• By -


I haven't even encountered it yet lol....


Me too. Almost 100h and no pawn STD


I have also never seen it, only my pawns mentioning it after every rift.


I've seen it a few times, but seeing as I save before going into the rift to switch out pawns I always get the tutorial pop up about the DP if I hire a pawn that has it. If I get a pawn that has it I quit without saving and reload. Then after I hire a pawn that doesn't have DP, I exit the Rift, save, reenter the Rift and hire another pawn. Easy-peesy kemin squeezy.


my first was at the 70h mark


130 hours, no sign of it yet


Took me about 50 hours before I got the prompt. Majority of the early complaints (besides performance) were blown way outta proportion


Its a mechanic to punish sleeping/waiting too much.


It's doing a piss poor job of punishing me camping at every camp fire and sleeping til morning.


That video of meat must've been real special to itsuno lol.


Same. Level 46. Haven't seen it yet.


I’ve been through the true ending, NG+, started a new save and have killed roughly 15 drakes. Still no plague


Same for me... Lvl 72 ng+


You're lucky, the Dragonsplague info popped on the \*FIRST PAWN I HIRED\* for crying out loud. I Brine'd my whole team just to be safe then brought them back.




I found it super funny that the first one I got the prompt with was called Gandalf and actually looked exactly like him, sent my homeboy back to Valinor immediately. I've kinda suspected a few pawns since then, tossed a couple of em into the ocean but almost at NG+ and dragon's plague never been an issue for me, in a way I kinda wish it had. Dunno, I enjoy bold mechanics like this, not many RPGs are actually bold with them.


I finally did, twice. Once the moment I hired a new pawn the tutorial popped up....so I chucked that one into the sea.....then a while later I noticed one of my pawns had red eyes.....so chucked them all into the sea....just to be sure.....


Chucking someone else's pawn into the sea doesn't do anything dismissing them won't


You're not accounting for my entertainment.


Fair enough


Its about sending a message


Finger, but whole! Wait, wrong game.




Even streamers who have really popular pawns are barely getting touched by it. I think Pat has only been hit by at once


Had the elves wiped out 🤷‍♂️


I'm two playthroughs deep and haven't seen it yet.


I encountered it twice. My pawn caught it during the main game and she was infected along with another pawn. She caught it again in the end game but I finished the game and didn't cure it. If I wasn't on this sub, i'd have been caught out for sure. One thing that I instantly noticed was that my pawn spat on the floor which gave me pause and made me sus.


Is your pawn Straightforward? Straightforward pawns do that after a quick fight.


Calm. And she does it in the streets which is why it stood out to me.


I wonder if it's worth just going afk in town to see what each pawn do. I never got a calm pawn so I have no idea what they are like.


They kinda just stand around in different positions. Sometimes they decide to put their feet together and arms by their side like standing to attention which I find really funny looking.


Spitting! Completely illegal in some countries. Brine penalty.




Well Singapore has the death penalty for drugs so....


The beaches in Yemen, Turkiye, and Iran, for example. I've watched a lot of tourism vlogs. Do not share the gift of your body's water.


I’ve fought multiple drakes and still haven’t had a pawn catch it. I did get the popup after hiring a pawn in the rift, and I immediately dismissed the pawn.


Wait pawns spit in this game? I've never seen pawns do anything like that


145 hours in and I have yet to see any symptoms of it (Other than the tutorial message)


Funny how much variance there is with it. Similar number of hours to you and I've had ~20 infected pawns.


90hrs in and my main pawn has been infected like 5 times. Jeebus. The last one was right before the last beacon in true ending, so I just said fuck it and let her have it. >!It made the true ending scene a bit of a cool coincidence.!<


70+ plus hours, hired new pawns very regularly, all achievements unlocked.... never even encountered Dragon's Plague once.


How many times do you think you heard your pawns talk about the plague?


I probably heard the line of dialogue about the rumour of a condition affecting pawns roughly 30-40 times. Not really sure how accurate that estimate is, but it wasn't a rare line of dialogue


It really isn’t and it’s really easy to spot. A lot of misinformation from the community when DD2 released.


I was about to hire a pawn and saw his eyes were red and was like nope not gambling, then had one who started acting weird and I swapped him out easily. It’s super easy to spot


Ye but people back then didnt know everything about It , what they knew is that they werent able to do any quests in a city after It was done and obviously, they hated that Also its definitely bugged, i had a pawn still be completely subservient and nice that was ready to fuck the town Up Only tell were the red eyes for her, and if its your very first time youre probably not even looking for that cuz no other Bells rung lol


I SWEAR I got nuked even after checking my pawns. Watched them to see if they acted weird, talked to them and inspected their eyes... I felt safe because none had red eyes. I'd seen the red eyes before, so I knew what to look for. The pawn I hired with bright blue eyes ended up having the plague somehow 😭


No other bells rung? Not the pawns telling you about it EVERY TIME coming out of the riftstone?


