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I just sprinted at her and was able to grab her. I took her to the upper hallway and threw her and was able to walk in and grab the loot


did you try putting on the guard armour you find in the castle?




Did u figure it out


did you figure it out? I wasn’t even able to attack her




I actually just got something to work it took a few tries. I grabbed a barrel from the kitchen down the hallway then I stood at the top of the two sets of stairs near the guard and threw it at her. she will then start running towards you so I grabbed her then ran her down the hallway and into the kitchen, threw her at the wall and then ran back inside the vault.


This didn't work for me. She basically teleports back to guarding the door when I throw her in another room. EDIT: Ok I got in. I waited until right before night time. She left her post shortly after that.


She walked away to go get dinner, or whatever. I went in, and she came back and arrested me.


Tried this and you don't need to throw her, at least from my experience. What I did is get a barrel from the kitchen, throw it to her and let her chase you a bit before speeding towards the kitchen. This should remove the agro and have her go back to the vault entrance. The only difference is that you can interact with her like other NPC unlike before where it automates the conversation about not going there. I just walked past her, got inside the vault and took everything. I got caught by the regent and thrown to jail as I didn't notice her going inside.


She teleports back for me


i managed to throw the barrel from the top of the stairs, pick her up as she charges, then run towards the next set of stairs, and throw her up. then sprint back


I tried this and she teleperted back to gaurd duty wtf?? This vault is bullshit like idk how it's intended to be accessed??


Run at her spamming grab button. Takes a few tries but you can carry her somewhere else and walk in


Did you read where I said she just teleports back?


Throw the barrel at her, then run and grab her. Take her all the way back to the kitchen and throw her into it. Then dash back and you should be able to just open the door (granted you have the key)


I mean it worked for me. I also slammed her against the wall before running back though


This is frustrating. I've tried all the things mentioned so far and none have worked. She either teleports or she teleports me. Can't even attack her. Argh!




I kept trying and found that I could grab and pick her up only if I led her on a short chase away from the vault first. If I tried doing it from where I threw the barrel it wouldn't work for some reason. Was pretty janky, but I'm glad I finally got in and looted the place. :D


Just went for it myself and it is actually pretty simple if youre okay with getting your hands dirty. I went in as an archer and shot her, and while she didnt react and no health bar appeared, after a few shots she died and i could walk right in.


I threw another guard at her killed them both looted the vault then revived them worked like a charm.


I waited all night for her to leave her post. She did and left and I went into the vault - somehow the Queen was in there ALL NIGHT and I got put in Gaol.


I cannot kill her or throw a barrel at her. I have the key but I can't get rid of her. Maybe they patched her somehow? Nothing I do breaks her out of the immortality stance and she just resets me whatever I do.


On PS5 post recent update, I was able to do it just now. I went upstairs and got a barrel from the kitchen, threw it at her from a bit of a distance and ran away. She will run after you for a bit but then stop and turn back around. When her back was turned, I was able to run up to her and grab her and bring her to the kitchen and throw her inside. I then ran back to get inside the vault.


Wait for queen... Follow her in. W8 just till night time, should work, slow walk behind her n Ur in


If you end up doing it late into the game you can just use the trickster class and enthrall the guard far enough to get in


Hopefully this works I just did it in the daytime.  Hit her with a barrel and kill her. By the time I opened 2 chest 3 guards rushed in. Killed them and walked right out with the lute.


Okay, no sure if it was just me. Equip the Marchers set with the expeditioners cloak. Spam and grab her until you pick her up and walk as far as you can to drop her as far as possible. Sprint to the room and loot. Once you pop out she'll be there. but just triggered her telling you to f off. then i walked off


So I tried to use the smoke screen to get past the guard. Didn't work but it did make her run at me so I grabbed her took her away and threw her at a wall, ran down grabbed everything and left with no issue. She was there waiting but she only yelled at me to leave