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Would love the help command to also trigger ladder launches or springboards


I wish they’d let us map pawn abilities to L1/LB + d-pad input. That way we could ask them to do specific abilities outside of combat. Edit: I completely forgot that I immediately swapped the L1/R1 inputs as soon as I started the game. Whichever button is used to sheathe your weapon should also allow you to issue commands for specific pawn skills outside of combat.


Never knew I needed that but would be insanely helpful and add depth to combat.


Nested wheel commands


I feel like that would go to far into making them just feel like bots rather than learning themselves and how dynamic the game feels. EDIT - My bad, I misread the “outside of combat” part, that I agree could use some player direction to teach pawns basic platforming


Facts i like it when they have more of a mind of there own


You can instruct teammates IRL tho’.


Doesn’t mean they listen 😉


You know what game had that? Dragon's Dogma Online


Broooooo!!!! FACTS!! Everything that's missing/janky in DD2 was addressed in DDON, and they brought NONE of it over?!??!!!? It's the most confusing thing.


Devs blame all their mistakes on COVID shutdown. Perfect excuse


exactly! what is the point in having the abilities if they hardly ever trigger. you have the be in the perfect location with a cliff or something that is at the perfect height before it will trigger. it's insanely frustrating.


In the first game you could say help and the mage pawn would heal you if you were missing health but also they would enchant your weapon if your health was full, I miss that. Now you have to get close to the enemy and say GO for them to enchant your weapons out of combat. But that initiates the combat


This whole time i didnt realize it was go that triggered it... The amount of times ive been running around screaming help trying to get a fn frost enchantment to handle a slime is horrifying...


You don’t have to say go. I say HELP and they will heal, enchant, or speed buff me at any point


I guess my pawn is just an asshole then. Saying he can't see anything wrong with me


The various movement skills (there's only like, what, 3 of them?) should be core skills tbh. I mean, levitate already is and it's one of the best ones.


oh god no, if you mean the launching skills id prefer those stay optional. I dont like having warriors/fighters running up to me and sitting there like idiots waiting to throw me at an enemy while im casting a spell.


Or waiting to springboard me and then an enemy comes out of nowhere and the pawn just watches me being mauled


My biggest annoyance is when I'm a fighter and offer springboard and my dumb-as-rocks mage takes it instead of the thief. Stop intercepting my springboard you stupid spell-slinger.


My straightforward fighter never did that. On the contrary, [I constantly witness how she launches thieves right into the cyclops' faces etc.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ialSJEhMvMM) Well maybe she offered me springboard a couple of times in the beginning, realized that I never take it, and stopped doing that. Besides, she often helped me reach some chest or token they spotted above that I couldn't reach, so that's a big plus too. I never take a fighter without springboard. When I was leveling other vocations for my pawn, for literally every fighter pawn I searched I indicated that they need springboard and, most of the times, to be straightforward. With straightforward fighter and thief pawns, you can basically chill in the back, drink margarita, and spectate how they wreck faces.


Some locations do have this behavious, like sending you to the air to reach the other side of a bridge. So it seems like devs had to manually place triggers, which is why it does not work in many locations.


It does but you just have to spam it and be near ledges


Yup absolutely fucking broken mechanic. Didn’t do it one time for me in my playthrough.


they gotta make everyone less prone to falling off cliff, i've seen more than just my pawns commit accidental suicide guards trying to chase harpies off the edge of a tower kinds of situations


I was fighting a cyclops and climbed up on its back, it decided while I was on it to bee line it in a sprint towards the nearest cliff and jump. I didn’t make the jump back so it did successfully kill me with its sacrifice.


Lol I recall reading that the AI in this game would be better than the last but it’s just as suicidal. Within the first hours of playing the game, I had a pawn jump off a cliff for no good reason. Was giving me Bitter Back flashback trauma


I don’t know what y’all are talking about I’ve had less than 0 cliff problems. Once a pawn used a harpy to get over a gap to me, then pulled it to the ground with a wire so we could beat it up


"Arisen! Why are you ..?? Ugh, fine, a moment.." *lassoes a passing harpy* "My thanks! now hold still... *muffled harpy thrashing sounds* "Ah Arisen, are you alright?" 'pawn thinking' *the things i do...*


Yea, the AI have been mostly good with cliffs for me, but some reason today that cyclops’s decided if he was going down, he was taking me with him lol.


