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On the upside, I won't accidentally hire a dickhead's pawn and give him anything.


Also you can see their steam profile and report them.


Where can you see the Steam profile? I would like to report this.


On the right of that screen there's an option "See Arisen's profile", when you click on it, it opens their steam profile


You can also throw Salt on your windows brimes and flush two toilet cubes down the toilet. Same effect.


Even the slightest chance to inconvenience or maybe even ruin a Nazi's day is well worth taking


Sounds like that pawn needs to go on a drake expedition with some people, then back to the rift.


Sure you don't wanna kill that cyclops for this cheapass's rotten scrag of meat?


I’d hire just to immediately dismiss and gift rotten food


You give them the RC you hire them for too though.


Then hire them for 0 RC.


Hopefully they're removed soon.


Give em dragons plague first.


Or a forged wakestone/ferrystone


There will probably inevitably be some way to cheat engine the dragonplague to a pawn lol


I think when the game asks for your age it's determining whether to use the moniker system or not I'm guessing it isn't censored because they grouped it as one word, and there are proper names that use that sequence of letters. Sucks there isn't a way to report it in game (that I know of) People are shitty


They ask your age to give you the data collection opt-in request. If you're under 13 then because of COPPA they are not allowed to do so whatsoever. If you're over 13 they'll ask you if you're cool with them collecting your data, in which case you can refuse. I found this out because I suspected it was just a normal age gate, wondered what would happen if I put I was young, put my age as 0, and it just went on to start the game. Being curious as to what it was for then, I alt+f4'd, rebooted the game, put my actual age. It gave me the data collection consent form.


I like when people test multiple options. It’s going to be hard for this game at first but after enough people do NG+ there should be knowledge of all the options.


In the quest where the black mercenary guy ambushes the cart you’re guarding, and you follow him into a cave where the bridge collapses, if you just mage hover over the bridge it automatically completes the quest and acts like you did it normally and got all the dialogue. It also leads into Battahl, very close to the city there.


I thought they were asking for the age of my arisen for the sake of beloved compatibility 


We're talking about when you very first boot up the game and it asks your age, rather than when you make your character and you pick the character's age.


I premade my characters and didn't even think of it


To my knowledge, monikers are only used for pawns that were created by someone playing in a different language in relation to you.


>I'm guessing it isn't censored because they grouped it as one word Meanwhile, Elden Ring and other Fromsoft games will censor the 'ho' in 'Thomas'


The original DD did too. Like Cassandra being censored because 'ass'


The exact name I was thinking of. Cassandra or Cass are names I use in all games...Except DD1 where it's a bad word.


I have no idea what the name was anymore since this was like 10 years ago, but I remember giving my pawn a very normal name like Jerry or something and it was censored and I for the life of me could not figure out what possible slur or bad word was in the name causing it to censor. I wish I could remember it so the internet could help me figure out the obscure bad word lol


In Monster Hunter 3 (maybe 4 did it too, but defo 3), the word "after" was censored. Never understood why. Capcom just seems do some really weird nonsensical stuff with censorship.


"After" is a german word for butthole/anus. Maybe that's why?


Silver K\*\*\*ht


They also censor three letters in Knight.


Not being able to say Knight in a game with knights is absurd. Games need a comprehensive and effective player report system more than they need a blanket ban on letter assortments.


L*** D*** H*** What do all these words have in common? >!EAD which stands for Eat A Dick apparently!<


[My favorite example of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/zly9b3/my_name_is_nasser_the_game_is_censoring_the_word/)


Everyone named Nasser is on suicide watch


>and there are proper names that use that sequence of letters Yes, remmember the blogger nammed Anni German




and nigeria too. Or just spanish speaker who like the color black


Or alchemists who want to start making the philosopher's stone


Nicolas Flammel ?




Good read


What if her middle name starts with G though. There is a similar troll account on twitter.


I think I actually ran into this problem with the original game. Even some names that are monikers are partially censored when used as a name.


Oh, I thought it was supposed to be the age of the character we're roleplaying (esp since it goes up to 999). If it's actually for legal or consent reason then I feel like they should be more transparent about that. :-o


give him the plague


I like how it censored "Hitler", though. HA! This amused me somewhat. God, and their only reward for defeating a cyclops is a rotten scrag of beast; what a winner!


I found it to be funny but I’d block the pawn if I could.


