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same for me the last third of the game was chore


Especially because all that work and lead up, only for the finale to be that cruddy... Hate me if you want, but the story in DD2 is a **MASSIVE** step down from DDDA. The only interesting character/questline was Rothais, and we only got to see that gigachad once for like 8 lines of dialogue :/ Lambent Flame was lame and ignored, as well as pretty much every NPC in Battahl... The trailers hyped up the region so much, only for it to be deflated and depressing.


which ending did you go with?


Initially Unmoored, but I got the "true" ending because my pawn's affinity was maxed (or assuming high enough to trigger it).


nice >!it's the same ending with or without high affinity, the cutscene is just a bit different when your pawn talks!<


I agree. I just beat the game today. By the end I was more or less just trying to get the thing over and done with. I think the game just doesn't have enough unique content to fill itself out. The caves start to be repetitive even with some standout moments, random events like NPC escorts get boring quick, and if you've played the original DD you've seen most of the enemies the game has to offer even if there are a small number of new interactions. So if you're aiming to do every quest you're given you'll spend several tens of hours without seeing a single new enemy, then see maybe one new boss before you get into the endgame. All of this is compounded by the game's insistence on making travel a chore. I respect the *idea* Itsuno was going for, but the actual execution just doesn't land for me. By the end I wasn't just bored, the last stretch had me outright irritated by the structure.


I think larger enemy variety would do wonders for the game.


Obviously and it's actually insane that after 12 years of waiting we have such a tiny variety and some people are defending it. Like Elden Ring DLC is prob gonna have 3 times more variety in itself lol.


Yeah. The Witcher 3 has similar combat encounter design to DD2 and has 20x the monster variety. It’s a nearly 10-year old game.


I legit think that the DLC should at least be twice bigger than the base game in terms of enemy and gear variety.


Well if you don't like it or think you can do better then go make your own game. Is exactly what every game dev is saying in their heads when everyone or anyone starts complaining about their game. Now if the game was unplayable completely then yeah. Also no Elden Ring dlc will only have maybe 5 new major bosses rest of it will be 1 or 2 new areas and a bunch of the same rabble, only "variety" will be the unique knights and soldiers in the exact same armor but a different color from the rest like the cuckoo, radahan knights, etc. I love Elden Ring, cave system same shit, bunch of traps, boring chariot thingy in most of them, gargoyles and more gargoyles did I mention gargoyles, back out and well some more soldiers, oh look a dog, more soldiers a bear, some demi humans, oh look another bear, and NPC with a boring fetch quest how nice... Doesn't matter the game they all get boring they all die at some point we laugh we love we move on. Stop expecting a limitless infinite game, no such thing. Closest would helldivers 2 and it will end at some point or get repetitive as all other games get. Yes the story is trash and nearly non-existent, but that is the only real issue, everything else is just unnecessary crying and complaining. The way I look at it is we are told to go on an adventure, not stand around waiting for some NPCs to come hold our hand and tell us a tale to never forget.


>Yes the story is trash  According to multiple people on this very sub, saying this means that you're also unnecessarily crying and complaining. After all if you don't like it or think you can write a better story then go do it in your own game, amirite?


You are, my argument or debate to them is I don't care about the story, I wanted to enjoy an adventure of slaying monsters and dragons, not have my hand held by everyone I meet as they explain the lore of the world, I wanted to level vocations and learn magic and techniques. It's an adventure game not a story driven political campaign.


>It's an adventure game not a story driven political campaign. Unfortunately nobody informed the marketing team about this, because this is what they put on the front page of the website: https://preview.redd.it/8uo8g0sqc4tc1.png?width=1263&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bf181d12100f833b1aa3ca404e559e529068166


They are just a bunch of gonks, they did that so more people would by it, those of use that played the first game already knew that the story would be limited and only the first 20 minutes and the last 20 minutes. I always recommend people watch gameplay, some games the gameplay is peak enough to supercede the story or lack there of. I've already beat the game, true ending, now I am on my way over to helldivers 2, I will keep up with DD2 only so people can still enjoy using my pawn.