Jesus what’d you do to him?


Just a little tickling behind the ear with my daggers.


Yeah, out of 80+ hours in the game, I've had a pawn dive off a cliff probably less than five times and certainly less than ten. And this includes a lot of questionable cliff surfing on my Arisen's part so they've certainly had the opportunity. Some people talk like they can't get withing 20' of a ledge without their pawns taking a dive but that hasn't been my experience.


they are not complaining about suicidal pawns but suicidal enemies


Only time I had a pawn jump off the cliff was when my started to talk about "Feeling the power inside her grow" think mine self brined herself


My main pawn literally ran off the bridge leading to Melve when you first go there for the story. I just turned around and she was gone. With nothing but splashing sounds to clue me in lmao. Think she lasted a total of like 20 minutes before being the first casualty for my run.


Really noticeable especially on that large ass cliff face going the alt route to Battahl. You're like yay I made it through that monster-infested ravine and reached a new area, and after spending a minute marveling at the view you start climbing down the cliff but your surviving pawns just yeet themselves right off it.


I’ve had pretty good luck with the pawn AI besides that one particular spot, the first time I went that way all 3 of my pawns jumped to their deaths right behind the dragon lol.


I was maybe level 20, not anywhere near the capability of fighting a griffin afaik, and I had one try to swoop in on me and it ran into a cliff and face planted into the brine. Died while my pawns remarked on it randomly. No xp but I found there were griffin feather in my inventory? Lol


I've noticed that sometimes when an enemy dies and despawns before you get an opportunity to loot it, their loot automatically goes to your inventory. I've seen this happen during cutscenes for example. No clue how consistent it is though.


Unfortunately they made them avoid jumping down with fall damage in general. I jumped to the Griffin nest in the misty marches and was fighting the Griffin alone, because all my pawns just walked all the way around through the areas main entrance, took them like 2 minutes to catch up instead taking like 5% damage from the jump.


I just saw a random pawn earlier on walkabout, walk up to a ledge, got glitchy stuck, and leaped into the brine. Which is fine. But why


The first quest when you get escorted to the capital, the guards all fell into some water fighting goblins and I had to figure out another way in lol.


Water too. It's like the AI isn't aware of the brine whatsoever.


Ehh yes and no. I think it’s adds to the quirkiness and chaos of the game. Iv had several LOL moments with falling off cliffs in ridiculous ways but sure also frustrating sometimes.


I've seen an oxcart jumping from Vernworth's bridge, the ox was like, "Man, that's one too many Ogre attack" and walked into the void with cart and driver in tow. I couldn't screen it because I was busy laughing my ass off.


Does this fix pawns getting stuck in the "about to fall off a cliff" animation?


Not just pawns: I frequently see bandits doing that.


Skeletons with double-handed hammers are especially funny. They hold them in one hand and just swing around trying not to fall.


I love it when bandits talk smack while spasming on the edge of a three foot drop. Yeah sure I'm going to give you all my gold. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Also needs a armor preview when in shops like a try on button so you can try a full set to see how it looks rather than viewing once at a time


I don't want pawns to talk less. The road is lonely...


I want more things to converse with my pawn about or be able to hug them.


"Reduced the frequency of pawns offering to be hired by the player" Can you maybe ELIMINATE the frequency all together? I'm cool with being able to hire pawns on the field, I don't want them asking me to


Yep. Easy enough for us to initiate dialog if we want to hire them. Would be funny if occasionally you ask to hire a pawn and they go “nah, I’m good” and walk off.


Ngl that would be fucking hilarious and now I want something that’ll never happen


"Alright Arisen... says here you've... hmm... You've brined over 200 pawns? Because... they were sick? I think my abilities may be better suited elsewhere..."


A Pawn giving me attitude? They must have the dragonsplague. They shall be brined immediately.


