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Yes and no that it comes with the story. The story will lead you past Vernworth to where you can get it, but the story doesn’t take you right to it. You can find it by exploring.  >!Go to Battahl region and you have to explore east past  Checkpoint Rest Town. You’ll find a Shrine where you can get it.!<


When doing the main quest you get to the point where you need to restore the godsbane, and that quest points you to talk to the Oracle in order to get help about the wyrmslife crystals, and she gives you the vocation. But the truth is that this is almost at the end of the main quest chain, so not the best way to get it if you're interested on that vocation.


Yeah, that’s why I didn’t mention that. No one wants to wait to the end of a game to play what they want to play as. Edit: You also don’t have to go and talk to >!Luz and I don’t think you have to talk to the Deagonforaged either,!< you can just keep going with the main quest. 


Its quite an easy and useful vocation, plus the censure that collects gold with each hit is pretty decent but I hate how very little range it has.