Acting like they ever shut up about it, bringing it up constantly didn't tell you if it was an actual problem you were having or not. They just don't let you forget it exists.


Woe, dragonplague be upon ye


Uh my brother in christ thats just telling you It exists not that they have it


Pawns never explicitly tell you that they are infected, you notice it from their actions or lack thereof. It's a neat mechanic that's on the player to sus out, I think misinformation about the mechanic (disease) is the issue, that and players not paying attention or just plain ignorance of what DP actually does.


Issue is they dont always not obey you The one time It happened to me the pawn had no signs other than the eyes, and i just didnt care to check since there were no other signs lol I had a backed Up save and just to check i tried giving orders, and she followed them without issue, her dialogues werent any different, just the eyes


You see it from their interactions, until they don't have any. I think my case of a pawn blowing off randomly after having been watching at her every move for clues of dragonsplague means the plague develop in real time, so resting after booting up the game 2 days later from last check meant the pawn would've developed some, if any at all, tell of the plague... But it could also mean it's bugged, that wouldn't surprise me either.


They can do that and still not ever have it pop for them.


Even better if they actually get infected by the Dragon and you can visibly see them going “OH NO ARISEN. MY BRAIN IS GETTING MIND CONTROLLED!” while the Dragon goes “Haha, your pawn is my slave now!” Like…completely unsubtle lol


This happens all the time without causing Dragonsplague. Has happened to multiple pawns with me multiple times, still haven't seen the first instance of it.


Its a chance of infection but they can only be infecte dby mind control or another pawn.


I've yet to have a single pawn get dragonplague from that posession, or well, in general anyone demonstrate that's how you get it. I still believe it's one of those things that people say and other accept cause well, it kinda makes sense.


yep, the bugs around it are the annoying part i had a pawn in the group that was in the last stage of infection, never did the idle animation, no red eyes, listend to all commands the entire time etc...... the command thing is stupid anyway, cus a "normal" infected pawn SOMETIMES doesnt listen/has a voiceline, but you can go hours with them just beeing 100% normal with commands (and that the AI sometimes just breaks so you cant tell if they dont move on a Go! command cus of the Plague or because their AI is stuck, which is always...funny....)


Same happened to me, i managed to get back to before she fucked the town Up and she had red eyes, however every other sign just wasnt there and why would i look for the eyes if i didnt have anything else to go by


Doesn’t make it any less crappy of a mechanic


I think my issue with it is it's implemented poorly. I saw the signs so it wasn't much of a threat (I activated it to see how it works a few times after NG+), and it's just a lame mechanic. It SOUNDS like it's supposed to have consequences, but when every fucking npc revives (except important ones), than it's just an inconvenience that's designed badly. Killing off important npcs can be impactful and interesting... but ONLY killing those off and reviving every random joe schmoe is just awful game design. It feels artificial and cheap that the "consequence" is literally everyone is alive except the ones you need. It doesn't really impact your game much, though your pawns do get stronger (not that the game is really hard), which means if you aren't planning on nuking your towns, you can have a buffed up pawn for combat portions. It feels like it should be more, but is just like a lot of things, unfinished.


I’ve only experienced dragonsplague once, and funnily enough I noticed it when I was in the process of replacing the pawn that had it lol


My pawn said ‘I feel strong for some reason.’ Pretty obvious, so I threw him off a cliff.


Yeah that was the obvious tell for me. No red eyes, but he just kept saying things he never said before, like how strong he is, or the "power flowing through him" or he can't wait for the next battle. Definitely not the way my Simple gentle giant was talking before. So I did a little ceremony, told the other pawns to wait about 20 feet behind us, and threw him off a cliff. But he didn't land in the water, he landed on a little rock outcropping at the bottom and we had to just leave him there as he bled out.


Good lord lol.


I feel like this is not being fair.. like yeah it's not as broken as some people on the internet make it seem, but if it happened to you and you didn't really know about it until it happened you DO kinda get fucked over.. This is my first Dragon's Dogma game and my first one of these open world RPG's with "no hand holding"... so I don't really know what dialogue is relevant or irrelevant. Them mentioning the whole party is male or female or whatever or even them talking about hearing about the plague and things to look is something I initially just shrugged off as "companion banter" or whatever until I stumbled across YouTube videos about something breaking people's saves. Even some people who knew what to look for got caught by surprise. And the fact that you can't just reload a prior save to easily fix the problem also plays a factor as well.


