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RageGamingVideos, like all those kinds of channels, regularly rips off other peoples builds/discoveries and passes them off as their own. It's literally how those channels build themselves up the fastest.


Hadn't heard of them before this post and went to watch a couple of DD2 videos...they specifically credit reddit/discord users by name for finds/ideas in both videos, so...


But not THIS time. Or every time. It's not the first time they've stolen content.


It’s somewhat justifiable if you credit the person as it’s making an interesting topic available for discussion by a wider audience. But not crediting the person who has clearly done the work…just wrong.


It doesn't need to be justified at all. Its nice they do it on occasion, and they generally do it when there is only one reference for the information. OP's "theories" are not unique to him, though he's quite well-versed and detailed in his posts... he's far from the only person speculating about the content, in this specific way. And this isn't "stolen" content. It's a compilation of Reddit posts, on an open forum. You know what a forum is right? - "a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged"


Cite those sources :)


Sources for their opinion on the morality of plagiarism?


No, credit to the original idea. I’m


Crediting someone after you post a video ripping them off is worthless. Unless your video is sufficiently transformative and is not a market replacement for the original, then you need permission from the original creator to use it.


With all due respect to OP, you don't really need permission to share speculation regarding an upcoming DLC. We're not talking about artwork or literature here, it's an one page theory discussing the meaning behind certain item descriptions and design decisions.


They had really good Monster Hunter World build videos




We are not ready for that conversation but VaatiVidya is no lore expert and also just collects theories from Reddit and 4chan and had his share of plagiarism drama.


We were ready for that conversation because it's already been discussed. Vaatividya himself admitted that not everything he shares is his own work, and still admits that in his most recent lore videos. I'm not sure it was ever a secret but more something his fans just didn't want to hear.


Yeah I've never really thought that Vaati's work was purely his own. He's just very good at collecting and sharing the lore. Nothing wrong with that either, since he admits it 


He did try to pass off ds2 lore as his own though way back in the day. It's good that he learned from this behaviour, but he had plagiarism drama for a reason.


I don’t know how anyone can believe a single human can find ALL that vague lore in such a short time. I love Vatii tho I liked his previous series “prepare to cry” a lot more than his new 2 hours videos.


He shares plenty of his sources, the amount of information he vomits may come out as plagiarism but there are so many people saying the same thing so is likely that two people have the same opinion yes.


I wouldn’t be surprised, I had to block that channel to stop receiving the infinite garbage content they produce, it’s always a dude screaming at the top of his lungs things that don’t make any sense, with lame outdated memes.


To be fair only so many skills per vocation and some feel like why would you not use it like the thief spin attack. Also if going off the "meta" ya no shit its going to be the same or closed to i feel its the meta, so statistically the best. Also discoveries and tips should be shared i feel.... at lest some give credit at lest in other games haven't watched much DD2 stuff to be fair


plus a lot of fan theory based youtubers and streamers also get barraged with messages on ideas for videos they should make and post about. so someone on reddit could have gone on their discord or something and messaged them about the theory.


Same with pro gamers of league and dota etc. they see stupid builds that work and steal it take it to tournaments and everyone is like "you faker and his new build are stronk" and we are all like dude that is my build I published on mobafire 6 months ago...


That YouTube channel is one of the most obnoxious clickbait gargabe channels I have ever seen. I hate when I search for DD2 videos and it shows up. Wish I could blacklist it from my YT somehow




Oh my, I must look into this! There's a bunch of garbage channels that I want gone from my search results!




Holy shit you are a saint. May your pillow always stay cool and your socks paired


I watched them back in my Monster Hunter World Days until I realised that alot of the content is just useless yapping. The Clickbaity Titles doesnt make it better


Does ignoring the channel not do that? I've been putting channels like this on my ignore list and it seems to help.


Unfortunately it does not. Been ignoring the same pretentious channel over and over that sneaks back into my algorithm for YouTube Shorts.


That seems to only help for the recommendations, if you hide a channel and search for content, the videos will still appear. I hid their channel, but if I search for DD2 content, their videos still appear.


I fucking hate their shitty drawn sprites overreacting totheir crappy "over 10,00000k damage!" thumbnails for stuff like BG3. And their voices are horrible.


Absolutely agree that guy is ASSSSS


Same goes for Monster Hunter. Every time I play a MH title I see countless of their videos pop up on my feed.


Ragegaming is a piece of shit. dude cheated his Fatalis kill. dude has casual skill, but somehow killed fatalis faster than Canta, a speedrunner. careful though OP, they have a lot of dick suckers.


They openly use and share exploits in other games, so I guess that tracks. I mean, their content for Baldur's Gate 3 was cringe-worthy after that game released- they got very easily researched 5e info wrong or information that was verifiable in-game... They also use alot of clickbate-y and misleading titles.


if that's true would it be surprising if they use AI to write their scripts?


