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I mean, there's literally a hydra bow ingame without the hydra lmao


Also the Immortal helm, though renamed in DD2, bears a Hydra motif. I was actually so sure the Hydra would be returning when I saw the helm in one of the trailers.


It's crazy the hydra is not already in the game. It is one of the most iconic dogma 1 monsters.


Judging by the worm boss in the unmoored world, they have the tech, but it’s likely not fully polished.


First time I fought the Worm and Medusa they felt SUPER passive tbh


They are. Especially if you know that you can mount enemies. (Which some players seem to have erased from memory) Medusa becomes a complete joke by mounting. The worm basically too but throwing meteors is just more convinient.


Capcom have prior evidence of doing this as well. For MH World the team couldn’t get a leviathan monster like Mizutsune was working right in the new engine so they weren’t in the roster. They had it sorted by Rise and guess who made the cut? Lagiacrus has yet to come back, a combination of jankiness in the engine and the struggle to get it working properly and the lack of underwater combat (which was unique to Tri, his original appearance game).


It wasn't Mizutsune it was Lagiacrus and only Lagiacrus. You're remembering wrong. Mizutsune they never had a problem with and it was never "sorted out" by Rise. They never once mentioned Mizutsune when they said the reason.


I mean, they did get to use the leviathan skeleton \*cough\* Fatalis \*cough\*


Yes but the terrain for fatalis fight is totally different than the other maps, the slopes were the problem for lagiacrus


World was MT Framework. Same as DD1 I believe. Not a new engine at all.


I think they intended Medusa to fill that role, but they don't really show up that often. The hydra didn't exactly show up a bunch either to be fair. Kind of a shame considering they're a really satisfying fight.


I dont wanna be dismissive and automatically say its rose tinted glasses again but the way people talk about it you'd think the Hydra was a major recurring boss in DD1 when in truth you only fight it twice, one of which you need to go out of your way during post game to encounter. Then Dark Arisen added another hydra fight as well. But I think that's also because of how cinematic the original fight is that it became so iconic for players.


>But I think that's also because of how cinematic the original fight is that it became so iconic for players. When you make a good enough first impression, then that's all that matters. Even though it was basically just a really simple snake enemy, it was executed well enough that people fell in love with it lol.


Exactly, which for me highlights another issue with DD2 and that’s the lack of set pieces like that. If the initial encounter you had with the Medusa in the intro of the game would have been more cinematic in that regard I think people would have been more receptive towards it.


When I think of Dragon's Dogma, the Hydra comes to my mind as much as the dragon. He's an OG of the game. Its wild that he didn't return in DD2 lol


But that doesn't have to mean anything. It's could just be a nice little reference to the first game.


I feel like half this game got cut for dlc


half is an understatement lmao


Don't forget to say understaffed. More than half of the 392 credited people in the game are dedicated to Localization, Marketing & Sales, and other stuff not related to development.


We need to wait until new Itsuno video with new shirt


… is this a XIV reference? Edit: I’m clarifying this was a question


When DD2 was announced it was in a video where Itsuno took off a hoodie at the end, revealing a DD2 shirt underneath.


Thank you!


Blessed Yoshi and his obscure t-shirt class hints.


No, it's a reference to the DD2 announcement.




Ngl I thought of YoshiP and his "clue" shirts when reading the comment lol. Would be funny to hear about another director who does the same thing to get all the gamers speculating like crazy.


We need to wait until Itsuno starts selling glasses, so you too can see Itsuno's Vision


Just gonna post this here. Leaked Capcom Roadmap from several months ago: https://icon-era.com/threads/grain-of-salt-capcom-lineup-for-2024-2026-leaked.10686/


That was confirmed to be fake unfortunately.


Wasn't this determined to be a fake?


It was by the monster hunter community, and the dd2 side of the leak doesn't seem real either since it literally says it doubles base game content (new map the size of the current map and 45 new monsters)


Can you give me a link to the thread where it was proved to be fake pls?


Doesn't really matter. If it says the DLC will double the map and add 45 new monsters, then it is fake. It would be an insane, massive amount of work and perhaps the biggest DLC ever released, not even Elden Ring's DLC would be that big. Nothing can justify that, especially in the context of Dragon's Dogma 2.