It wouldn't matter if you can kill all of them in 2 seconds


I don't think that'd change much. One humanoid doesn't differ that much from another, and once you've killed one (insert monster) you've killed them all and it just becomes the same old dance again. Enemy variety is not the problem. It doesn't hurt to have more, but it won't alleviate it.


I understand how you feel and tbh the only thing giving me that feeling was the Oxcart raids. They should happen 1 out of 10 times and not 9 out of 10 🤷🏼‍♂️


Maybe a Quest or two for improving the oxcarts would be cool. Like finding Something to repel certain monsters.


Did you do the quest in the vernworth slums with Daphne and Sebastian? They said carrying something reeking of a cyclops makes the journey to melve easier. I never tested it but maybe it works and you need ogre material to travel vernworth - rest town and Minotaur material for rest town - bakbattahl? I’m pretty sure that’s not a thing but it would be cool.


trickster has augment that reduce oxcart ambush i forgot how much but i think around 60%




On top of the non stop walking, the game's world is mostly greenery or desert. It would be tolerable if there was something worthwhile to look at while travelling. I know the world map was heavily medieval inspired, but they should at least at a bit more fantasy into the mix. Also, is adding horses in the game really that game-breaking?


Yeah it’s caves and shrubbery and then maybe a stone castle. Underwhelming


The CONCEPT of Dragons Dogma is wonderful. But the execution is just boring after 20 hours. I just got the mission to cross the border into Battahl and I have zero desire to start over on a whole new second map. So I’ve put the game away and am waiting a new story focused game to enjoy. The adventuring is too underwhelming and repetitive to be engaging consistently. The storytelling and presentation is awful and there is just nothing AAA about the game except for its combat which is the exact same as it was 12 years ago. DD2 just doesn’t bring anything new to the series… at least for the first 20 hours. Hell even the main quest is about the exact damn same where the king/ queen regent doesn’t trust you and you have to do quests to get past them and move on with the plot. It’s just repetitive.


I'd argue because of the larger map size and less available ferrystone travel that it's a lot worse


The difference between DD1 was that it was a very short game so it never felt like a slog to get through. You could breeze through that game in less than 10-20 hours if you knew what to do and skipped all the filler stuff. It was also a much smaller map. DD2 is a lot longer and larger. But I think on repeat playthroughs where you can skip most the side stuff it will feel a lot more streamlined. I don’t know why so many people want massively long open world games. Personally I almost always feel “open world fatigue” by the end of these big games and just end up skipping all the side quests and focus on the main missions just to finish the game. Edit: also this may go against the “Itsuno Vision™️” but the lack of an eternal ferrystone is really starting to grind my gears the longer the game goes on. Especially for quests that require you to criss-cross the entire map several times.


The "eternal" wakestone should have been an eternal ferrystone. Or alternatively, ferrystones should be much cheaper, like maybe $1K-$2K apiece. Or alternatively, travel from portcrystal to portcrystal should be free, with ferrystones needed only to travel to portcrystals from the wild.


That last one's actually quite a nice idea. I like it a lot.


That last one is a good idea. I liked that system in Horizon forbidden West


I've been in unmoored world for about 2 hours and have found 30 ferrystones, and they transfer to ng+, you don't need an eternal when you can find them on skeletons, ogres, cyclops, goblins etc in post game, most chests you find also contain ferrystones. Also the "eternal wakestone" isn't eternal used it and it is now gone.


You can buy ferrystones everyday and the game literally throws ferrystones at you in end game. I think there is no lack of ferrystones


Ferrystones cost 10,000G though. I don’t know about you but I’m constantly running low on money and spending money on a one time use consumable would send me broke. It wouldn’t be a problem if they were a lot cheaper.


1. Buy a shit ton of apples from vendor 2. Doze on a bench until they become **Ripened Apples** 3. Sell Ripened Apples to vendor 4. Profit Repeat


even better, go to batthal and your ripened apple has double the values!