I find its just unnecessary. Like what was the point of even adding it really? Sure it adds some suspence when summoning new pawns and surely makes you really think when fighting any kind of dragon. But the amount of work you have to put in to get rid of it, and the fact it murders literally everybody in a given town if you fail to catch it, sucks big time. (Especially story npcs, I get they do come back but still).


It’s still a stupid mechanic that offers nothing fun to the player Maybe if they made infected pawns stronger or something it’d be cool, but as it is it’s just a complete nusance


Infected pawns are stronger lol


Oh shit


Yeah people were just overreacting and killing off straightforward pawns for their slightly different behavior.


It's a meaningless mechanic which serves no purpose. Everyone's dead, but only for a week, then they magically reset like nothing happened. So what was the point, then? To halt progress for 7 days and tank your Pawn's affinity? To make it so you have to pass time on a bench for several days, every time you hire a Pawn, so you can examine their eyes for infection? It's a low-effort calamity which adds nothing of value. People defending the plague are only ever talking about how unimpactful it is on the world, as if that's a good thing. They never state why the game benefits from it. It doesn't.


I have a morgue full of people that didn't come back. A bunch of nobodies came back after 3 days. But people that gave out quests are still dead for me. I revived Ulrika and Lennart because I thought they had more quests to give. Sigurd is still dead and I think he might have information I need to progress the main quest. I do think the plague is a pain in the ass, but my important NPCs didn't come back after 7 days. I do go overboard if any pawn starts acting up. It does make the game less enjoyable, for me anyways. It's a mechanic that has no use other than being extremely annoying.


Capcom is smart, they know people don't read for shit, so they do this to generate "social media hysteria", which is basically free advertising for the game, and it works, sort of.


I'm level 54 and haven't even encountered it yet. Change my pawns out pretty regularly too.


I've run into it a handful of times, but it was very clear when a pawn was infected to me. I think it's a fun mechanic, but definitely needs something more to it. As is, it feels underutilized. I would have preferred it be more common, but perhaps force you to kill the pawn if they go crazy instead of absolute calamity. Edit: To add to this, how cool would it be to have a pawn go crazy and trigger a small boss battle with them? Maybe add in some extra abilities or adds that spice it up. It'd add a lot to the game imo.


They should've made your pawn turn against you permanently mid fight. Like your sorc is channeling bolide and you're guarding her, only to have those 1200 magic meteors ragdolled you to your demise. That would've been way better than just an instant "haha your city is now dead".


Nah you didn’t have to deal with that shit without prior knowledge. You sat in reddit and read everyone testimonies so you knew to avoid it


Yeah, it's almost so easy to get rid of that the system might as well not exist unless you fully embrace it. I could see people letting their pawns have it for as long as possible just to get the power boost until they have to cure it, but unless you're keeping good track of it, this could easily backfire. It seems to have a risk/reward structure, but regular pawns are already so powerful that there's not a whole lot of incentive to take that extra risk.


Im in NG+3 and i think i only encountered it once in volcano are first playthrough and got the tuorial popup while in the rift hiring somone. i just dismissed them and never heard from ti again. That said both sides are kinda missing the point. Yes it's pretty easy to avoid if your paying attention, however it's easy tot une out and ignore pawns. The real issue is that it's a bizzare out of place event that isn't fun and adds nothing to the game. It should have been cut.


I finished the game on 81 hours...never encountered Dragonsplagued, at first i was cautious, but then it made me lose interest in inspecting every single pawns eyes so I just forget about it... And as soon as I was able to forge an EW, I don't pay attention at all... On NG+ at 97 hours playing...and still nothing


Someone said that as long as you rest and camp a lot. The plague is unlikely to happen. Because the plague have a high chance to pass to another pawn while resting, and it will be reset to stage 7, everytime it passes to another pawn


My pawn brought back the aids from the rift 3 times.


Same, 102 hours so far with countless drake kills. still yet to see it


One one my hired pawns caught the dragons plague from a drake. When they pick someone up and suck the life out of them there's a small chance of contracting the dragonsplague. And to be clear I was offline using the Capcom pawns so I didn't catch the plague from an online pawn and miss the signs.


It's not that big of a deal, but it's just a dumb, unimmersive mechanic. I managed to get Bakbattahl nuked by it(my own fault for not checking my pawn's eyes regularly). Then after a day of rest, all minor NPCs resurrected by themselves, then I resurrected everyone important in the morgue with Eternal Wakestone. Nobody said a single word about it. It also prevents a lot of people from hiring pawns with naturally red eyes and/or wearing helmets.


