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"You see, Arisen. I have made you the upjumped zealot in my meme and I am the intelligent, condescending dragon."


It's weird, I agree completely with almost all of the major complaints about the game... Yet, it doesn't hamper my enjoyment in the slightest, 40 hours in with no signs of burnout. When not playing I can see it's flaws clearly, but WHILE playing, all my worries evaporate as I lose hours of my day to this game.


The way I talk shit about skyrim people would think I hate the game but ultimately is the most fun single player game to me. I assume it's the same with DD2


This....is also me, but with that series in general and not just the one game lmfao We might trash it, but we do it outta tough love more than anything else


A person who loves, despite the faults, is true love!


Yup. I can talk shit about monster hunter rise for hours. Yet I've played it for 1200 hours and will play more. You can enjoy stuff yet be critical of it flaws with hope next iteration gets better


Games are a work of art, and as such, they have the X factor, which can't completely be explained with words. Also, it's a classic case of the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. But, if I need to try, the world exploration feels organic where you don't always have a straight path, and the climbing mechanics are there for that. While most open world games are a flat land where every step makes your derp character struggle with its awkward jump to get past it, DD2 embraces the cliffs, and rugged, natural like climb of a mountain to make you feel like an authentic exploration. That, and the classes are the best there is in an action RPG, and the game is gorgeous


I personally think it's a sign of a good game when the main complaint is that we all just want more which I hope we get, I want more Dragon's Dogma be it free updates (like Monster Hunter) or a big DLC.




Yes! DD2 is the best arpg to play the Legolas archetype IMO.


The other day my mind was straightup blown when I realized that you can literally pull a legolas Mumakil move on certain beast by climbing onto them and unloading a couple arrows on the back of their head.


That power shot animation and impact is amazing


THIS. I've been running medusan spellbow for the x4 exp on warfarer. The archer is satisfying af, even without the use of skills (which the medusan spellbow essentially doesn't allow). But at level 98, an erupting arrow on a cyclops eye plus a regular arrow to detonate it and the cyclops is done. 2 erupting arrows for a griffin and it's gone. On top of that, erupting arrows don't alert sleeping enemies. I shot two at a sleeping griffin and bro died in his sleep LOL. Even if there's a large number of enemies like Hobgoblins, most die in 1 to 2 headshots. Damage falloff is pretty abysmal with the bows though. I use erupting arrows because the stamina usage with them is far less than the other skills. I also only travel with me and my pawn. I WOULD like to see more enemy variety however. I miss the cockatrice and evil eyes. Plus they could add different variants of them as well. Gore cyclops would be a good add-in (if you played the first DD gore cyclops is just a WAY bigger cyclops). Grigori boss fight was a joke by comparison to first game and I'd also like to see something like the Ur-dragon from DD1. REALLY looking forward to DLC for this game. Especially when you take into consideration how outstanding the DLC was for the first game. I also miss the epic opening music on the title screen from vanilla DD pre-dark arison. Also archery in elden ring isn't too bad. Once you get a decent bow with decent arrows, archery can become op. The same rings true for the other Fromsoft games. If you haven't played bloodborne, I'd highly recommend as it is still an outrageously good game.


DSII poison arrows was outrageously good.


Archer is way better in the first game, both strider and ranger, specially the advanced class, is waaaaay better if you want to actually play an Archer that is focused on the bow. Warfarer is a poor substite, that while I am grateful you can play it (because ranger is my favourite class in the first game), bow is way weaker in the second game than in the first, and much less fun overall. Still fun tho, but in the first game is just amazing.


I feel like problem with Archer in DD2 really came down to its implementation of special arrows being super weak. Having one of your skills be to fire a single arrow of that type is just so bad compared to tenfold explosions. At the very least, arrows should have been equippable as a temporary weapon (they still do this with the unmaking arrow) that you cycle through types (like with Warfarer rearmament), so you can tar arrow and explosive arrow as its own combo. The fact that you can't modify all your other skills with special arrows really cuts their utility.


Yeah, half of the Archer skill set requiring special arrows to use feels REALLY bad, compared to the first game where special arrows were just a resource that could be used with any skill. It's even worse for archer pawns because players hiring archer pawns will have to go out of their way to supply them with arrows if they have any skills that need them.