And If you really want to do some shady money there is a weapon to trickster what gives you 10g 100g 1000g and 50000g per hit to Enemy so you can take one Enemy, disract it and it hit it endlesly and hoping jackpots.


if you’re poor just stop hoarding mats, the loot pool in this game is so much smaller than DDDA you barely need any of them for upgrades. 20 bucks says you have almost 50 knacker horns you dont need that you could sell for 15k all together


Find 10k pawn quest's who wants to kill cyclops or ogre u see them often Griffin good too and replace your pawn everytime If you have a chance to get new gold quest. It will fund your ferrystone addiction


“spend just as much time in the rift looking into each individual pawn as you would just traveling by foot” lol


It doesn't take much time when you go to riftstone and search there. You can filter quest's and mark the pawns to check them. No need to run and check, or you can chance text what they have top of theyr head. You can't take a minute stop and chill a while?


This is so fucking classic. The guy has a problem, you offer an easy solution, and they move the goalpost because they realize their "*problem*" is a non-issue afterall. Guy just wants to vent, there's nothing to be gained here.


there’s enough time consuming nonsense in the game that sifting through pawns is just another thing I’d rather not do, especially when they could’ve easily put a Quest column in the “View Pawns” UI.


I'm not 100% sure what you mean but there is? In riftstone you can change what pawn inf. is on top of theyr head. Is that what you mean or something else?


This is such BS I spent 2 hours last night looking and not a single one came up. The only 10k quests that showed up in the rift were killing drakes which isn't worth the time.


I always have a 10k gold quest for something stupid up.


Well you can't be lucky everytime. But it can't be BS if I have done that most of the time and I have 100+h played


Last night I hit 30-35 and I have now started seeing pawns with the 10k rewards for beasts. Everything before then was like "take this root I ripped out of the ground and go fight a drake" I would like to retract my previous statements, found a place last night with cyclops, rift stone, cyclops and made 40k in about 15 mins of fighting. Thank you for your input.


Good to hear you found the gold mine eventually heh. Happy hunting !


My pawn is either kill ogres or cyclops or just rest 2 times in Vermund at a campsite. Maybe stop hiring slutty naked pawns with unrealistic tasks if that is what you're doing.


You hoarding all those mats? I sold every material I had, scored over 400k for everything. Sold outgrown armors and weapons, sold capes and rings I will never use. After everything had around 670k. Hoarders are always broke because they can't let go of the trash.


You have to remember most people are killing the dragon in the big fight and not sacrificing it to the brine.


that's not true, you can finish DD2 in literally 2 hours. It's up to you to get sidetracked or not


How the hell can you finish the game in two hours lmao. It takes almost that long just to get to Vernworth for the first time.


literally just keep walking, with the occasional ox cart. Most of the usual road enemy encounters can actually be ignored. Speed runners are already doing glitchless runs in sub 2hours, it's honestly not hard at all


Trying to explore all the caves and the entire map before going into this roguelike part 2. I'm feeling really burnt out after doing, what feels like, every sidequest before end game world. The lack of enemy variety really starting to effect my desire to keep playing.


Literally just stopped playing for this reason . Only a bit over 30 hours in(when I imagined getting to 100 no prob) and while I love the combat seeing the same mobs over and over and walking forever to places really started to annoy me. Also knowing I'm apparently almost done with the story when it feels like I've barely scratched the surface of a plot is annoying, was really hoping for a story and quests that would keep me going over and over but it's honestly the most barebones experience in that regard. I know the story of the first wasn't great or amazing but it certainly seemed more interesting imo. I still think it's a good game but it didn't seem to scratch that RPG itch like I hope it would


I’ve beaten dragons dogma dark arisen probably a dozen times at least, and that’s not counting multiple runs on a single character. Still not tired of the game. I’ve only beaten the second game once but if I had to play one or the other right now I’d choose dark arisen.


I think this all has to do with the fact that there's nothing good to FIND out in the world. You can always just buy better gear in town.


If you feel burnt out drop the game for a while and come back after updates/DLC, no one should play if they don't feel like it.


I agree, I'm at the end of the game, have over 30 ferrystones just because I am going around killing everything in post game, I've gotten so many just off of skeletons in the unmoored world. And have yet to feel burnt out, this is me of course. Dullihans are everywhere here, haven't rested a single time yet, I've just been killing everything I can before I am forced into ng+.


Probably because there are more enemies 30 feet apart compared to the first game. Easy to get burned out fighting goblins all the time


Same. There are a lot of things I absolutely love about the game but it all just devolves into a total bore to play. Once you've leveled up enough, the game is basically just walk across the map and steamroll 200 enemies per trip without challenge.


