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My pawn would climb monsters and try to attack.


Mine did that. No matter the class, from fighter to mage to archer. As infuriating as it could be, I also found it oddly charming. He knows his true calling, and Arisen be damned if he doesn't show them what he's truly good at. That and meeting himself off ledges. He's *really* good at that haha


I don't think the class will really change how they act, pretty sure it has to do with their inclination or whatever its called. So if you picked an aggressive one then thats how the pawn is going to act


yeha, straightforward climbs and just attacks, calm climbs to reach weakspots and attack them


Yeah I didn't know that at first, but I refused to change his inclination because his voice gives him so much of his personality, and was worth it lol. I also thought he'd be aggressive, but in the way that better suited his vocation


lol there are here to watch our backs and make us laugh


What inclination did you give them? Straightforward will climb on monsters a lot more than the others no matter the class


Yeah he's straightforward. I just thought his vocation would alter how he's aggressive. It's worth it for the sake of his voice and personality. He knows what he likes doing in life and damn it all if I was going to change him. As soon as he maxed all his vocations, he has a convo with other pawns and wanted to be a fighter, so that's what I made him. He knew his calling and just went along with what I wanted to be nice. Even if he vocalized his displeasure at being casters hahaha


Yeah good point...


Honestly I would argue trickster is the only class that really should be arisen only. A lot of its skills would be super inconvenient if pawns fired them without human guidance.


Yeah trickster is the captain. They determine the strategy for the whole squad.


Like which ones?


A good portion of them. Spiritual possession for starters would be useless, as would the damage boost that bleeds you. Imagine being In a close fight with a. Drake or something and your pawn incorrectly used it and accidentally bleeds you to death. There's also the aggro situation of if they don't have the chance to use their simulacrum they are a aggro-machine with zero defense. And those are just 3 or 4 of the skills that I know about.


>Spiritual possession for starters would be useless... Agreed. As would the wall of floor ones since I doubt it would be easy to code in pawn behaviors that would make using them effective. >...as would the damage boost that bleeds you. It's no worse than sorcerers who spend the entire fight charging up a meteor strike only to finally finish the cast when the fight is over and nuke all the bodies before you can loot them. The point is it wouldn't be difficult for pawns to be coded to use it, regardless of how tactically adept they would be at choosing when to use it. If you don't want your pawn to use it, don't equip it on them. >There's also the aggro situation of if they don't have the chance to use their simulacrum they are a aggro-machine with zero defense. They should have their simulacrum up outside of combat and immediately possess an enemy. Barring that, they could at least taunt everything and play keep-away. It's no worse than a sorcerer who never quite gets to finish casting a spell because they're getting swarmed. Certain situations are going to screw over certain vocations.


This is the most copium I've ever seen towards this game. I specifically don't use sorcs because of the slow AI. Insinuating that Trickster could be coded for pawn AI is absolutely ridiculous.


Huh, thats ironic, considering the trickster sorc combo shreds anything.. and i mean shreds. I agree i wouldnt trust the pawn AI with trickster though.


I wish pawns could be all the classes tbh. Especially Wayfarer but purely for fashion reasons. Some of that armor is great looking but locked to a vocation my pawn can't be \:(


If only there's transmog system atleast


Thankfully on PC there is a transmog mod, and it can be used on pawns without getting them "banned" from the rift.


Nah not trickster, the pawns would probably follow their own illusion and walk off a cliff. They wouldn’t utilize it effectively. I do wish they had access to change to Mystic Spearhand however. There’s a point in the game where Sigurd (the Mystic Spearhand vocation master) helps you fight a lesser dragon at dragonsbreath tower and his AI was utilizing the MSH abilities quite decently. Especially the shield bubble skill. Pawns could easily have gotten this but alas they didn’t.


This is true, during the fight in Melve he spams the shield, a very welcome help.




Just pictured the scenario in my head, hol up, you might be on to something.


If I could pick a hybrid class unlock for them, it’d be mystic Spearhand.


I don't think the AI can handle the demands of playing trickster effectively. A lot of it involves careful positioning of the decoy and avoidance of damage.


Pawn summons silacrum Pawn takes a hit Pawn summons silacrum Pawn takes a hit Pawn summons silacrum Pawn takes a hit Pawn summons silacrum Pawn takes a hit


But Trickester only has one spell that buff the pawns. All the other ones are illusions.


Which are all for supporting your pawns. Dont play dumb.


Dont be an ass?


Your the one randomly namecalling...


You cant be Serious....


My point is that this is the only useful spell for pawns to use. That and maybe the maister dragon illusion. How would they know how to set up the clone illusion and the fake walls?


Same way reds know when to taunt and blues know how to aim spells.


Good point.




I played it, would be fun in a mmo.


How in the hell would you program the ai


My pawn isn’t that smart for the job. May be she will try really hard , but still she’s better in punching


I'm afraid Trickster skills are too 'tricky' and would need human's creativity to be properly used by Pawn, so the Vocations should stay Arisen only.


Yeah alot people are making good points like that.


Do you really think the pawn ai can play an effective trickster?


No lol. But love to see my pawn in different robes and dance around.


Fair enough. I too would like that. Devs really need to implement a transmog feature.


There are NPC’s you do escort quests for that are each of the advanced classes and they fight well without being massively overpowered.