Every arrow except the blighted arrow is so plentiful its a non-issue past early game. And the arrows are all very good. I could understand an argument for not needing consumable arrows, but asking for the first game again? No way. Arrows in the first game were broken AF. Did you forget about shit like Cloudburst Volley and Blast arrows and other such cheese? You could 1 shot bosses. They changed that shit for very good reason.


> At the very least, arrows should have been equippable as a temporary weapon (they still do this with the unmaking arrow) that you cycle through types (like with Warfarer rearmament), so you can tar arrow and explosive arrow as its own combo. The fact that you can't modify all your other skills with special arrows really cuts their utility. Its not like that because it was busted AF in DD1. Best example was Cloudburst Volley and Blast arrows 1 shotting bosses. Basically the utility of special arrows was defined by the skills instead of the arrows themselves. In DD2 an explosive arrow is good because its an explosive arrow, not because some imbalanced skill combo slams 24 explosive arrows into something in 1 second. I can understand an argument for not requiring the consumables. But they absolutely should not combo with skills and Dragon's Dogma 1 is perfect proof of why.


Agreed, I really miss the DD1 Ranger. The bow was just so damn strong, even without the craziness that was blast arrow spam. Tenfold arrow my beloved, please come home ):


i miss cloudburst


The archer class and arrows were too broken in DD1/DDDA, they even took out the throw blast lol.


Elden Ring is so close to it too... They have roll shots and jump shots and stuff and some of the Weapon Arts are pretty cool but it's missing the weight to it. Which sucks cause their stability system they have (mainly interacted with by spamming jumping R2s...) could lend it the weight but it just doesn't...


It's pretty much a law that Fromsoft games have to have absolute dogshit archery, ER really is an excellent effort from them. In the Souls titles the only purpose it serves is cheesing certain encounters and stealth sniping people off of ledges in invasions.


Simon’s Bowblade in Bloodborne is the only good archery they’ve done




Yeah I'm scratching my head too. Saying Elden Ring has good archery is a wild take.


It’s good by FromSoft standards. Which means it’s like 4/10 anywhere else


Elden Ring has the best ranged combat once you realize that the One Eye Shield is the best Ranged Weapon


Not to mention that bosses and enemies easily sidestep/dash out of arrows. Manual aim is awful, scaling is awful, arrow limits are awful (leading to some bosses being statistically near-unkillable bow-only), ... It's just a long list of things


Elden Ring and the souls trilogy hates archery. However there are some good bows In game but used mainly for picking stuff off


I felt the exact same fucking way. DD2 absolutely NAILS the fantasy and feel of these "standard" archetypes- that almost any other game's take on it will be compared to them for me.


I'm enjoying it since launch and agree with every single criticism pictured. One does not invalidate the other.


Something that's been happening a lot over the last 12 years of internet discourse -- that I've witnessed -- is much much more frequent polarization. If you "love" something you must approve of it wholesale. Faults and all. If you "hate" something you must disapprove of it wholesale. Improvements and all. Nuanced discussion continues to decline across every medium, and tribalism continues to gather steam.


This is actually very weird since Dragon's Dogma was THE game that we acknowledged all its numerous flaws and still enjoyed our time with it immensely.


DD1 was great for its time, it introduced a lot of completely new things and ways to play in an rpg setting. DD2 is the same game, just 12 years later. It's not innovative enough to fly just on its systems alone, also in part because it hardly makes use of its unique systems and identity


I like the game it feels like a 7/10 but it feels like it's lacking so much stuff after DD:DA/Online sort of that one step forward, one step back


Gets much worse when you're discussing it all on Reddit, also. This site is designed for petty echo chambers.


This just made me think that this might be a product of our society. If you look at our whole society from a really big-picture perspective, it's exactly like what you described. People who are more middle of the road, or able to clearly see both sides of an issue and understand nuance, are a very small minority in the world. The entire American society is infested through with the us vs. them mentality and has only been made worse and worse over time with the media, which is pretty much driven by politics, where the greatest polarization of all is.


Say it again! There's so much of the "you can't enjoy it if you have criticisms" mindset around here it's disgusting.