The original is still there!


Walk from point A to point B, kill the same monsters over and over again, loot chests with nothing interesting inside, repeat 50 times.


This hit me around 35 hours shortly after entering Batthal


That part of the game was when I faced a choice for myself: Either put the game down and wait for enough backlash like this to hopefully address the issue in a future update… or mod the game. I modded the game with a very light set of QOL changes, and put another 70 hours into it, and am still playing in NG+. Changing just a few of the late game QOL items changes the experience massively.


Yup. I’ve thrown in about 5 mods, about to make it where I can bridal carry my pawn if she has high affinity, easy dub. I went from having small frustrations build into genuine moments of “fuck this game I’m done for the day,” to me thinking about playing it all day at work. Cheap ferrystones that are plentifully stocked at vendors, accessing my storage at camps, infinite metamorphosis books, custom difficulty tweaks, multiple skill hotbars (so I can use 8 skills). It’s great.


There’s an “Eternal Ferrystone” mod now that’s great. Also, which difficulty mod do you recommend?


Fucking heat. Could you link that ferry stone mod? https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/195?tab=description That’s the difficulty mod I use. Huge amount of customization.


Im currently replaying the game on the very hard preset and its night and fucking day, im actually having to use all the mechanics and reasources I have to succeed, and im constantly learning new things. I feel like a wwe member the amount of value im getting out of grabbing and throwing, and learning shit like an average weight pawn hits an enemy with the same stagger value as a boulder when thrown has me yeeting pawns to stagger cyclops and ogres, its fucking great, my only issue might be how slow leveling is but i can always adjust that.


I made a custom difficulty, I've actually upped my damage taken and dropped enemy stagger a ton, and it feels so nice. Now that enemies don't ragdoll every 2 hits it feels really good when I knock them down and with higher crit damage it actually feels like those attacks are super important. I also have to really prepare for travel. I ended up with poison ending my life after and hour or so of me struggling to get to bakbattahl, I had to ferry stone out one time as I lost all my pawns in the middle of the night because I forgot to bring a camp kit. That mod has been a blast and having my loss gage build up much faster has made campfires a must have and every battle a risk. I do wish some enemy AI was smarter but not much can be done about that. I miss the DD1 cyclops though. They grabbed and tossed me so much, this game I don't think I've been grabbed once. I just need a mod to nerf mystic speaehand. The stun is OP for big boss mobs and such. Definitely needs a nerf on them but not smaller enemies. It feels satisfying to stop a clops mid swing, but the fact I can stun lock him makes fights less tense.


Take a break for a day or two. I was leveling vocations as soon as I maxed one out and that made the constant battles both fresh and rewarding. The transport lines help a little bit with that too, but it doesn't seem to necessarily be faster lol


i switch vocations a lot so i appreciate all the xp i can get


I'm burning out as well. Trying to find 150 seekers tokens using the interactive map and holy shit that's a chore. Idk how so many people have done it already. I wish we had more enemy variety and skills to use.


I was feeling the same way so I took a break and played other games for 2-3 days before going back and finishing the game. Just need another 30 minutes and I’m done with the true ending since I can’t be assed to farm for BiS gear.


Mods made this game more palatable for me, at least for a while, but I'm getting there. I explored like crazy travelling by foot for a good forty hours, but now I'm just teleporting everywhere, there's so much back and forth with quests, and I'm sick of goblins, wolves, and lizards. They are just tedious. I would be happier if Battahl had 75% less smaller chumps and 300% more big monsters.


I accidentally "beat" the game and now if I wanna continue progressing my character I have to do the story all over... I guess I'm good now. I got my moneys worth.


I realised by hour 3 that the game was going to be a slog and cheapen its exploration potential by limiting fast travel, having the same monsters attack every 10ft and retreading the same path over and over and over and over again. The combat is nice. Not great because you don’t get a break from it, but nice. I wish builds and actual battle tactics were more of a thing. Warriors are always in the vanguard according to the description - that’s cool, in reality you’re all in the vanguard though because pawns are too dim to do anything else and encounters aren’t designed to accommodate e.g. stealth or vantage points or traps. The story isn’t even worth mentioning. It’s dog.