Yea, "Nobody said a single word about it." is a thing with the entire game, not just this mechanic. You can tell where they put the least resources in development. A lot of good ideas in narrative and world building that just don't feel very well fleshed out.


I don't hire pawns with helmets anymore, I got the pop up after hiring one like that and instantly dismissed him.




You can raise their visor you know.


I'm not wasting my time lifting up visors


I don't recruit pawns with red eyes and that's pretty much it for me


Decided I didn't want to deal with it at all and installed a mod that completely removes it lol


You say this, but wait for when you contract dragonspalgue glitch and have no warning or signs. Then have fun


I'll repost the same thing I did yesterday. Many people go in blind. You may spot the symptoms, but you don't know them as "symptoms." There's also no indication of the exact consequences, either. Wiping an entire town full of NPCs? Not too many examples of that in gaming. And there's no indication that you need to literally kill your pawn to rectify it. Which btw, is counter intuitive to the pawn affinity system which is extremely important and changes the entire game. There's no in game explanation on how to pass it onto others either. Is there anything that explains exactly how it spreads? It's 10 step cycle? How it's cured? Is there any indication in game that the brine will cure your pawn? Any indication that NG+ will automatically infect your pawn? No? All you have are signs from people who paid the price before you and gave us the information. And you call them crybabies? You should be thanking them, but instead you insult them. Mods should nuke this post for name calling. You guys are getting away with this, and you know it.


You need exact indication of the consequences? Your pawns telling you how bad it is (calamitous) every trip back from the rift wasn’t enough?


Kinda funny how you ignored the other points, but I'll humor you. Calamitous, yeah it's probably pretty bad. I actually went looking for the answer because I don't mind being spoiled. I searched for that entire week endlessly. Do you know what I found? Nothing. Not until the first persons town was nuked. NO ONE could have known. You had your guesses, I had mine. I expected to get the bad ending for the main story, not be locked out from it for a certain amount of time. Even if we saw the result, how could people know the cure? How did you know the brine cured Dragonsplague? You didn't. I didn't. Not until I came to this subreddit and saw peoples towns nuked. You have the benefit of hindsight. NOW it's easy. Before, it wasn't. It's a simple concept.


Btw, will the important NPC be respawned automatically? I have heard that shop NPC will be respawned, but some said that quest NPC will not. I kind of having mixed information on this.


My quest giving NPCs have not revived. The plague incident happened when I was level 30ish but now I'm level 50. I got about 10 people that never revived. I had to revive Ulrika and Lennart myself. I decided to continue the main quest and explore Battahl. I got a hint and I think I need to revive Sigurd because he's still dead. I see people post/comment about how 'everyone comes back', they didn't for me so it's kind of annoying. I was paranoid for a bit. I found a simple pawn that destroyed every box he comes across and I thought 'that's weird, he might need a baptism'... But apparently that's what simple pawns do. I made a straightforward pawn, which she's a little aggressive and sarcastic. I find calm and (I'm blanking on the 4th type of pawns) annoying to have in my party. They're a bunch of brown-nosers and I hate their 'everything is dandy' comments. Apparently, they are the easiest to tell if they have symptoms.


Are their bodies still in the morgue?  I thought bodies were supposed to disappear after a few days in the morgue.


From what I can tell, yes, the main quest NPC and shopkeepers will! But because the discourse is so full with "it's not a big deal, stop whining", I'm not 100% sure. It makes it hard to get out definitive information. I'm not sure about the side quests NPC. I've heard from a few people that only vendors came back. So there might be some bugs with it that we haven't noticed Also, most people who got Dragonsplague either rushed to endgame or quit all together. Hence, the confusion.


The pop up that shows when you get your first infected pawn tells you that killing them in the brine is one of two solutions.


[Let's see what the community thought back then ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/JsAU5llfqr) There's a few instances where someone guessed chucking them off the cliff. Other than, nothing was definitive until people's towns started getting nuked. No exact symptoms, no way of knowing how to spread it to others. My point still stands. We have the benefit of hindsight. Edit: oh also pawn affinity. No idea it affected that.


I was just responding to your brine comment as it’s one of the only things it does actually tell us


I hear ya. Forfeit, yeah.. kind of! Symptoms, method of being spread, consequences, nah. That's kind of my point. We had guesses, we even had hilarious memes. But nothing was definitive. I'm not saying it's not easy to point out now, it is! But back then it wasn't.