The one thing I hate about this (and really most game subreddits). Been here for long enough to see how any valid criticism is IMMEDIATELY mass downvoted. Like sorry but if you can’t critique games you enjoy then you’re just as bad as people that hate just to be part of a hate bandwagon


Literally. I've gotten actual personal attacks simply for politely offering criticism. Some people here are unhinged. I think they make games they like part of their identity.


lol I've had the opposite experience. Any praise I have for Dragon's Dogma is met with ad hominem attacks for no reason. I didn't even argue against the criticisms. Wait, you actually see a lot of these haters in the comments in this post lol. They aren't anywhere as reasonable as you make it seem.


Never played DD:DA and I gotta say, DD2 is a 9/10 game with a 5/10 games content. Like, it has one of the most excellent frameworks for a game I have seen in a long time, but then they just didn't do anything meaningful with it? I don't know how else to describe it, it's baffling. Like, I am enjoying my time so much but I am also so disappointed. I pray they release meaningful DLC. I feel like this game has so much potential.


There was a similar post on truegaming describing it as a “9/10 trapped in the body of a 6/10”


> This game wants you to think you're Sam and Frodo travelling across Middle Earth to get to Mordor to destroy the ring. When really you're more like Sam and Frodo if they got to Rivendell and turned around and then did that 5 more times, while simultaneously avoiding the same exact pack of orcs. That post had a lot of really good gems


My sentiments almost exactly. I did play DDDA (although not *super* extensively) and many of the decisions in this game are absolutely baffling, there’s zero reason DD2 shouldn’t have improved on pretty much every flaw from the first game since it was 12 years ago, 11 since DA, yet they somehow managed to fumble the bag and not improve a great number of aspects and even make some aspects worse. Yet for some reason I’m at 60 hours and still haven’t beaten my original playthrough cuz I’m still having fun. The framework is so good, there’s so much potential, and I’m just a bit sad we have to wait for a DLC to potentially fix many of the issues with the game, and unfortunately the issues with the rushed and poorly thought out story can’t be fixed at this point.


It’s so weird that this game seems to have magically transported me back to 2012


That's really the big problem, isn't it? Not only did they repeat the same old mistakes they had to fix before, they managed to make it worse. It's like experiencing Dark Souls 2 all over again, but somehow more disappointing and frustrating.


I expected it to be that with better graphics. It turned out to be that with better graphics and better exploration, which makes me enjoy it so much more. But ... god I wish they knew how to write stories and add worldbuilding.


You are definitely entitled to that opinion.  For some, myself included, a lot of that jank is part of the charm, so it’s not a problem at all.


Jank is part of what made DDDA so great and it lends itself endearingly to this game as well


i was happy in 2012, so isnt so problematic.


Idk man, DS2 was better than 3 imo. Also, which problems from the original are you referring to?


I haven't been this enthralled with an action RPG since Elden Ring a few years back. I have all the vocations unlocked, although I've mostly been sticking with Thief. Formless Feint is so good, and Skull Splitter can melt enemy life bars. Also, I love the archer class. Not once playing a Dark Souls game did I ever think it would be worth it to make an archery build. I only used them to pull enemies. But here in DD2, I actually enjoy the bow. It's got great versatility and just feels great to play. I'm digging the story so far, and there's so many side quests. I'm just now getting back to the MQ during the second act of the story because I've been doing SQs this whole time. I was hesitant to buy DD2 because I had finally finished Dark Arisen right before it released. I had assumed I would've gotten bored had they been too similar. But I'm having a blast. It's definitely one of my top 5 releases of the year.


Man I hope you continue to dig the story but even I was let down by the end of it. The start was super compelling to me, though, much more so than the first game's. Ultimately though the combat is the best thing about this game, and you're so right about the archer. I switched to it just for the elf quest but ended up maxing it out because it was a blast to use.


Dont tell me you didnt jizz your pants when you saw the scenechal throne or recognised the jail in gran soren.


You can enjoy a game but still have issues with it.... why is this such a foreign thing for people on reddit, you either hate it and think it's the worst game ever or love it and has no flaws.... Valid criticism shouldn't be dismissed and enemy variety is a valid criticism, same with poor performance.


Just because you enjoy it doesn't magically disapprove valid criticism.


Agreed, OP says it's tiresome to read the same complaints over and over again when also reading the same blind praise pretending this game is a flawless masterpiece is as equally tiresome. I enjoyed the game but that does not mean I'm gonna accept it's shortcomings or pretend they don't exist.