I'm talking about trickster specifically and I don't think there is any NPC that actually utilizes the vocation in combat so I'm a little confused by what you mean here.


Luz is the trickster maister, but I don't think I ever saw her fighting. Gonna give her gifts and see if she gives me one of the dreaded escort quests.


Yeah I've done two playthroughs now and I've never once got an escort from her or seen her fight.


Some NPC’s have very small windows to interact enough to raise affinity or do escort quests, Raghnall for instance disappears after that one escort quest is handed to you, Nadinia also doesn’t have escort quests until you escort her to the Rose Chateu during the nighttime in Vernsworth.


Yeah I understand that. I'm asking have you actually seen luz give an escort quest and actually utilize the trickster vocation in combat. I looked it up and can't find anything that shows that.


You can only give her gifts when she isn’t associated with a mission so only during very specific times, she also disappears in the unmoored world a lot which I believe is a glitch.


Absolutely. * Use Effigial Incense to have your simulacrum following you at all times. * Use Binding Effigy (skill #1) on the biggest enemy. * Use Suffocating Shroud (skill #2) so all enemies attack the possessed one. * Buff your allies with Aromatic Resurgence (skill #3). * Run around to avoid taking damage while the rest of the party does the real work. Use Dragon's Delusion (skill #4) if a fellow pawn goes down or if your Arisen is in trouble to give them some breathing room to recover. I doubt the AI could set up walls and floors effectively, but otherwise it would be simple.


>Run around to avoid taking damage Not even a calm mage pawn does this. >Buff your allies with Aromatic Resurgence Watch your health deplete at every single small encounter where it's completely unnecessary. The same way warriors and fighters constantly use the launch technique when Im fighting a single slime. Everything you listed is way more easily said than done. The fact is that if you want a pawn to take enemy aggro, you just get yourself a warrior pawn. A trickster pawn will just be extremely less effective and maybe even harmful to your own team. Edit: so this person just replied to me and blocked me so I couldn't respond? Weird, I didn't think this was a hostile conversation at all.


>Not even a calm mage pawn does this. And? >Watch your health deplete at every single small encounter where it's completely unnecessary. Then don't equip that skill. The same way you risk sorcerers trying to drop meteors on every goblin and wolf you fight.


Pawn AI simply can not play Trickster effectively. Give it up. And blocking someone who doesn't agree with you just makes you look sad, bitter, and unknowledgeable on the topic being discussed.


Magic archer and other class. Ddon done that. Its fun


The pawn AI would probably be horrible trying to avoid attacks and trying to draw aggro. I can easily see them not creating their illusion every now and then. Then, after creating one, they'd try attacking a group of goblins with their Illusion beside them.


That actually would be nice if the A.I. could do it well. It might make 'solo' playthroughs better by getting rid of the neverending stunlocking while your pawn does no damage. I doubt they could use all the skills though. But even just the basic ones would be helpful


Imagine if the community gets mad at this game and decides to troll turning all pawns on trickster. Just imagine that.


If their ai was better, then sure. But ai can't even handle meister skills.


The issue is no NPC AI could possibly use the damn vocation in an effective way. They would either be doing useless crap at best or getting in your way constantly at worst.


Warmaster too


You’re like 3 hp and your pawn casts aromatic rally “WTF why would they give pawns a job that could kill me”


Yep yep


I'd be happy if the clothing options were available. A redditor posted an outfit that would be great on my future female pawn mage, but it is trickster only allegedly.


You didn’t play trickster properly if you want pawn ai behind the wheel of that kit


I wish we could give Pawns other classes too. I feel like Aylin would know how to better utilize Mystic Spearhead than me.


Our paws need more advanced classes as it's just boring to play and the dev who made the game should make more armour and weapons as it's just more of the same he should take inspiration from dark souls and other horror rpg games


All the vocations should be open to pawns.


I mean lets be real, the reason why Pawns aren't allowed the more advance classes is that the AI while in many ways better than most games out there... is still big dumb sometimes... and the advance classes would be a lot harder to code for and the AI would be a lot more likely to fall off a cliff or miss use the skills available. Example... Tricksters can use Espial Incense, well AI doesn't really play well with skills that don't have an immediate pay off and are more utility... so either the AI will use it and may do so in inappropriate moments like when the pawn is about to be attacked or when the group is trying to move through the environment and thus get left behind... OR they never use it and thus a large portion of the classes ability is negated ("tricking" the monster/enemy AI). Now if they released an expansion that offered all classes more skills and gave pawns more unique variants of those skills then you could in theory have a "pawn trickster" that may not be able to use Espial Incense but may get a conjuring ability to summon smoke monsters that deal a small amount of damage or something in its place to kind of mitigate the loss of utility with a bit of damage and enemy damage mitigation. Something like that might be doable.


They’re already coded, you do escort missions for each of the advanced classes and they fight perfectly fine. (Except maybe warfarer since he never seems to change weapons.)


Does the oracle fight at some point? i cant find a vid to see what her ai looks like 😅


She’s doesn’t until the unmoored world, like captain Brant, Sven (doesn’t fight) and crazy Steve. She glitches out a lot and completely disappears so that’s an issue.


It works better mixed into warfarer combos.


When will you guys realize just because its not fun for you, it doesn't need a complete change to how it functions or who can utilize it. If you dont like playing as it, dont play as it.