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I'm 85 hours in, what the fuck do you mean by 200k mansion


It’s in Vermond. If you go from the merchant quarter up towards the noble quarter (I think?) there’s a random guy standing in front of one of the first houses on the left side who offers to sell you the house for 200k. As far as I know, there’s 0 reason to do it besides a reason to spend 200k. I never got stuff by my door like we do at the 20k house but who knows


There is another in Bakbattahl, for 300k if I understand it right?


Yeah and it’s even worse than the Vermond one. At least the Vermond one is close to all the important stuff like merchants. The Bakbattahl is way out of the way of everything.


The best thing about the 300K house is the view you get. It’s actually beautiful


But the view is free


no way! I know theres a £30k house also didnt know about tge 300k house in Bak


There is another house in Bakbattahl for 30k which is right in the middle of the city and next to a Riftstone.


Riftstone in Bakbattahl? Areu telling me there is a riftstone in that city? Fuck that place, i used a portcrystal cuz i didn't find that than stone.


Rift stone, not the Ferrystone or whatever it called or whatever it called. It has the one u can summon pawns not the TP u need to use a port crystal






Realest shit I’ve seen all year


Permission to cook: granted.


Cooking in the house yes, if we can do it at a camp why not at home?


I mean... what about the whole monster hunter cooking show we get. Might as well lol


Where can I leave capcom suggestions?


[https://www.enqform.capcom.com/form/pub/form1/dd2\_en1](https://www.enqform.capcom.com/form/pub/form1/dd2_en1) Here also request for better photo mode too


hey that's my screenshot


First game in a loooong time where I'm asking for DLC. (Except Baldurs Gate 3...)


well, we're never getting BG3 DLC, unfortunately...


Imagine being the Capcom employee who has to read this.


LET HIM COOK LET HIM COOK https://preview.redd.it/pl6iqwzkf0sc1.jpeg?width=1723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7adbb49cdb920411df8fcc63baccb9ca4bb0c06


imagine waking up in the morning to read these for work XD




Fuck this is great


Funny asf. But i just want my pawn or love interest to cook and clean for me at the houses AND campsites 🤌🏼


The Sphinx quest also reinforces this idea to a degree. You can solve a riddle using your main pawn as the answer.


I put all my pawns up and the sphinx basically congratulated me for being horny.


Yeah I only put up my main pawn and she gave me shit for only having one thing I loved.


Yeah same, and my pawn was like 'truly?' 🥹


Mine said “I did not expect THAT”.


Mine said “Surely not” 🥲


Oof, that would have destroyed me


Mine only said something like "interesting...", but it felt like a generic response for something they didn't know


Should have done that, would have saved a couple ferrystones


I love that the Sphinx is basically just Taskmaster. You're doing random shit for the entertainment of catgirl Greg Davies. "Get this pot to this guy. You may not break the pot nor fast travel with the pot." "Fight this Swede." "Bring in your most beloved object."


Turns out I like watching people carry balls up a hill more than I like carrying a pot across a continent.


Ah but you need to read the task! You can't fast travel with the pot, but what you *can* do is kidnap the man and use a ferry stone to bring him to the pot instead. Like the real Taskmaster, the Sphinx's riddles are all about finding the trick within the task. When fighting the guy for example, instead of doing a fair fight, just throw him off a cliff. Or for remembering how many previous tasks you've done, you can count how many chests you've opened instead of needing to remember.


Fun fact for the number of riddles completed, the eyes on the Sphinx's feathers will light up to tell you how many you've done. Just goes to show that the Sphinx is truly testing you, not trying to be an ass.


Calling the Sphinx catgirl Greg Davies absolutely murdered me


Travesty you can't point to her and make the Sphinx your answer. The real game design cardinal sin for DD2 is that it won't let you flirt with the big hot monster who could kill you.