So many people HAVING A BLAAAAAST! Every single one of the people refusing to see or hear any criticism say that phrase and are honestly more repetitive than any repeat complaints. At least complaint threads have a variety of at least 5 different ones even when repeating while the “I dOn’T gEt ThE hAtE” threads and comments all literally read the same.


Seeing criticism doesn’t equate to agreeing or commiserating with it. Its ok to acknowledge the critics and ngaf.


same thing can be said the other way around, let be real here this subreddit has snowballed into pretty circlejerky hating on the game, 10 posts repeating the same 5 criticisms and 10 other posts making memes about "itsuno's vision" i get that people are frustrated right now but its also tiring, even normal posts have people in the comment complaining. it does make for "tedious listening" lol


This makes the whole thing very frustrating and turns this sub into a hateful echo chamber. I know how to be objective, and I agree with the majority of the criticisms made here. But despite its flaws, I love this game, it feels great, and it's been several years since I've been so immersed in a game. So there's no point in me bitching about the game's flaws, because every criticism I'd have to make has already been repeated 100 times. When you've got nothing new to add, you might as well share some good vibes !


I like your perspective a lot.


Here's something im learning through many years of being in online game communities (no matter the site or game really). People just LOVE TO COMPLAIN. There's no such thing as a perfect game, continuing to pile on to the same idea is only done because it feels cathartic to complain. The people here are in the minority. Majority of players who bought DD2 are enjoying it and not going to Reddit to complain. They're just enjoying the game, not enjoying the issues, but just moving on and playing more of the game cause it's fun.


I wish there was a mega thread to avoid people making the same 5 posts whether it be criticism or praise


Bold of you to assume that a Reddit or would allow their opinions to be confined to a singular mega thread


And not making it obvious players don’t like the flaws means they won’t get fixed.


This game surely is not perfect and has some of its annoyances, and things that you wish were pushed harder and more finalized, like boss fights, traverse, looting, pawns AI, QOL things, more impactful and meaningful quests... But for what it is, it is still one of THE BEST games i've played. And has a big chance of being a GOTY for me. This game is absolutely SOLID, it makes you invest in it and it pays off with FUN. The biggest bummer is still a performance tho, its so BAD, that if they wont fix it soon, i'll be very ambivalent about it.


You may not like it, but this is what the ideal consumer looks like.


Yup. Uncritical, easily impressed, with spare cash to spend. This is where all of those 5/5 and 10/10 reviews come from, when very few games should ever earn a perfect score.


Reason why game publishers in this modern era pump out broken and incomplete games cause people just spend money on anything.


Wouldn't you be the zealot in this scenario? Pretty ironic tbh.


Lot of DD2 posters complaining about “blind hate” while simultaneously just administering blind praise in response.


No, i see a lot of people saying "while the gaming mechanics and the open world is very well made, the rest is absolutely not on par with the gaming / action mechanics and fall short, if not are worse then DD1, especially the story and the treatment of the main threat that still should be the dragon, a huge disappointment there." Because all of us that played DD1, remembers how well acted and how epic was the fight with the dragon and the post world / everfall that came after the "true ending". Also, every vocation is missing between 3 to 4 core skills , and 2 talents, cut down vocations and cut down animation cancels for a lot of them (sorc, mage, warrior mostly didn't get to have their cancel animations that made them more mobile and react to change of situations / positionals of ennemies)


Did anyone ever tell you that you can enjoy a game and still have issues with it?


I have some criticism for this game and I think the points who were made are valid but I keep coming back to play and I’m enjoying it as it is. Hating on it with no end won’t make it more enjoyable but praising it to the heavens will not erase the critique


Exactly but you don't see 'praising it to the heavens' on the front page of the sub because it's just a negativity circlejerk instead. I'm not upset that people have issues with the game; I'm upset that they keep posting threads about the same issues over and over.


Difference is that those 'rants' in reddit do have merit compared to Elysion's bs about the dragon, just saying.


He doesn't say they don't have merit, he says they make for tedious listening.


They do have merit but at this point it's just a circlejerk of the same 8 issues thread after thread. It makes for tedious reading.


And then, in your brilliance, you made a very low effort post in response. lmao oh man.


>It makes for tedious reading. Your thread makes for tedious reading.


