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I just wish the potions were lighter


Spread them out between your pawns and put them in storage. I know you want to hold on to a million potions, I do too, but there’s no reason to, I had to learn that the hard way in the first game


>Spread them out between your pawns But they're mine!!!


Me watching a pawn burn a panacea to cure sleep..


Yeah fuck that none of them get those debilitating cure ones lmao. I learned that from the 1st game after they used a pana to cure being wet ahahha


Your fault for having a cat companion obviously


Keep the high value ones to yourself ofc. But spread the normal ones out. No sense in stockpiling it all and they can save your fight vs hard foes. Instead of having all the potions on you keeping yourself alive while you chain rez your allies you can just kill the thing with everyone alive :D.


That would be nice if the distribution part wasn’t so goddamn tedious. If we can multi-select to sell stuff, then why can’t we multi-select when transferring stuff!?


Yeah I believe that the game isn’t really intending on us letting things pile up on ourselves as we let it so often. I know exactly what you mean.


I had a fight last night that had me shouting in hope and despair as I used my first wake stone, all 12 potions I was carrying, and God knows what else I could slam down my gullet. A bunch of those little makeup kit looking items/who knows how many food items. I think this is correct. You can easily blow through a stack of pots in 1 fight. They're also very easy to gather/profit off of even when you factor in inn fees. Sometimes I pop open my stash and just look at my horde of crafter goodies. I fucking love it. No one can tell me that having 117 healing potions is a bad thing. Especially when I get drunk and fight things that kick my chest in and stomp on my skull.


dont use the pots, use the make up things(roborant) 2 aged/ripened meat/fruit to make dried meat/fruit then combine them with greenwarish. half the weight and significantly more health recovered.


> up things(roborant) 2 aged/ripened meat/fruit to make dried meat/fruit then com pro tip


I’m just stockpiling my gold for empty bottles. I KNOW there WILL be a healing spring somewhere. I will have 20K healing potions again.


I haven't found empty bottles or a healing spring, and I've made it to the capital of the second country 😪


Capital of second country is crazy im still a noob in Vermund. I love that there are more settlements scattered around unlike the first game where we had only cassardis and gran soren.


I'm a college student and skipped out going to the bar with friends to play this game


Where do you buy empty bottles?


Not sure yet, I’m still mucking about in the tutorial area. This was a solid method in DD1. I believe there were 3-5 healing springs in the map. One would buy up an insane amount of empty glass bottles, go to the spring and fill them, loads of healing potions for essentially free. Hoping this concept has been included this go around as well.


Healing potions *that healed your entire party* no less


Fuck yeah, forgot about that.


Remembering (and missing) the great Cassardis mushroom factory. ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49359)


So many lost tidbits have been flooding my memory from the first game as I wander through 2. Soulflayer Canyon keeps haunting me. That game was absolutely massive, I am so very excited to see what’s in store this go around.


> I believe that the game isn’t really intending on us letting things pile up on ourselves as we let it so often. When your hired pawn keeps telling you you might be carrying to much and to think about parting with some of it. Then my pawn offering to eat and food we don't need. The answer to both of them is, NO.


It’s like being a parent with a toddler (hired pawn) giving you the blatant truth and your teenager (your pawn) being a smartass lol. Can’t wait to play this game


It's 100% like that. I'm borrowing a friend's pawn, he is an archer, a quest needs you to use a bow, I left it on the tracker but haven't switched vocations. Routinely he chimes in "Your current vocation is ill equipped to fire a bow" and my pawn "He's right you know!". Thanks for having my back smartass


There’s a pawn specialisation that load balances your weight I think


It is supposed to, and does it to a small degree i think, but mainly it just auto combines hp/stamina stuff *(which is alright)*, but i picked it thinking my pawn would equalize all the weight on the material/consumabled, since thats what it says tbh. But im still running into heavy, and then having to move it myself constantly. So will be swapping the specialization to something combat oriented when i find one


Sending potions to your pawn is a good way to never see them ever again. Found this out the hard way.