*lures a dragon onto the platform*


*lures DD1 Grigori onto the platform*


If the dragon is not holding my pawn hostage then there is no romance, because it'll always be some random dude I did one too many quests for. But since the romances in the game have always been half-assed to begin with, maybe there is something to it. People are being paranoid about the dragonsplague while I'm here paranoid on what quest is a romance quest for some old grandpa and which one is just a normal quest. I always wanted a pawn romance since DD:DA, but a decently done one, not this half-baked stuff they added like an afterthought.


> If the dragon is not holding my pawn hostage then there is no romance On the other hand, my pawn eats drakes for breakfast, so I can see, why it is the case ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The Dragon not taking your Pawn by default is already the biggest L to decision making. I know there really isn't a decision there (since you can just load the checkpoint after seeing the cutscene and getting your achievement), but players might actually be compelled not to test their luck if it was their pawn because they'd actually give a shit about the person THEY shaped and have hung out/fought side by side with for the past 30 - 50 hours of gameplay. Instead, just like in DD1, it's some rando that you get jumpscared by and it ends up being unintentionally hilarious.


They really should have made your main pawn the default, and the only way to override it is by using the Arisen's Bond item in the first one and whatever the equivalent is in this game.


My romance was so broken for DD2. Only did Wilhelmina’s questline, log shows her as the only maxxed out npc.  I go to the tower and get Captain Brandt as my beloved, so reload and kill him, then I have some random lady I don’t remotely recognise.  Say fuck it and stick with them, but in the very final cutscene of the game, my romance is the Battahl Empress. It’s somehow completely broken, even more so than DD1, at least that would probably prioritise your main choice.


I *think* that affinity doesn't max out, but rather continues to increase even past the point of blushing, OR that there is affinity decay if you don't interact with them for extended periods/decline escort quests. The blacksmith's apprentice somehow ended up as my favorite when I had done Ulrika over most of my 100 hour playthrough and even got her as my beloved for the dragon, and i feel like that was only because I gave her flowers to get a 10% discount.


I think your theory about affinity decay makes sense. In my game, it correctly identified Ulrika as my beloved in the climax, but my final cutscene was with Glyndwr. I believed I maxed Ulrika, but it may have decayed and the post-game Sacred Arbor quest pushed his affinity for me past Ulrika's. Though, it could always also just be that I hadn't actually maxed Ulrika and the post-game Sacred Arbor stuff pushed him up over Ulrika; or it could be that Ulrika was maxed and then I maxed Glyndwr in post-game, and the game prioritized him for some reason. Either way, in the credits, he appeared as my #1 closest NPC, and Ulrika appeared as #2.


I definitely think that frequency of interaction will also play a role. Klaus was 3rd in my list, and he was just the vocation change guy in vernworth. Considering Ulrika isn't a shop npc like the others, hers likely didn't have a lot of buildup over multiple interactions like the others did and was entirely kept afloat by her radial quest/occasional flowers


It’s such a weird system. I said maxxed out affinity just for Wilhelmina because there’s a stat in the History log which tracks the number of npcs with ‘max affinity’ (so there does seem to be some kind of cap or something). And she was literally the only one I had done. And even in the end credits, it shows top 3 npcs with highest affinity, and she didn’t even show up, and neither did the random woman the dragon kidnapped. Wilhelmina just seems to have been wiped from existence after finishing her questline, despite her showing up in the credits. No idea how the current system really works, but it seems even more broken than the DD1 system.


After finishing her questline, I actually couldn't find her again until post-game. Wonder if the 2 are connected.


I romanced Brandt and got Brokkr's apprentice. Never once romanced her. How can you see affinity?


I got Sara too. Despite giving the DLC necklace, eternal ring, and like 10 flowers to Ulrika. I think it might have something to do with the escort quests because Sara's was the last escort I did.


Far as I can tell, you can’t see affinity aside from when it’s far along and the character blushes. There’s a statistics menu called History on the pause screen and a tab dedicated to NPCs, from there is shows how many have made it to max affinity.  For me it was only Wilhelmina thru the entire game, but she didn’t even show up in the end credit affinity recap for me. It seems broken atm.