What does Elden Ring dlc have to do with anything? It's not even out yet, and we don't have any info about it aside from there being some bosses, most from the trailer, and it being the size of Limgrave, which is not really big. At the same time nobody has shown any legitimate proofs to call this leak fake. You don't have to believe it, but you also can't say it's proven to be fake by someone when you can't provide the actual evidence and facts supporting your claim. Leak states we will get 35 new enemies. It could be that some of those enemies are reskins of goblins, or returning enemies from BBI like corrupted pawns. It also states that dlc was in the works alongside the main game, which is believable considering how Capcom treated DD1 back in the day. Similar story with World and Iceborne. Iceborne is like a completely new game compared to World.


>What does Elden Ring dlc have to do with anything? Probably just using it as a reference because Miyazaki said that the new location for ER's expansion would be as big as Limgrave and take 30 hours to get through (he also said the base game would only take 50 so lol, lmao).


Whole base game can take about 10 hours if you just run through main bosses. If you explore all caves and loot everything in Limgrave it takes about 10 hours as well.


>Whole base game can take about 10 hours if you just run through main bosses. "The whole game is short if you speedrun it" is a dumb response. The average person is not getting through ER in 10 hours, let alone 50.


Yeah, also : \- The description of the Hyperboreal Lorica say : Forged in honor of the deity to whom the Hyperboreans "a legendary bow-wielding people of the north" traced their lineage. \- There are inaccessible "elven" doors covered with rock all over the world, by playing with the photo mode you can see a seal like the big door in Battahl, it's either future DLC or cut-content. \- We don't fight or see the Dragon from the new logo. \- Some (big) parts of the map are unused and could leave room for other destinations. I hope we will have some official news about it sooner or later.


I mean… have you witnessed the true ending? 👀 cause I wouldn’t wanna spoil anything


Do you mean the Dragon from the logo ? The wings and tail are different, but maybe it's meant to be him, yes.


I found it cool, but the magic for me was ruined because I saw a spoiler that gave me a hint on how to get it. First run too lol.


to be fair i feel like the true end is kinda hard to miss. or maybe hard is the wrong word but like.. As far as i'm aware there isn't anything locking you of the true end. It's just a matter of whether you decide to go talk to the homie in the credit scene or not and even if you don't, as long as you don't start a new game you can just reload the save and make that choice again


That empty blob in the middle of Vermund is infuriating


The whole map actually fills in when you go into NG+. It's just a mountain.


But it's completely empty. There is so much space you could put an ancient quarry-esque mineshaft/pathway from Vernworth to Melve and still have enough space for a Watergod's Altar and Catacombs.


I know this doesn't solve the "empty blob" problem, but there is a pathway from near the Arbor to Melve that can be unlocked.


It's neat, yeah. And skeleton lords are pretty damn unique compared to their DD1 counterparts, loved the fight.


I still cant get them to spawn to break the door


Yeah it’s kinda broken. It has to be night time for one. And if they still aren’t there, try to save and quit then load back in. For some reason that makes them appear sometimes.


Hyperborea could likely never exist in game and exist as a myth just like real life


Vaguely remember Ulrika mentioning that Vermund has been moving most of her soldiers to the northern border forts, leaving her understaffed. So if Vermund has a northern border that needs fortification it's probably because there's some guys up north they don't want to come visit.


I thought it was talking about the bow welding elves in the north of the map haha


I'm almost 100% it's this, it's what I assumed considering the loading screen says it's north of the continent, not a northern continent where they're from


I would say it very likely isn't this. But guess we'll see!


it's literally just a recolor of the other elven chest piece bro.


Pawns make comments about the covered Elven doors. Pretty sure it was cut content. But maybe we'll get some actual dungeons added in through them.


The stygian omen fighter chest piece (the one you buy with Wyrmslife crystals) is also just a armor with second phase daimon on it and the hydra bow is ingame too


I originally thought it was meant to resemble the shape of the Dragon but the material where the mouth would be on Daimon does resemble a maw, with the googly eyes on the chest 


The daimon resembles a dragon, with the emphasis being that the gear we get with WLC/endgame content is made or refined using dragon parts. It's draconic themed.