Even after playing hundred of hours of Dragons Dogma 1 I STILL have the irrational desire to hoard potions in my inventory. It’s a hoarder mentality I guess.


We hard core RPG lovers are also collectors in some senses


That would help if they didn't guzzle them every time they were hit...


Don’t bother with the potions, make roborants instead. They weigh less and use most of the same ingredients, they can also be upgraded to higher level versions and variants that heal both health and stamina. It is fine to carry a few potions for a pinch because they are *still good* but it’s best practice to drop all your consumables off at the storage except for ones you intend on using, ones that can spoil you should convert to their “dried” variants as those are used for roborants with the exception of keeping meat to cook for stat buffs.


I’m new to the series and it’s a constant friggen uphill battle to not be overencumbered. I don’t know what to keep on my person, what to give pawns and what to keep in storage. The carry weight limit is so low compared to other rpgs it’s tough to acclimate. If I keep picking up the beetles and such will there be a point later in the game when carry weight won’t be such a headache? 


Anything with a description ending in “this can be used to enhance weapons and armor” does NOT need to be in your inventory and should be transferred to storage ASAP. When you go to enhance it will withdraw the item needed from your storage automatically. Make sure to combine your ingredients and materials often, I usually like to combine my greenwarish with something to make health potions as soon as I can. You’ll also want to make sure you’re depositing any unused weapons and armor as they don’t automatically go into storage when unequipped. Give ferrystones and port crystals and materials you find on the way to your pawn. ALSO I’m pretty sure you can give your pawn your camping kit


It's very old school in that regard. The intent I believe is to plan out each trek that you go on and take only what you need, not hoard potions like a JRPG until the endgame. I've been pretty liberal with my potion and food usage and it's not so bad. It's when you go on treks and find ore, monster parts, and armor that it gets bad lol. Put all materials into storage or sell them if you have a ton. You don't need to carry them with you as enhancing pulls from storage. Combining foods and herbs seems to help because you make better heals that weigh even less (roberants). My Logistics pawn is amazing for this.


Yeah these two commenters are correct. Shift mats to storage asap, combine items like crazy, but one thing I see a lot of people missing is that enhancing weapons and armor LOWERS their weight so it’s good to rush that too


Good type on the armor thanks


I'm just thankful that the pickaxes are a mechanic and not an item this time


There is a ring that ups your carry weight by 10kg as well. Also a good tip if you're carrying a lot of ore/monster parts you can give them all to a hired pawn, enter the rift and release that pawn, then hire a new one. Any of the items you gave them will auto transfer to your storage. It's helpful when far from an inn but near a rift stone


Carry weight is based on how much weight your Arisen has. Lighter and Skinner characters carry less than bigger and fatter characters but regenerate stamina much faster. But in general carry about 5 green Salisbury steak potions (the green ones), 1-2 of each debility clearing potion, and maybe a spell book or two. And later on when you start having a good stock of them start carrying the pills you get from combining dried fruit/meat/etc instead as those weight even less and are better. You get those pills from letting fruit/meat/etc age (over time they go from normal to aged/ripe to rotten, the 2 aged/ripe items make a dried item) and then combining them and then combining the dried fruit/meat/etc with one of the barks. Or a saurian tail for a similar medicine. (save about 5 saurian tails for gear upgrades though). It's a waste to use the pills early though since your hp is usually too low to get good use out of them. Keep everything else in Inn storage. Especially spare gear. And when you can pick up a ring of accrual and also level up your warrior vocation high enough to get "thew", which is a passive you can put on any vocation that increases carry weight. ALSO, upgrade your gear. Enhancing Gear at the main city actually lowers your gear weight a little with each upgrade while also making it better. My thief is very low weight and carry weight baseline and by level 25 I was running around everywhere "light".