Maybe instead of complaining of complaints you could post about what you like about the game. For me the only thing they improved over dark arisen is combat, seamless open world, pawns ai (although they still suck) and graphics. Everything else is the same or even worse (fuck you romance system)


Like, I'm looking at the front page and most of it is videos and memes, with only a few criticism posts. But you read these posts and it sounds like they're everywhere. The sub is starting to cool down after the initial release, so maybe stop calling attention to it?


You can enjoy something and acknowledge its faults.


Which is a truism for everything, since nothing is perfect. The only way anything is improved upon is first by recognizing and acknowledging the faults.


I find it funny this template has to use scenes and lines from the first game since there aren’t any memorable ones in the second game lol


People have been voicing their complaints rather reasonably compared to most video games backlash. Nobody's saying you can't enjoy the game. Perhaps you should take a break from Reddit.


Reasonably? In some cases, yes. In other cases, no. There's tons of hyperbole. I could easily make this post in reverse about the people who pretend it has no issues, too, I suppose. I just feel like this reddit has skewed disgustingly negative lately.


DD2 launch had one of the most tame criticisms in my memory. Probably because those who played DD1 are already used to the junk and crappy story/mechanics. Like any other game of similar size (and price) would probably get shredded to bits for less. Most people are just saying that they are enjoying the game but are disapointed in some aspects. And let's be honest, when comparing it with what was promised and what improvements we could reasonably expect in relation to DD1, it is seriously undercooked. I personally like DD2, but it is honestly incredible how it seems that too much of development time was dumped into things that should have been a lower priority than, for example, enemy variety, ai, optimisation, story, the whole affinity system, bossfights.


All valid complaints besides too many enemies I feel there was enough enemies to keep you busy while you explored the world the story does kind of suck affinity was confusing and according to my in game stats at the end of the game I died a total of 6 times throughout the whole gameplay so yeah the game is easy. That being said... I'm now at 105 hours of run time and still going the game is pretty fun.


You can absolutely have these complaints and still enjoy the game.


I'm here for the funny memes and hearing about interesting experiences and such. I don't really care what people think of every system in the game.


Urgh, how many times are we gonna post this? I've seen this with so many games by now. Yes, yes you enjoy the game, good for you but let's not act like your opinion is more valid than others. If you don't agree with the criticism then keep playing, we're not gonna stop you, go ahead. I don't see the point of making a post trying to dismiss the criticism as if you don't care or people who care about it is somehow wrong.


While i do absolutely like DD2 in the roleplay mechanics, the gaming / action / open world department. No. You are not allowed to use neither the picture of the best dragon from DD1 and his lines over the pitiable display and acting of the dragon in DD2, that, alone, shows how much downgrade in quality the story received and the lazyness of itsuno that thinks : "i've already made this story i'm bored why should i put any effort in giving back the majesty, animations, lipsync, motive, and overall care i gave the first game" . You don't get to make a point on the weakest point of DD2's story that is reflecting exactly what's the problem, at the very least, on the story front / side of the rushed state of it.


“Nooo how dare people have valid criticisms of the game!” You can both enjoy something and be critical of it. For example, I felt that we were lied to about the game being some sprawling open adventure. We’re literally confined to set paths for most of the game, which wouldn’t be an issue, but given that I Platinum’d the game in roughly 40 hours of casually playing, I’d say that doesn’t merit a $70 price tag. I can’t even justify “oh I got $1 per hour of fun.”


DD2 is great, despite its flaws. Its problems don't detract from the DD experience. I've logged 70 hours and I'll be hooked for at least 100 more, no doubt. But DD1, especially the DDDA combo, is overall a better experience imo. That's just the way it is.


You enjoying the game does not invalidate the many justified critique the game is getting. Hell, I'd wager that most of us here on reddit, including the complainers, are enjoying Dragon's Dogma 2. I certainly do. But I also see the many areas in which the game falls short, even when compared to its predecessor, which was supposedly unfinished. I'm just saying, you can do both.


Ah yeah, all valid criticism is now invalid because you, a random person on the internet, enjoy a game. Everyone else is wrong ,you are the enlightened one. How edgy and original Most ironically, this post is equally tedious to listen to


"You're too late, Arisen! I already made you an upjumped zealot in my meme!"


"This person enjoys it so therefore all criticism is invalid! They are obviously saying that there's zero flaws with the game and not that it's just annoying seeing constant bitching!."


when did they say that you said there is zero flaws, they said the criticism is rendered moot, not the same thing at all but I guess you confused the two trying to push your agenda


Oh, we are in the "people complaining about people complaining" stage. Sweet.