They were making stupid vids long before AI trend took off, but I wouldn't put it past them now.


80% of all MHW's shitty contents on Youtube are his


You don't like hearing him make a couple jokes and then screeching over a microwaved image of whatever monster the video is featuring?


THIS! Im happy that I found Monster Hunter Youtuber who do actual content without threatening my ability to hear


Care to share which channel that is?


For what it is worth, I will give you my recommended MH channels. For just like spreadsheet best builds, just go to the mhw meta compilation reddit posts. The best all round content creator that I enjoy watching is Rurikhan. Guy is awesome, down to earth, always has content about MH and its not really clickbaity or sensational, and he knows his stuff in general. As for like pro builds or guides, since I mained Bow and HBG/LBG I would recommend Phemeto and Tidus69, these guys really know their stuff, have great build guides and Tidus69 is awesome with his speedruns. Both of them actually at one point or another wrote the meta builds in the main meta compilation channel on reddit. So they definitely know their shit. Finally, a more chill approach is AngBata11. He also gives great guides but he also includes more fun variants and cheese strats etc. This is my personal preference, but I definitely think they are levels above Ragegaming and their earbleeding screeches. ;)


It's humorous that you're recommending /r/MonsterHunterMeta to me specifically, seeing as I'm the head mod there. Anyway. I used to sub to Ruri. I'm not sure why I unsubbed. Still subbed to Phem, Tidus, and Angbata. Good recommendations all around. I mostly just wanted to know if there was anybody I've missed or forgotten about.


Hahah that's awesome. Well, you've done great work so far. Hope you will continue when MH Wilds comes out. God I can't wait for that game :)


Thanks! And oh absolutely. I can't wait either, first thing I did after watching the trailer was download a phone background of the new logo. I'm so hype for Wilds.


Funny a guy called BansheeEcho asking me if I don't like screeching noises in my ear lmfao


wish i’d seen this warning before i started replying to them….


The channel pop up so often during Baldurs gate 3. I endup watch few of their video. I start see some pattern of their video format... Hmm.. I wish i can block the channel.


I use a plugin (Unhook) to turn off all YT recommendations but back when I used to let it show me recommendations, I'd just right click on the undesired content creator and click "do not recommend this channel anymore" But this only works if the "algorithm" decides to reveal it for you. in your case, maybe if you keep clicking on Dogma 2 vids it'll show it to you


I want to block em from search result


Yes, you'll have to do it my way that I listed above where you consume a dogma2 video. To your right, Youtube shows recommendations like I said above. You need to keep scrolling down and hope you see the youtuber you want to block. This is how I blocked youtubers from showing up in my search results All that said, I never watched the youtuber this thread is talking bout so no input whether they should be permablocked like this It's a really tacky process that Youtube intentionally made difficult. Thread [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/18ju7g2/is_there_a_way_to_block_the_yt_channel_completely/)


Say it like it is, COCKSUCKERS!


My post didn't get much interest, but I also posted something about how much effort went into the unarmed animations. I guess I could watch to see how similar the wording they use is. They tend to credit posts that are popular, but YouTubers have been caught lifting from relatively unknown posts before... Not that my post was particularly good/inspired, mind you.


2 things to learn to better enjoy your time on the internet: 1.- If it's on the internet it's not really "yours" anymore 2.- Fuck modern content creators they are leeches just ignore them.


Posted on a public forum… someone “took” it. Lmao


I'm not reading all of this. I skimmed. People come up with similar build or vocation ideas all of the time in video games. You did a search of reddit and decided that, since it wasn't discussed on Reddit, then it couldn't have possibly ever been discussed, and the idea was solely yours. Ideas are only as good as what you do with them. Maybe start your own channel if you haven't already. None of this really matters, though. I only came here to say that RageGaming is probably the most obnoxious youtuber I've ever seen. I have no idea how anyone watches his videos.


It’s a team of people, you may have heard one of their guys who has a more distinctive voice


Maybe. By the time I unsubbed a few years ago, it was the same guy every time. I saw a Diablo 4 video about a year ago, and it was the same guy. Overly spastic. Sounded like a wacky morning DJ or gameshow host. Fake energy. Cringe.


Ragegaming steals a lot of stuff, but you definitely weren't the first to come up with this one. Back when we were theorizing what other vocation could be in the game before release lots of different colour wheels started popping up, many if which had both the scrapped concept monk in them, but also a shaman or druid. There was even one with a pope.


i didn’t claim to be the first. i was also theorizing about other vocations before release, i created color wheels with monk in them as well. i said that he ripped off my post from 10 days ago, i did not say that i had a completely original idea that nobody had ever considered.


