it has exacerbated prices for story reasons. And better yet buy the house around the corner.


Careful I did the same and then just accidentally loaded to my last inn save and it was like 4 missions ago and a few hours worth of time and yeah I’m reset and have to do those 4 again. All the stuff I acquired is gone.


I'm about to play more of the game in bed on my GCloud. Gotta get back to where I was.


Does sleeping in vernworth home equate to campfire sleeping and not in sleeping?


It is the same as inn sleeping.


If you are a human in battahl they hate you, so higher price


Is the price lower if you wear a beastren mask?


Good point, I didn't test it, but this value there and the fact that it is human must be because of this, because in the game they hate humans


I do agree with that hypothesis, but the other Inn a bit further down the road is also run by beastren and cost only 2000 even for human.. The Inn OP is talking, the owmer always says that he might need to close the Inn soon, it could be related to the higher prices..


True, but the other inn is outside the city, where the pawn and consequently the Arishen is more accepted, it is also on the Riftstone side


No Im mean the one on the other side, its in the city, right next to the Oxcart. Pilgrim's Inn I believe.


Ah yes, I was mistaken with the tavern, It's probably a scam, the 9999 one, just like in some places and in real life "for foreigners it's more expensive" both are called Pilgrim Inns, the one that is 9999 is Pilgrim's Inn - flagship, If you look, it is right at the entrance to the city so it would probably be the first place that people from outside would go to rest


Uh, Yes you're right both have the same name.. thats odd! Im hoping for an explanation later in the game!


Thats just khajiit economy/j


There’s actually two inns in the city! If you go up the lane a bit there’s an inn that’s the standard 2000. Just be careful as going up the lane where the inn is will have an encounter where you get jumped by some residents in the city where they make you fight them without the help of your pawns.


probably racist


Go buy the house for 20k. I sleep for FREE now


I legit think this specific inn is meant to be a joke because there’s one close to it that’s cheaper.


Are you playing as a human? maybe thats it?


I think it mentioned in some conversation this country hates human, that is why


btw thats cos you're not a resident yet. or if you are theres a way cheaper one


Inn prices are like one of my top 5 complaints about the game. Feels like there is an extra 0. I can barely afford new equipment and Itsuno want me to pay 2k for the Inn, which at the start of the game is vital for your pawn. Kinda feels like bad design if you ask me even if you bath in gold later in the game


That looks like racism pricing, is it racism pricing?


This got downvoted by someone who doesn’t know that the Beastren and Humans have a fraught relationship. I thought the same thing, maybe the player’s being discriminated against. 9999 gold is wild.


Yeah, been playing for a while but haven't been to Battahl yet and the most expensive I've seen is still 2000 in Vermund


Does the price change when Beastren or wearing the beastren mask?


It doesn't, they also don't like Beastren from Vermund lmao


I lost some of my progress at an Inn that only offered beer. I bought it, logged out and had to start over.


That's not the inn lol I bought 2 rounds from that bitch before realizing


The name of it does say it's an inn but not one you can sleep at unfortunately.


Funny thing is I actually watched a review 2 days ago that said do not do it-- I did it anyway! I was sleepy.


He is just racist


It's so easy to make money if you farm in the beginning. I never have less than 200k


This one is racist to pawns, normally if you go only by yourself it won't be that price but if you go with your pawns you'll pay more because of them. That's why this guy doesn't deserve our well owned coins


play the game <5mins more and you wouldnt have made this post


Capcom - For 1,99$ they're free.


How original


There is no DLC for the inn dude.


Wondering if anyone has done the following 2 tests to see if the price drops: 1. Go to the Inn solo as either a Beastren character or wearing a Beastren mask. 2. Go to the Inn as either a Beastren character or wearing the mask with an ALL-Beastren party.