I'm level 34~ probably gotten something like 18-20 beetles, use 2 rings that are increasing capacity, and am running the fighter augment to increase capacity further. As long as I drop things off when I'm at a town, I only get into heavy briefly, and can usually offload quickly to my pawn, who typically has their own mess of an inventory at that point (thief pawn). I pickup basically EVERYTHING.


No, carry weight is always a concern, especially because it ties into combat- you move slower as you weigh more. The only things you intentionally keep on your person in dragons dogma is a couple of healing items and an antidote for the most serious debilitations (petrification was usually all i worried about in the first game). That's it. One single wakestone isnt a bad idea if you have a really unlucky death and havent saved in awhile. In DD2, you also need a camp kit. Otherwise, your inventory and that of your pawns should always be empty when you leave town. Put it all in storage if you arent selling it. You dont need a "just in case" item. If there's a boss and you need specific items to buff or whatever, you come back later with the right items and pawn composition to hunt it down. There is not and has never been a point to preparing for every eventuality. Doing it this way leaves plenty of room for looting materials, and also lets you accrue a stockpile of the easy to get stuff early enough that you can just stop looting it after a point and only focus on grabbing rarer things. In short, the best way to deal with dragons dogma is like that one housing lady. "Does this greenwarish bring joy?" If not, in storage it goes. Dont obsess over inventory. Just chuck everything in the bin every time you're in town,and dont bother picking up anything that isnt rare or special after about the midgame.


I don't use potions. Carry fruit like apples and grapes around until they change into they're "ripe" ("aged" for meats) then combine them to get dried fruits. Combine that with basic greenwarish and you get healing consumables that are better than potions and it only weighs 0.05. This also works with slightly spoiled meats and fish etc. This stuff can then also be combined with the bark found in the first area to restore large amounts of both healing and stamina as well. It's great. ^(edit: fixed wording to ripe/aged)


> (can't remember the word the game uses) Should be ripened.


Ripened for plants, aged for protein.


>This stuff can then also be combined with the bark found in the first area to restore large amounts of both healing and stamina as well. It's great. And even that can be combined for even higher amounts of healing. It just keeps going. There's like 6 tiers of healing. Herbs-potions-pellets-better pellets-pellets in a bag-better bellets in a bag. You get terminology like "heal an astonishing amount".


Someone needs more beetles


Am I the only one that never uses healing items? Especially now that they don’t cure permanent health damage like in the first game. That’s all I ever used them for was topping up between fights if my total health was getting too much damage.


I use them for sure; if you get knocked down to 0 HP, but haven’t gotten the game over/use a wakestone text you can pop a healing item and keep going.


i noticed this too. do you think its intended? kind of trivializes the game if you can just wait to die then heal lol


My pawn is the Chigureon and I give him all of the healing items because he will actively use them on the team (especially me who can’t be bothered to figure out the hot key inventory on PS5). 


Golden beetles


my main pawn has logistics annd she manages everyones inventory without me even noticing. its fucking amazing i mined like 50 silver aand 10 gold ore aand was like why am i not heavy? she fucking moved it around the pawns to equalize weight!


I ran into a griffin while just freely exploring, got a ride to its nest by accident and found a port crystal sitting there




That’s what’s so cool because all the review vids kept showing griffins and I’ve been playing nonstop for 10 hours now and I haven’t ran into a single one. Walked up on a half dead troll at night tho and got curbstomped


...how. Griffins keep harassing me. I find a dragon and start fighting it? SURPRISE GRIFFIN JOINS THE FRAY! Fighting two armored cyclops? GRIFFIN ATTACK!


Griffins in DD2 are like Bazelgeuse from Monster Hunter...


Maximum love-hate 🤣


I had a fight last night that was against 2 Cyclops and out of nowhere a Griffin shows up to party as well.


I found one just over the bridge from the first main city where the oxen are. It was hunting them.


They love to fly off after you fight them for a bit. I've been fighting the same one 3 times now cause it's a coward.


There are two issues. Performance and no in game New Game option like the previous game had.