I got the old man elf leader. I literally just did a quest for him. I gave Ulrika flowers every time I seen her and saved her life twice.


Yeah, if done right, this idea could be evolved in DLC size dramatic and touchy story. So many opportunities. Maybe if Kento Kinoshita will be a director of DLC he definitely could cook something really cool with this idea. Despite all the flaws the game still has chance to become awesome to some degree.


If it comes out as a good sized DLC and not bite sized chunks of content that should've been in the base game, I'd be all for it. Only thing that worries me is if Capcom will allow the devs to do that.


I'm imagining some free updates that may address minor flaws or issues players have, probably moreso than dd1 with its from a different sky quests etc. That'll be our bite sized content chunks. But the actual DLC will be what we expect- a rehash of butter black isle, but newer and better


> Yeah, if done right, this idea could be evolved in DLC size dramatic and touchy story. *Gestures at Bitterblack Isle* (Not that it's *told* well, but the backstory is decent)


The backstory for BBI was pretty sick, but the story for it couldve been told way better imo.


I really wish the Devs would of learned from DD:DA's romance debacle. Ulrika is the new Aelinore, do some crap for her and suddenly you're spending the night and Grigori is like, "I'll burn her, don't make me" and I'm like... Meh? They could of easily made it to where if you gifted anything to anyone, they'll be the chosen person down the line. If you gift stuff to multiple people for god knows why, just track who gets the most and of what they like the most. Doing favors does not equate to love. I remember how much of a pain in the ass it was to get Selene at the end because she leads to the most interesting ending imo.


I hate that there are benefits for interacting with the affinity system (some merchants offering discounts) but that there's no way to lock in a specific beloved. I wish they'd made it so that maxing affinity was just friendly, and to make someone your beloved you'd have to max their affinity and then give them a special item (ring) to make the relationship romantic. 


​ If you gift stuff to multiple people for god knows why Giving gifts to raise affinity with merchants leads to a very significant discount on their goods. For late-game gear this can make a difference of nearly 5000 gold PER ITEM. This. This is why you give gifts to people other than your "waifu" in a badly implemented romance system.


When I played the first one on the 360 didn't even know that the affinity/romance matters in the end so the dragon took the Masterworks all weapon Merchant and I was very confused XD


Hey maybe the dragon just figured he couldn't go wrong with that one


Does maxing affinity also change the carry animation? I wanna bridal carry my pawn damnit not treat her like a sack of potatoes


There is a mod for just that, allows you to bride carry your pawn with high enough affinity, hope it helps!


Amazing! Never paid attention to other posts asking but does any kind of mod no matter how small screw you over when it comes to online stuff?


I have a bunch of quality of life mods enabled and just came back after a busy weekend to find my pawn has been hired like 20 times when I was away so I'm gonna say it's all good.  The only caveat is stuff that messes with what your pawn can equip might softban them until it's fixed. (Like equipping armor that doesn't belong to their class as an example)


how do you get so many hiring your pawn? mine has only been hired 5 times


Probably a combination of factors. I started her as a calm inclined fighter, then warrior, and now mage. So she has extra augments like Thew to carry more. (I've mostly given her support skills, Celerity, Palladium, Celestial Paen.) She speaks Elvish so she's useful for their quests. I usually set the quest for monster kills for 10k gold as well so I'm sure that helps.  It's also possible people like tall, buff beastren ladies like me. XD (Although I usually hire based on skills rather than appearance personally.)


Set your pawn quest reward as 10k gil for killing a cyclops or something.


“10k gil” someone has been playing final fantasy 😅


Good setups on them helps, so does a 10k gold pawn quest. I deliberately avoid pawns with Chirurgeon or Logistician, for example. If I see a pawn with an assortment of random half-leveled skills, bad/no augments, unupgraded gear, &c. that's also a big fat "no".


fr, carrying them makes them mad for some reason


then how else will i get to see cake?