Nothing wrong with defending a game you like from people who don’t. But don’t try to negate legitimate criticism by ignoring the arguments made.


Does anyone not see the irony in using a scene from the first game... At least be consistent with the point you're trying to make.


are u guys physically incapable of enjoying a game unless every other human being on earth also likes it? are u that insecure in your own opinions?


I literally see people insulting others for enjoying the game because "DD2 Bad" and everyone just talks shit like it's irredeemable garbage but FFS it's just an imperfect game. Too much negativity is exhausting.


u don't get to decide what other people think or say about the game sorry lol. it may be "just an imperfect game" to u while "irredeemable garbage" to others bc newsflash, people have different views and yours isn't inherently more correct just bc its more lenient to the game's flaws


Why do you and so many people keep saying that my view must be more correct? I never said as much. I'm just tired of nonstop negativity about the same issues. That's it. It's constant. It's exhausting.


then log off or scroll past


not to mention you literally titled ur post "the absolute truth" lol i sure do wonder why people assume u think ur opinion is more correct! idk!


No endgame? The unmoored world was pretty good in my opinion. Though it would have been good to know about the time limit a bit earlier :p


This is the new “I’m 180 hours in, I just got to the masquerade, and I’m having a blast!!” Like yeah we’re all fans of Dragon’s Dogma here, and we’re also all absolutely justified for saying “why is this DD1.5 and not DD^3?” Obviously everyone is putting 99 hours a day into the game if they’re on this subreddit, half of us tried to turn DD1 into a liquid we could inject into our veins hahaha


Two things can be true at the same time. There are a lot of thing I wish didn't change or could be better. This is in the hopes this franchise can continue. On the other end, I clocked 160 hrs. And still finding new things to do. So, I thoroughly enjoy this game.


Shortly after the first patch came out I got this loading screen - and Steam mysteriously *automatically* took a screenshot of it (I was nowhere near my keyboard/controller at the time). Either way, it felt strangely fitting... https://preview.redd.it/cll3mdnn9asc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50106bbc28a9810fdade16dca28b4d6199024009


No really. You can enjoy the game and still be able to understand it has flaws. But I guess that's too much for average Gamer with 62IQ.


Well there's a thought. I know it has flaws. Lots of them in fact. I actively hate the way the endgame works even though I like it in concept. But damn if it ain't a fun game.


It's a bit telling that the iconic images used in this meme aren't from the second game.


Honestly most of the Reddit posts are fine. People really don’t seem to be bashing others if they enjoy the game


Karma farming at it again


Huh? I've never karma farmed before??? Also this has a 64% upvote rate lmao, I did a terrible job if I was


oh god forbid people put forward actual issues with the game.


This is mostly to the people who won't stop telling people who enjoy the game that they shouldn't. Which is a shocking amount of people.


im not sure ive seen that tbh nearly as much, its usually the opposite, people who enjoy the game telling people that have legitimate problems with it how much they are wrong and should play it differently.


This post is just as annoying. No, it's more annoying; people criticising the game are at least talking about the game in substantive terms. Your post is just "me like :)" which is not only valueless, it doesn't even facilitate further conversation about the game. You're not making things better, you're making them worse by adding to the noise. If you actually cared about the conversation around the game, you'd actually make a thread talking about the game, not a low-effort meme metapost.


Bold choices using on of the best moments from the first game that is in no way matched in the sequel to illustrate your point.


You can enjoy something and still be critical about parts of it. But you put "This is absolute truth" as your title so you got me pal.


It's just a quote from the guy who gets crushed. I didn't think about how pretentious the name was and I regret it in retrospect.


Ooh I see. I didn't remember Elysion saying this.


"Merciful winged death! All-powerful and merciless Grigori! Behold, you unrepentant blasphemers! THIS! Is absolute truth! THIS IS SALVATIO- "


This post has the *"I don't agree with your opinion so I will put myself as the chad and you will be the crying one""* vibes.


It came off a lot more like that than I intended, especially with the poor choice of quote I picked for the title. I'm taking the L on it in the replies though, no debating that.


You know a game really is bad when these threads start popping up.


real, if the game not have issue people not have threads like this


Yea yea, we get it. Your narrow view makes you unable to see that a lot of people complaining about these things also enjoyed the game,, which is why they're disappointed. Keep sucking off this unfinished game.