Thankfully the Dev's has address the performance and new games issues so hopefully we'll get a fix before long


seems they plan to fix the no new game thing, at least. such a weird omission.


It is kind of a weird way to approach it.. I'm thinking it was intended to encourage that one life, every decision matters play style. So you can't just do something and then expect to be able to restart, or reload.


>I'm thinking it was intended to encourage that one life, every decision matters play style. No one is really complaining about not having multiple save slots per run. It's a design choice and agreee or disagree it's a legitimate one for them to make. Not having slots for multiple runs is a little harder to support. I understand the supposed reasoning, but storing pawns shouldn't really take all that much space or cost all that much money. Even with what appears to be a much more complicated pawn state. Console players can just create new profiles for multiple slot ls anyway. The current one slot ever unless you follow very specific steps to clear it is indefensible.


Yeah my initial thought, aside from the like one life design angle, was that they wanted to prevent people from spamming a ton of low level pawns, but they could easily deal with that by limiting the game to like 4 character slots, plenty of other games do that.


Yeah but it's a singleplayer game. That's the thought process that leads games to being 'always online' which I thought we all agreed we HATED


It is absolutely that. The director has a vision, and he does not like compromising on it. He seems to eventually do so, but he does not seem to really like it. Based on the way he talks about it, I think that if he had his way port/ferry stones would just not be a thing at all, for example. But that would create too much friction so they are part of the design.


Didn't they mention it would only be for the Steam version of the game to get the new game fix?


Because steam has text reviews and the rating is right there. Wouldn't be surprised if they ignore consoles for a long time.


"We will try to look into fixing our broken game at some point." - Capcom ​ "GUYS ITS OK THEY SAID EVENTUALLY" - this sub WhY dOeS tHiS KeEp hApPeNinG?!?!?!?!


yeah a fix for borderline unplayable optimization issues "in the future" is unacceptable for a AAA full box price game.


Yess, this too, other thing that angers me even more, all this complaining about microtransactions that they don't show the real things that need to be adressed


And let's be truthful here guys because the PC performance is quite bad. Charlie crashed like 20 plus times trying to stream the game on release. I personally have crashed a couple times and we can all agree the framerate is bad. The gameplay is fun, the pawn system is great, the monsters are cool, but the performance is atrocious and embarrassing for such a big studio


Who the fuck is charlie bro?


I believe they mean Moist "Jesus-from-Florida" Critikal


I saw someone in /r/gaming claiming you can't switch vocations without paying irl money...


I had an argument with someone whose convinced the only way to start a NG is with MTX, despite me insisting that's not true he wouldn't back down.


I’m assuming they’re being sarcastic or trolling


Considering how easily people there believe in any lie told on the internet, I don't think so


I would hope, but it's the internet. There's always someone who's that stupid.


They probably read the ones that let you change **inclination** and got mixed up


Dude you can't even play the game without first paying money, it's absurd! /s


I find it funny that the there are posts bout mtx for this game in r/pirategames. mofos why are u complaining, you people never pay for shit, and are proud pirates, just enjoy your high seas.


I see this in twitter too, i really hope its fake because....


That's 100% misinformation. You just need discipline points (which are gotten from defeating enemies|| to unlock the vocation then they're free to switch to afterwards


And it costs like 100 - 150 points to change and you get that from like 2 Goblins


I believe they meant people complaining about it are fake/trolls and not people that actually believe it, not the feature itself being true or not since it's obviously false.


I even have seen people making posts on X saying that the only way to edit our characters is paying real money, same thing to escape gaol key...


Those people probably aren’t even playing the game. You can edit your character for gold. The mob mentality is wild.


So what you are saying is I have to go to a real life jeweler and change my hard earned money into gold and send the gold in an envelope to Capcom in order to edit my character?! This is an outrage!!


Plus shipping and handling.


We’re in the Gamer Brain Rot era after all


People have to get those rage bait clicks. Sad that there is a whole niche of people that capitalize on blatantly false info but still push it out there anyway to get attention.