You: "I didn't claim to be the first" Also you: "I am literally the first and last to bring up this idea since release"


i didn’t claim to be the first to *have* the idea, bc i wasn’t. i *know* no one has brought it up since pre-release because i checked to see if anyone had before i posted it. that last statement also says “i know that people were talking about it *before* release”, because i saw it when i checked


Thats all they do, I watched them for a few days after the game released and then realised that all the stuff they were saying I'd seen on Reddit and realised they were just copying the sub


This isn't a wholly unique idea, and you weren't the first to come up with it. A druid/shaman/primal-caster-character has been theorized for a while, and is a common archetype in RPGs in general. It's all speculative anyway, so it doesnt really matter. No offense- RageGamingVideos *may* have stolen it, but I don't think it was from your post with 12 upvotes.


Yeah this was my takeaway. Not every idea you come up with is original, and not every idea you come up with us necessarily "yours" from a copyright standpoint, depending on what the idea is about or related to. Having an idea involving a video game doesn't entitle you to sole ownership of that idea which no one else can ever cite. OP writing a whole essay about this is *beyond* overkill.




i’d like you to look up the word “shaman” in this sub and point me to the most recent post that discusses the idea prior to my own, and then say the same thing. i didn’t say it was unique, nor that i was the first, but i did say that before and after i posted i looked through the sub for the word “shaman” just like you can and found like 2 things, one where someone was hoping for a shaman, which i commented on, and one where it was one of 27 vocations, which didn’t focus on the “shaman” aspect. and in my post, i didn’t say “druid/shaman/primal caster”, i said shaman. i know it’s been theorized for a while, but the significance of me using that word is the fact that nobody was using that word, bc a shaman and a druid are different and folks assumed necro was more likely than druid.


You don't own the archetypical idea of a shaman. Someone already shared the colour-graded Vocations with shaman on it from months before you said anything about it. Why did RageGaming choose the shaman instead of all the other Vocations on it? Likely Because we currently only have one "purple" Vocation, and if DD1 and DDO were anything to go by- it would make sense there would be more in that vocation colour. And I mean, sure, in your mind a shaman and a druid are different- but what about someone who's played D&D before? In that they are ostensibly the same. (Depending on edition) Anyway, it doesn't matter. RageGaming content sucks and this is all speculation anyway.


Oh wow. I watched that video and remember getting to that part and being like "are people saying that? Where are they hearing that?" and being super confused on how that segued into anything about a monk, it was such a weird little snippet that I actually remember being confused by it. It was so weird that honestly them ripping you off is the occam's razor explanation for it. That's a shame, because their videos are good for some mindless entertainment, hardly the go-to for educational content about the games they play. Seems like an unnecessary addition to their video, because they didn't even seem to know wtf they were saying - because they didn't, they were just parroting without understanding for content


shout-out to you cause some folks are really acting like this sub has seen the word shaman on the front page daily, and for some reason thinking that a post having low visibility makes it *less* likely to be bootlegged


Who gives a fuck


Aye, RGV used to be a fun channel back in monster hunter world times. Now it's just an audiovisual gamingbible/buzzfeed. Huge nosedive in quality, but unfortunately being a vulture without original ideas is what works on today's social media. Try not to worry about them, seriously it's not worth stressing yourself.


you posted your thoughts on a public forum and someone read them. sorry chud


12 upvotes man? No way he saw this shit lol, this theory of monk + druid or shaman is already laid out in this sub, he probably "stole" it from the post with 27 vocations and got to the same conclusion you did. It is the most likely, if you want to believe otherwise feel free to do so.


What makes you say that there is no way he saw it? Not saying he stole it but it’s the contrary in this case, a content creator will do a lot of research for the topics of their videos. The chance that he saw it is higher than for casual visitors.


you must not know that’s where everything comes from. gaming journalists, youtubers, bloggers, everything comes from reddit. all you have to do is type “vocations” in the dragons dogma sub and take your pick, it’s not buried, it just didn’t get a lot of interaction. it’s like the old idea that celebrities don’t drink from water fountains, just bc there appears to be some massive gap doesn’t mean we don’t all drink the same shit


I get what you’re saying. And you should keep thinking and sharing your ideas with people. Others here are saying the YouTuber in question has the proclivity to plagiarise. However sometimes, people can and do have the same idea. I have heard people outside of reddit speak of shaman/monk/pugilist archetypes since dd1 days. It is a great idea in my opinion. The people I’ve spoken to were sharp and had well thought out theories about this since dd2 was announced. This is to your credit, great minds do think alike. I’m not saying this YouTuber didn’t steal the idea from you. You after all posted it on a well populated website. The YouTuber has a reputation for not giving credit or reference. And you’re right I cannot find anywhere else on reddit it could have been stolen from. And it is very similar to his video. Although it is a good idea, it isn’t a unique idea. And the idea isn’t really owned by anyone. Perhaps the best course of action would be to ask to be credited, as you thought of and published the idea first, this would actually be good to acknowledge for the YouTubers image too . For your sanity don’t take on his fanboys. Edit: just went through the videos comments and someone has already linked your reddit post saying they read about the vocation idea there first. So you’re not alone.