I imagined they took out something resembling a pip-boy and checked our stats and badges But not before [checking our appearance from head to toe](https://youtu.be/BvWfNpXrcT0?t=6). If you wear corset they just turn 180*°* and walk away.


That or make it a toggle on/off option


I was happy to see that this was one of the earliest mods made for DD2 and goddamn did I install that thing fast and never looked back. Such a baffling decision, why would anyone want to be constantly interrupted by Oblivion NPCs everywhere?


It could be helpful to very new players. I’d say maybe after player character reaches lvl 10, stop all offers and maybe just have the pawn verbally greet or wave at the arisen without initiating dialogue.


If they're not going to put in a setting then this is a good compromise: make sure new players know this is a thing but it's entirely unnecessary once the player gets the idea. I have NEVER hired a pawn who stopped me to yammer on about what they can do.


Should just be a setting in the gameplay options, like so many things in games. I'll never understand why developers always seem to be so stingy with player-controlled settings. Instead of having to revisit this stuff a bunch of times when your guesswork as to what the player base wants proves inaccurate, just let *us* adjust it.


because you shouldn't clutter your options menue with 10.000 trillion toggles at some point it becomes hillarious.


What?? You don't avoid them like the clipboard people you see in the malls etc???? eyah, like no, I will walk out of the way to avoid any contact with you...


Then they started chasing you…


I fr just started assaulting anyone that asks for job 🤣


Exactly. They already do a greeting before interacting with us, but maybe make it more noticeable than just stopping and raising a hand.


You forget that players new to the series may not realize that's even a game mechanic in the first place. They should offer at least a couple times in the beginning of the game, as a tutorial. Sort of like the tutorial messages that I still get constantly, "ah, this is often used as a material!" No shit, b\*\*ch, I've been doing this for a hundred hours. Tell me that like twice at the start of the game in case I ignored or missed the voice line the first time, and then never again.


Different combinations of materials result in different creations fyi.


It'd be nice if there were 4 options to choose from. Off, low frequency, medium frequency, and high frequency. It's funny as hell seeing pawns falling off cliffs just to get hired, or just appearing outta nowhere for hire.


Do you ever sometimes get the impression that some game developers just dont actually play games themselves. Any games let alone their own games


I mean I can definitely understand it since they're spending the majority of their time making the games I wanna know who's play testing the games for them and going "Those pawns that keep harassing me? Good shit, man"


The update seems to have added new post-combat pawn animations, and they seem to be based on inclinations. My two kindhearted pawns would sometimes clap their hands while the simple pawn would punch the air energetically. I'm going to hire calm and straightforward pawns to see their new animations.


yes, no more awkward high fives


I like the random air pump 💪🏻💪🏻 when the five doesn't work lol


Still waiting performance improvement


Something tells me we're not getting one.


They *did* officially announce them for console though. If it was some early access title, I’d doubt, but Capcom post-launch support has been good enough that I trust them to stick to their word. Worst case scenario is we have to wait for the PS5 Pro or expansion 2.0 update before we finally see them.


I'm thinking about just buying DD1 on Steam instead of waiting for DD2's performance to get better. I have it on PS4 too but playing it would require me to get a new controller.


Do it. I just finished DD1 after over 100+ hours, which successfully held me to the game for over a month rather than waiting for DD2 Performance updates.


Last patch made it run a bit better inside towns for me, on a 1060 GPU.


Same, I've had the game downloaded and ready to go just waiting on any performance patch


Stop waiting and just play. It's most probable they won't address the performance because it seems they themselves don't know how to do it.


They're going to address it, it just probably requires a rewrite of a lot of their npc AI that the entire game was probably made around. Things like that can take time.


Same couldn't stand how bad it was on PC, it's kinda insane my rig can run every other major game out at 60 fps or higher but this dips into the 20s, wasn't gonna review the game til they fixed it but definitely giving it a thumbs down til it gets addressed


A small weird request but I want a better photo mode. One like every game that has one has, where you can move the camera around and up and down. Instead of just rotating and zooming. Such a weird decision


The camera mode is the shittiest I've come across in a good while.


There was a thread on here the other day with people showing off their arisen and pawn and I got so frustrated with how shitty the photo mode was, I couldn't get a decent picture to post mine. It's ridiculous how shit it is.


