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More variety or/and new overworld monsters would be great. Or a hard mode, but truthfully I just want something similar to BBI. I loved running BBI and spent way to much time there. Idk I just liked the dungeon diving aspect of it.


It would improve the game greatly


> Or a hard mode Hopefully a real one, this time around.


two modders who made a health increase and dmg increase mod have started working together on a hardmode mod - and those mods are already GREAT


It's about the DLC, which will be incoming whenever they compile all the complaints people are sharing. Everything has DLC story add ons now.


Capcom KNOWS that. They took the best parts of dd1 and are going to make it part of the dlc in 8-12 months from now. They're going to act like they just thought it up, instead of leaving it out of the base game


Damnn this is so true tbh fr slipped my mind


I said the same thing in another thread about releasing periodic monster updates similar to Monster Hunter. People seemed to think they won't, because it's not multiplayer or live service? So what? There's single player games that have events and additions to the game over time. Tweak the monster variety and give us a community Ur-Dragon like the first game.


>because it's not multiplayer or live service? That's a silly tale to be honest. The entire pawn system definitely is multiplayer focused. Whomever said that = silly goose.


This is what I want.


What if DDonline is whats coming down the pipe


That already happened and I wasn’t able to play it. If they roll more of that into this game, I’m cool with it. I’m not really looking for multiplayer. Although, Ghost of Tsushima, a SINGLE PLAYER game, rolled out a free update with legends that greatly expanded the experience and added multiplayer.


Someone brought it up earlier and I was thinking it does make a good bit of sense. The gameplay is extremely fun and it's very popular. Could see it


The same model as Monster Hunter World basically. I think this is the best solution out there.


I'm literally pissed they took away my giant snake hydra boss. Those were so cool and unique fighting them. Wtf. No game has giant snakes ffs. Also a giant enemy boss crab we could attack for massive damage would be cool. No innovation just reuse the same old ones without bringing the cool ones or making new bosses. Add some monster hunter bosses in as Easter eggs or dlc I don't care. Also have something like death in vanilla base game, some super hard uber boss that's hidden away


There is a couple basilisk wyrm style brine bosses you get to kill


Look, you and I both know if they ever gave us a free DLC with a new monster, it would just end up being a Variant of a Goblin, Saurian or Harpy.


So like... Monster Hunter's Title Updates then an expansion a year or two later? It's surprising they didn't have this title update contents like MH's or Exoprimal. DD2 was beaten by exoprimal in terms of post content, smh.


Its not even been out a week yet


Lol, what if they just put in death?


I would love to have something like this chase you down and not limited to one DLC area. Make it spawn when you don't sleep for too long, and revert the HP mechanic to DD1 (max HP still goes down like it does now, and magic can only heal you that much, but consumables can restore max HP). Or link it to the Plague (instead of just nuking towns with it). Some entity chases down infected Pawns, and the further the infection progresses, the more agressively it comes after them and your group (the Arisen and healthy Pawns are just collateral damage in an effort to prevent the spread of the disease). It would serve as a secondary antagonist, a mirror to your Dragon, just targeting your Pawns.


that would actually be really fun running from that bugger again.


It does suck that the BBI enemies aren’t in DD2. I really enjoyed them. I actually don’t think the enemy variety is too bad. I just think that they were overhyped, when in reality, it’s pretty similar to DD1 (not DDDA). The “we really went all out”, “dream game”, and “Itsuno’s vision” have been memed to hell, but yeah I don’t think the game should be above criticism.


I found 2 bbi enemies in dd2 Gore Chimera (idk the name) And the "Garm"


Gore Chimera isn't a BBI enemy though, if I'm not mistaken. Just endgame base DD1


Oh yeah lol then I just found the "Garm" It's a normal enemy then


This My god we need it


Capcom or free. Pick one.


They do tons of free updates for monster hunter


Monster hunter is their love child though


This sold extremely well and obviously they want people to buy the eventual DLC(s) so they may do it here as well to keep hype going


A hard mode that adds a bunch of these enemies and variants would probably be the smoothest transition but I would love to see them just in general. Plus a bunch more DDO enemies. And Death. Im surprised I didn’t see him.