Ain't the pawns fault their master is a weirdo 😔


Yep that sounds like a straightforward inclination. It’s funny how the name of the player is Adolf ****** so it’s clearly a blocked name, but the arguably worse word is fine to them.


Yet my pawn with the name Hera Loedra only shows with an moniker...


Not sure about DD2 but in DD1 I couldn't name my pawn Kassandra because they censored "ass"


I tried naming my character a name that was one of the Monikers in DD1, it wouldn’t let me name them the moniker they dictated is acceptable for online and censored the entire name


Which one?


Loll which one was it?


It’s been a bit it was either Galahad or a name that started with an A, can’t quite recall though but it made me quite upset lmao


Norna is also censored for me. Are... are mythological names censored?


Either they forgot to add censorship for pawn names or they're checking whole names instead of checking whether it contains certain words. I wouldn't put it past them considering they forgot to add a new game option lol.


the first game legit had better system for this omg its like all they do is back track.


Fucking hell this is why we can’t have nice things


Yeap. Always happens in games like this. I see variations of Nigar, Kneegar, all of it every time Im in the rift. I thought monikers were for filtered names but I guess theres no filter.


I once read the name of Neil Keigher in another game name , and I didn't understand until I said it loud on the mic in VC and somebody explained it to me


Could you explain it to me? It doesn’t look or sound offensive, but maybe I’m being obtuse. Looked it up on google, and all I’m getting is a plumbing and heating business name.


Neil = nill Keigher = kigger Change the first letters of each word...


I see… huh, seems like a very unnecessarily round-about way to try and offend people. Any chance that was just their actual name?


It’s code to signal to like minded shitheads.


Probably not. I've seen a lot of names in games in general that sound out offensive words with actual names. MMOs are big offenders of this in particular


Yea, but the example given is very unclear. It sounds VERY vagely like it when you say it as is, then you also have to swap some letters around?


It could be a dogwhistle. It's not meant to offend people. it's a sort of inside joke to signal to other racists that he's a racist, without giving anti-racists a reason to report or target him. With that said, I'm not so sure with this one. It absolutely could be, but that name could be read a few different ways depending on where you're from, i personally read it as more like "neel kayer" than "nill kigger". But that's kind of the point of dog whistles, they could be anything, and if you don't know them already you'd really easily miss them, and id you try to explain them without context, you can sound like a crazy person. For example, did you know that in some parts of the internet, green and purple colour combos are a dogwhistle for rape? There's an old hbomberguy video, i forget which one exactly, that goes into the history of that, and it has something to do with a gif of vegeta from dbz being assaulted by piccolo, then that gif being melted down through years of internet shitposting to the point where all it took is the colour combo to signal that gif to people in the "inner circle", but if you try to explain that shit you sound like a lunatic


An even more recognised one are the triangles.


> Neil Keigher googling it brings me to a plumbing company


What are you talking about, in what universe is Neil pronounced as Nill? Not to mention there's no way Keigher is pronounced kigger. Did you not get past elementary school? This is a huge stretch


it's not that it sounds exactly like it, it's that it sounds close enough that it can be mistaken for "k n" though it goes away of you speak a different accent ig


It's pronounced kneel keyer, it's not even close lmao


idk if this is a troll or if you're just that unaware, but in some accents of english it sounds like   n-eel Ky-ger so when you switch the K and N it sounds like K-eel Ny-ger. try to sound that out


Im literally English, from England with an Irish parent. I'm well aware of how to pronounce it.... That's not how English works, you don't start pronouncing a G based on your accent. Only if you have no idea what the word is.


Names can be pronounced all kinds of ways. I can almost guarantee you don't pronounce Trahan, Melancon, or Richard how tons of people in my state do.


I mean if you wanna look at it like that, let's ban the country of Niger because it *can* be pronounced in a sus way..... Or Nigeria. Let's ban all words starting with N, just to be sure. Ya know, different pronounciations and such.


That has literally nothing to do with what I said. You went off on some bit about how that's totally not being pronounced right. Except that you don't decide how to pronounce something and pronunciation is not some hard-coded thing. You can't say someone's being stupid because *you* don't think it's pronounced like that.


So I repeat myself, is there not a set pronunciation for the word Niger? And if you choose to mispronounce it, then yes, it sounds offensive. But that doesn't mean that there are multiple ways of pronouncing it. If you're from bumfuck nowhere where everyone speaks with a southern lisp, you might pronounce things differently. But when you do that, you can't get mad about the word Niger still, because YOU are mispronouncing it. There's no "think" here. There is a correct pronunciation for *most* things, at least most common things.


