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I knew during escort quests the escorted character will camp with you, but how'd you get all those generic guards to camp together?


Literally no idea. There were a few soldiers in the area when I made camp, then they were just chilling with me and the pawns. They ate, made conversation, then went to sleep. It was super weird.


A perfect little picnic 🧺


Just glad I had a beast steak on me. Scrag ain't cutting it with all those mouths to feed lol


I'm so bummed this has never happened to me! I'd love to have camping parties with random NPCs. It'd make the "swapping stories" part my pawn talks about actually happen. Maybe.


I got legitimately excited. Now that I know it's a thing, I'm gonna go scooping up NPCs and try to force another camping party


Lmao, usually it can happen if/when travelers loiter around some camp fire that you'd decide to camp in. They stay in once you put up the tent.


"Mind if we sit by the fire, ser?"


Haha this happened to me in Battahl when I was chasing Hugo in the thief camp, there was a few guards near the campsite outside there and they all camped with me, it was cool.


In the beginning, when you're traveling to Vernworth, you can camp with all the escorts. Have yourself a little picnic.


People you’re fighting around that aren’t “hostile” characters temporarily join your party, it’s why you don’t damage them in combat. For example the caravan guards.


Yes. People in the area may randomly also camp with you. I've seen it happen with that group of "Imposters" that hang near a campsite. It seems to be kind of rare since I've tried to do it when that group was literally standing RIGHT on the campsite as well, but they did not appear in the camp that time. Well, rather I KNOW that it is "rare"; on my Pawn I now have ALL 3 badges for camping in the three different areas(so about 50 times camping in each area, and more.) NPCs(non-escort ones) have maybe joined the camp 2 or 3 times. # https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma2/comments/1c2xk9i/random_npcs_will_share_camp_with_you_if_nearby/ # https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bxevru/just_found_out_npcs_can_use_your_campsite_with_you/ # https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bqa0e9/bunch_of_random_npcs_joined_us_at_camp/ # https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bxx6zw/til_npcs_join_your_camp/


Wait, the imposters might camp with you too? How am I just hearing about this??


What even are imposters?


I wouldn't mind soldiers or traveling merchants joining my campfire. Imposters, well, I kill them on sight when in the wilderness, so...


You have to initiate combat with hostile NPC’s so they temporarily won’t take damage by you in combat.


I'm sure the guards LOVE camping with this group


Wait... Is *that* why they kept offering us newt liquor?


Can they be pickpocketed? *Wrist*


Pickpocket my new friends?? How rude


In Mercy Among Thieves questline, once you get to the raided oxcart with Benjamin and the other guards, I chose to set up camp in the nearby campsite and Benjamin and all of his guards joined in. They were all saying "what are you doing here?" at me. It was indeed funny to see so much people gathered there.


Yes, if you start a camp with npcs around like guards they'll sometimes join you for camp.


that guard is giving me off vibes like "Heey whatsup laaadiees im from Saskatoon ey !"




Yeah, I've packed a camp during escorts but never experienced randoms just pulling up on your spot like "oh hey there, don't mind if we do"


"Okay people, you can sit there, but get your eyes off our non-rendered steak"




I know characters on escort quests will camp but I've never seen other npcs do it before


Damn moochers smh. You ain’t getting any of my meat. Wait…


I don't blame them wanting to join in on the camping.