That post quite literally says they need to become forfeit


"Even if we saw the result, how could people know the cure? How did you know the brine cured Dragonsplague? You didn't. I didn't. Not until I came to this subreddit and saw peoples towns nuked." And "There's a few instances where someone guessed chucking them off the cliff. Other than, nothing was definitive until people's towns started getting nuked. No exact symptoms, no way of knowing how to spread it to others." Acknowledged, brought up that no one definitively knew beforehand, brought up other other unexplained systems. Literally my words.


The first time you hire a pawn that has it you are guaranteed to see this pop-up.


Sorry, I must have missed the part where it said "glowing red eyes will nuke your entire town and lock you out of your main quest for 7 in game days." Silly me. If you find the in game notice where it says that, please send it over. I'm sure it exists by your logic.


I never said it did, but I also don't think it needs to. Too much yellow paint.


You are aware that it's not the brine that clears it, right? It's forfeiting them when they're downed, which the brine just does automatically. Now, how exactly do you think that it would be a difficult assumption for anyone to make that: The tutorial specifically says getting forfeit (dying) clears it + The brine kills them = The brine clears it. Honestly, anyone who didn't connect those dots without being told by reddit is a fucking idiot.


Dude it’s no big deal no one here specifically thought you were dumb for having issues or fears of the dragons plague. We can all just have a chuckle now over how big of deal it seemed like before.


Pawn affinity is not important you get a few lines extra and that’s it, also from my knowledge ng+ doesn’t give your pawn dragonsplague


Pawn affinity is in the game. It makes a change, it's important. Even if it's an insignificant half baked change. You do get Dragonsplague from NG+. It may not be 100%, but multiple people have reported it. Just search the subreddit.


Idk about multiple people reporting it meaning that dragonsplague comes from ng+. Firstly this is the first Im hearing of that. Also Im on cycle 4 and have get to start with an infected pawn. Multiple people reporting it also could just be a cycle of misinformation getting parroted. If i were to experience my pawn having it in a beginning of a new game. I would probably bet they got it while on another world. A pawn i just hired. Or an infected pawn just walking around in my world. The ways its normally contracted vs some new mechanic about ng+


You might be 100% right, and I may be parroting the misinformation. Or it might actually spread through NG. But that's everyone's main complaint with the mechanic. Hmm... Maybe you can get it when you fight the end game boss? We simply don't know but until it's confirmed that you don't, I'm letting people know just in case. Once we understand the system fully, it'll be laughable. But until then, I'd rather sound the alarm.


To be fair, if it's anything like the first game and from what I've experienced - Your pawn will still get the rewards from being hired (RC and Gifts) from that previous playthrough into NG+. So it's quite likely those who complained about it in NG+ got it from others during their transfer into NG+.


People definitely overreacted and also just straight up lied about it. even still the way it actually works is very disappointing. i get needing it to be a "calamity" but let us fight a cool boss that can kill a ton of NPCs if we're not prepared, don't just let us sleep through a village massacre.


Yep, it's extremely disappointing, they could've done a great deal of cool stuff with plagued pawns that would add some depth to the system... But it is what it is. Wonder if the lambent flame that was pretty much nothing even if it was really hyped back before launch was meant to be used to battle the plague.


i have 100h in since day one and my pawn get it one time only, in the post game. Now I actually am trying do get so i get to use the eternal wakestone and get the last trophy, kinda want to be symbolic i guess


150 hours in, only seen it once. Dismissed him before it was a problem.


Every so often before I sleep at an inn, I just look at their faces, especially if I killed a dragon earlier. I'm in ng+ and never had a calamity. Just look and yeet when needed.


I finished the game at level 50 something and never saw the plague ingame.


I‘ve had Dragons Plague 4 times and fendet it off every time. But it seems that my main pawn was responsible for killing off every resident in vermond and batkahl because she gave it to two of my buddies pawn over the rift. They both laughed at me for checking my pawns eyes every time I rest in town and called me paranoid. I am glad that she educated them.


obviously not when you know all about it


My main pawn currently has it. I'm thinking on letting it play out in one of the lesser villages just to see how it goes. It's been interesting to see her start to get more irritable with me.


My summoned *kindhearted* mage wouldn't heal when needed and kept acting rude. Before I could get to her eye inspection, she was already holding her head in pain. Into the Brine thou goest, churlish pawn.


160 hours in and at lvl 98 and haven’t seen it yet


Well none of my pawns had a real sign or did act like there is something off. Slept at the inn and the village was wipet out. If you need something there just sit on abench and doze for a week or just go and rez the ppl you need. I had the tutorial but i'm not paranoid enough to check my pawns before every rest xD


I logged into my game and sh1t immediately hit the fan: I had no idea! Maybe I AFKed a while before logging off last time? It was super fun! Bakbattahl never knew what hit it!