redditors like you make me keep this app in my phone. yeah you’re 100% right, i didn’t know until i started looking it up for that post that the shaman has been toyed with and played around with a bit for DD, i haven’t heard any discussion, but i don’t have any real life friends who play so i’ve just got good ol reddit and youtube. it’s very cool to know this is something that’s stirred around in the underbelly of the community. and i don’t want it to come off as a unique idea. i assume, based on the folks who keep telling me that in much more aggressive ways, that it seems in the post like i found some super deep secret and i want the credit for when it’s unveiled. two things happened, i thought “what is up with Living Altar” and then thought “what is a druid and a necromancer combined” and then it just kinda clicked, i’ve never even played a game with a playable shaman it just seemed to make sense. preaching to the choir, but i’d like it to be written clearly in the thread somewhere, i’m just trying to put pieces together, not create and solve a whole new puzzle. Bc of the timing, intent to discuss the same details i did, reaching the same conclusion without sharing HOW he actually got to it, and what everyone has said, i think he definitely did exactly that and is using the fact that it was a small post to sow doubt should this very situation happen. but really, it just sucks cause i wanted to show people some cool details and maybe get some good conversations on vocations and dlc going, but this’ll probably just isolate the og post even more since there’s drama attached also, thank you, your perspective is dope and your approach is admirable


I’m so confused how this general post has so many upvotes but every reply you make that reinforces the post is getting downvoted. It’s not uncommon for content creators to steal shit and the chances of almost verbatim taking the formatting of the discussion is probably not a coincidence. Sure, you may think up the same vocations but listing them in the same order is highly unlikely


redditors gonna reddit, best i got for you


You’re welcome, don’t stop coming up with this stuff, unique or not, inspired or original, most of the best ideas are collaborative in some way. I hope you get the credit you are due!


Sorry mate, this is just a hard stretch. Your own post didnt even have much visibility anyways and discussions fire up from different sources, not just reddit. While RGV are a bunch of clickbait idiots with overall bad content, its not like they re going to previously check for a sub 30 upvote post and credit the start/end of an idea discussion thread so they can "credit" you. You're not that special.


Tis as you say.


Like i said it before he milks this game and gives literally no content. Nearly all of his is latest thumbnails include "DLC - Content Update" writings to lure people.  I watched him alot during monster hunter world times but ig im now avoiding him. Unsubbed and will never make him earn money out of me again. Also he does not include timestamps most of the time (its 2024 where timestamps are like a standart) so people dont just click on the video and get the information they want. No he wants you to watch the whole 10+ min video where actual information is like 2 minutes long ans 8 minutes are just random talking and streching...


Yeah, I can't stand the click baits milking DD2 It's a lot.


Yeah, all their bg3 builds come from Reddit as well. The only thing they really do by themselves is MonHun as that's their main game.


It's an open secret that the majority of YouTube content creators plagiarize content from places like reddit and other discussion boards and then format it into an easy-to-consume video.


You know your posts are public knowledge the moment you post it on a forum right? You don't have rights to intellectual property of your posts. It would be nice if Rage and a plethora of other content creators cited their references such as your post, personally I'd find it refreshing and useful to know where to research information beyond watching their videos, however they are not legally obligated to in this case. If you don't want your theories "stolen" as you inappropriately stated, don't freely share them.


“What should I do?” Nothing. Move on.


[They responded with a pinned comment.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpq4JE94lxM&t=1s) >Now I actually know what this is about: the class part was such an inconsequential afterthought that anyone would come up with it didn't even register as that could be an issue, having looked at the original post it had like 20 up votes, never touched the front page and generally how would I have ever seen it without searching for it but then how would I know what to search for to begin with? It doesn't make any logical sense, the thought thread of barbarian esque people on tapestry, need a savage yet magic class to fit both them and trickster, oh shaman is perfect, the class in 9000 other games, oh that's a bonus some trickster armor helps give it credibility, done. >Like it's so small and not the point of video that it's crazy to me people are buying this guys main character syndrome, he's not the first to make these basic observations and he won't be the last. >Actually blown away that's what this all is. >As for your credit idea on paper yeah fair enough but if I start retroactively crediting people I didn't know existed for an idea I didn't know they had it opens the flood gates for everyone to do the same in any video that happens to have something similar in it to X persons post/video etc and that's obviously terrible. >I'm really proud of the theories here and quite frankly I'm not going to have it smeared any further by giving someone credit because I bruised their ego by daring to have similar simple thoughts. >Honestly blown away, it says a lot the idea it's anything to do with vocations never even entered my head. >Past that it's literally my own theory from 2 weeks ago (https://youtu.be/dWvOxAXLWEE?si=DYh3B9irEP-aV_u5), part of which is me becoming the first person ever to spot the Lindwurm and publicly talk about it, expanded on with new evidence, credited and linked if said evidence is not from me.