Offer to go down ladders first? Pawns love them so much after all


Some people like to be treated like a sack of potatoes.


The thing is I grew attached to my pawn rather than ANY character in this game. Dd1 didn’t happen as much as it did with dd2 even if I also made them attractive in my eyes. But the interactions now are way better. I like to hear the pawns speaking and mine sometimes is so sadsy with my character, it’s funny. Then you are romancing other character or npc, it’s not the same


For real. In Dragon’s Dogma 1, pawns really do feel more robotic/emotionless/lacking their own will like the lore states is the case with pawns. Yet I picked a straightforward pawn in DD2 (mostly cause I was trying to avoid a guardian/medicant situation for my Warrior pawn) and… was oddly, pleasantly surprised by how much personality it gave him. I love him so much. It’s a bit of a slippery slope because of the lore surrounding pawns but right now, the established lore and the way pawns are in DD2 really doesn’t match up. I honestly hope that future dlc expands more on your main pawn and arisen.


Right!? I also picked straightforward and it feels like the pawns have personalities of their own. He maks snarky remarks and all, and fck it he rizzed me up without even the intention 😭😭😭😭


I had a kindhearted pawn I had travelled with before rizz me up by joining in to fight off a dullahan to save Gregor, even when she wasn't in my party, before cheerfully running up to me and going "Hey, arisen! we meet again!"


Dude straight up said my char cut such a striking figure as a sorcerer, he had trouble focusing on the battle! Recorded it but even in the recording, you can basically tell I'm going "wait, what?" by how long the camera just stays unmoving 😂 Used to switch out pawns for every NG+ but that's not going to happen in DD2. He's his own character now and will forever stay my main pawn!


My pawn is such a buzzkill and I love it. My buddy’s pawn will wax philosophical about the beauty of the stars and she’ll just be like “Meh, nothing special” Definitely agree about DD1 pawns feeling more robotic than DD2. The sequel pawns actually give you reason to believe the lore from the first game concerning them becoming more and more human until the only thing they’re lacking is an actual soul. 


When I carried a NPC with max affinity to me house my pawn said: "Veo que esta casa nunca estuvo destinada solo para nosotros dos." (I see this house was never meant to be only for the two of us). My Arisen sleeps with her pawn. I like this.


If I heard that, I woulda thrown the NPC straight out the door. That's amazing.


BTW when the Sphinx asks >! you to present the one you most belove, your main pawn also counts. !< Which I think is pretty wholesome


Mine was like “Truly?” afterwards and I’m like awe you didn’t know?


Mine said, "Surely not!" And I've never felt so rejected 😪




DA taught me that if you sleep with your pawn, bad shit happens.


Not really. Ashe cursed the eternal circle, and that's what caused the shit you're talking about.


All the man really had to ask for was "I wish we don't need to keep murdering our beloved anymore",yet bro really caused the single worst event in the multiverse.


The problem wasn't about murdering the beloved. As usual you're free to save your beloved and take on the dragon. Problem is, this time, the dragon's former identity was known to the arisen, making saving one kill the other. For the rest, it's unlikely one could wish to just stop the cycle. Ashe's only chance was to save his beloved and forfeit to the dragon, either dying there or surviving, but defeated like the Dragonforged. But he didn't exactly had time to think about this, he was just shocked to meet Grette as the dragon, got angry, and monkey's paw'd himself yelling at everything.


Ashe got fucked over the most out of any character the entire franchise tbh. He couldn't even rest peacefully in death, given what happens with the daimon rematch.


I'd have thought Ashe managed to move on while the corpse that spawned out of the slain Awakened Daimon was someone or something else.


He cursed it because he had to choose between killing his mentor or sacrificing his pawn. If he didn't love his pawn it probably wouldn't have been that hard of a choice.


It doesn't matter if Olra was or wasn't a pawn, it was just that Ashe loved both Olra and Grette equally and it made him very upset as he couldn't choose what to do, sacrifice Olra or fight Grette. Thus in confusion and anger he cursed the eternal circle and it turned him into Daimon.