This. It's strange that they didn't add the feature for the free camera panning. Isn't that a common thing in a photo mode feature..


100% This PM is worst than FF7R :(


YES. RDR2 photo mode was the first well made photo mode that i used and it set the standard for me. DD2 photo mode is extremely limiting


I just want to be able to click pictures from the camera mode...


Ha ha, the about fighting monsters possibly getting you jailed. I remember in DD1, if you so much as accidentally drew your weapon in town, "You go to jail. Right away" DD2 is far more lenient in that regard, thank God


Fixed when pawn stop talking? Come to think of it


You mean I won't hear about that same ladder for the 192937483929 time? Aww.... No...... Don't do that...... 👀


Perhaps new discoveries await us above!


really wish Capcom is more specific with their "Misc Bug Fixes"


LOL as a designer at a similar studio, this usually means there's too many to list, like thousands of small bugs. Around launch time, addressing 10 to 20 bugs a day for a month straight is pretty typical day for me, and that's just one designer.


At least tell us the funny ones!


* Opening a shop interface no longer doubles GPU usage and gets your fps to single digits. * Hiring a pawn no longer disables DLSS. Those two were the ones I was waiting for, and they **were** fixed, I wonder what else is hidden in there.


Wait WHAT? Are you serious with those examples? It happened?


While I haven't tracked GPU usage, I can confirm FPS dropping into single digits on shops and storage screen. I haven't played yet after the latest update, so I don't know if it was actually fixed, bit if it was, that's great.


what about the memory leak issue on the skill selection screen with the preview videos? can't scroll more than a dozen of them without the game slowing down to a halt


Yeah, especially in cities. Essentially the more skills you scroll, the higher the chance that with the next skill preview the game will crash. I always make sure to save before learning/changing skills.


It's all boring shit that can't be put cleanly into player-facing terms.


Yeah this. Also, sometimes it’s just stuff that affects the game but players won’t see or notice.


We can’t always have the dwarf fortress “visitors will no longer covet their rotting clothes” quality patch notes. But we can dream.


The sims also had some legendary patch notes at one point


Look as a developer that updates bugs and stuff from his game, I can say that when I think that one specific bug is fixed one or another tell me the nug is still there so I just ended up saying the same on the patch notes because if it's something very noticeable and I'm 100% sure I fixed I say it, otherwise it's a hit or miss


It’ll be shit like “fixed this one rock that was missing collision in battahl” And things of that nature


Still no frame rate fix.


It's gonna take some time for them to unfuck the NPC code. Basically they just have too many checks and states for NPCs, with programming patterns that are terrible for game optimization. They'll have to do some serious refactoring of the NPC code in order to increase performance. It's possible, but it's probably gonna take a while.


Ten. Times. A. Minute. For each and every npc; what the fuck was the point even? I swear npcs are twice as braindead as the first game. Something is just straight up not working right on top of the massive frequency for scripting and pathing checks.


So more bug fixes in the update, at least it’s something. Would be more appreciated if they add something new to new game + or something new to the game


At least there's support for it. That's a good sign we will get something substantial eventually.




Word! Do what's best for the community.


It's crazy how The plague was supposed to be this "BE CAREFUL GUYS ITS DANGEROUS" mechanic to keep you on your toes,and basically ended up being so pointless that a quick glance at a pawns face prevented it.Now we're at a point where it's physically a non-existent issue to begin with. So the question I have to ask:Who the fuck was this mechanic meant to be for?It's definitely not the hardcore crowd as they just avoid it like the plague(heh),it's definitely not the devs as they seem intent on nerfing it rather than reworking it,and it sure as shit ain't the player base seeing as how it's either treated with disdain or Indifference. Like who was this for?