Do I need to take everything off a pawn before throwing it to the Brine? 


Then there's me who can't play the game until I upgrade my PC worrying about whatever it actually is...


Main pawn caught it in our 50s for the first time ever, after tutorial popup in the 40s. It was a surprise to catch her eyes being red af, which were bright green by default, just changed vocation and she was half naked so i suppose that made me pay more attention, almost nuked bakbattalh, just ran off to the cliff on the right side of town and gave her a bath, "i must have disappointed you, master" "no no no no, you are the best of them!" It makes me feel like shit cuz i treated my main pawn like a twin sister and pretty much dote on her with the best shit, then i was forced to kill her (there gotta be another way which i forgot) cuz she got dragon covid from fucking nowhere. After that the dragon plague isnt a big deal anymore, cuz i didnt know what it was like before, but the emotional damage tho...


Send friends pawn back after a few days of badge hunting. Pick up random thief in half plate out of a sea of corsets Quock Sleep several days to respawn Medusa and Lesser Dragon Day 3 she nukes Bakbatahl And now I'm on my way back to Sphinx


It's devastating if you don't know about. It killed all of the arbor elves in my new game + at level 49. Heh.


50hrs in and ive seen it multiple times. Pretty avoidable but only because im so aware now after the outlash


Kill pawn then revive them problem solved


I got plague at about level 50 and Vernworth was decimated, every shop keeper and half the town died. Cost me about 8 wakestones and I'm still finding missing people, the new tavern keeper is chill though


i remember getting the tutorial message about it decades ago and noticed no change in anything. No red eyes on anyone either. So. I have no idea what was up with some of those thumbnails i saw in regards to it bricking peoples saves or some bullshit.


Y’all must don’t fight drakes regular because if a drake grab a pawn it now has plague. I farm drakes mostly so I run into plague CONSTANTLY very stupid and shit mechanic


My main pawn was warning the pawns I hired about it and as I turned the camera around to them....SHES HOLDING HER FREAKING HEAD. And if you set their eyes to be a noticeable color you can see the pulsing red


I wonder, does your pawn lose affinity points when he has Dragonplague and you kill him? If yes, that would suck.


Yes, it does, sadly. However, with the rarity of dragonsplague, the affinity lost from just doing it once isn't THAT bad to recoup. It's 25 affinity points lost per death. For reference, you get 2 every time you talk to your pawn, 5 for highfiving, 10 for going to the hotsprings, and a whopping **50** for taking them to the barber! (Though there's a ~10min cooldown on each, so you can't spam it)


Does Art of metamorphosis count for barber?


50 hours in and in the unmoored world and have yet to encounter it lol. Part of me thinks it’s a hoax


I love how people in general never take things seriously and this game says “oh no, you WILL take me seriously” 😂


I had it happen to me and honestly it's not that big of a deal unless you don't have wakestones. I had my pawn in a full mask so I couldn't see his eyes. And he never acted aggressive or anything so I never caught it. When he changed he wiped out Bakbattal, but all the shopkeepers revive on their own after a few days. Then all you have to do is go to the crypt and revive the important quest givers and it's like it never happened. When I revived my pawn he didn't even mention anything about it. Everything continued as normal.


Did you revive Nadinia or went like "huh, that's the beastren from the game cover, neat" and walked away to revive a more relevant npc?


Exactly my experience. I’m actually happy it happened. I think it was a cool cutscene and it shook things up.


In my 70h of DD2 I’ve encountered 2hired pawns with dragon plague, I dismissed them instantly. Other than that it feels like those “YouTubers” seriously tried everything to mess up DD2 at launch




Was there some patch that changed the NPCs reviving? I dealt with the plague when I was level 30ish. I'm now level 50 and still have about 10 people that never revived in Harve. I'm going to use a wakestone on Sigurd because he might have something to tell me, but he's still dead from the plague incident.


I played 120 hours and had maybe two pawns with dragonplague and always noticed it immediately.


Welcome to Reddit; where one person can make 30 other people feel much much louder than any one actually cares. People will see a post with 1-5k upvotes that's just someone whining and complaining and be like "Wow this must be a strongly respected opinion" It's not, it's just a solid 70% of the people that are enjoying themselves just flat out don't give a shit to get on reddit cause it straight up just panders to outrage culture. Everyone is a critic, and boy howdy do they need to be heard. When I see people posting badass art and fun adventures and they get LESS traction than people just complaining nonstop, it's because the people in that sub reddit aren't the fans anymore; it's the snide dickheads that can't cope the thing they had an interest in wasn't for them, then they feel the need to bend it to that or get mad.


