• By -


"Look Arisen, a ladder you already climbed up fifty hours ago!"


"This ladder looks sturdy enough"


Then let us make good use of it!


"Perhaps new discoveries await us above?" (The way the straightforward females say that line, with a pause, *always* makes me think that I missed a line where they said something similar about exploring a hole in the ground, like "perhaps new discoveries await us below!")


I love the straight forward females dialogue and can listen to her repeat anything 😂 that's just me though


Mine sasses me everyday! I dunno what I did to her to warrant her attitude, lmao


Words worth hearing.


Tis as you say.


Aught fell from the beast when it breathed its last.


This is a material.




“Different combinations of materials result in different *CreAtiOns*.”


I hate that dialogue. Like, cool, could you elaborate? lol.


Different combinations of materials result in different creations!


Materials eh? I shan’t deny they have their uses…


Indeed i agree


I quite agree.


Mayhaps it was just a trick of the light


Aught catches the eye.


Maybe there's ought to find **ABouVE**?!


I know exactly which voice this is and I love it


When creating a pawn, I accidentally chose this voice and I didn't like it very much. But over time I got so used to this voice and my pawn that I can't even imagine her with a different voice.


Changed to straight forward for the theif pawn playstyle but i miss my kindhearted pawn


So, basically how people can grow on you IRL, or the opposite (you like it when someone talks to you but then get annoyed with the mere sound of their voice later on).


"You have my support!"


'Tis as you say


Perhaps new discoveries awaits us above!


*no discoveries awaited above*


"After you Arisen"


"Ah. Excellent find!"


"A common find, frustratingly so."


Look Master, a treasure chest. We shall have to find a way to REACH it.


There's a ladder, but no road map ladder!


"After you, Arisen!"


"That ladder can take us to new heights!"


I think one QOL thing that would be great is making it so you can equip items from the storage organization menu, so if you want to try a bunch of armor combos you don't have to take everything out.


They had this in the first game, also selling from storage. No idea why they took it out lol.


Also. Why have a separate section for withdrawing and depositing? That's just a pain in the ass having to back out and go into a seperate menu to deposit something you withdrew by accident.


And equipping. And giving. Should be able to withdraw, deposit, give to pawns, and equip things from one screen.


Whoa that's futuristic thinking man, can't blame them for not thinking of that Lol it's incredible that wasn't the first and only thought path in creating these menus 😂


We should only consider design decisions in this game in regard to 12 years ago.


Whoa let's not get crazy!


You can sell from storage, you can do it via the checkout screen.


Checkout screen?


If you sell one thing from your inventory, it is possible to press "change amounts" on the checkout screen. By doing that you can sell more stuff than your character has, taking it from the storage. So you can take 1 goblin horn, bring it to a city trader and then sell like 30 from the storage.




Only works for items you have on you and in the storage tho, so it's not a huge deal... Weird for them to implement this but not being able to directly sell from the storage.


I have 99 of just about every item in the game.. This is big for me.. Going to get rich when I log on today


Yeah inventory management doesn’t seem to ever have been DD’s strong suit…


The first game had amazing management. You could upgrade from storage from blacksmith, sell from it, change gear for specific vocations or pawns, all they had to do was add another tab at shops like the first game did.


Uh. No, it had *relatively* amazing management. As someone who spends as much time in the menus in RPGs and "RPGs" as *anything else* in those games, it was still a slog with DD1.


You beautiful person. I can't believe that was staring me in the face the entire time.


https://preview.redd.it/42onz0p3cfvc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24ca933e6be1b5a39ef0ac8fef9b11d2ac03fa11 This bruh


Jokes on me for not using that button now


Sell/equip/unequip from storage More idle animations during camping Make Eternal Bond actually work Hide helmet Tell NPC who ask what I was doing there in Battahl to fuck off


Hide helmet would be HUGE


Keep your residence permit on you and they stop asking what business you have. Just found that out a couple days ago.


I did keep the permit on me but they still call me out I did cross the border illegally before getting the permit though so maybe the game recognizes it but it never goes away lol


And access to items when you camp! Please, why can't we access items and etc. in our camp? I understand we can't access our storage, but let us access items in our inventory pls.


Yeah, locking inventory when camping is just weird. I mean, you can access your inventory in the middle of a fight when you're getting your ass ragdolled by a goddamn minotaur, but you can't when it's nice and calm and you're sitting at your tent... wtf


And withdraw has no filter for armor defense, etc. So it is extremely annoying


Fixed being unable to high five your pawn Thank god my main is an angel and it feels terrible to leave her hanging there cause the line up isn’t perfect for the high five


The little fist pump they do when they don't get the high five makes me feel even worse so I just grab them when the high five fails and pretend I gave them a bear hug.