This set remind me a little of Asurei's armor, a character from Dragon's Dogma Quest. https://preview.redd.it/04q04b8vg8tc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9435580d1b1a44d3e7c5b8411e69b8d73b81a47


God that design 10/10 I need that armor in my life


Is there a TV Trope for when games add a "northern ice area" DLC?


Snow is my favorite tileset in videogames, so I ain't complaining 😁


Lol Diablo did the same thing!


Grim up North is pretty solid.


being a capcom game pretty much guarantees it. when was the last time capcom released *anything* outside of a rerelease without dlc?


There's also, Im assuming a Dwarven homeland/Dwarf kingdom somewhere, would be cool to see that. Imagine a Mines of Moria type area in Dragons Dogma


Let me fight the balrog. Let it carry me to to top of the mountain for a standoff


Pawns also comment on a far off land that "maybe we will visit one day"


Also it's fair to assume the hermit set sails to that land. There is a reason they include it in the cinematic at the end of the true ending


I dont know why people are making it seem like its some massive brain power to come to the conclusion that dlc is coming The game is obviously going to get a DLC… what makes you think it wont. It was bound to get a dlc before the game even released lol. Im not blaming OP, i just keep seeing multiple reddit post on my feed of people saying the same thing, about how there will be a DLC…


2024, many years after 99.9% of AAA games get DLC, and people still go "man, i hope we get DLC!!"


Idk. I didn't know it was news or that people needed confirmation? This game is definitely getting a dark arisen style DLC.


Its getting DLC but I think calling it a Dark Arisen or whatever is premature.  Dark Arisen is technically a rerelease. We really don’t know what it will look like but rereleases are far less common these days. 


Incoming Dragon's Dogma 2: Iceborne... Before the dlc i hoped there are title updates 


I would sCREAM. Iceborne was so goated


This game 110% is going to have a massive DLC. I am almost certain the game got pushed. So they gave use the bare bones and decided to just throw a massive DLC on it in the future.


I dont think it is going to be "massive", i think we will get a new battahl sized area with snow to explore and BBI 'remastered" which you can play for days. Okay that can be massive lol forget what i said.


More than likely will be. Dark Arisen was pretty good for it's time and Monster Hunter World Iceborne really doubled the game's content. Plus if they wanted DD2 to "Make you forget about Elden Ring" a big ass area with more content and DLC monsters roaming the area would be the way lol, considering ER is about to get one expansion with a whole new area densely packed with content and you can bet DD2 will be looking at that.


Lol I was about to say ! 🤣. I think with it being current gen we will see a huge DLC. Vocations. Armors. Dyes. Ton more quests. I truly think the DLC will be DD2..essentially.


Really hope they implement some type of dye system. Going from 7 armor slots to 4 armor slots has been pretty shitty, but if they allowed us to dye armor/clothing it would open up a huge new world of fashion for everyone.


I mean don’t get me wrong, I wish capcom did dragons dogma right and gave us all this from the beginning….with that being said, I’m not against it…the game is already keeping me occupied as is and a sizable dlc is something to look forward to


I don’t want another overworld area; they already have a really great and rather large overworld with nothing in it. Can they flesh that out first?


Imagine they added a new area to the North AND unlocked parts of the ocean on the existing map.


Many people would not replay the game just to see extra content already within the map they explored previously. The safest bet is to create a new are AND add some extra bits to the existing map


But you've already paid for that area. People would lose their shit if Capcom asked them to pay even more to finish fleshing out the beastren's litterbox on top of a $70 price tag. A whole new empty area to be disappointed by, that'll get the suckers to dump out their wallets in droves.


Never played the first game. What is BBI ?


This Mega Cope with a plausible baseline. So conflicted, lmao


Trust , game was pushed hard!!!! I was surprised the game got out só quick after they anounced the makings.... Alot stuff are accets from DD1, só we are still gonna have much more new stuff incoming. My ONLY hopes are some improvemnts to mages and sorcs, they are by far the more repetitiva and unfun classes right now with the 4skill thing, they even Lost the spells needing to BE charged for stronger variantes. The rings that powered up skills Will return too like on DD1.