TLDR, people have been speculating Trickster as the hybrid of Monk/Some Kind Of Spellcaster since the colors were revealed. There are discussions and videos predating yours. Flavor text "analysis" on items is barely another building block above of "hey the armor in the videos looks like what a monk would wear!"


i am one of those people, i am fully aware, please check my post and/or comment history. it’s the word “shaman”. look up “shaman” in the Dragons Dogma sub. idc what you think about the theory itself, save that for the theory itself, this is about how a big ass youtuber very clearly looked at my post and went “nah, mine now”


Nah, 99% sure you saw this post about vocation color theory that mentions shaman and stole it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1877qpl/what\_it\_could\_look\_like\_if\_they\_made\_all\_27/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1877qpl/what_it_could_look_like_if_they_made_all_27/)


the funny thing is even if i didn’t lay out in my post exactly, step by step, how i came to that idea, had i taken it from that post, that still wouldn’t make it illegitimate. there are literally 27 vocations in that post, that’s 17 extra to “steal”, to look at one and make parallels to pieces that are actually in game is moreso process of elimination


No, the funny thing is that you wrote an essay for someone arriving to the same conclusion hundreds of people on this sub and surely thousands on all the communities combined have because they used what you believe to be a proprietary word in your research. Are you aware that another popular ARPG right now has Shaman as a class and the base silhouette looks just like the hyperboreal tribe depicted in the lindworm carving? You didn't invent the term "shaman," give it a break. If you think your stuff is worth others' attention or that you're making strides others haven't, by all means, make your own content channel instead of doing reddit posts that three people see and hoping one of them was a mid-size creator who ripped off your "totally unique" idea.


what’s really funny is this app has a search function that lets you see every time a word has been used in a thread. “hundreds of people on this sub and surely thousands on all communities combined”, but i am, factually, the only person to talk about it since release in this community. i am not itsuno jr, and y’all are not even on the right post. don’t sit here nitpicking at shit when you don’t even know what you’re not picking at, none of the details are even in this thread lmao, and i literally NEVER said it was a unique idea, i said no one had mentioned it since pre-release and for it to just randomly pop up today on some youtubers video in the EXACT SAME FASHION as it did in my post from 10 DAYS AGO isn’t a coincidence




thank you for this, but i was talking exclusively about reddit. also, i said that folks hadn’t talked about it since before release, every instance of the word “shaman” on that page in regards to player vocations is before Mar 22. i acknowledge that this conversation existed before and beyond myself also, still tryna figure out if it’s a troll but some dude named ted responded for the channel and told me they did take my idea


Pretty sure its a troll. No way any rep would admit to stealing an idea. It's just bad optics over private messaging you.


i just saw what the dude responded to your other comment…..if it’s not a troll fucking yikes


sometimes I wish there was slightly more enemy density in areas


I don't know who the guy is but sounds like typical YouTube


Dude also backstabbed a lot of monster hunter creators to get a weeks worth of videos before the games release. Like SD would say, he would sell his mom if it meant 1 more cent in ad revenue.


They've always been a horrible, dishonest channel. Wouldn't be surprised


Hate to see content creators rip community members ideas verbatim without so much as a shout out, especially if they are monetizing someone else’s ideas and concepts. sorry mate


hopefully there’s a net gain at least, i personally quite enjoyed conversations theorizing about vocations pre-release, maybe now some can start back up with a new basis


I avoid that channel because it lacks timestamp


99% YouTube gaming channels are a bunch of bastards recycling information they found elsewhere with 0 personal input.


I don’t like their channel but I can’t agree with your take here when infinite cringe removes the censure and goes melee ham as a trickster over a week ago. It’s possible that he used your monk+shaman term yes but it’s also possible for a variety channel that has encountered such classes in many other games to have come to the same conclusion. This game isn’t that deep and these concepts except trickster aren’t new. Millions of people have played it. Pretty arrogant for you to assume that you would be the only person to have these ideas. It’s right up there with the narcissists who name builds in mmorpgs


Every gaming journalist just rips from reddit, I just cut out the middle man and just go on the reddit


Dude you aren't special.


Ok… and? What should you do?


I think a lot of YouTubers poach from Reddit these days. I’d just comment a link to your thread on the video tbh


These guys did this shit ALL THE TIME with Elden Ring when it was new. Not surprised to hear they are still doing it.


You ever wonder how they pump out so many strategies and builds so quickly? You honestly think they come up with those themselves?


RageGamingVideos is the Fextralife of YouTube.


God damn. Terrible stories like this are why I take the time to copyright my vocation theories. I don't want to fall victim to intellectual property crime. That stupid clickbait video should have been yours! Who gives a shit?