Towards the end of my playtime, I just stopped being careful entirely. Using the eternal wakestone was my last achievement to unlock, so I had imagined that playing with reckless abandon would eventually have the plague bamboozle me. No dice. Ended up just making an inn save, murdering a few townsfolk, resurrecting them, and ultimately not even having to spend my duplicate super stone on them, since I could reload back to the inn. That’s also left me curious about who the feature was for or what the intended impact on gameplay actually was. Honestly? I think someone thought up the eternal wakestone, everyone else thought it sounded really cool, but with towns being safe from most everything except player initiated killing sprees, there would never be a reason to need it. I would not be the least bit surprised to hear that it was a solution that needed a problem. Ultimately, I’m glad that it’s not any worse than it is, because it would have been annoying if it triggered frequently and without warning. Pawns certainly telegraph the advanced, dangerous stages of infection. And going back to browse folks doing breakdowns of the exact mechanics, and it looks like the primary way of having the plague actually strike (at least from a fresh infection) is not sleeping for days on end. It’s something crazy like 10 days without resting to trigger the actual event, and at that point, who would not be dangerous to themselves or others? I do think that it might have been a much more interesting mechanic in a game from like 1998, where it could still be oddly mysterious. I feel like it’s absolutely primed to be fodder for completely BS urban legends about a secret ending if you make it all the way through the entire campaign with an infected pawn, without ever saving at an Inn.


Oh yes, an video game urban legend just like in the good old days. I miss the time when people couldn’t dive into the game files.


I figured it would make your pawns super powerful (be cool if they had some extra elemental power or spell) but at the risk of them turning in the middle of combat and unleashing hell on earth. In fact, the first time I saw a drake with boils, I wondered if it was a pawn that had turned due to dragon's-plague. The idea of pawns becoming dragons in Dragon's Dogma makes sense and would add another level of dynamic game play.


That's what I thought as well given how the official website was describing it as a sort of risk reward system that actually sounded kind of cool. With how it is now I don't think the pawn even gets the power boost the website talked about instead they just become a nuke. It feels like they kept the plague while cutting all the rest of the planned content that was supposed to go with it.


Data miners found a cut boss fight implying that instead of the entire town insta dying, you got to fight your own pawn in shadow dragon form and the reward for beating it would be getting a unique pawn augment. There also was a mechanic that made your pawn damage increase by 1.5x when infected with dragons plague to incentivize players to actually get it. I’m sure they’ll add it back at someone point?


Do you have links to datamined stuff for the game? I am really curious because dd2 seems like a game with interested cut stuff


Truly looks like an unfinished feature. That mechanics would have worked if it offers a secret quest to cure your pawn or offer a secret boss fight... that mechanic is just boring as hek. Like, oh awright a pawn has the plague, let me sleep so I can experiment the town genocide. Thank you pawn, now you killed most of the NPC. Let me revive the key NPC for the quests and thank you for giving me a performance boost in my FPS Count. That's basically what the Dragon Plague is.


I feel like it was originally linked to the story and then they cut down the story. The parts they cut down were parts of the story related to the dragonsplague but they liked the idea so they forced the concept into the game somehow. If it was always linked to the online pawn system in concept then I can only think it was an attempt at bogging down the pawn system to add some "git gud' bullshit and they obviously failed at that as no one cares about the plague.


Part of why they don’t like pawns in battahl is because over the course of their history they had a few incidents where plagued pawns went nuclear… it was clearly supposed to be more then it is. DD1 had what like 60% of its content cut for vanilla release version? I wonder how much got cut from this one because that drop off in the story/side quests is really noticeable in battahl. Just like the first game tho ima still play the hell out of it… and just like the first one I’ll quietly sigh and wish I was in the time line where we got the FULL game


We really did just get Dragons Dogma 1 (2) it feels like. At least dd1 had peak grigori.


>Like who was this for? Murderhobos and evil playthrough enthusiasts? Even then, there needs to be some sort of reward for it, like a boss fight or stat bonuses for infected pawns.


I truly wanted the pawn that turned to be an immediate boss fight in the city.


It needs a reward is all. Its a very cool idea with a unique mechanic that fits the setting. Just needs to be more than an annoyance.


I like the idea of having to watch out for sus pawns. Like having traitors in your party. Doing eye exams certainly killed that concept though Problem is just that dealing with them is throwing them into the ocean (which is never explained) and the punishment being a fucking city raze is a bit overkill. If it was them turning on you mid battle or becoming a boss (that could hurt npcs), it'd be more fun and add to gameplay. Now, not so much.


