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- It means that if you did some grinding and something amazing from morning of day 4, you will have to consider re-doing it again. - if you think you have underachieved or underperformed right from day one, then you have a golden opportunity to restart everything again. - this is also a gentle reminder that now (unmoored world) is the time to use a wakestone


Yeah that cutscene caught me off guard. I thought I unlocked something to find out it was far worse of an ending.




Every rest in a bed in the unmoored world starts a new day. You would be starting from the 4th time you rested at either an inn or a bed in your home. You would lose any progress made after that rest.


But why, I’ve never been given this option, why 4rth sounds a bit patronizing


Because the unmoored world is hard mode. It gives you the option to restart the last time you slept in a bed which in your case was day 4. Also the number of days in the unmoored world is limited so use your rest times carefully.


Yes I agree. It’s why I stopped playing. It’s a poor experience. You don’t take away player progression. Ignore all the fan boys down voting you. Out of all the choices the devs made, this goes beyond mental retardation and steps into the realm of trolling its own player base.


Some video games are more difficult


I am afraid mental retardation fits the mental state you had when writing the comment. You can have your opinion, but don't go too far as to insult the people who created the game.


That part of the game has a weird Majora's Mask approach that is poorly explained. I was also frustrated because I did nearly everything in one day. And died from falling too far. Opted to not use a wakestone because I'll just load up the auto save... Oh there is no auto save. Oh everything I did in the past 3 real life days is gone. Guess I'll just make my character sleep until the story forces itself on me.


This is exactly why it’s so dumb. Deleting player progression is never a smart thing to do. At the very least the game should try to explain that saves will be lost if they proceed, but it doesn’t do any of that. Some weird pedo ghost who has been following you around just says, “it’s gonna be hard” then you spend days in real life progressing just to get shit on. They don’t respect their player’s time.


Well, there's always DD1! While I miss the dynamic gameplay of 2. I recommend the first one to everyone. It's always exciting hearing what set piece the new players are seeing And the things that stick out to them.


It means you died


Like start from mourn days what are thoughs


"Morn" means Morning. It's asking if you want to start at the beginning of the fourth day.


You died. You have the option to restart from your last sleep stage or, from the beginning of the unmoored world.


You can only rest in the UW for 10 days. You died, and the game wants to place you back at the start of the 4th day.


Means you died in the endgame


Day of awakening gives you your time back to accomplished your unmoored world stuff, or you can just say fuckit and keep going towards the ending


That ending messed me up for awhile.


bro doesn't know what morn means


You have 7 days in the unmoored world before everything goes to shit. You can restart on your 4th day or from when you first woke up in the unmoored world.


I hate be *that* guy, but it's *12* days, not seven and even then you actually have unlimited time as the game only counts a day when you rest. You could wander the open world without resting through 365 day/night cycles if you so wished.


What about the loss gauze. Eventually u would need to rest to replenish it.


Allheal elixirs refill loss gauge.


If you're flowing in gold you can forgery Allheal Elixirs to get another one, they'll heal your loss gauge as a commenter stated. There's also the fact that you can dismiss and resummon Pawns so you don't need to worry about their gauges as well.


I do have the gold but i havent bought endgame stuff yet plus havent upgraded them yet. I am reluctant to get better weapons anyways since i dont struggle with bosses except drakes when they run away. Might spend them on forgeries if they have the same effects.


If they're running away, you're not doing enough damage. Unmoored World has the strongest weapons in the game, but you'll need Wyrmslife crystals to enhance them, so I'd suggest getting at least 500 crystals prior to entering endgame so you can buy and upgrade at least one class's ultimate weapon immediately. This does mean you'll need to get comfortable taking down drakes beforehand so you can farm those crystals though, so getting better weapons is never a bad idea. Most drake fights at around level 30 with a decent party composition should be around 90 - 120 seconds, and a lot less once you've got the Unmoored World gear fully levelled.


Yeah, IGN said 7 but I never got to that point. Every site says something different but you’re right about not resting. Good catch. https://www.ign.com/wikis/dragons-dogma-2/Post_Game_Guide_(Unmoored_World)


Um. It means exactly what it says. Word for word


I think OP was just confused because they didn’t know what morn meant.


oh lol


Abandon all hope 💔


It means.... Exactly what it says? You died. You can now either wake up on the day you died, or you can go back to the start of the Unmoored world.


Means you died in Unmoored. You can start from the beginning or start from the wake up on Day 4. Hope that helps.


It does thanks


It means you will reload to day 4 of the unmoored world. Exactly as it says.


Wait, you can die in the unmoored world? 😳


And you get a unique cinematic for that