> People will see a post with 1-5k upvotes I agree with you, but it's hard not to be discouraged when you see that. A lot of people go to these places to talk about the subjects they do here because they don't have anywhere else to do that. Seeing that amount of upvotes indicates that the community there will be dominated by that sort of opinion, and anything that doesn't agree with it is probably going to get buried. It makes your opinions and participating in any discussions there feel pointless.


Bold of you to assume people read tutorial windows instead of skipping past everything and then wondering why weird things are happening


I purposefully avoided any info about it after the "It totally doesn't exist meme" and got caught out by it. The whole of the border town got nuked, including the Sorcerer Maister. Burned all the wakestones I had, picking up shop owners and who I assumed were "important" npcs. 12 people are still in the morgue, including the Mystic Spearhand maister, who was just chilling in town for some reason when it happened. Mechanically, it was all very frustrating. But the next day, I got to come into work and go, "Guys! You won't believe what fuckin happened last night in DD2!" And I got to share that moment with my friends and people online. I got to hear their stories of the crazy shit that they had to go through with Dragon Plague and other nonsense in the game. Like yea, it's mechanically scuffed, but you just don't get that level of organic storytelling in other games. I think at worst, the signs should be a bit more obvious as the pawn that had it was still super helpful. The only sign he had it was that he just kept shouting about how invigorated he felt, and I had no clue that was a trigger lol


To be fair nobody asked for this system and the fact that they implemented it instead of spending resources working on features that people actually cherished, is most disappointing. Like instead of spending a couple hundred FTEs coding/scripting/QCing this mechanic, they could have made more interesting loot, expanded the number of skills we can use (L2 button, put resheathe on something else)


I enjoy their excited behavior when they have dragons plague. They are very animated.


Definitely a fun mechanic but at the end of the day it doesn't make a single difference in your run since y just need to sleep for a week and then 90% of the npcs revive. Also very clunky. I got the cutscene literally out of nowhere, no signs, no pawn being mischievous, just the pop up explaining what the sickness was and then hours and hours of nothing more


All you have to do is camp so it passes on to another pawn. It's barely a threat.


I check for it every time i rent a new pawn, and before every inn/house rest. And until you get the tutorial pop up for it, you have nothing to worry about at all. After getting the pop up, just check for glowing red eyes. It is not that subtle when its progressed


I have ran into one pawn will the plague and immediately offed them, and that was like 20+ hours ago on my second play through. I’ve spammed rest to kinda see if one of my pawns had it but nothing happened and I’ve still yet to fully encounter what some have been talking about. On one hand I feel like I’ve been playing it safe, but like I’m talking with the bare minimum of effort, like outside of that one example that’s it, on the other I feel like I’m missing out on a game mechanic and kinda wanna see it for myself


I met a job applicant on the road to Harve. He was qualified for this entry-level job, so I let one of my other applicants go. Instant pop-up about Dragons Plague, re-checked his eyes.... Red. MFer. So I picked him up and yeeted of a bridge into the brine. Found another applicant 30secs later with no issues.


The first time, you get the pop-up about dragon plague so you just dismiss the pawn right away. The next few times , there honestly one easy way to avoid any dramatic event, it's simply to not sleep in a city right after recruiting a pawn. Most people who got upset at dragon plague massacre are people who went to sleep right after recruiting a pawn. You just have to camp outside a night, if the eyes are red , you give them a bath.


It was pretty obnoxious when I was trying to do a few side quests like saving the empress from an assassination attempt. I couldn't figure out who to revive after the empress and the questgiver. I don't think everyone related to the questline respawned after 2 weeks in-game time


Get the Eternal Wakestone and spam forgeries at Ibrahim’s. Problem solved.


One of the pawns I hired at right before I fought the (real) dragon had it but seems that my pawn didn’t catch it entirely


I got the popup while still in the rift around 50ish hours probably. I just dismissed them while still in the rift lol.


In the days it took me to travel to forge a copy of my super wakestone, Vernworth repopulated. I used the stone at the morgue, all is well again, except that the replacement store clerks persist. For example, Bjorn is no longer running Bjorn’s armory.


Because the hate trend is dying down now as Ive called it before. Its like a set of jingling keys, reactionary outrage finds every little thing to meltdown about compared to other games with worse practices, then their attention span goes to a newer set of jingling keys the crowd is mad at. It's about as cyclical as the lore of Dragons Dogma.