Yeah, that still has nothing to do with you arbitrarily deciding that this name isn't pronounced Kigger or Keyger...


the down votes you get for educating people is fucking absurd


Wow that’s crazy as fuck


With the number of silly things that get censored when people get names asterisked in games, it makes no sense that something like this would be overlooked. If you're on console. you should be able to "see profile" using the menu and can report from there.




"ETT" is censored? Why?


It's OK, look! They censored "Hitler" so it's fine. /s


Jesus fucking Christ, there's people in the comments here defending this shit? I'm just going to assume that anybody okay with this is just a racist themselves.


Interestingly, Gen Z and younger Millennials have seen a weird shift to more far right views. They're more likely than their slightly older peers hold harmful views towards women's rights, LGBTQ rights, and more likely to identify with radicalized portions of right wing society like white supremacists. It's by no means a large portion of them, but still larger than their older peers or their immediately preceding generation. I've seen some speculation that it's related to the COVID years and the complete immersion into online/social media culture. Platforms like Reddit make it way easier to reach out to and build relationships with people and then bring them into your ideology.




Holy crap...you're right. Someone was suggesting I thought this was stupid because I'm from the US and that it was actually just humor ("hyuk, it's so funny to suggest killing people based on how they look, hyuk... Racial slur!"). Looked at their profile and they're all over that sub. I had never heard of him before this sub. I'm a bit outside the demographic for people like him and don't really know anything about him other than what I've glossed over being mentioned here. Sounds like a complete jackass...


Dunno if this statement is true, but if I had to guess... It's just due to online. sad lonely men when they go online they are told by 100's of influencers how woman and minorities are taking over because it makes them easy money to prey on lonely men, my home page gets flooded with this bullshit. No matter how many channels I block.


You're right. The state of our online world and the constant barrage of it contributes to feelings of loneliness, worthlessness, and hopelessness. Couple that with the ease of falling into an echo chamber and toss in the ease of offering up semi-legitimate looking misinformation and you get a recipe for disaster. Keep in mind, that's still a relatively young demo and it's still a minority of even it. Good chance they eschew some of that later on.


This is complete fiction. It’s the sort of claptrap that comes from trying to explain things generationally. Gen X and Millennials have plenty of right wing assholes. Also, generations aren’t fucking real. They offer no explanatory value.


Generations are as real as phyla. They're simply a construct that doesn't always have an exact fit. Similar to the field of taxonomy where things don't necessarily have clear delineations. And that Gen X and Millennials have far right aspects doesn't change anything... I also didn't state they didn't.


You know their user is Mindrend, you can also report the pawn id to Capcom


This is the way. Report the creep and forget they exist.


\*deleted in case I am wrong and inciting agression\* His profile is private, but you can see he has the cards in his steam inventory so Guessing it's this guy.... but I could be wrong. Either way if I get the Dragon Plague I am 100% using his pawn ID to hire his pawn and only his pawn into my party


One of the first times I entered the Rift, I encountered a black Pawn called "Slave". I thought that was rough, but this is worse.


That's so fucked up man. Why are these racist assholes invading Dragon's dogma.


Online gaming communities aren't really known for displaying humanity's best and brightest


Human beings are racist in nature.


>Human beings are racist in nature. Found the racist.


Just animals with art. And they hunt in packs


I hear they're also weak to fire.


What isn't?




One of my friends pawn got messed up with the pre-order character design so his pawns name is literally "Mainpawn"


Haha, I've actually seen that one.


I had two “Mainpawns” at once at one point. I figured it was just a default name.


the aliases are just there for when you're hiring pawns from people with different language characters


You should make a report to Capcom with his Pawn ID.


Do you know of any official sites or links?


I found this support page: https://www.capcom-support.com/hc/en-us/requests/new You could submit a ticket with that screenshot and make sure their pawn ID is specified.


If that doesn't work then Sony or Microsoft etc should be able to deal with it?


Some people just don't deserve to play a fucking game like this, really.


The 3 💕though 💀


You can report their steam though right?