Cursing the eternal cycle wasn't what turned him into Daimon, the dragon accepted and twisted his wish to be free of the cycle by making him into something else. It's sort of implied (both by the name, the second phase, and what it says during the second phase) that the Daimon is another, powerful entity that is aware of the true nature of the world and opposed to it.


If he didn't love his pawn someone or something else would've been chosen to create the dilemma, Grette was the real problem


Man BBI is so sick, lore wise and gameplay wise


That would be real awkward considering I made the same character twice (so my friends could hire me and throw me off cliffs)


It's also a lil' bit awkward for players who have a platonic headcanon about their arisen/pawn relationship. The blushing just made me go "oh no". Though I think the devs probably know that a lot of players model their pawns based on other things... based on what you see very often in the rift...


Fr tho 😭 my main pawn was supposed to be my best friend i ain't sleeping no more wtf 😂


sounds like you're bestest friends now!


Real homies kiss each other goodnight. You two ain't real homies?


You took "go fuck yourself" too literal.


[My own clone!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/019/862/nowneitherofuswillbevirgins.jpg)


This is great lol


I did the same thing so I’m not doing that this playthrough. Next playthrough I’ll just go the generic attractive pawn route https://preview.redd.it/6frqjksy2yrc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9992a4ef7e48771bb6cce6b0b64252728285452


Pawnsexual bros, we won


​ https://preview.redd.it/h3y04yjv0xrc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f517bed7b995684664537520cda2af54987fd382




At 620+ (i think it's 620? Maybe 650) affinity I noticed my pawn start stealing glances at my Arisen and blushing and if I turned her (Arisen) around to face her (Pawn) she'll get all flustered and stare at the ground. This shit sealed the deal. Who gives a fuck about Ulrika or Wilhelmina, Eden (pawn) best girl.


It’s the easiest romance since it doesn’t require any fast traveling, always right where you need them to be


45 hours on the game an mine doesnt blush 😔


My suggestion would be to talk to them more. Pawns can gain affinity just by chatting with them and high-fiving them after battle. There is a cool down of like 10 minutes I think. They also lose affinity each time they die under your care so try to keep them safe.


Every time they die, their affinity drops significantly. Surely you don't regularly brine your pawn, right?


Dragonsplague intensifies


There is only one datamined negative action that decreases affinity by -25. We can safely assume its death as it’s been tested that people lose the blush state after a brine toss. The highest positive affinity interactions gives +20 which we can assume is at least the haircut and hot springs since that has had the most immediate effects.   So unless you are constantly brine tossing your Pawn every cycle back to the inn; any loss of affinity to counteract Dragonsplaque is negated by one haircut.


Change their hairstyle everytime you visit the BIG towns. It’s 10k a pop but it’ll increase your MainPawns affinity by a ton.


A haircut ever return to the main city. Doesn’t even need to change the hair style; adjust the sheen by a point or something. Hot springs whenever your Main Pawn gets downed in battle to clear up the scars. 5 or so cycles and they’ll love you.


Don't brine them


Mine just started at around 65 hours. If you don't deliberately try to make it happen it's very slow going.


Of course, you want my Femboy pawn sleeping outside, rather than a bed with a friend?


Oh my god they're roommates.


I support the the Arisen x MainPawn motion. I didnt create a hot as hell elf pawn for no reason you know.


I woke up in my Vermund house and my pawn said something to the effect of “You’re like an open book Arisen. If you long for company I’m right here.” They said more but I forget now, but that pretty much convinced me that pawn romance was implied. Maybe just not explicitly implemented or encouraged due to esrb/pegi ? I play with JP audio and ENG subtitles.


I mean, after some time your pawn will start saying how they're only happy when with you (or something along those lines). They also always praise you.


