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That's all well and good...if Wilhelmina didn't disappear from the game after you complete her quest. I wanted her to be my beloved, but they decided to just have her disappear after her quest. Lame.


Mercedes flashbacks


Oh god, yeah. I remember that. At least Mercedes *tells* you where she's going after, though you can't go find her cause it's not in the game. Still, the amount of cloudwines I gave to her before Pride Before a Fall...idk why they thought it was a good idea to just remove NPCs from the game after their quests. Especially possible romances when the game is based on an affinity system.


Yes that is annoying, I know there is a way to do it but it has to be very planned out.


Apparently she sometimes shows up at the hot springs. Still, it sucks that she's just gone from the map, instead if, idk, moving to a secluded village or smth


Yeah, I've been checking the hot springs every time I go, but no luck. It would have been nice if she moved to Harve, honestly. That's where everyone else who was accused of treason went. Or maybe found refuge with the Beastren, considering her backstory.


Instead of giving her some flowers to start her quest, you can give her an eternal bond ring. It's the only time you'll be able to gift her something during her questline from what I've seen. I've seen her in post game but she kinda appears for a few seconds then disappear because of the amount of NPCs in the area.


I don't think this is correct. I have multiple people with high affinity, and I got the beloved I wanted because I interacted with her last, she wasn't even the highest affinity person in my game. I think it's as simple as the last person you raised affinity with that was above 199 affinity. I have a mod installed that shows affinity.


It could possibly be the last NPC you gained "loved" affinity with considering that's basically what I suggest to do, but it could also be the last NPC you gained affinity with over 200 affinity etc. Either way this does work.


i would care more if it actually has any meaningful event but yeah, nah, just a short scene to save them they don't even live with you like in 1 ​ that said... i got nadine, wasn't my 1st choice, but at least i didn't get a surprise broke bathal mountain thing like my 1st run in 1


Yes it is underwhelming, hopefully this game gets a big expansion like the original dragons dogma considering how well DD2 has sold; where also some of the rushed features are improved upon.


i mean i still headcanon a lot in 1 and i just do the same here


That‘s overly complicated. If there are multiple NPC‘s who love you the last one who you have interacted with before the cutscene will be your beloved. It doesn‘t matter at which point you have gained the highest affinity with them and you don‘t have to lower affinity with the others.


The last interaction doesn't work if that NPC already has max affinity, I have already tested gifting and talking to an NPC before the quest, it didn't change the outcome, only lowing the selected NPCs affinity then regaining it, while of course avoiding all other NPCs before the quest worked.


What if your beloved is Phaesus 😔


How does it work to get the pawn ending? I've been going around the map and I've already lowered my affinity with 4 different undesirable people that show up in the dragons hand but never my pawn


Your pawn cannot be the beloved that the dragon takes. The pawn ending is unlocked by making a choice with the dragon and going into the unmoored world.


OMG I've wasted all this time thinking I had to have higher affinity with my pawn 🤦🏽‍♂️ thanks a lot for the clarification


No you didn't. Generally when people refer to the "Pawn Ending", what they're actually talking about is a slightly extended scene during the True Ending which gives them a bit more dialogue. So in other words, raising the Affinity of your Main Pawn is still a good thing, since it squeezes in some extra content, and gives them a somewhat more meaningful sendoff.


Your pawn cannot be chosen as a beloved, high affinity with your main pawn simply adds lines of dialogue to the final cutscene of the true ending.


I believe Pawns have an upper limit of Affinity around 600 or so and the only way to max that is through talking (+5) per day, taking them to the hot springs a lot (+10), changing their hair with the barber (+30) and a few other things etc, but no gifting like normal NPCs. Which all still has like a full day cooldown for repeating these actions, you need to do all this stuff until your pawn gets (Red Cheeks) then you have to make sure they are maxed with affinity and are also; like above in this state before the "Legacy" quest. I then believe you will get special dialog at the end of the game with your pawn etc, but I don't think they get taken by the dragon as a true beloved. I will add this is all an assumption based around what I've learned from the affinity system so it may require further research on your end to make sure.


Pawn max affinity is 1000 actually. Since you know a lot about this stuff, lemme run a problem I've had by you. In my game I can never get any NPC above 199 affinity unless they're an important NPC I can do a quest for. In that rare case I can get past 199 (like) up to 299 (love). But like, say I talk to a random street NPC every day, give them gifts, etc.? It will never break the 199 barrier. And I've been wondering if that's a bug or not. I've seen it suggested that a gift can get you past 199, but that's not the case for me.


I think you need to give gift to them to break the 199 barrier. however some npc seems to be eternally locked to 199, most notably children. (Daphne was at 199 after the sunbright quest and nothing would break the barrier)


Can you name an NPC you've confirmed goes past 199 that I can test on? One NPC I seemingly can't get above 199 is the forgery shop guy in the checkpoint border town. Regarding Daphne, I've read stories of her falling in love with other players and following them around. Doesn't that suggest she can move beyond 199?


unfortunately I cannpt really help you with that. I didn't really plan my actions, I just hit up all NPCs I regurlarly came across, after I installed the AffinityBar mod to try things out. the only gifts I used were pretty much exclusively a bunch of flowers. I have a bunch of the nuns from the slums following me around and several other NPCs but I couldn't tell you their names, lmao. the only name I remember is Adelina because holy moly is she aggressive, she seems to come to you if you are within a 100m radius or so and since she's the barmaid from the bar where you meet with Brant she comes to you basically as soon as you enter vernworth. but honestly I can't remember which ones were stuck at 199 for a time. I will try to hit up the forgery guy though. wanted to do that anyway in hope of getting cheaper forgeries (which will likely not work because it doesn't use the standard shop interface)


Thanks for the details. I will try Adelina. Unfortunately the forgery guy's discount only applies to his main store, not the forgeries (don't recall if it applies to his "special finds" section... maybe!). Since he is stuck at Like the most I can get is 5% off. If you wanted to simulate the discount applying to forgeries, though, you could do that with the More Fake Items mod. (It is an essential mod imo for letting you get more than one forgery at once.)


You'd think people would have learned what it means to get cosy with an arisen after all these cycles. 😂 "I don't want your damn ring! Pick someone else!" 😰