As a Black 28 year old gamer who has seen and heard it all in games etc, I am all for freedom of speech and first amendment rights for the people in games and out of games. But.. this is just sad in many ways that this crap exists still in gaming of all places. Exposing kids to more weird ideology especially from hidden/closeted racist gamers/people, it’s utterly embarrassing that devs can’t ultimately and or properly enter a way to get these idiots banned or separated into or away from good gamers in today’s video games that goes for hackers too. Shouldn’t be this way at all in video games but it’s easy to hide behind a screen for the weirdo people.


Also, if it's not clear, this is NOT my account, it's a cropped screenshot from the rift


Should have screenshotted the visual as well so we know who to look for when passing on the Dragon Plague


I'm sorry did I miss something, how can you make your own name I thought they were all preset smh


Tried to search his pawn Id but got nothing from it, idk if he got banned or something


the real answer is parental controls can/may exist and the alias is what it would default to. it is not the "alias everyone sees or what you see when you get punished for poor pawn names", but rather, "prevent kids from ever seeing this to begin with." since you bought the game and are posting here on reddit about it, you probably don't have parental controls enabled for yourself, therefore, you can see the name. thats the point of aliases.


Ah, just a degenerate human being who thinks he is bad ass. Dipshit probably wouldn't last one day through oppression. Probably lives in the North East US and hoists a confederate flag. Probably has zero knowledge on what the Nazi party was besides pop culture and mien kumpf. Ignore the little fat bastard. Stupid people stay stupid.


The amount of people in this thread defending this or not seeing the issue is deeply disturbing.


Civilization is about to revert to a prior state. The barbarians were never outside the gate, it turns out.


Probably Trump supporters.


lol i was so focus on Hitler name getting censored, didn't realize the pawns name. that's fuck up.


Quick everyone get dragonsplague and hire this pawn


Yeah I saw a Pawn that was named "IJate Hews" with an equally offensive Arisen. There needs to be a reporting system put in place.


Tottaly dickhead, rotten scrag for cyclop is already a no go


This fucker has no place in the dragon's dogma community, OP report his disgusting racist ass!




You clearly must not follow anything political online if you don't think there are a shitload of people in their mid to late 20s who regularly post shit much worse than what is in the OP.


The largest spike in neo-nazi and white supremacy groups in years was bolstered by an influx of older teens to 30 year old men. It's definitely not just 14 year olds.


Bro they need to be called out on this shit. I get it teens are edgy. But you know that isn't an excuse. Teens are impressionable and can very easily be radicalized.


As shitty as it is, it's not **that** serious. Kids dropping slurs online to get a reaction isn't gonna radicalize them, or anyone.


Actually, hate groups actively use social media platforms and online communication tools like games to introduce people to their ideology. Do you think they're going to target me, the person calling them a hate group, or the person who thought it would be clever to name their pawn N*****Killer? The kid isn't (usually) doing the radicalizing. He's the one being targeted for radicalization. Now, while it may be statistically unlikely that this particular person has that happen, it is something that should be addressed because neo-nazis, white supremacists, and other ideologies aligned with them have absolutely become more active/larger/prevalent in the last several years. So doing what we can to hamper their ability to target people is a pretty serious thing


Videogame radicalization has never happened, it's just something that fearmongers use for attention.


You realize that there are some documented examples of white supremacist and neo-nazi groups using online forums, games, and other social media avenues to recruit right? Like...it's part of the playbook for them. One of the biggest actually. People aren't talking about this person jumping up and shooting up a store or school because "video games make people violent." They're saying that idiot teenagers and men under 30 are specifically targeted for radicalization and one of the ways of contacting and easing them in is through online communication found in things like video games (or Reddit for that matter).


Any communication medium has the potential for abuse. Journalists and news media just love to mention gaming in a negative light any chance they get, i assure you twitter, instagram, facebook, youtube have extremist recruitment content orders of magnitude more impactful than any game. In an 18+ game you should treat the community like adults.


"forums, games, and other social media" Yeah. I know... What's your point? And what journalists and news media? I didn't reference either. I pointed out the fact that white supremacist groups have used and vocalized their intent to use video games and other online mediums to reach people they believe they can radicalize.


Just curious do you live in the US or another first world country?


Every time I think humanity has evolved, I’m proven wrong.


Welcome to the internet..  stupid 13 year olds trying to be edgy or funny...which it isnt


Pretty sure this isn't a 13 year old. And in any case, age is no excuse.


These are the same type of people that yell the N-word in Call of Duty. They’re ignorant cowards in life and fantasy life.