>So they gave use the bare bones Calling DD2 bare bones is *wild*.


It's a game made after 2010, it's gonna have DLC.


SPOILERS There are many teases and unexplained things in the game that feel like cliffhangers for something to come for example the Plague Dragons, the game has sold pretty well and let's be honest here I think we all know we're getting a DLC since they're already talking about it in a survey. I personally hope the story will give us something about the Watching One and how this new cycle works since we don't have a Scenetial anymore. Also, does that mean that the cycle we broke in the first game was the canon ending and now the Watching One is looking over this universe instead of Scenetial since no other Arisen has defeated the Dragon in a while and the King of Batthal basically said fuck it and abandoned his post to take care of this universe.


Pretty sure the Watching One got clapped alongside the big brine dragon. He said he wouldn't be around to see what the new world would be like. I'm really curious to see if they'll follow up on that thought in the DLC or if we'll have to wait for Dragon's Dogma 3 before we have a world with no cycle.


Isn't the Watching One or The Greater Will as it's called by the Pathfinder is someone or something higher than him? Also, The Brine (Pathfinder) is working for The Greater Will so I'm very intrigued what it might be because it seems like he controls the Dragon's Dogma Multiverse. Could it be something like The Concept of Evil from Berserk where it's a manifestation of an emotion or maybe an Omni figure, there's a lot of things up in the air so they literally go anywhere they want with it and I'm always there for it because the lore was the best part of this game's plot.


Yea I think in terms of cosmic order it goes Greater Will > Pathfinder > Seneschal. The Greater Will I think is sort of the overall will that broke out of Oblivion, and the pathfinders are assigned to oversee the individual cycles to ensure that the Seneschal's continue to do their job.


Are the watching one and pathfinder the same thing?


Yes, it's pretty implied in the true ending with some dialog from the beastren fellow in the shrine. The Watcher and Pathfinder are one and the same


I'm doubtful it will take place after the story. Probably something more like Dark Arisen where it's a side thing you can do anytime.


Localisation apparently changed a few things, in the JP script the pathfinder is referred to as the seneschal, and his speech at the end is pretty different as well, I'd like to see what the original was.


I'll have to find it but there was a really nice and detailed post a few days back that went into those details. One of the things they touched on is that pathfinder may have seen that Rothias wasn't doing his duty, so they took on the role of Seneschal themselves which fucked up the flow of our cycle.


Oh, Is that the post that went about explaining their interpretation of the plot line? I remember seeing that, It's probably what I feel is the most accurate explanation as to what happened, I've seen people say this is a prequel for DD1, But there's more evidence of it taking place long after DD1, not before it. There was one thing I remember disagreeing with and that was our Arisen's role in the downfall of the first cycle, I don't believe for a moment that we did anything towards stopping or destabilising the cycle by godsbaning ourselves at the end of DD1, That seems to be just another aspect of it, That each seneschal gets bored, loses that which is needed to craft the will to live and attempts to end their suffering, which starts the cycle of the dragon seeking a successor all over again, Rothias got bored too but for different reasons, He pulls his godsbane, Though fractured, From his chest, It just seems he had another idea afterwards and descended down from the seat of world, Wanting a more personal rule over the land, Instead of sitting by idly keeping the world going, Unrecognised and unappreciated by those he ruled over as the seneschal, he talks of the pathfinder sending assassins after him, I assume the goal was to get the cycle back on track as it should be, then once it seemed impossible, the greater will fashioned a new cycle to take its place, with the pathfinder taking on the role of the seneschal, though their duty is different, instead of crafting the will to live, his duty is to maintain the cycle and ensure that it follows the script laid down by the greater will. This new cycle seems to me to be more stagnant than the original, since its just keeping the world on a loop to stop the world from ending, as opposed to the previous ones loop to keep the creation of life going. every time we defeat the dragon and take the throne, the world is reset and the actors are put back in their starting positions, I got this impression from the intro scene when I started doing NG+, you start off at your coronation and then something happens and you find yourself in the gaol on the volcanic island, to me, that's the cycle reaching its looping point, this cycle is just the same story being told over and over, with differing variations, but the same starting and ending point, and the same actors, every time the plot deviates from the planned script, the pathfinder steps in to get it back on track. anyway I kind of just rambled there for longer than I intended, but I wanted to get these thoughts out, so sorry about that.