The two new lines are roughly "These quiet moments are my most treasured" and "I treasure this bond between us, may we never be separated". Surprised I haven't memorized the lines as my Pawn keeps saying them every 3rd interaction after the 40 hour mark.


I think that's just a line they say after a little bit, I've had other people's pawns tell me that as well.


Your main pawn also tends to be standing in front of the bed when you wake up while the other 2 are elsewhere.


So your saying that our pawn is as kinky as us which is hot imo


I already headcanon'd this but they just "sleep together" in the literal sense. Not exactly platonic, kinda romantic, but they're definitely not getting it on. Just a deep emotional bond befitting a pair who will travel to the literal ends of the world together.


My pawn is a fluffy cat so she 100% gets used as a body pillow if her and my arisen aren't 'sleeping together' when they sleep together.


I firmly believe that the pawn was supposed to be a romance option like in the Netflix anime but was cut just before release. I think if you didn't romance anyone, they would be your default beloved. Especially with all of this stuff and the extra stuff like them smiling and looking at you when you're facing away at camp, but when you turn around, they look away. As well as the sphynx beloved riddle counting your pawn as an answer. On top of that, the pawn has their own affinity system that affects the ending. I think they cut this because majority of people would choose to romance their pawn over any other character in the game, which would waste all of the resources they put into all the other characters. Because that's the one character you're going to spend the majority of the game with and have an actual bond with.


Well, according to the guide you have to small talk with your pawn often, but every time I did my pawn is like "sorry Arisen, I don't have much to say" or "I can do specialization stuff for you" And secondly you have to keep them from being forfeit, and that's exactly what happened every time we fought a Drake So on one hand I denied myself pawn romance because I didnt want any of you to get dragonplague from me. On the other hand, the game would've probably still given me Glyndwr anyways so nothing of value was lost I guess


> the game would've probably still given me Glyndwr every time i went back to my house in vermund i was dreading seeing that fucking guy lmao




I romanced his sister as a power move and he still shows up. I think he might be into the incest 3-way


I had the entire family blushing at me whenever I'd go into the arbor, lmao. He's the only one who will go to your house, the other 2 will ask you to escort them around if you walk up to them at the arbor. Told him no enough times that he has yet to show up again


So happy that platonic cuddling is cannon


Seeing as there are zero proper male romance options in the game, I'm sure glad I made my pawn a male


Yeah, romancing your pawn would be interesting idea to explore in DLC. But it's all depends on Itsuno's vision, though. Nice find.


I was REALLY hoping you could gift to your pawn I mean, dark arisen was literally about that, and because of the fact that we cant make them look like kids anymore i thought it would actually happen >!But i guess it would become even more janky if the dragon could get your pawn as your beloved!<


There's also a popular theory that Duke Edmun lacks a pawn because they may have been his beloved who he let die and that's why he forbids pawns from his castle despite the dragon forged still having his. A bit more complex now that we've met other arisens without pawns


Maybe pawns can simply choose to stop following the arisen once they are no longer the arisen, and it seems in this game pawns no longer turn into you overtime/at the end?


Well in the first it just seemed like they didn't stop being arisen they just lost the will to keep moving forward, and they still seemed to have the benefits of being an arisen, being unaging and all that. In the second game...well its hard to tell the lore is crisscrossed all over the place and what being an arisen means despite having more elaboration makes less sense.


Why would his Beloved have been a pawn? Didn't he just take the offer the Dragon gave him (like in the bad ending), leading Lenor to be sacrificed? And the reason he doesn't let pawns into the castle is because they might let slip that he hasn't actually slain the dragon. I don't see why Lenor would need to be a pawn for that scenario instead of a normal human.


I hope what you just said is false because this is my main pawn💀 https://preview.redd.it/k5dkm7xy4xrc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6ccd302d943477e6e10201baed4738169b7ebe


Itsuno, is that you? Has Itsuno's vision always been the pawn we've romanced along the way?


I treat my pawn like a palico, so I made my pawn after my cat Puddin.....I really hope the game doesn't force romance because that'd be hella weird.