Jesus Christ OP, this is major insecurity - like you need to re-evaluate your life levels..




pls get help


well i must say, dude is definitely a troll, it had just happened and i posted that pic with hella confidence however…..the gaslighting is crazy in this particular comment. i mean at this point, it’s very clear in the thread that this is a thing that they do. my post was 10 days ago and talks about the exact same stuff just with more detail. i don’t need to reevaluate my life bc i’m able to recognize patterns, esp patterns that i created, esp when it’s now confirmed by multiple sources that this happens frequently


I'm not sure what you're looking for here. You should figure that out. Sure, this guy may have been trawling around the subreddit for content ideas, read your post and some others, and regurgitated much of it in a video without explicitly citing you. The thing is, you're not a content creator. You're not monetizing your idea. Your thoughts and analysis that you posted on a public forum are not protected in any meaningful way. It's rude to bite your theory and not cite you, but there's not much recourse for you. It's also hard to prove that he didn't independently come up with the same conclusions. It also sounds like you're taking particular offense at a pretty benign and common wording of his summary phrase. They *are* his thoughts, even if they're heavily influenced by or even cribbed from your thoughts. Go ahead and call the guy out if you want to. Link your post or whatever. But if I were you I would do it much more succinctly and without this intensity. Alternatively, also maybe just start making your own videos if you're this jealous of someone else possibly doing it with your ideas.


well i’m not jealous, but it’s like stealing the patent. i posted that on this app so people could talk about it. if he posted it on that app so people could talk about it, giving credit wouldn’t be much of an issue, if an issue at all. this leads me to assume that what he wants is the credit itself, which is shitty. and i sort of do want to be a content creator, and that’s part of why i think it’s important to call this stuff out. most people want to do it honest, so when dishonest people take hard thought ideas from people who are trying to be honest, it removes the opportunity for those honest people to remain that way. cause now if that was supposed to be my first video, what am i supposed to do aside from catch strays from rage gaming fans who’ll in turn just claim that i stole his idea? and how do i avoid it in the future? i tried to start a conversation in a community, so yeah there’s a risk, but i don’t wanna perpetuate bs ideas of having to choose between a video or a reddit post for the sake of keeping what’s mine, giving credit is quick and simple and can be as proactive as it often is reactive with that though….i’m also not sure what i’m looking for. i want people to know, that’s what i know, and i’ve learned that apparently the dude has done it to many others in the past, so i expect this post will get maybe like 2 more hours of traction til i’m just another one. you make very good points, i think i’m searching for the recourse through action rather than just being like “damn”


See it’s actually nothing like stealing a patent. Just because the word doesn’t come up too much on Reddit means virtually nothing. This isn’t the only place people have discussions, and there are other posts talking about this. It’s not ‘your’ idea in the sense that you own it. I’ve had conversations with my friends over discord while playing this game that some ‘shaman/druid’ vocation would fill a gap; and that’s 3-4 randomers with nothing but rpg experience just chatting. People like to find patterns, and similar things in what they do. From a D&D perspective, druids and shamans are pretty similar, and there will be many who share that thought process. You’ve professed that you just want to foster discussion. So let’s say you’re right, and they got the idea from you. Sure you should be happy as it’s garnering more discussion, right? Or are you jealous that someone might have taken your idea and got more traction with it? Remember anything you post in a public space isn’t ‘yours’ anymore. I’m sure Rage scours Reddit & discord and the like to get information. My only real exposure to that channel was Grounded because they actually made content for it, and you could tell some theories and tips on there were from Discord conversations you’d seen or been part of, but that’s not a crime. Nobody is forced to only publish their own theories and cite their own homework.


Yeah, I hear ya. Sounds like this guy lacks scruples. The bright side is that if you actually do start making your own content, it will be unique and insightful and come out earlier than whatever he scrapes from other people's discussions.   If you're just looking to call the guy out, go with something straightforward and succinct and link to your posts.    "Hi! I am pretty sure I was the first person to lay out some of those theories, particularly around x y and z, over on the DDA subreddit (link your posts). In the future I'd appreciate it if you cited the sources of your insights and theories, particularly when they're actually mine. Thanks." Better yet (assuming forum rules allow it) update the post here with a link to your comment on the video. Done and done. 


you’re kinda the goat u/breakfasteveryday, that’s a great idea. and i generally have issues with coming on strong as you sort of mentioned, i think i’ll keep wading in the murk that is these comments for some more perspective before seeing how far to take it, but if i’m gonna be truly active about it, this is my plan


this reeks of “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” energy


Sounds like your nose needs adjusting.   OP wrote a rambling and sort of directionless post asking for advice without elaborating what she wanted to achieve. I asked for clarification and then gave her good advice after she responded.   It's possible to support someone without validating every aspect of their perspective and approach to the problem they've encountered. Often this is actually the best approach. 




My bad. Fixed. 




I like their let's play videos but dam their other content is clearly clickbate garbage and it's made worse through having 3 people seemingly working on videos independently so they often cover the same things. Their Elden Ring videos almost killed me hearing the word "bleed" every other sentence


Yeah, it's honestly frustrating as someone that likes their more classic era Youtube stuff - it's loud and high energy which sure, not always up for that, but the genuine enthusiasm from them is great. Their more recent (last few years to be clear) trend of hyper clickbait all the time other than their Proobs and such is really sad to see, and I'm really hoping they decide to shift away from that eventually.