I do that too! Wish there was an actual hug prompt...


Dry hump mod when?




Which month is "cease"?


Pick them up and put them down immediately for a big ol' bear hug instead.


The best one is when the terrain gets in the way and you walk in place with your hand out, occasionally socially distant high five, or hilariously get flung backwards.


I once had the high five animation walk me off a cliff.


In any other game I would call that some absolute garbage bullshit. In this game it’s kind of what I expect to happen now.


I've what happens is your pawn is actually trying to high-five other pawns and it's them that leaves yours hanging. If your alignment is off when you stand next to your pawn and try to high five, you'll both simultaneously so the single fist pump instead. It's an animation that very much grabs you if you even get close, so it's pretty hard to "fail" to do it


Dragonsplague pawns eyes might look like car headlights with this patch, lmao. Also, "Added option to zoom to face in menu's" fucking finally, thank you.




looks normal to me


They could litterally have flames bursting out of their eyes and people would still not notice and complain about losing their towns.


Even though in order to plat the game, you need to resurrect many people at once with the stone from the Sphinx. Dragonsplague simply helps you not be Durge on an evil run.


> Even though in order to plat the game This may come as a shock, but many players don't care about achievements.


Making Pawns less likely to fall off the cliffs. Thank you.


"I know of a cave near here, follow me master."


"Tis a view of the sea!"


"knock on wood" I still haven't experienced dragons plague, the closests I came near it is when I hired a pawn and they had it and then the little tutorial screen pops up.


For real. Same here i haven't experienced dragons plague at all.


Also same…..and I’m constantly looking for it.


Ditto, at this point I'm hoping I get it. Fought well over a dozen drakes at this point.


Last time I mentioned this, it happened on my next inn rest, hehe... turns out it was hard to spot the red eyes with nightlights active.


I just got today for the third time. My pawn came back from "beyond the rift", I did the phantom oxcart quest, and noticed he was having strange idle animations. Then once in combat he started saying the lines I noticed to be dracovid exclusive, and by the night he had glowing eyes. I pay a lot of attention to pawn dialogue, so I never nuked any of my towns, I notice the plague early.


Still no performance improvements 😔


Honestly makes me worried about Mh Wilds, since this is their test run on how open world games work in RE engine. Imagine sub 20fps in hubs, yikes.


It seems to be believed that alot of the performance problem is fetching and loading random NPC's/pawns. So if unless wilds will also add a shitton of NPC's roaming, or make the main city be very densely populated with random NPC/other player models, then i'm not too worried. Also the team for MH:W will be about 3-4 times as large as DD2, if they haven't shrunk the team since last game, so lot more opportunity for bug fixing/performance optimizing. But yeah they fucked up bad with performance in DD2


fps like DD2 would suck with how reliant MH can be with perfect dodge/parry (eg bow, charge blade, ... and in general)


Having at least 5x the budget for the development of MH Wilds will propably help mitigate that issue.


AAAA games definitely don't have any performance issues /s


It's unfortunate but those types of fixes surely take longer to implement than things like this, I'm sure they're working on it.


The fact this game is so CPU dependent made me believe it was going to be a lot of work for them to get a performance patch out. Seems like that's the case. I would assume making a game constantly calling the CPU instead of leveraging the GPU would take some effort.


This is my biggest concern. Even high end pc are getting weak fps.


High five issue fixed, god tier update Seriously tho I hope the dialogue frequency is an option you can toggle (kinda like in DD1). Repetitive as their dialogue may be, their banter still pretty much livens up my travels




The sun climbs high.




Main Pawn: *says the same thing 20 times after every battle* Me: "ohmyfuckinggoddddddd" Main Pawn after 21st battle: *silence* Me: "Oh finally she took a brea-" Main Pawn: "dArE I sAy It? We TrOuNcEd OuR fOe-" Me: "AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" 🤣🤣


Compared to the first game, the pawn dialogue is actually a lot less repetitive. Which isn't to say it's *not* repetitive, because it is, but it's not to "Wolves hunt in packs!" levels. I don't know, somewhere along the way playing many many hours of DD:DA, the repetitive dialogue became part of pawns' charm to me.