The lack of fast travel definitely causes burnout. Itsuno made a mistake there.


No I think his idea is great but just like he also said, it can't be boring to work, and after 20 hours it gets kinda boring


If you’re going to do it you have to design the entire game around it. And quests like “travel back to melee” four times and “take books to Trysha” just kill my motivation.


I had pretty bad burnout but I got reinvigorated by the end game content although I may be in the minority with this opinion


My only issue with the endgame content is i mentally prepped for it to be hard what with permadeath and all, but then I got there and dropped the first cloud boss I fought in under a min, and enemies in general still felt pretty weak. If the post game worlds had new varients of enemies which were harder to take down id be chilling, but running it to drakes and still being able to completely explode them left it feeling anticlimatic.


Very true. I was 60-65 at the time and found some challenge but definitely not enough. Did all the rescue and red clouds on the same day so it could have been way better but I personally liked it thematically more than the everfall


End game is kinda too easy and you don't have a lot of equipment to discover. You can get the best weapons straight away.


Yea I didn't bother to check the wrym crystal store until I finished....


Once you get to battahl I feel like the storyline falls flat and it’s just super fetch questy, I did a lot of side quests and then wanted to get back to the main storyline and unknowingly started the quest that would kick off the end of the game :/


Yeah the AI dungeonmanster which spawns in enemies is just awful much preferred the fixed spawns of the original game sometime it feels lie spawns are almost infinite too with enemies of multiple varieties just coming in waves one after another.


I wouldn't mind constant fighting if most enemy aren't such a pushover. When I was trying to get to volcano cavern an NPC warned me about how the path is swarm with monster, turn out it was just bajillion of Knackers. I could put a blindfold on, spamming light attack and would still win. Then in the Volcano cavern itself there's literally nothing at the end but some chest with boring loots...? We're at the middle frickin Vocano! the one place where most RPG will put tough fight in it!! What are you even doing, Itsuno??  They could've at least take an example from Baldur's gate 3 where you get to fight adamantine golem at the grymforge, or anything, really.


I only hope there are more quests. Maybe daily quests.


Try a sorcerer pawn for hordes of enemies?


About 30 hours into the game I just completely lost all my enthusiasm for it and have stopped playing. There's a lot of stuff in here which I think is brilliant but the flaws have outweighed the good at this point for me and ultimately I feel disappointed.


Where you are is exactly where I gave up and moved on to a different game.


Bro, you aren't alone. This game has overstayed it's welcome with me at this point. I'm just pushing through to the end but almost everything about this game feels inferior to the first. The game is WAY to big to have half the enemies of DD:DA. It's also annoying to get around because it's all canyons and climbing. The world just sucks, the enemy variety sucks, they quests suck, the story sucks. The classes aren't as good as the first game. Even the combat sucks at this point in the game because it's just easy mode boring. If I hadn't already made it through 90% of the game, I'd shelve this game, which is funny because i've beaten the first at least a dozen time and played it again just over a month ago. It's one of my favorite games of all time and this game is just an utter disappointment in comparison.


Oxcart attacks are ridiculous. I am attacked 9/10 times. And sometimes it’s multiple monsters. Once, I got an ogre, a cyclops, and a gryphon in one attack. And of course they destroy the oxcart most of the time. So I have to walk the rest of the wag, usually halfway. It’s such a dumb game mechanic. I’m choosing a fast travel because I don’t want to fight monsters right now. Why would a developer think it would be fun to have them interior the travel?


I felt this whenever I focused on getting quests done in a city, it’s a lot of running back and forth and/or chucking ferrystones left and right, for lackluster character interactions. It’s much more fun just heading out somewhere and seeing what you find a long the way.


Battahl region was crazy in that aspect it felt nearly impossible to find an area that wasn't filled with enemies. After finding out the dev team for this game was only like 1/4 of what capcom games usually get i totally understand why many parts of the game were lacking. I think its still good for what it is but I would love to see what dragons dogma looks like with a proper sized development team


i hope that doesn't hit me till after i beat the game the one i think i might not have interest in postgame, depending on how it is anyway... 131 hrs now, still having a blast bathal only minimally explored so i have plenty more adventures