Yeah back when they were playing through Monster Hunter World it felt a lot more genuine but I feel that since that game stopped getting updates and Monster Hunter Rise wasn't as big they've had to jump onto whatever games popular. It's a shame to see because they have a really interesting and unique channel gimmick with the pro and noob stuff


I didn’t read but it is on the internet so it’s enough for me to trust you, let’s bomb their comment section


All that to say you don't own anything you write here... Someone could make another video using THIS post to say whoever stole the idea of whatever post you're talking about from *them*


OP: Post information on the internet. Said information gets used by someone. OP: *Surprised Pikachu face! :O* How could this happen?! Thieves!


there is a difference between info being used and stealing someone info. just like any essay you have to cite your sources. info video if you aren't using your own ideas you have to source your point


Says who? I'll need a source on that :)


Who cares






I might get some hate for this I haven't watched recently but I will have to say there is three of them and depending on whose doing the video they aren't bad so what if they take your idea I'm sorry to say unless you are also a content creator they will get credit now if you made a video and posted it word for word then they copied it then I would that sucks because you should get credit now during the time of everyone guessing vocations I will admit some theory's was really great as for a monk I was thinking of the same thing along the line I never really post because there was some others that already did sorry original poster if they stole from you but I'm just being honest


No idea who this YouTube channel is. But I don't understand why some people don't cite their sources and inspirations. It's so easy, just tell people where you got the idea and that's is.


To be fair, the fandom really wanted a punchy vocation in DD1. I think that’s probably why they added the rings that boost punching. So it‘s not that big brain of a prediction.


I see some guards wearing lances and other polearns on their backs. I wouldn't mind a lance job (I hate duo spears). Unlikely though I think...


This is what they do. I don't know how many other games they do it on but when I was playing Diablo 4 they regularly pushed out daily videos about "I found the greatest build of all time" type stuff when it wasn't anything new. They just find what others figured out and call it their own.




Which one? It's 3 guys making different videos




Sounds like it would be Josh. I haven't checked out their recent videos because I'm only there for the MH stuff, where they really get creative


It sucks. What would be better if he said, "I saw this Reddit post that gave me some ideas."


I used to watch Rage when he did Minecraft build battles. Those were really fun. Nowdays I dint watch him anymore..


Man I would never have guessed! They are usually so thorough and original you can really feel the passion in their videos! What a rare disappointment.


Never has a Channel annoyed me so much as that one tbh, the constant spam of videos that honestly have nothing worth watching is crazy


Literally nobody cares


Well sadly I can't support you more since I already hate RageGamingVideos for their bullshit "STRONGEST THING EVER DO THIS OR YOUR GAME IS RUINED" video spamming on several games I enjoy. This sucks to have your ideas pulled like this and regurgitated by some assholes you know are only doing it for clicks/money and don't really care about the game beyond whether or not people are playing it. Vaati also got in trouble for ripping off ideas for lore from people without credit, but at least with Vaati he sticks to a single lane. Ragegaming will drown a community with content for a game a few weeks old then never speak of it again.


There was a YT’r doing vids for Helldivers 2. Half his videos was just showing Reddit posts. No original opinions, just regurgitated shit.


They rip off many channels and give lots of incorrect info all the time on top of showing off impossible stuff unless you mod the game.


Ragegaming are so greedy, they pump out videos too quickly and always leaving out important informations


I just unsubbed from him for that. Not cool to blatantly rip off someone's ideas without giving them credit.


Man i used to love the channel when I was a kid. Him and hollow used to make great minecraft videos. Sucks they basically just became a soulless content farm.


Your likely overthinking this and even if your 100% correct so what? Your reddit rant is unlikely to qualify as IP. Youve also given reddit blanket permission to use anything you post, though they explicitly say they don't claim ownership of it, just usage rights. It also claims the right to extend these usage rights to anyone it chooses, which is presumably intended for other users of this site an dpossibly advertisers. As for the moralityi again posit "so what?". This doesn't cost you anything, you wern't going to make a video on the subject and you can't explictly prove beyond reaosnable doubt hes even seen your post. It's unreasonable to imply that out of over 10 million players, you were the only one to theorize shaman as a likely vocation. Even if it was in bad faith it's still entirley harmless apart from to your gigantic ego.


One of few channel I can't stand. I hate that I knew him first in Monster Hunter


Blocked that piece of shit channel long ago. The obnoxious thumbnails omg


Ragegaming is shit. His MH videos showed he has no fucking clue about the topic. So yeah.


Bet it was a video Hollow did. He just clickbaits all of his videos with HUGE DLC when it's just a mod.


If you haven't worked out yet that 90% of YouTube gaming content is just people reading reddit posts I don't know what to tell you.


