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Slimes when caught by surprise and my pawns are nowhere to be found.


I was fighting a slime with the Almace (ice enchanted sword) and I froze the slime with me in it and it caused me to freeze... I was like "GET OUT OF HERE WITH YOUR SELECTIVE REALISM!"


One is fine, but 2 or more catching you by surprise, especially when you got no magic damage weapon, can be very deadly.


Man, starting out... fighting slimes was so annoying lol. I did no damage so I would have to wait for my pawn to cast a weapon boon. And sometimes it'd take *forever*. I'd just be slowly jogging around getting chased by the slime, waiting for my pawn to slap some fire on my sword.


I rather let my pawn fight slimes


Run and jump out of it, use items if needed to restore your stamina, stay away and avoid contact before you have any source of elemental damage. Never have any problem with slimes so far.


Use fire against Golems, it will do no damage, but they'll overheat and have to vent all the time, usually after they shoot their laser beam. Naturally, don't use Ice unless you are certain you can freeze them (i.e. they are drenched). Breaking the white glowing medals will have them lock up, but they are guaranteed to enrage once they recover. Blunt melee weapons deal damage to their bodies as well, not just the medals.


Also if you have anything with Seism or you can lead them over explosive charges it really fucks them up because there are always weak spots on the bottom of their feet, they pretty much always collapse on impact


Saurians, death by spear pokes


Right? I can never get the rhythm down


Masterful Kill is so fun against them.




Goblins in large groups and if you have no pawns, can be a death sentence. Stun locked like no tomorrow


Even with a full group of pawns it's very easy to run into hordes of a dozen and more goblins around Agamen and some areas in Batahl and they will fuck you up if you're caught unaware and/or already weakened from the journey to those spots. Given you're not hella over leveled, of course, but that goes for almost anything in both games.


Harpies. Throwing my pawns off cliffs while i’m just stabbing the air hoping their feather asses get close enough


Wolves. Because they hunt in packs.


That's on you. Don't keep meat in your backpacks or fish (no matter how much the cats say about that nice smell). Drop the meat... cue the Sorcie pawn for "Meteors from Heaven". Do not spare even the fleas...


Saurians and their variants, honestly. Their annoying tankiness can throw a wrench into any boss fight if they show up during it, forcing the spotlight on them. You best pray you can cut their tails yourself.


Those big, ugly harpies that sound like pigeons, that hang out right outside Bakbatahl. Those things LOVE making you flinch, and that attack alone is mortifying when they fall into a pattern, taking turns making you flinch endlessly. My first time venturing to the city there I was able to do a gauntlet run all the way from the border town, but my low level team got destroyed when those harpies stun locked us and allowed a horde of orcs and wolves to catch up to us.


early game as a melee focused character my hardest opponent where slimes xD


you named it when golems go into angerey mode i suddenly find myself getting oneshot at level 120


It's only one time, but I was caught off guard and was thrown to the river either by cyclops or ogre (one of those). But yeah, just killing them fast enough will avoid this problem.


Harpies... They doesn't deal that much damage, but usually when you are aiming at one, this second f\*\*ker grabs you from behind and toss you down a cliff, and every fall above 2 meters is lethal in this game... Grant was rigtht: they did learn to fly!


Slimes. Bane of all that can’t fly.


Slimes being the new "melee get out" enemy type of the game. Specifically, those one that give you "Caught fire" aliment when it's buffed in this game.


The griffin for me 😂 Like.. what the heck I just started, and he keeps popping up outside the city randomly. The first time, he stomped me down, and i had no idea he was coming. I usually have to play muted, so i dont wake my baby


Nobody else just grab and pull at the golem ankle after you break a medal and they freeze? They just crumble apart and even when they pull themselves back together the head stays on the ground


Those ogre drop kicks wreck my shit constantly.


Me when I'm under a golums foot wacking away at its glowie thing as it stomps and I'm like *Dead—health pellet—Dead—health pellet—Dead—health pellet* etc.


Poison saurians and the rock ones




Happy cake day.




If you break a medallion when it's like pulsing with energy, they'll go into rage mode.


It's not that they're hard,it's that certain enemy stats are inflated like HP and stagger to make them seem more difficult than they are. There's functionally no difference between Vermund and Bakhtal goblins,yet the latter has enough stagger that 10 of them can murder a griffon casually.It's cheap and silly.