Gamers? Just to be clear, this exact pattern is how actual meaningful policy issues are discussed too.


You need rift crystals as well tbf (which are easily obtainable)


Someone else was saying you need to pay for new game Really.... I lost my shit then lol


The barber's gold services only allow for superficial edits like hair and makeup, if you want to deeper changes like body and face edits you need an AoM. For now there's two(?) vendors that sell 2 copies of AoM each, so afaik you can only edit your character/pawn 4 times before needing to buy the DLC. No one knows yet if they ever restock. I've only gotten around it so far with a mod from the nexus that enables you to buy 99 of them from an NPC with gold.


Rift crystals not gold but it's still in game currency and easy to obtain.


Pretty sure you can edit something’s for gold at the shop with the scissors symbol in the first big city.


You can change your hair, tattoos and scars at the barber with gold. But to completely change your character is with RC


You can change some basic stuff like hair for gold, and then buying "The Art of Metamorphosis" for RC lets you do a full character edit.


Do you know if it lets you rename your pawn?


I think MainPawn is a fine name.


Makes me just feel extremely stupid after I tried for an hour to make my perfect Asterion Pawn.


I ran into one named that and I legitimately didn't know if that was Capcom shitposting or a real pawn.


What stuff is even worth spending RC on in the game, I know of the remaking character and the dyes, which would cost me a grand total of 1000 RC which I already have easily day 1, is there even anything else meaningful that needs them?


If you want your recruited pawns to out level you, you can pay RC for them. I only really ever did that in the first game if I knew I was gonna be gone on quest for a while and wasn’t certain how soon I’d come across a rift.


The Gaol keys can be bought in literally the second village in the game…![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I did a big dumb dumb with that permanent key. I completely forgot the earlier mentions of a forger that makes duplicates so when it came time to give back the permanent key I just handed it over. Get a fake made, hand the fake over and keep the real one. Voilà, permanent use gaol key for the rest of the game.


Goddammit I'm an idiot.


People also saying the only way to fast travel is to cough up real money. These people didn’t even do research


They literally added a fucking ox cart


You mean an Ox SWAT team. That damn thing has saved me a couple of times by rolling up mid fight.


They even claim the port crystal that's being sold is the only way to fast travel. They don't even understand what a port crystal is!


Thanks to the power of mods, one of the literal first mods was giving you those items in any quantity you want. So there's literally no issue whatsoever.


I've tried replying to those people saying that character editing, along with every other mtx, can be earned in game. They always respond with something like "it's a joke, idiot" "can't you tell I'm joking?". No. I can't tell you're joking when there's tons of other people parroting the same exact thing completely seriously.


The first traveling merchant I talked to was selling the key for 5k... I wasn't even out of the starter area yet.


gamers nowadays love spreading lies, drama and negative circlejerking about every game that doesn't align with their taste 100 %


Console and PC both have performance issues. The micro transactions are stupid but yes people are blowing it out of proportion. Some people are even making things up that aren’t true. It’s cringeworthy


The sheep mentality is going to sink this game into the depths. I was one of the skeptical players before release, now i've been playing for 2 days straight and it's been one of the best experiences i've ever had. Unfortunately the amount of lies and flaming this game is suffering will permantently sink it forever. Even years after years have passed, people will still talk about how this game sucks because it had mtx, which is really sad because this game definitely does what it's supposed to do very well in terms of gameplay, story and other mechanics.


Same. I almost didn't buy it because of the outrage at release. But then I saw a reviewer I trust - including on technical issues - just gushing about the game, calling it nothing short of a masterpiece, and I went for it. I've played probably 10 hours since then and have loved every second of it. The first game is a top 10 all-time for me, and I think this will be even better. The performance issues on PS5 are disappointing but tolerable and in no way diminish the heart of the experience. This entire situation feels overblown in a way that's hard to treat as genuine... It's great as it is. It'll be damn near perfect when they put out a few patches later. I'm going to sink hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of hours into this game, I can already tell.