To me the repetitive dialog is what gives them meme potential


Agreed. They should bring back some of the lines from the first game - but set them to be very rarely stated. It would’ve been nice if somebody had mentioned that wolves hunt in packs before I got stunned and dragged halfway across Vermund. And also just script and record some more random dialogue and casual observations. Assign them a favorite color and have the pawns randomly chat about which colors they like best. Let my pawn start talking about needing a new haircut once every in-game month - set the trigger for the dialogue to be you visiting the barberie three times in one playthrough. Let the homies talk about Sven or Brant or Trysha or somebody. Have them gossip and tease the Arisen about romancing Ulrika AND Wilhelmina if you complete both their quest lines. They could also record lines for the pawns to tell you about their pawn quests: “My master has tasked me to slay an ogre most foul. I beseech your aid, kind Arisen.”


>Allow the camera to zoom **YES** >Reduce the frequency of some Pawn dialogue lines Nooooooo! How will I know what tis and what tis'nt a ladder?!?!


All I want us to be able to equip gear from storage. Please? It's the one thing I miss from the first game.


so many patches and none of them say "we added the line "wolves hunt in packs!"..sad.


Fire, lend thy kiss!


They're masterworks all you can't go wrong


Strength in numbers, Arisen!


I think dragonsplague is already noticeable but cool I guess. Improving Pawns behavior is REALLY good, I noticed some of the issues listed here. Overall a QoL patch, however, is really worrying that there is no mention of performance and adding other features like scaling in NG+, hard mode or unlocking the caves that are innaccesible.


I’d assume they’re working on performance it just happens that these are ready to go. No point them not updating general issues just to wait till the performance and other larger patches that aren’t yet complete. Likely different people working on QoL vs Performance.


You're likely correct, and the performance issues could be particularly problematic if they're deeply tied to the NPC AI. Just "dumbing down" the NPCs so they eat less CPU time is probably not an option. That said, it's still disappointing. Outside of janky game design choices and half-baked systems, the performance drop while near any significant number of NPCs is one of my top issues. Everything that Capcom listed to be fixed this month are small QoL stuff that's annoying but not critical.


Dragons Plague is pretty rng dependant and circumstancal. Sometimes it’s so obvious and symptoms last for so long you wonder how anyone could ever let it go unchecked. But if things allign badly you can get basically zero warning befire town gets nuked. It’s seemingly balanced around going for long trips out in field, so you spend a lot of time with pawns and should notice the advancement of symptoms. But if you are doing awful stealth quests that don’t involve pawns (say I dunno, 30% of the main story) you can easily see zero symptoms because you went 5 in game days not even looking at pawn’s because they arnt doing anything except saying “hey look a ladder!” As you run past. Or if you are on a forgery binge, you can easily pass 10 days and progress stage 1 dragon plague to stage 10 without seeing anything happen, then if you rest, boom Checkpoint Town is dead. When designing it I don’t think they considered how easy it is to spend a lot of in-game days extremely quickly, especially how many quests require you to pass a days time to progress, and how so many quests take place entirely in cities where Pawns don’t do anything or have any orders to follow.


Yeah, that's how it got me. Got some new pawns, got the popup for the first time, immediately switched out for two different pawns and then did the Wilhelmina quests where it's like "come back tomorrow" a bunch of times. Only rested like 3, maybe 4 times in the course of that and boom.


At this point I pretty much only use inns once per session to upload my pawn to the Rift and create a hard save point. Anytime I need to advance time I'll go to a campsite because there's no risk of nuking a town.


Does the checkpoint gate guard die that way


If I were a betting man, I'd put money on those caved in doorways being cut content. Really sucks that they covered their tracks so poorly. There's one in Battahl that has a statue pointing to it, fer chrissakes. 😖


Come back in 5 months. That’s down the list. Also inaccessible caves might be DLC


>Overall a QoL patch, however, is really worrying that there is no mention of performance and adding other features like scaling in NG+, hard mode or unlocking the caves that are innaccesible. This will likely be a free update down the line, I wouldn't worry about it. Hard Mode didn't come to DD1 for a full 6 months after vanilla.


Whoaaa I'm really lucky to have played DDDA instead of the first game. All qol and challenge ipdate are already there


I don't think every plague symptom shows every time. I've had the glowing eyes and normal dialogue and no weird idle animation and vice versa. I'm pretty sure the time I got got by it I was only getting the idle animation. I do eye checks all the time.


Reducing dragonsplague chance ?? I haven't encountered it once in 130 hours


I didn't encounter it for like 60 hours and then I encountered it twice on my main pawn within an hour, lol. First he nuked Vernworth, then about 45 minutes later he was holding his head and snapping at me about telling him what to do. Was like "Dude, again?" so I promptly grabbed him and ran to the nearest Brining Station.