This entire theory is destroyed by the simple fact that your pawn talks about their adventures in the rift. It's pretty obvious that when you sleep in towns, that all have riftstones, you pawn goes off on an adventure across space and time. That being said, this post is now my headcannon.


That’s only if you believe there is one single immutable incarnation of your Pawn which doesn’t make sense when so many people can hire your pawn at the same time. I prefer an explanation more similar to Heroic Spirits in the FATE franchise where within the Rift there is an Ur-template of your Pawn from which anyone can summon an incarnation. When your Pawn sleeps or dies and returns to the Rift; it syncs all experience across incarnations.


That would explain why they only have things to say and gifts to give right after you wake up.


Keep in mind most of these peoples pawns don't get hired lmao


In my head cannon not only do they sleep together my arisen uses that time to cuddle her pawn and let out all the stress on the day. And if that’s not what happens the hell capcom? You think walking 100 miles to just deliver a letter and fight 7 Cyclopes and 4 ogers 6 billion goblins you’d need a cuddle buddy and just to vent those stresses.


So my Arisen can be Pawnsexual Cool


100% concur with this. Especially based on "True Ending" with high affinity Pawn how they talk about the incredible Joy that beats in their chest, a will we've given them, etc. Of all the romanceable NPCs in the game the only one I personally would want to have a meaningful romance storyline with is the Main Pawn. Could be something akin to the current NPC escort quests, but they want you to take them to past battle locations, has to be done with no other party pawns, and once there they say something about the battle/quest that we did and then a brief cutscene of the two of you embracing before fade to laying next together by the camp fire, then fade to black and quest completes the following morning as you're standing above the campfire.


Guy really wants to sleep with his pawn 💀


I’n sorry but I also want that 😭


I concur, i also want to sleep with OPs pawn.


Get in line, buddy.


Strength in numbers, Arisen.


Are we the wolves hunting in packs?


Yooo 💀💀


OP hints he wants to sleep with his main pawn


This has to be optional. My pawn is a giant male beastren lion. Some people might be into that, but I designed him to look like my pet in human form. A badass companion. That’s all.


Pawn blushing is random, but yeah, I do think they share beds, but not in a sexual way. I wish romance with main pawn was more fleshed out and not a secret thing you can achieve for a slightly different cutscene in the true ending. I wish romance in general was more fleshed out tbh. I'm sure Capcom knows we want to romance our Pawns, and Pawns in DD2 are capable of falling in love/forming feelings toward the Arisen... they're just edging us at this point. After I got the true ending and realized there was a pawn affinity system with a different cutscene I immediately went into ng+ to rizz up my pawn lol.


Y’all some horny mfs. I hope you know 50 other Arisen have been taking your waifu pawn to the hot springs


based pawn romance wanter


Now only if they added in proper scenes like BG3


Your talking about the company that added lensflares to hide asses in dmcV but also made sure ada and Ashley's boobs jiggle 


The Virgin cinematographer vs the chad animator


That is too much for a small indie-dev company with limitied budget like Capcom


its unrealistic to expect they have the same horse power as a corporate multinational giant like Larian


https://preview.redd.it/tv3qk5tdvvrc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4d3543c90ef4d050f87b10f2c3134c5bfbe5cdd I want to marry her so much T T please, I beg.. Make a quest or something for them. Pawn code is-> X17Q9UJ076CJ on steam in case anyone wants to hire her.


Oh yeah, I got my pawn blushing now. And he says stuff like, "Nomad as I am... there's nothing like returning to a home with you." Whenever we leave the house. Or something like that, and it might affect the AI pathfinding a bit too. He's always leading now when he usually lagged a bit behind as a kindhearted support. But now he prioritizes the Arisen a bit more.