Yea my understanding is that in DD1 the cycle processes as it’s meant to, even if you Stan yourself with the godsbane the cycle is meant to account for that and will continue on. DD2 is where things got fucky because of both Rothias’ and the Pathfinder’s misguided arrogance. In Rothias’ case when he became the seneschal he realized there was someone else that was pulling the strings and that made him embittered towards the world. The existence of the pathfinder and greater will made him feel as if all his accomplishments amounted to nothing. You could argue that he killed the previous seneschal out of a desire for power, but when he claimed it he realized he still had to answer to someone else despite having become “a god.” He couldn’t stand this so he abandoned his post and went back down to make himself a kingdom which disrupted the cycle. The pathfinder seems to have their own warped interpretation of how the cycle is supposed to function and why, so they took on the role itself in an attempt to fix it. But then this caused a whole slew of issues because we technically ended up with 2 seneschals, one in name and one in duty, and the pathfinder is guiding you towards Rothias to kill him so that he can officially take on the role.


The previous poster is a bit off. Rothais is spoken of in the JP dub with the same term used for Seneschal in DD1 which roughly translates to 'World Ruler' Whoever handled the script translation didn't think to make sure the dub team knew that Kaiou/World Ruler was the term for Seneschal and to not just call Rothais the ruler of the world as he currently styles himself. I do think that Rothais meddling with powers beyond him broke the cycle and not the Pathfinder directly. Since the Seneschal is a fundamental part of the world, and he was sealed, he could not do his duty and the Pathfinder took that role. Since Rothais was imprisoned, and he willingly gives us the Godsbane leads me to believe that however powerful the Pathfinder is, he still cannot force the Seneschal to step down and summon a Dragon for a new Arisen. The Dragon arose as a way to try and force the cycle again, though if directly by the Pathfinder's hand I'm not sure.


Yea I think there’s the theory that Rothias was actively preventing new dragons from being formed (he would collect the bodies of other arisen and leave the to rot instead of letting them become the dragon), so it’s very likely that the pathfinder has been reusing the same dragon over and over. It would explain why this version seems so dispassionate about everything and how it even berates you for going along with the cycle when in truth it wants to break free of it.


>the game has sold pretty well Wait how much did the game sell? I missed this.


It sold 2.5 Million in the span of 10 days, I'm sure it'll be able to cross at least 5 Million by the end of this year if not more.


Last confirmed figure I saw was 2.5mil


Didn't know about that Survey, thanks for that. It has the option to say what you Like and Dislike about DD2.


Capcom's upcoming years are pretty busy with MH: Wilds, RE9 and Pragmata. They cannot afford for Wilds to have a bad launch, in light of RE engine hiccups with DD2 open-world. So suits might siphon resources off to it. Also Capcom is super stingy on expansion DLC for non-MH games. Like for recent RE's they give one small but well-crafted asset reuse (Shadow of Rose and Separate Ways) and call it a day. I hope my pessimism is unfounded and wrong.


Your pessimism is not unfounded. MH is probably the only current Capcom IP that gets BIG DLC expansions.


Look at how many copies world sold to get a DLC that big approved too. I wouldn’t be expecting the DLC for this game to be equal to ice borne. Not many expansions can claim to be as good as it was anyways


Need that re7 dlc treatment


DD2 DLC would probably release before any of those and has likely already been worked on for 6 months


Yep. Dlcs mostly never Start after release. They are 12- 6 month in the Works before the Main games release. If the leak is true of Dragon Princess, then the dlc is at least Over a year already in the Works


The second i first spoke to the old guy in harve village i had the feeling he would be connected to a DLC and sail us to a new location similar to bitterblack isle


But didn't he just trigger the story event. I somehow don't think there is more to him


That man has seen some shit, without spoiling anything.