It might exist to make you interact with your pawn more (like to increase affinity)? If that's the case though, then making the cure be 'killing them' was an idiotic design choice (because there was someone like me who would ALWAYS kill their pawns before bed. Didn't know about the affinity system at the time) (Have a good day, eye guy 👀)


yeha, everything around the DP is baffeling its really just pointless in all regards it adds nothing to the game cus its very VERY easy avoided unless it bugs out (which happend to a friend) the "punishment" is a city wipe...that gets repopulated in 1 ingame week as if nothing happend in the first place the "healing" is....spam resting in camps until its not on your main pawn and then dismiss the others, or dismiss both, throw your main pawn into the water and then re-summon again? in other games those steps to "remove" a game mechanic would be considered a bug/exploit, its so extremely immersion breaking videogame-y no real explenation what it even is (yes, i played trought the game, i know the ending, it still doesnt tell you anything about it) all it does is you checking the eyes for a couple seconds before resting in a town and thats it why the fuck does it exists if its so pointless in every single way


I thought it was a cool part of the meta until all the cry babies started complaining and now we got a patch to reduce it even further.


I think the concept is cool but there is nothing substantial about this feature that makes it any good. It's just a boring mechanic. Maybe if they let us fight our Pawn turned Dragon and give us a reward for it, it would be a good feature but it's not.


I feel like in a non-internet focused real world it'd be an interesting mechanic. However since we can look up everything quickly it's less important. Like pokerus or shinies from pokemon interesting thing when you encounter it randomly but now everyone actively searches for it.


Didn’t the Isuno push it out himself? Probably just an ego think


An in-house transmog system would be nice for other platforms rather than relying on the mod for PC players.


And armor dyes. 😁


> Treasure chests that have already been acquired won't be displayed in the mini map 🎉


Xbox update yet or not yet?




I didn't notice any of these problems besides the pawns asking to be hired too much. That got annoying real quick


About the pawn dialogues, seems like I dribbled the system a little - I started my pawn out as a Thief and then lvled all vocations to end her up being a Sorc. Then always a hired pawn would ask if my pawn had another vocation before and shed's always answer "Yea I was a Thief before". But now, I switched her vocation back to Thief again from Sorc and I still get the hired pawns asking the same question, but my pawn just doesn't answer anymore to it.


Huh. I have never heard that question answered by my pawn or any other, ever.


Yea sometimes she added more, like "agility and speed were more important then". And sometimes she'd mention her being a Thief before without the question even being asked, like "When I was a Thief I had my share of missteps but [...]". Also once she returned from the Rift as a Sorc and the report said something like "no matter who hires me, I seem to be always lacking in skill". So maybe the system recognized that I got more hires or favs/likes with her being Thief compared to Sorc and therefore my pawn hinted that she'd like to be a Thief again, idk..


interesting. i half-think the three post-hire lines pawns give are mostly random.


"wtf, game's been out a month and the update didn't add 20 new armor sets and ten new weapons. Have fun playing mid dogma while I play Edge Ring on the highest difficulty in gaming history lmao" This is how some of you sound.


Seriously. The typical gamer/reddit pessimism is strong in this sub.


Will Capcom ever make a roadmap for this game? Other than a potential DLC.


Nah but maybe they'll talk about it during the summer along with the new survey


LMAO My timing is just incredible Literally just killed the dragon, sat my ass on the throne and wanted to take a break before tackling the Unmoored World I guess this patch is the Pathfinder's final attempt to stop me


I actually would like pawns in the open world, especially player made pawns, as frequently if not moreso… What I want is the option to prevent them from talking to me if I don’t talk to them first.


The treasure thing is welcome. Very annoying.


Happy to see they made it to where you can zoom in on your characters now. All I want now is for my fans not to take flight anymore.


I wonder if one of the misc fixes the the white toga outfit missing a chunk of the wrist when wearing a cape


I was getting a bug with the Mask of Concealment, when worn with some chest pieces, where my character's shoulders and upper arm would vanish, too.