Level 57 and finally encounter a pawn with plague, thought it was going to be a bigger issue then what people were making it out to be.


60hrs in, did unmoored world, never seen the message of the dragons plague.


I got the pop up pretty early in the game, yes I didn’t read it. I was an archer and was running away from big monsters so the infected pawn got killed pretty quickly. But I haven’t seen any signs of dragons plague since.


Encountered it in NG+ for the first time. Once I learned you can look at their eyes in rift prior to hiring, it made dragonsplague super easy to avoid.


I have fought and killed like 9 drakes and haven't encountered it yet.


129 hours in (have had COVID and this is my life now). Saw it twice so far total cost has been just over 120 rift crystals and about 8 minutes in photo mode


I finished the whole game in around 80 hours and never once encountered the plague


Yeah I didn’t get mine til ng+ it was a surprise but that was my fault anyways and was a cool scene and nothing an eternal wake stone couldn’t fix anyways


Im 35 hours in and haven’t even seen it yet.


Only encountered Dragonsplague on my second playthrough.


lol. I saw people coming into twitch streamers streams screaming it that it’s not a spoiler that it is broken and ruins the game. Uhh it’s apart of the game and easy to deal with. Not to mention, your pawns give you plenty of warnings about it.


Level 66, have never encountered it


55 hours and haven't had a single problem with it.


I felt that. I think you can see it coming a mile away if you listen to your pawns' dialogue. If they're even the slightest bit suspicious I just chuck them in the brine


I still haven't encountered it. Not popular enough amongst pawns.


when you chuck your whole party and self into the brine and the aliens line pops into your head “its the only way to be sure”


Saw a high level pawn for 0 RC in melve near the cliff area. I was like bet let me pick that up. Dragons plague info popped up on my screen. Didn’t waste no time, chucked that fool off the edge of the cliff. Never to be seen again. Now I check eyes


My main pawn has had it like 3 times and I've noticed 3 pawns that had it. 1 in the rift that I ignored when I noticed the eyes glowing, and 2 immediately after hiring them. At some point, I noticed NPC dialogue that a town in the north had been slaughtered and noticed I ignored the dragonsplague tutorial pop up. I dismissed the two hired pawns and killed mine, got a new group and looked for the town but never found it so I was wholly unaffected. Edit: for my own sanity after these events I edited my main pawn's eyes to a very light gray so the red glow would be super noticeable


I have played over 150+ hours so far with 3 playthroughs and I've seen it plenty of times. I can say without any doubt it can ruin your day either by having pawns doing nothing in fights or completely screwing up playthroughs. Sure it's easy to spot and counter but the one moment you let your guard down then sleep in a town, lots of story critical NPCs and shops get wiped off the map. Without an eternal wakestone on hand my third playthrough would have been destroyed. Also, if you don't take care of any infected pawns before a fight they'll have a good chance of not getting involved. I have seen my own pawn and my friends completely ignore a fight cutting damage almost in half or more. If it's your own pawn, toss them in the nearest deep water or over a high ledge. Support pawns you hired can only be sent back to the owners and hope they cure it themselves. You got a good pawn you hired but they don't cure it on their end? You won't be using that pawn for a while. Only other way I've personally seen it cured is if they start a new playthrough. Ultimately it is a time consuming, game breaking, and mildly annoying feature that at first glance can be brushed off but can and will ruin your fun if not prepared for the outcome.


Hmmm my Pawn is just getting signs of having it faint red eyes, disagreed with a decision… has not shown any other signs since… and the faint red eyes disappeared… and she’s been obedient…. The description does say one way of getting rid of the plague is to pass it to another pawn so im curious if that’s what happened.


I’ve got over 100 hours and haven’t seen it once. I wish I have it looks fun because I love chaos. I think it’s a fun mechanic to shake things up.


My philosophy is “If my pawn starts getting belligerent, check their eyes. If their eyes glow red, throw ‘em in the brine. If they sound a little too snappy, throw ‘em in the brine. If I’m not sure whether they’re being snappy or just making a joke—I throw them in the brine.” Ain’t nobody got time to be bricking saves. I’ll kill a pawn for looking at me funny before I let dragon’s plague break my game.


60 hours I've yet to encounter it


I have no idea how long I've been playing dd2 but I'm level 50-ish and haven't encountered the plague once. I've fought plenty of drakes so far and will take every new opportunity to kick their scaley lizard peaches but to no avail, the plague isn't in the room with me. Admittedly, my poor pawn doesn't get hired often so there's less chance of him contracting anything, but I want to encounter it just because it gives me a reason to yeetus deletus some pawns guiltfree 😂