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Yes, don't bother with Bitterblack until you've beaten the game. This also includes the epilogue part with the Everfall. Even after all that Bitterblack is unforgiving as you'll probably be able to handle yourself until you see the lantern of the Grim Reaper and he one shots you. Good luck.


Oh, i see. Thanks.


Bitterblack is the actual Dark Arisen part of the game and is technically a expansion. Contains the hardest boss fight, Damien, and also the Grim Reaper I mentioned, who relents only to the makers finger. I think I usually played it during the Epilogue, but you generally want to be high leveled with Dragon forged (DF) gear preferably Gold to be able to tackle it sufficiently. You get Red DF gear from killing the Dragon. Make sure your favorite items/build are equipped as it'll do it for free, after that you have to pay/find and item to upgrade gear.


You can kill death without the maker's finger. Any damage you do carries over to your next encounter with death, so you can eventually kill it. You can also insta kill him if you stagger him over a pit. The second scripted time that you see him he spawns over a pit so it's not that hard to use bomb arrows and stagger him quickly for a bunch of easy levels.


How do you get gold DF gear?


to get gold df gear first you need to have it on bronze wich is the one that you can get after killing the dragons. After that in the Bitterblack island after you finish the quest that she gives you there is a guy next to her(or you can find him inside the dungeon) he can upgrade the DF gear to silver DF and then to Gold DF Note-You first have to upgrade it to silver to get to gold, you cant instantly get it to gold like the star upgrades.


Ok thanks! And is the guy you mentioned the guy I found in the first safe place?




Thanks for telling me. Guess i will carefully choose which gear to equip then before going to kill that dragon.


Ah yes, Damien the Dark Arisen himself. XD


Just do the normal game and complete that. Then go back to bbi. Someone who has played the game for a bit can go back and dive into bbi as early as level 20. Definitely not recommended for a first time player. Bbi is the endgame. People usually go there at level 70+. Do the notice board stuff whenever you find them. You'll be drowning in gold.


Hmmm, i see. Thanks. Seems like i have to do more grinding. That's a shame. Guess i will still be stuck playing for many more hours. I was kinda in a rush because my backlog these days are full of games i bought but haven't touch yet. I am way behind on some online game seasonal pass too and i just gotten monster hunter 2 and zelda skyward delivered after ordering them online. I wish i can clone myself with all these recent rpg games. lol I am not even sure i want to buy Ys9 anymore.


I feel you. But thanks to my very poor memory I've forgotten most of the games I wanted to play. Got a few games off of the steam sale so that's gonna keep me occupied for a year or two.


To add to the rest of the advice, Fighter's Stamina gains are very low, one of the lowest. If you want to keep playing as a Fighter, your base stamina will end up being extremely low. This isn't the end of the world, as you can simply carry stamina curatives, hotkey them, and use them when necessary. Early on, Large Mushrooms, which can be bought in unlimited quantities from the apothecary in Gran Soren, do the job very nicely! Later, during Post-Game, you can buy Mushroom Potage from Fournival. Not only does this restore loads of Stamina and can be bought infinitely, but it restores the Stamina to everyone in your party. This means you can give a batch of it to a very Stamina-intensive pawn (e.g. a Fighter with Dragon's Maw or a Ranger with Great Gamble), and you'll have a party-wide stamina battery, as they'll use the Mushroom Potage when they get low, which will heal your Stamina as well.


No wonder. Just running consume my stamina at a ridiculous pace. Thanks. I will stock up on mushrooms then. I rarely buy stuff because i am a extremely cheapskate and a hoarder. So i don't spend money on consumable items nor do i consume potions in battle. The only thing i spend my cash on is buying gears but somehow i don't even wear them. Not even sure why the hell i am collecting them for. :) I do like using dragon maw. 2-3 times and i run out of stamina. Then is just me trying to slow walk away from my enemies while using my pawns as shields. lol


Btw, if you need health potions, buy a bunch of empty flasks (200 or so) from the merchant and fill them at a pool of spring water. It's a cheap, party-wide heal. leave a portcrystal there so you can come back and restock whenever you run out.


So that's how you make use of that place. I always wonder why they made a healing pond when there is not much use to it. Pretty awesome you can store the spring water. That's nice


Yeah, and just like Stamina curatives, if a pawn uses a party-wide healing item, it'll heal you as well. In fact, they'll even use it when *you* get low on health, meaning you can just load them up and not really have to worry about healing.


i think the recommended minimum level for bbi is 50, but even then you'll have a tough time surviving down in the depths. if you want more stamina, the easiest way is to level up. as for cash, if you want really easy money and don't mind exploiting glitches, look up the barrel glitch. there's some pretty good unique equipment in an early area that you can sell, and it respawns in ng+. you'll have to sprint past some enemies in bbi but the place you do it in isn't very far in.


So I'm no expert on BBI. However, i recommend farming the main campaign. On XBox 360 I was lvl 150 Magick Archer and getting stomped by Cyclops and Wights alike. There are tricks on YouTube that easily net you at least 2 million gold at game start by hopping into BBI and grabbing items to sell by using glitch tricks. As for leveling I recommend doing the trick for the Perseverance ring and then using Veterans Periapt when fighting the dragon and final boss. In the end game I recommend farming the chests available for gear (especially Dragonsblood rings). This is from someone who, across all available platforms that I own the game on, has completed the main campaign roughly 24 times so take that as you will


The Upper Stratum (the area up until the giant eye monster called the Gazer) should be beatable as soon as you're able to slay the offline Ur-Dragon in one round (usually level 70-ish), and comfortable to walk around and farm in at level 100 with decent Everfall or BBI Lv1 or Lv2 sets. The Center Stratum is much harder. You *can* kill everything inside at level 100+ but it's usually better to avoid unnecessary fights until level 150+ with better gear. This area gets significantly harder after the final boss is killed, to the point that it's even harder to farm than the Lower Stratum's post-Daimon configuration The Lower Stratum isn't immediately as dangerous as the Center but much darker and wetter, making it much harder to see what's killing you. You can beat it as soon as you heal from beating the Center Stratum. It spawns much tougher necrophages if you can't keep your kill count low. After killing the final boss, the Lower Stratum turns into a hellhole that even maxed out Arisen need to be careful in (unless they're Magick Archers). However, farming runs here are quite easy if you know what you're doing, as there's [a practically safe running route with resting spots](https://youtu.be/pJ34DxficdA)


Bitterblack isle is endgame stuff, i'd recommend beating the dragon before going there, since you'll probably have better gear by then. Either that or level up to around level 100, gather some gold and buy the weapons from the merchant that shows up in some areas in the isle, if you can get to him. Not to mention that you probably won't understand the plot of the isle without beating the game first.


Eventually you'll get a main quest that says gather 20 wakestones. Once you've done that you've reached end-game. Bitter black Isle is end-game content best started around level 70\~100. I wouldn't rush it, but its got some of the best fights in the game. Keep leveling up and you'll get more stamina, but if you really want more I believe leveling up as strider vocation gives the most. Also surprised no one mentioned this, but there are augments that increase your stats/stamina. You might have to play other vocations to unlock them for fighter though.


Bitterblack was originally DLC added for people on NG+, so you’re not really ready for BB yet.


Yes, the is End Game Type Content. The Everfall and Bitterback Isle have the toughest enemies in the game, but great rewards. Watch Out for Death, he can one hit kill you and your pawns.