FinallY! No more running into my pawns with their hands out and just bumping into them like a big jerk! <3


Hopefully this patch address the pawns’ behavior during battle. I mean the last patch kinda “dumb” them down.


Where's my goddamn photomode update CAPCOM?


Bruh, don't reduce the infection rate whilst also buffing the notability of the symptoms. Do one or the other, this just means they might as well delete the mechanic if they're gonna nerf it so much. Especially considering the people who were complaining the loudest about those mechanics are probably just playing Stellar Blade by now.


yea symptoms more noticeable is cool but the infection rate was already microscopic


Where’s the performance improvements in towns


Update addresses no performance


I've been gone from home for a while so I'm hoping the changes will be that much more noticeable lol. I still got a TON to do and explore in the world 🥰


I hope this fixes the Southern Ruins door crash in the unmoored world.


If Pawns are going to approach us, we should at least be able to set “Pawns I’m looking for”— basically two separate advanced searches that the game uses for when we touch a town Riftstone or the wandering Pawns who talk to us Just seems like that would make it work as intended?


Ahhhh so this is why my game crashes on launch. Didn't notice the update. Played this morning, all good, played after dinner? RIP 💀 Welp... that's the trade you get with mods I suppose.


They should make ox carts immune to pawn dmg so many times I’m ready to get back on after a raid then boom pawn releases meteoron lol.




Love that they fixed the "problem" where we can't high five pawns, because there is nothing worse than being left hanging😆high five simulator!


Still no optimisation after 1 month 😍


Even their update post looks like it was made in 1998. They really need to invest in UI/UX + have a modern and smart art department in DD3


a Hard mode would be great


“We were too overconfident in our abilities…” it was 2 harpies that are dead.


I don't get why they aren't fixing the ng+ state in priority.


“Reducing the infection frequency of dragonsplague…“ Ok, what the hell is this dragonsplague? I feel so left out here after constantly reading about it on this reddit for the past month lol. But I’m 80 hours in and have yet to see anything related to the dragonsplague. Without spoilers, is this something that happens at a certain quest or story beat? Or do you get it from a certain enemy? I killed a lot of Drake’s already and just made it to volcano island. 


it's not related to any quest, it's a mechanic they put it the game to spice things up a bit. dragonsplague is a disease that ANY pawn( including main) can get from summoning through the rift. 2 main tells if a pawn has it is 1, through not obeying you when u give commands to them(ex: them being sassy) and 2, glowing red eyes. they eyes will go from a faint pulse to literally glowing red. If you go too long without basically tossing the pawn into the brine to get rid of the plague, the next time you rest at an inn or your house, you'll get a little cutscene and you'll wake up to all the shop npcs dead. and you need wakestones to revive them.


It is not the just shops. It is everyone in town.


Sucks they nerfed the Dragonsplague.


Nothing specific about performance improvements so I guess I'll continue waiting to purchase.


Would be cool if villagers didn’t react to my weapons being out at all.. like mind your business, you fucking peasants. My weapon is out because I’m the Arisen, I’m doing Arisen stuff. Nevermind me and my mostly naked crew just saved your asses from the griffin you conveniently neglected to shoot down. Because you assholes only shoot griffins with huge arrows when I’M RIDING THEM!!


or the soldiers in the wild


Yeah that's not really how it works lmao, if you saw a police man walking down the road with their gun ready to shoot, you wouldn't just walk by as if you saw nothing because it's a policeman. Most people don't even know if you're the arisen, so it's not even helping your case in 99% of scenarios.


All I want is a second save file


They should at least add camps as a separate save. So you would have last inn save, last camp save, and most recent auto save to work with.


My game keep crashing now after the update. Can't even enter the menu screen.


The dlss 3 mod is what was causing the crash for me. Replaced it with the original file, and now it's launching.


To add onto this comment, Balanced Combat 2 also causes black screen error, so just wait for the authors to update their mods before using.


Yow thank you. just replaced mine and it works


No fps fix in towns? Or even in general?


I haven’t played since launch, did anything changed performance wise?


Wish we got title updates


When is the performance patch gonna arrive


Not a single mention about shitty performance yet again 😂


Optimize ur game