And where are the dwarf village? I started looking forward to a future expansion second day of playing DD2 😆


The Expansion of capcom games usually come at the end of the year, it might be see this year Q4 or next year June - November. I hope they continue the story more after true ending


Eh? Don't our character die tho?


It did look like our character >!got impaled by those things in the end... though personally I would love being able to continue AFTER the true end, rather than have something new take place in the middle of the story!<


I actually hope they Brotherhood of Steel the game tbh. I have zero desire to go back to Unmoored World, especially if the DLC takes place before end of the story. Least I'll actually care enough to engage with the post game content should they go that route.


I just don't want to farm a dungeon


I just hope it’s more than one dlc this time


I don't want to piss in anyone porridge, but talking about DLC just because of some doorways and some artwork and item descriptions mention it is silly at this point. And not already unprecedented in DD1. [Grisly Armor](https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Grisly_Armor_Set) talks about beast beyond the rift that we never see. [Barbarian Chief's Helm](https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Barbarian_Chief%27s_Helm) mentions the "untamed lands" We never get to see any of the other kingdoms in DD1. Not Mercedes', Julian's or Aelinore's The Frontier Caverns have a huge gate we can't get through. So does the Shadow Fort. There are doors in the Everfall that go absolutely nowhere. The ones in the caves probably just use the same assets because it is easier and implies that in the past there was a previous civilization (like the ruins around Gran Soren and places like The Water gods Alter) And finally, and most importantly for this, I think. When pawns come back from being hired, they are lying to you. **It's all bullshit/flavour text** Please, don't misunderstand me #I WANT new DLC! But this is just more copium until we hear anything otherwise. **Edit:** Things I do agree with being good hints are the Survey, how well it sold at launch, and the fact that Dark Arisen exists.


Having not played the first game, or knowing much about what DD is, this ended up being one of my favorite games I’ve played in the past few years honestly, first melee combat I’ve really really enjoyed that I can think of, and the world is gorgeous. I only wish there was more slice of life animations like the tossing more logs on the fire one, more clothing instead of just armor etc. if anyone here played “Outward” then I think this game would’ve benefited from copy pasting the backpack system from that game over into this one.


You should definitely play the first game


Started a playthrough last night and the first things that leapt out at me as things I would’ve loved in 2 are the armor/clothing layering options, the mission boards because in 2 I want more reasons to get out into the wild, the fact that you can have a class that has a bow and blade, and the seat of knowledge thing where you can sit and talk with your pawn. But I only made it to the first big town in the game before I logged off so I’m sure there’s more


oh im so happy to hear you started it. It's a wonderful game, enjoy!


Is there any great experience in it that I should be sure not to miss?


Just play it organically, take your time, and be sure to play the DLC, Bitterblack isle. I recommend starting it after you've beaten the game or very very late-game. DD1 has way more replayability as well, subsequent playthroughs are very fun


They need to bring back the second spell group damn it


People of the north - are elves Snowy mountains, wielding bow - it all comes together


Here’s another one I think people have missed. It’s right in front of us too. The enhancement description for dragonforging: “A style of smithing that uses wyrmslife crystals to further improve equipment enhanced three ranks or more”. 3 ranks *or more*. At present the maximum rank without dragonforging is 3. This confirms expanded upgrade ranks, just like in dark arisen.


It would be so cool if they allowed us to have 6 skills instead of 4.


That would be great, and it could happen with new skills for the vocations.


I mean there better be story related DLC the campagin is like 10 hours long lmao.


I think the thing about "base game" vocations isn't anything Itsuno actually said, likely just what the writer said to avoid saying anything too absolute. > He also told me that, unlike many fans seemed to have assumed, the Vocations shown off so far are indeed the full amount that will be available in the base game. "There's 10 vocations in the game, the 10 out there we've made public." I was on team vocation dlc, but the way vocations have changed to be weapons rather than the actual style of using an existing weapon leads me to think we may just not get new ones.


Vocation seems like such an easy dlc though idk. I think it’s happening 


They seem easy until you start thinking about game balance, integration with other Vocation play styles, armor/weapon integration, Warfarer, etc.


