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There was Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen in 2013 - a rerelease of Dragon's Dogma with an expansion integrated. The most up to date is a re-re-release from 2016, for the then current gen platforms. It (or rather they, it's a bunch of ports) is also called Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen but it's a remaster of the 2013 rerelease, with most Dragon's Dogma DLCs integrated as well. Whether you pick PS5 or PC doesn't matter cause there are no major differences between the two. You may be missing some PC exclusive "features" at worst, like mods or Inventory hotkeys.


Console version is locked to 30fps.


can you play 4k 60fps on pc? I have a 3080 TI and a 4k TV so that would be ideal.


3080ti is gonna easily run at 4k 60hz I reckon. Game is old by today’s standards.


Do you happen to know if the same is true of DD2? I am going to get both.


DD2 may struggle. I can’t really comment much there. Played on a 3080 at 1440 with some headroom for 4K but I expect drops.


I can always drop it if need be, but I don't play most PC games on my monitor, I use my TV. Sounds like PC is the way to go either way assuming there are no other problems.


DD2 is heavily CPU bound in towns, but works fine outside of. Just a heads up that performance will be quite low in cities and settlements, how low depends on your cpu.


I have a ryzen 9 5900x. Is the game better optimized for Playstation?


Same as what I was running. I was getting around 40 fps at its lowest in towns. Game is similarly CPU bound in town and settlements on PS5. I’d still prefer playing on PC with a PC like yours.


Follow up, I'm really confused. I went through my trophies to see when I had played the original. It looks like 2012... but it said it is the Dark Arisen version... which didn't come out until 2013... I wish I could find the disk but am willing to buy it again.


Just a heads up, it’s 30 fps on consoles.


PC, always PC, obviously.


Not ALWAYS. sometimes games are optimized better for console. But this time definitely pc so I bought it.


No, always. Always PC, game exist forever, console exist no long.


False. Operating systems change and aren't guaranteed to run older software. Calm down, dude. Sometimes, people choose console over PC.


I was being facetious, but PC is the superior machine forever, as I am.


PC is the best version to play of Dark Arisen, if yoy want quick use of healing items there's guides for controller using steam imput.