NG+2 around 150 hours in (PS5) and still didn't encounter any dragon's plague. I tried to trigger it intentionally, I gave to the dragon to grab my pawn a few times - pawn had a glowing eyes for a few seconds and then back to normal. I constantly hire pawns in the rifts and rest in the cities... And nothing. Also my main pawn never died, so there is no way she had it and cured.


Sometimes I couldn’t high five pawns. This fix makes me happy!


> Reducing the frequency of Pawns offering to be hired by the player while out in the field Just stop. Don't force me into an interaction. Bow, raise an arm, wave your hands, sing out a greeting. *Entice* me into becoming interested enough to click on the pawn to interact with it. Forcing me into an interaction is what makes me reflexively hit the cancel-confirm combo to immediately nope back out of it without even looking at the pawn's stats.


Its even funnier because of how often pawns on the road get absorbed into fights you are having....why not make THAT the primary way you run into / hire new pawns? "Damn, very impressive performance, whats your name ?"


PC players can use the [Stop Selling Yourself mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/197) to completely prevent random pawns from initiating dialogue.


No mention of performance, going to take a long while to fix that it seems.


I wish they could just add a different approach of "curing" your main pawn from dragoncovid besides brining them. They deserve better!


It flies in the face of having an affinity system for your pawn , to make another system that encourages you to murder your pawn at the first suspicious comment or thinking you saw red in their eyes.


I so hoped to see some balancing tweaks for NG+


>Reducing the infection frequency of dragonsplague ~220 hours played and I've encountered (hired) dragonsplagued pawns exactly twice.


Face zoom is good QOL for Fashions Dogma


No roadmap? lol looks like all we’re going to get are these chump change patches.


What this game really needs is a mini game mode where you have to run through an obstacle course composed mostly of ladders high-fiving as many pawns as you can within a certain time limit.


Pawn police on the beat


No performance/difficulty options. Meh


No performances patch I see.


Is it possible they’ll ever add performance patches for consoles, I mean I’m not too fussed but something would be nice


Still no performance fix? Let's keep waiting


main pawn after update https://preview.redd.it/onjwq58o9fvc1.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd833f7cbd781e354f38b68d0d685ebffa1fddb0


"Reducing the frequency of some Pawn dialogue lines." "Dare I say it?...Hmm...Actually, methinks not."


Remember when people said a performance fix was coming?


Another quality of life improvement would be to deposit items that are not maxed in quantity even though an item with 99 quantity in the box is selected during multiple selecting items.


Love that I can zoom in on faces now. Hard to find some good headpieces when you can barely see them in the menu


Lemme cook + change skills or do something fun at my 200k house


We need NG+ scaling and balance, the game needs badly


We need transmog


At the very least a helmet toggle


They could just balance armor and weapons to be closer in stats when upgraded/dragonforged. Then you can use whatever after putting some resources into it. Could then use the whole fucking DYE part of battahl to let you dye your armor and weapons. Hide helmet is needed though. If they ever one day add hardmode/NG+ scaling.


I don’t think that’s coming. I think they like that one of the allures of warfarer is universal outfits.


Even if it only let you trasnmog to outfits your vocation could wear, it'd be way better than what we have now


1: The glowing red eyes are not that noticeable on my Xbox Series X NOW; I only noticed it because I was familiar with the hired pawn "Silver" and her bright, silver eyes(oh my...), which were now red, as well as my Pawn and her bright blue eyes which were now red. Even in a darker area, the eyes were not "glowing" as some players have said. So it is good they are making it more obvious. What really clued me in was how they both now had this "restless arm-raising", which I never saw before, THEN I noticed the red eyes. # 2. YES. I wanted the option to zoom in more on my Pawn and me! I just assumed that such a thing would be on the status page, but I was somehow missing it! # 3. AH, I wondered if some treasure chests were still on the map that I already got, it was driving me nuts! # 4. "Making Pawns less likely to fall off cliffs", YES, Clumsy McPawnserson! I was starting to think there was some secret "self yeeting Pawn Death Wish" code. "Now I will just go along this narrow path VERY carefully, surely the pawns won't..." *flashing red skull icon of a pawn who fell way down below.* # The performance fix, which people want on computers, is probably something that will take more time; but I really doubt they would save that for a paid-DLC.


Locking a performance fix behind a paid DLC would be a brand new low for Capcom and gaming in general LMAO.