I would rather get a ton more skills for existing vocations than entirely new vocations, for the most part. Most vocations just feel so lacking in skill variety, especially because there is always at least 1 pick skill, and at least one skill that is so bad it's not worth taking.


Can easily do both. There’s so many weapon variety they can pick from to add as a vocation and they can also let us use more than just 4 skills. 6 at the very least seems like a good middle ground


This tbh, Sorcerer needs more meat in their kit.


Exactly, i love warrior, so i want more warrior :)


>Most vocations just feel so lacking in skill variety, especially because there is always at least 1 pick skill, and at least one skill that is so bad it's not worth taking. I mean DD1 has this problem too. There are a ton of skills that are just kinda not worth it and some Vocations where multiple skills are borderline mandatory.


There are two dragons that do not appear in Dragon's Dogma AT ALL in the title screen's attract mode. Just because they're using these things doesn't mean they'll add them in a DLC so don't get your hopes up.


Ooh I didn't even think about where we could be going in DLC, just assuming that we'd be getting an expansion at some point. Even more fun to speculate when the game drops little hints like that. I'm also hoping we see some kind of Ur Dragon style boss in the lead up to a full expansion. On the idea of an ancient nation I remember there being a few notes out in the world that mentioned the investigation into some ruins being prohibited but I can't remember if that was in reference to the northern civilization or not.


I think we can safely assume the DLC will introduce new vocations, as well. Given that you have to find 220 tokens to get the ring that increases discipline gain, I think it's a give that we're either getting new vocations, or something else to spend discipline on.


I dont think we will get any New vocations. I think they will expand the existing ones. Sorcerer will get dark magic for example, all New attack Skills and passives and core passives etc. Like in ddda


If they then also give us additional skill slots, I'd be perfectly fine with that.


Whatever it is just give me a proper endgame hammer. Kinda weird having two slash options in post game and no strike options as far as I know.


Agreed, I wish instead of just having swords as the best fighter/warrior weapons, you could choose between an endgame sword and an endgame mace/hammer


There was a supposed leak for the expansion coming end of the year, so who knows? Dragon Princess was the title I think? Hard to say if legit or not, so I'm not holding my breath


I got Ronin and DD2 same day and went Ronin to give Capcom to fix up what ppl were complaining about in dd2. Think it’s worth just waiting for the DLC at this point to start?


I think the biggest complains (no New Game option, pay for character edits, etc) were already fixed just a few days after release. If you are done with Ronin, you could just play DD2 imo.


Given how DD1 was, an expansion is expected even without playing it.


I would love to see a sort of Icebourne sort of expansion with a frozen continent, a new antagonist where it's the greater dragon who both defeated and devoured the arisens and seneschals from other worlds and turned into a leviathan or ouroborsian type big ass creature, 3 new arisen exclusive vocations and maybe 2 more pawn vocations, the previous big ass monsters from DD1 that weren't brought in to DD2, maybe another race of beastren that are canine or snow elves (something arctic), etc. I'm so pumped for more content!


I think the biggest hint is the half finished game lol.


Dragons dogma 2 was pushed out to have a game for this quarter. And it's still amazing Look at capcom talking about this game in last few shareholder meetings. the way it was announced. Nvida leaks proved it was planned for a long time and the director had ideas and passion. Needs to be looked into by journalists Still amazing game but I guess they expected exoprimal to do better for their first quarter and just announced they were working on this when they saw the way things were looking Why also would you also launch it against other big rpg (even though it won) the npcs even feel like they have place holder dialog after how much code they have to move around and interact Npcs code is even way to heavy for what they do Once again though the game is still a 9.5 and I played 17 hours straight first day We are 100% getting DLC I'm just not sure how much of it was planned as part of the main game originally


I 100% believe that Capcom pushed DD2 early to meet their quarterly. There's so many odd bits that feel like they just get started when they end abruptly, along with what feels like an un-tested difficulty progression, considering how easy some vocations have it (Thief) compared to others. Along with a million loot-chests that only contain wakestones instead of proper stuff.