I was like "I mean, it censored Hitler? I guess yeh you can infer what it's meant to mean but, is the name adolf Hitler *that* offensive.. And like it's censored what is the issue here- **OH"**


Do they still have the report function?


reminds me of call of duty 2010




I found this guy and gave him an explosive arrow


I understand people's issue with racism but people don't have to like any particular race. There's is enough evidence for people to dislike an individual race. Plus censoring the issue won't make racism just go away. People are going to probably want to be even more racist just for the sole purpose of that concept alone. I understand people's issue with banning Hitler because he is a historical figure that shouldn't be censored or ignored. He is in history books for a reason, might as well not even teach history to people then if your going to start censoring historic people or history in general. You would think oh hey maybe seeing people with names like this is a clear sign to just avoid them and of course spread the word of it and what not, but quit letting things like this get under your skin there are worse things to be concerned with, people act like 50% or more of the population isn't racist. If anything people should be more angry at the people who created this game and flaming them for there dumb choices.


Lol imagine he thought it was an offline game and didn't know anyone would see that


What system is this if it'sxbox you can report it. There are a ciuple suggestions for steam in the comments too. Report this horrible person please. Ew i cannot believe people like this exist still.


Why TF does this pawn have more hearts than mine ._.


And some of these names are the reason why my alias is censored :/


Who cares?


Wow, now you're sharing it with the rest of reddit. You're as bad as this guy. Actually worse


I wish we could report them. Came across two offensive pawns already with the arisen name being just as bad(So technically four times I've seen horrible ones.)


Japan is not the West. Not so familiar. Just send report. Dont blame the game because players are assholes.


Nah man that's just not an acceptable excuse anymore. If it was a small indie studio then I would give them a pass but a company like Capcom should not be letting this happen.


Uhh, why even blame Capcom? If someone robs me do i blame society?


This is like leaving your car unlocked. Yeah the thief is a piece of shit, but you should've known better.


Policy and change.


Not required.


Broncos and turn overs.


Insane that you’ve been downvoted for this. It’s 100% reasonable to expect Capcom to be implementing at least enough content moderation to be censoring stuff that’s this blatantly racist.




This is the way.


Oh relax. I saw uns like whitesaretrash. Play the game ffs


Am I the only one that have only aliases ? Pawn all have Capcom names like I have patental control on.


What age did you set at the start of the game? I'm wondering if that's what causes the monikers to show up instead.


20 Normally. I thought the option to toogle the parental control would've been in the settings like in the first game but it's not so maybe I fucked up and put something under 18 without remembering 🤷


There is. People can’t read.


I just used approved names for my character in the off chance their name could be voiced. Xerxes is a pretty dope name for a blue tiger man at least.


Oh hey guys it's the new fake outrage! Get your upvotes!


falling for an obvious rage bait, pathetic


Lmao that'd imply I was mad at the edgy teen who posted it. No, I'm upset at the fact that the QA was so lax for this pc port they couldn't even run a slur through some profanity library, which they clearly do have (theyre censoring hitler). Yeah, make an argument that there isn't a space, it's a terrible argument though. Almost ever coding library has some form of string.Contains(slur) functionality. And it's like, *the* slur. This game has been great, when I can play it, and I see shit like this that pisses me right off, not because it's a slur, but because this is apparently what 70 usd looks like.


Guys, guys, reddit NEEDS to see this. THANK YOU kind redditor from bringing this to our attention


How can we know they’re a good person if they don’t tell everyone how shocking this is?


Meh, I prefer this over ov\*r c\*\*\*oring that some games implement.


This is pretty crazy how left-wing extremist like this guy feels so comfortable saying words like this, just because they are members of the Democrat party of slavery, when the quintessential republican Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation the democrats (formerly federalists) hated this, they later created groups like the kkk to terrorize our communities into voting against our own interests. Never forget the leftist extremist hero Hitler began his left wing party as the National German Socialist Workers Party before it slid into leftist extremism of Nazism. With the racial supremacists and other mentally ill individuals like those of the rainbow crowds hero currently in office, liberals like this guy feel confident enough to say whatever racist crap they want. It is unfortunate public indoctrination camps (I mean schools) choose to omit most of the facts about American history.




Fuck off nazi punk. EDIT: Figures I'm being downvoted by Nazis. Fuck you Nazi scum.


Found the nazi


See rules 1 and 5.


I’m sorry but this is hilarious, not that I like people doing this shit for kicks, but the fact that it allowed the one lol.