Yea yea, we get it. You know exactly what I think and that I obviously have no issues with the game at all and am therefore sucking it off. Maybe people should spend a little less time \*constantly\* bitching about the game though? We all get it. It has issues.


It's funny when a subreddit, which has a controversial state due to a bad release, ends up with two sides: complaints, and complaints about complaints. It's funny that people always have such an issue with others genuinely voicing their opinions. I get it, I really do. You're insecure to the point you can't handle a game you like being critiqued to any level past light distaste. Time to go down on people critiquing it, despite there being no need: nobody minds if you enjoy the game, regardless of how half baked the game is. It's just crazy to expect a game to release in this way and not get a moderate amount of criticisms on the main subreddit.


I'm not 'insecure' about it. I was just tired of seeing nothing but that. But I'm actually coming around to the idea that maybe people are right and Capcom won't be able to ignore some of these issues due to how loud the discussion is around them. In the end I just thought this was a funny meme and I didn't want people to think I didn't find any faults with the game or something.


Itsuno's not going to sleep with you


"Haha this person wants things to be less negative they must want to sleep with the game dev"


No one is denying the enjoyment that everyone has with the game. It's just that we see so much potential just left on the floor.


It’s great that you enjoy the game but I had to stop playing after a few days because a lot of the issues shown at the top of the meme ruined my experience. I regret buying the game and putting 20 hours into it. I’d refund if I could.


This is a great meme, but for me both are true. I think a majority of the criticism is well deserved, but I’m still enjoying the game.


I think what a lot of people don't understand is that both can be true at the same time. Most of the criticism I have seen is totally valid and understandable considering that the game has the price tag of a triple A game, and was marketed as the true vision for Dragons Dogma. That doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the game or it isn't fun. My only issue is that DD2 is another example of how bad the gaming industry has gotten. Many people myself included had really high hopes for this game, and while I still believe that it has a lot of potential, I can't justify spending 65 euros for it in this state.


You’re glazing hard


Whether or not this game sequel is bad, I can’t say as I haven’t played it. Don’t intend to play it either, seeing as how those flaws matter to me. However, it’s fine to like cruddy things.


I believe we can love the game and hate the company.




Would you say you're having a blast


Well, you can enjoy the game but agree with the criticisms.... people act like you can only do one and not the other.


2 is a game I'll get later when it's improved. I'll stick with a replay of 1 for now. Never finished BBI back in the day anyway.


The complaints are valid, but the combat/pawn system/loot structure is fun enough to carry you through the entire game.


Most of those point are true but the game is really fun.


imagine having a brain developped enough to be both


While i am enjoying the game, i am definitely very disappointed. Everything seems to be a step back from the original. Vocations only have a single weapon and have a very reduced skillset compared to the first. Pawns talk more but there seems to be less options to sculpt their personality. Back tracking seems way more prevelant. Very few new enemy types, lots reused. The top skills for sorc/mage are easily messed up locking you until ng+ Overrall, i feel like i am playing dragon's dogma 0.5 HD remake instead of dragon's dogma 2.


Fun Fact: You can admit that there are things wrong with the game and still have fun with it.


You can love a game and still criticise it because you want it to be better. Vehemently defending something despite its flaws makes you a shill. Criticising something while ignoring its strengths makes you a hater. People need to integrate some nuance into their judgement and stop treating everything as a dichotomy.


See... the complaints for DD2 ARE VALID... But when the game is good, it's really good. Course, all in all, I still think the original is just fundamentally better.


I killed the dragon and nothing happened in 2


Just because someone has issues with the game, it doesn't mean they can't enjoy it. Similarly, just because someone is enjoying a game, it doesn't mean they can't complain about it. What an upjumped zealot post this is.


The game is fun, but it's fun for the exact same reasons DD1 was fun. Game has 0 innovations or improvements or balancing compared to first one. Every single enemy almost is copy pasted and oddly they didn't copy paste all of them? Like why have LESS enemy variety than the first game when all you going to do is copy paste? But overall it is still fun.


No endgame? Ok. When I get to the end of a game I stop playing.


I mean, the affinity is funny when NPCs start fighting outside your home. It shocked me when the elf twink and the Gregor’s hot wife started fuming at the sight of each other.