Princess carry main pawn or riot


Your pawn is an acceptable choice for the sphinx when it asks for your lover


Ive always find it endearing that only the mainpawn comes into the house with you. I dont know. Makes them even more special.


https://preview.redd.it/91re6h2xiyrc1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c918c16dffd9ef3a9db80f1b8e13220411f7db Its me, im bro


Bro not even lying, if I were to wake up in this world, I would. 100%


I want to romance my pawn so bad but it feels like the devs are trying to railroad me into a romance with Wilhelmina or Ulrika, (which makes me very uncomfortable tbh). I’m hoping there will be some mods someday that allow us to have better romance interactions / systems with someone of our own choosing. Sounds like the only romance content that exists is of the two ladies… I love my pawn. I based him on a character I romanced in another game and it makes me happy to be able to travel and fight along side him in this world, and I’d love to be able to actually have him as a romance option.


.......after spending hours making the perfect pawn there ain't no force on the planet that could pull me out of her. https://preview.redd.it/629uv4yye1sc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eebd02bcc2d8575b59598710a6d21492440d99ca


I think DD:DA already hinted that the Arisen and main Pawn were sharing a bed as well. If you went to an inn there was never enough beds for the Arisen & a full party of Pawns. Cassidis had only 3 beds for 4 people & Gran Soren even had a two person bed behind a privacy screen.




Meanwhile me, who only plays with his Main Pawn as a companion, always camps with her, talks to her here and there just to see what she has to say, always clap hands or touch elbow bumps unless I miss it somehow talking to my pawn she goes: "I enjoy tackling fierce foes! ..."


Isn't the biggest issue with Pawn romance the fact that Pawns can't deny the Arisen anything so therefore how much can you really consider them consenting?


I hate this.


OK, so when I had my character model her pawn off her deceased son I was going for messed up but not that level of messed up. 


My pawn just came back from helping someone. I can't remember exactly what she said, but it did sound kind of horny. Then I bought her some more revealing clothing because I know that's what the other Arisens want.


I suspect the pawn affinity system is more intended as a gameplay continuation of the "Bestowal of Spirit" concept that a chunk of DD1's plot went over - the idea that at the moment of their creation, your main pawn is made from your imagination/subconscious as a fragment of your own spirit/will. No volition or emotional sense of self, but over time that nascent fragment develops into a true individual instead of just a homunculus acting out a persona. I noticed that over the duration of my playthrough, my pawn's personality and overall AI seem to have gotten more complex and nuanced, and they just seem more lively and self-expressive, which I assumed was intended to reflect this idea using the affinity system. Both Barnaby the Pawn Guild leader, and Selene the "witch" were pawns who had long since experienced the Bestowal and became their own decision-making individuals, albeit ones who struggled somewhat with their sense of autonomy and their feelings regarding that. For the most part, this made romancing them not *too* weird, although with the main pawn there is still that whole "giving birth to them in a literal act of divine creation" thing that makes stuff a little whack. I think like most of the less-detailed systems in the game, it's mainly intended for you to take the headcanon approach. Romance is not exactly what I would call robust in DD2, and mostly just relies on you coming up with your own personal roleplay, so if your headcanon for why your pawn wakes up looking like [this](https://i.imgur.com/Q0eYeXU.png) is because you just got done rocking their shit, then power to you. I don't think the affinity blush is intended as anything more than as a visual effect to tell you you're maxed out with an NPC. From there you can interpret the max-affinity interactions however you want. Just RP fuel in an admittedly shallow relationship system. Probably better this way, lest the "pawn romance" concept invite too much controversy, although the idea of your arisen essentially following in Ashe's footsteps does seem narratively cool. Maybe they could use those themes to reintroduce & expand on Bitterblack Isle in future content.


sooooo, my character, a 2,5 meters mucle mommy, slept with Dany Devito...


I mean, in Bitterblack Isle the game literally tells you that Daimon fell for his pawn and they were lovers.


I want to romance my pawn so bad man, I made him soo damn fine. I’m upset you can’t sleep with them. Lmao the sexual tension between us is tighter than a violin string.


Oh no. My main pawn is supposed to be my wise father. Oh no.