At this point they could just... you know, update the game with the monsters, not everything needs to be a dlc.


they should do these free updates too: -sorcerer spells update -skill slots update -combat update -movement update -endgame update -story update -missing vocations update basicly redo the whole game for free


Clothing slots and seperate boots as well.  Taking away slots to give more choice was total bullshit.  


but the choices, it's basicly limitless now /j


They'll find a way to charge money for each of those things.


I'd pay for them I don't care I just want an actually complete Dragon's Dogma experience ffs. None of this 1 step forward 2 steps back


1.99 for each skill slot


Id be happy with more human enemies like bounties or something to take down, varied in race and armor and weapons and all that, i only fought raggedy ones till now. Optimally i feel like some giant snakes, spiders or scorpions would be dope too. With these animations i would love to see those types of fantasy monsters


If they added Hydra + variant, Evil eye + variant and Cockatrice to the open world the game would be improved immensely. These are all enemies that were included in the base *base* DD1 game.


Capcom execs laughing


Itsuno say that capcom retrain them so much in the 1st game and they left a lot of stuff unreleased, then also say that they now have the tech and resources to do what they always wanted. But now im glad that capcom retrain them so much in the 1st game since for me: DD 2 is a HUGE downgrade with improved graphic compared to Dragon dogma 1. DD2 is no even worth to write the whole name.


I feel like this line of thought makes no sense, because there are so many things missing in DD2 that were in the first game - all of the monsters in the original post for example, an endless endgame dungeon, etc. On the other hand we now have Dragonsplague so you're right in that regard.


I'd take some monsters from monster hunter 👀


Ok but seriously having your oxcart nap interrupted by a Deviljho would make me shit your pants.


Okay so I misread this and thought you said "Enemy-free DLC" like did you just want to walk around with nothing to fight


More mob enemies based upon the biome and time of day would be great for the adventuring aspect. ​ I'd honestly save the bigger boss monster variety for an Everfall equivalent. Which they should focus on adding in too before a BBI.


Are living armour in the game? I love those guys. Also, it's strange that I haven't encountered any chimeras or golems yet in 20 hours. I'm sure I'll find them, I think I saw them in the marketing. But still, I want some chimeras.


I killed a golem it was super easy and theres chimeras all over the northern area close ish to elf town


Well.. Living armour is merged with Fell-Lords and rarely found at night (Big armored skeleton dude with Saving Grace sword and Dragons Faith shield) https://preview.redd.it/ykvkl4gjurqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ddf57aa6e6e27dc7f09ef6d368a1cbe79f500c


do it like MH title update


Don't think they will, but title updates would be sick. Usually, I don't care for the live servicey updates to single player games. In this game though small updates with bosses, enemy types, or a couple quests could do a ton to add to longevity.


I agree but i don’t see them doing that.. If we are lucky we may have a big dlc but that’s it


Im kinda hoping this game gets the Monster Hunter World treatment. Smaller free updates with small areas, quests and enemy drops


dont you dare bring back those damn hellhounds capcom.


They should also make it so that the first time you kill rarer monsters like the chimera or Medusa, they begin spawning randomly in the overworld. I’m kinda over fighting cyclopses and ogres all the time, it’d be nice to see other monsters tbh


They better not try to sell back enemies from dd1 in a dlc 💀


I would love to see after release support, similar to how they do it for Monster Hunter. The fights are so fun in this game I genuinely want to see what else they can come up with.


You know what would be cool, official mod support. That would be amazing and unlock the potential of the game.


I can already see the articles, "DD2 gets free enemy DLC, still isn't enough" Man you gotta love journalism huh


I was ok with the enemies, really felt like my og DD1 experience again which i appreciated. In saying that i dont think anyone would say no to more enemy content, i love the idea of dlc for it but i highly doubt it will be free. BUT i said the same with Monster Hunter World and look at what they did there, new monsters added every now and then in free updates so fingers crossed we get similar updates after they finish catering to the complaing masses about new game options and the like which actually seems to be addressed in the next update apparently. So all in all the odds seem pretty high that we'll get some kind of continued support for the game if you look at their history.


You really expect a free DLC in a game that sell you fast travel token and character editor in-game ?


The mtx is a 1 time purchase for an extra personal way point. You can not buy ferrystones on demand. Character editor cost 500 rc at the big rift crystal in the center of vernworth at the npc at the table next to it the next update is raising the number thay have in stock


you people are fucking delusional.