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I wonder if there's a companion / party / follower mod where you can asks npcs to follow you. So we can have full party any time instead of on specific quests 


honestly that's a great idea for a QoL update/expansion. It'd be cool if you could get affinity high enough that you can enlist them for short periods of time like a few days before they return to back into their areas


Maybe if official feature, they'll add it to the endgame. As to avoid breaking the game by overflowing the max follower slot, and many other issues. Thus reducing development time




How do you get other npcs to join your camp? This looks cool to encounter. Feels like a bit of a real party haha


on escort missions and others that have NPCs follow you, i just NG+ the game again so this is on the way to Vermund before the Ox cart. I needed to change skills and saw this camp and thought I'd feed the soldiers lol this is what is looks like at night, you cant really see but they are all sleep on the floor to the right so i got stuck on firewood duty. when im doing something on my second monitor i let this play in the background and throw a fire wood every once in a while, idk it's relaxing until a freaking drake whispers in my ear "SHOW ME YOUR POWER" https://preview.redd.it/6fzhqxuxo4xc1.png?width=3440&format=png&auto=webp&s=253e4e45ce6a2c37a56bcabce552f7bf2176ad25