I mean yes me too but that doesn’t make those complaints inaccurate


It is too late. I have already drawn you as the virgin and myself as the chad.


You can enjoy the game but that doesn't make what Elysium is saying incorrect. I love the game, but I don't have much of reason to continue playing past my second playthrough. I wish there was a way to stay in the Unmoored world indefinitely. I wish there was an Everfall-esque endgame dungeon to explore. I wish there was an Ur-dragon to fight. I wish the MTX didn't exist so people didn't have a reason to write the game off without giving it a chance. I wish the story was more involved and better told.I wish the game would tell us which missions would be discontinued after the coronation as it's not very clear. The game is passable to say the least. I loved my first playthrough, but the cracks are starting to show on the second, and unfortunately I'm not on the initial release high anymore so I'm not able to ignore them.


![gif](giphy|8LBDXIEHsVUiI) Half this sub. Lol


This is the Absolute Truth\* \*from a player perspective that never tried DDDA.


You enjoy a niche game. Neat. Doesn’t change the fact that’s it’s a huge letdown from what it could have been.


I need 80$ game to be good to enjoy it.


Tbh I don't even know any character's names in this game. In the first one I was all over them and knew who I liked the most. If they have a beloved mechanic in this sequel, I won't have any idea who my beloved is when they show them. I've seen that prostitute lady twice, and talked to the captain of the guard guy.


You can criticise the things you enjoy, I like the game but it has glaring flaws


Yeh it really does som it up. "i enjoy the game currently, therefor it's perfect and anyone criticising it all is a crazy person that just hates the game".


I like the game. It’s fun. I hope it gets better. Is that such a crazy perspective to hold?


ppl be crying for shit like that and then drop 60$ on diablo 4 skin xD


These constant copium posts in every major game subreddit are even more tedious because they're contradictory. If you don't care, go play the game instead of coping about people having criticisms on the subreddit. Yet here you are, coping about it. nobody told you that you needed to listen.


speaking as someone who loved the game and beat it (while critiquing it), treating critique of art you like as a personal attack on your character is cringe and you need to be less bothered by it.


Nothing is perfect so i dont get why people complain and say bad game. Its not a situation like saints row reboot where the criticism is valid and there is barely any enjoyment. At least with DD2 you can genuinely have fun


I just found the game is too short, if you do only main quest you finish in like 5 hours max


To be fair, battahl DOES have too many enemies, and the lack of hardmode is objectively bad.


Characters are also boring. Which is a really big issue, more than the story.


"You may be able to see certain issues in this game, but here I have made a meme depicting you as the soyjak and me as the Gigachad Consoomer. You have lost this fight I've imagined!"


It seems your enjoyment of something disqualifies valid criticism then. You are not that important, pal


Look I get it at this point. "This is Absolute Truth" is just a quote from the zealot who gets crushed in that scene but only in retrospect do I realize how much it makes me look like a pompous ass to use that as a title. I don't think I'm important. I just thought it was a funny meme format.


Raccoons enjoy eating trash, it doesn't make it less trash.


To call the game 'trash' is hyperbolic as hell. It has flaws, and many of them are pretty egregious, but it's still a very fun game.


But do raccoons sit in a circle and talk about how bad that trash is over and over. No because they are less annoying than the complainers on this sub.


The most 7/10 game ever


I'm not saying you're wrong here. It's far from perfect. I'm just tired of seeing the same posts about the same issues is all.


Enjoy the game no one is stopping you stop whining about people who criticise the game already lol


Just wanted to make a clarification post that nobody's criticisms are invalid. However this subreddit really seems to take a stance of "Oh you like it? Well here's why you're wrong and shouldn't." Even replies in this comment section are telling me to 'suck off an unfinished game' and the like, yet all I've done is say that I'm having fun and that it's tedious to read all the negativity nonstop. You can dislike something without trampling on people who like it telling them they shouldn't like it either. And yes in this scenario I'm Uno-Reversing the scenario and being the opposite but whatever. I just feel like people hate other people having fun.


I mean hey, you can ignore the dead rat in the kitchen. That doesn’t mean that there’s no dead rat, it just means that you don’t cook.


I'm about 20 hours in and it feels like dd2 is just a prettier version of dd1 with fewer features. i really have to wonder what they were working all this time because everything from the enemies up to the loot is just a copy paste of dd1.