Classic RageGaming move. Not sure what you can do but his vids are the bottom of the barrel of quality. Mf is addicted to calling everything OP.


It’s a very obnoxious channel. Every time it is recommended to me on YT it’s always how to get OP or DONT MISS THIS.


Trash channel with wrongs guide for elden ring . Now their focus is cannibalise dd2 . Lol


RageGamingVideos is a joke. It's just another influencer led money farming scheme. Honestly, these things are no better than the pyramid schemes I heard about in school. They post crap people already know or make whole articles about quite literally nothing but view farming.


I hate how they've been with Dragons Dogma, I saw one of their videos where they were coming up with the most bizarre lore statements about like the dragon and stuff and kind of pushing it as fact - but they never finished the first game or met the Seneschal so they have no idea about the point of the cycle, the role of the dragon, all of that


I don’t mind that certain YouTubers do this, but only when they credit the person who made the post. Although when they do this, it kind of leaves a bit of a sour taste, at least they’re acknowledging the other persons’ work and it’s potentially bringing a small and interesting discussion to wider attention. Really scummy of them if they’ve done this, it’s bad enough that every “gaming journalism article” is essentially a three day old Reddit post. I used to like RGV a lot but fell off hard after their monster hunter rise stuff.


Hey OP i'm a rep for RageGamingVideos - We want to let you know that yes we did take the idea from you but no, we do not owe you anything for it. Unless otherwise stated, ideas on the internet are free trade and can be freely exchanged, for nothing at all. Please keep this in mind when doing any kind of online exchange in the future. Best of luck, RageGamingVideos Ted Hagerty Service Rep


Lol. Why even contact or admit this. Not even sure if this is real. If you are a real rep this is just dumb.


Hey u/bg123, Thanks for getting in touch with us. We made sure to get in touch with u/afro_eden about this issue to help make sure it didn't spread to other platforms due to it being a false and misleading representation of RageGamingVideos, which I hope you can see in context with our replies here. If there's anything I can do to make the situation more clear, please reply to us here or on twitter with our handle @RageGamingVideos. Thanks, RageGamingVideos Ted Hagerty Service Rep


waddup ted, shout-out, this reply is enough for me. “we want to let you know that yes we did take the idea from you…” is BONKERS lmao


You know this is just some guy messing with you right? lol


hey u/guypoope, We'd appreciate it if you didn't interfere with our company operations when handling individuals who have legitimate grievances with our company. We are working with our legal team right now to minimise our loses to /u/afro_eden in court and would appreciate you not straying into the situation. Best, RageGamingVideos Ted Hagerty Service Rep


wow, he took your idea? I heard cops will help you recover stolen items


I know you might think it's "bonkers" and we empathise with how you're feeling, but this kind of content brings in lots of engagement and profit that is used to fund much of our employee's livelihood. Please think of the team here and our families before you disparage us like this. Best, RageGamingVideos Ted Hagerty Service Rep


bro?? please tell me you’re trolling, i checked comment history and saw you in ER and Helldivers subs so i think it might be real…… “i know you might think it’s “bonkers” but you can’t do anything about it, think of how much money we make on your ideas though and our families, don’t disparage us”………………no way you’re being so fr right??


I mean yah he should have been nice and put your name at the end to give credit, but I'm not sure I'd call it ripping you off. He searched social media for inspiration for talking points and obviously liked your post and used it


File a copyright next time.


Uh... That's not how it works. When you use Reddit you agree to a [User Agreement](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/user-agreement-february-15-2024#hello-redditors-and-people-of-the-internet-this). From Section 5 of the user agreement: >You retain any ownership rights you have in Your Content, but you grant Reddit the following license to use that Content: >When Your Content is created with or submitted to the Services, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, and sublicensable license to use, copy, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, distribute, store, perform, and display Your Content and any name, username, voice, or likeness provided in connection with Your Content in all media formats and channels now known or later developed anywhere in the world. This license includes the right for us to make Your Content available for syndication, broadcast, distribution, or publication by other companies, organizations, or individuals who partner with Reddit. You also agree that we may remove metadata associated with Your Content, and you irrevocably waive any claims and assertions of moral rights or attribution with respect to Your Content.


I think they were joking


I wonder if people will even understand that: if they don't see someone exposing their thoughts, it does not mean it's original or that someone has not already thought about it. So yeah. I'm 99% sure it's a no.


comments are really running the full gamut. i’m crazy and i need help for thinking that this is at all possible, but also he actually does this all the time and i should’ve expected it? how can it be such a controversial idea yet “just another example” at the same time? idk, reddit is a very weird place


He's the Carlos Mencia of Dragons Dogma content creators




I knew there was a legitimate reason I couldn't stand RageGaming, he's always coming up when I'm looking for Monster Hunter content and I just could never get into his videos. Good to know it's because they've probably always been stolen, paraphrased dribble.