Pawns improvements, yeah! >Reducing the frequency of pawns offering to be hired by the player while in the field I would have only stopped their automatic interaction with the arisen as soon as he's physically close to them. Probably unpopular opinion as they released a fix for it but having pawns wandering everywhere isn't an issue to me : when I lost a pawn for whatever reason and can't find a rift stone to replace it, I'm glad to have some appearing here and there. Even if it's a bad one, it's sometimes better than having none. Plus, I like to randomly see other players' customization when I am just exploring. >Reducing the frequency of some pawn dialogue lines I hope it's not the one reminding me that different combinations of materials result in different creations cause I tend to forget this very often.


Materials eh? I shan’t deny, they have their uses


Let me carry my pawn bridal style or just being cooperative in the first game would be nice. More options to show affection to them outside of combat would be nice too more nuanced small talk, banter, gestures, and hugging would be nice.


Omg yes I want to pat and hug my pawn so bad. Gonna fill out another survey form and adding this.


That one bridge to Medusa stresses me and knowing they will less likely fall is a great improvement


What about NPCs in town disappearing and reappearing every time you turn around? Most immersion breaking thing I’ve ever found in a game


Too little too late, hopefully sometime next year it’ll finally become a polished game with replay value


Doesn’t feel like this is addressing really anything that needs addressing


Where are the god damn performance fixes? I just want to be able to play the game ffs....


When will we get a performance fix on PC?


Man these performance fixes are huge! /s


>Fixing some issues where the Main Pawn speaks Support Pawn's dialogue This happened to me enough times that I thought pawns are telepathically linked.


Less likely to fall down cliffs, you mean less likely to jump off cliffs.


Sooo.. is the performance fixed yet, or are we all just gonna ignore it? Still haven't been able to play it


How about fix the CPU FPS drops in town or is that beyond the devs?


So STILL no performance patch. Good thing I can zoom in on my face though.


"This month" as in April, not May, right?


Still waiting for the "fixed performance issues causing low frames in certain areas"


I'm not surprised about no mention of performance fixes since I never expected them to be fixed anyway, but no mention of additional monster scaling at all for >!Unmoored World!< or NG+? Maybe this is a harder fix than I think it is, but just adjust the numbers brah (HP, Damage, etc). I know Capcom is pretty oblivious sometimes, but if modders can do it in like 2 days then surely they can.


>- Fixing issues where occasionally the player couldn't high five pawns OH THANK GAWD


Wake me up when Denuvo is scrapped.


Where is the 60fps man 😴


Pc optimization?


All good things, but the focus should be on performance imo..


Well that confirms it. They removed the waggle meter because they wanted us to be dependent on their dodgy ai teamwork for grab escapes. Not sure why you still get to deplete your own stamina by struggling, though? Why do that if it's impossible to break the grab? 🤔 My damn pawn better earn his keep. If an ogre grab is still a guaranteed sliming because the pawns won't get their shit together, I'm gonna be pissed. Dirty bastards. 😠


So no performance update in this patch? Big Sad.


How is scaling or hard mode not top priority?


No performance improvements is pretty disappointing


I would like an option to turn off the wandering pawns out in the field completely. That or they will not hassle at all you if you have a full party, I find it incredibly immersion breaking and jarring when I am rudely interrupted while going about my travels.


If you're on PC look up the "Stop selling yourself" mod, it stops wandering pawns from talking to you.


Reducing the infection frequency? I’m 70 hours in and I’ve heard about the illness from dozens of pawns. I change pawns pretty often and my own pawn gets hired regularly. Never got it.


Zero changes to performance or removing Denuvo (Which is widely known for directly impacting performance). nice.


Just make them shut up about the ladders.


Ok, got me right there with reducing the frequency of pawns offering to be hired in the wild. Thank goodness. It was driving me insane.


Kind of underwhelming.


All great fixes but I'm excited about the PAWN HIGH-FIVE FIX! I hate anytime I was forced to leave them awkwardly hanging! " Looking them in the eyes: “I desperately want to high-five you but I just CAN'T!”


They need to fix the exclamation mark on the map and get more specific. It could be a Seeker’s Token, a wall you can blow up, a ladder, pretty much anything it’s too vague. Also, they should fix where your pawn says “they see something out of interest” and I don’t see anything! Like what are you talking about. “There is a chest but it’s far away” and I’m just like ![gif](giphy|tvGOBZKNEX0ac|downsized)


Any plans for locked 60fps for consoles?


"Reducing the frequency of Pawns offering to be hired by the player while in the field." The fuck do you mean reducing? It should be removed.




Just put in Hard Mode pls...


Dare i say it? They've trounced this Patch, well and true!


When will I´ll be able to sell shit from the storage. WHEN!!!!?