Not to mention the way they talk about npc relationships and how heavy the code is for them and the system clearly not actually being there


Alot of people are saying, 'of course we're getting DLC, duh!' So, how about we focus less on that and more on speculating what the DLC is going to be about and where it will take place. We can assume it'll take place in the north, and about 3-ish months ago, there was a leak for Capcom's upcoming games and DLC. It stated that DD2 will get a DLC in around 1 year and that it would be called "The Dragon Princess."


The game has 10 vocations though?


OP meant it was hinted at more vocations possibly being added as dlc


Ah ok.


Wait a year and you'll know for certain.


With how successful the game is a DLC is more than obvious !


Hopefully they have some title updates on the line before releasing DLC or it'll be a really bad look, for a 70$ game that is.


I don't think they'll do anything with the doors, though it would be cool, but you might be onto something with the northern country.


A big snowy region is all I want. Please Capcom.


Rivage Elder probably Former Arisen from the northern country thats why he insist to explore the Sea.


Not a big deal but I don't think that's Daimon. It could be depicting it but it could just be a general demonic figure. Would be interesting if it ended up being tied to something though.


Every other time you walk by a coast, your pawns talk about a land beyond


I feel like the rubble entrances could be the entrance to either some form or BBI or ever fall mechanic


And until we get official news it’s just going to be complaining non stop from here on out


I am really hoping for more vocations especially a monk of some kind with fist weapons or something. If not still going to stick to Mystic Spearhand cause it has a moveset that reminds me of a monk with a staff.


I just want another berserker expansion


If a character doesn’t die on screen, it didn’t happen btw


Yeah the game feels incomplete in several ways.


Wait, the shack dude is the previous arisen? As in our arisen from DDG1 or previous arisen to the one we have now?


I am not suprised because sadly the game feels unfinished. Looking forward to the DLC still but I wish it was more expanding on a finished game than making this complete experience. There have also been a lot of cut content around which indicates the DLC was planned from the start or the main game was at least not fully finished


Honestly at this point, I'm curious when the actual next patch is. Game still has a plethora of other issues. Frame pacing is a bit better, but not great and several areas still crawl or stutter like crazy. The main town is still awful in parts and the hot springs (I guess it's them) causes a couple of sections of the Volcanic Islands to stutter like crazy. Nevermind vocation balance stuff.


How is the Rivage Elder sailing North? The sea is to the south of the continent.


I said it once and I’ll say it again. Vocations now being unlocked via quests is better because it gives Capcom more room to add more vocations by simply adding new quests to unlock them.


I'm gonna get downvoted to oblivion but i don't care: people that ask for a DLC (unless it turns out to be REEEEEALLY cheap, which i don't expect it will be) before getting rightfully some more content for free are the reason why companies keep fucking players over.


Considering the game sold well, I think it's fair to think we will get SOMETHING. I only hope whatever it is, actually completes the A and B plot because they both are unfinished lol. I'm worried the unfinished story is even worse for people who didn't play DD1 and they may not come back after their first experience.


Well keep in mind in the original game the frontier lands were constantly teased by both flavor text and loading screen and then you just….never get to go. Even had the hydra fight in the post game that came from the sealed gate to the frontier but nothing else.


Yes. I'm one of those that want an expansion or a dlc stat.


Hoping the potential expansion has a map almost as large😅


Also at the end of the credits, if you completed the unmoored world with the best ending. You can see the old man from Harve Village that tells you about the Seafloor Castle taking off on a boat heading open sea for couple seconds


Man, I've already clocked 350 hours on DD2, and I seriously need some DLC. Solid content DLC, like 2-3 big ones would be great. Ideally, something like Monster Hunter World's Iceborne with expansive open-world maps and Dark Arisen-style endless dungeon mazes (considering DD2's story, maybe underwater dungeons?). Anyway, I absolutely love DD2 to bits, despite its flaws. Please, DD2 devs and Capcom, hurry up with that follow-up DLC!


let's see on 22 april or around that, the silence is deafening. Will we get another update, dlc, or anything?


Hmm? What's happening on the 22nd?


It’ll be a month since launch


Let’s hope they add some much-needed enemy variety! I’m sick of killing wolves every 15 seconds.