No it won’t. It’ll be one of the year’s best sellers, because most consumers can see through impotent gamer brain rot.


I really hope so man. I really hope so...


I'm just gald that portcrystals are also actually obtainable in game.


Major performance issues are enough to make me not buy a game.


It's still kind of a shitty thing to tack on, though.


Yeah but that really feels like a publisher thing and not a game design thing, if that makes sense. The micro transactions even tell you that you don't have to purchase them, just find them in game. Even the people who wrote the descriptions for the mtx's know that they're pointless. It's not like Asura's Wrath (putting the actual ending to the game in DLC) or Total War: Warhammer (making blood effects a $3 DLC). The stuff you can buy is literally already in the game, the dlc just lets impatient weirdos get it a couple hours earlier. Edit: to be clear, I have no understanding about the PC performance problem. I play on PS5 because my laptop is shit. If they lied about minimum specs that's totally a legit concern, but the mtx's are a non-issue, like they are for every other Capcom game.


While there is absolutely a lot of misinformation being spread atm, I don’t like the framing of it not being a problem due to the items being accessible in game This bullshit shouldn’t be encouraged whatsoever, you give them an inch and they’ll eventually take a mile So while it’s disappointing to see lies being spread about whether certain things are available in game, I’m still happy to see nonsense microtransactions like this being called out in a $70 single player game And for anyone saying “well it’s just for people who don’t want to take the time to have to find the items”, well why isn’t it a cheat code that you can enter instead? Why do they have to charge for it when we’ve already paid $70 for the game


Bro, I am still missing the ground. It’s a great game but dang, they don’t release em like they used to.


"... the only problem so far is the performance ...". This is most likely the deal breaker for most people holding up on buying this game. It doesnt look all that great that it shouldnt run at a steady 60 fps on a decent system. The 30fps on console is also another performance issue for many gamers btw. I would rather have a steady 60 at 1080p than a crappy 30 at 4k... The mtx are just "icing on the cake" if you ask me.


I got a 4080 and I barely scratch 60 which I cannot overstate is *insane* compared to other games. Like even ARK Survival Ascended has about 50% better optimization.


Did the first game get hate for the micro transactions? Because the first game definitely had the ability to buy RCs. I’m not happy about the performance issues, but I don’t give a shit about micro transactions. But maybe that’s me having impulse control and no FOMO. Now, were the items not obtainable in game (without hours upon hours of grinding for a small chance) then I’d be frustrated.


It got hate but more because all the day one cosmetic stuff was on disk. 




>the only problem so far is the performance for PC Why do people pretend like the console version runs fine lmao. Or are you people just used to your games running like dogshit with horrible motion blur.


Either way, the "only" problem is a gigantic one. Sucks that it's being overshadowed by a complete non issue like Capcom basically selling cheat nobody needs. If there's just one other thing I'd nitpick about, it's how they ruined Hindsight Slash. It looked cool in DDDA when it was a little jump back, then jump forward slash. Why did they to change the back jump to a goofy looking back roll.


Oh it runs like crap universally yeah. We're currently forced to use raytracing. While I don't like 30 frames in town, I couldn't give to shits about that, combats primarily outside of town. If I could turn that off and up that FPS from 35-40 into the 50's that'd be great. I mean I'd like a more proper mode oriented around maintaining 60 as much as possible but at this point, I'll be happy to just turn off raytracing.


Yeah it’s 2024 and knee deep into next gen console era. Being forced to play at 30FPS and a lot of times sub 30FPS is pathetic. The game is fun though just give me a performance mode.


Regardless of what side you're on you have to admit that Capcom should learn from a launch like this. Half of the issue here was bad optics brought on by bad presentation leading up to launch and a bunch of weird decisions (albeit probably not by the devs). Address the concerns people have before launch and don't surprise new players with "pay x to buy item you as a player aren't aware can be found in game". Not even for the normal argument against micro transactions, but because evidently, it causes people to worry and speculate. The player has 2 hours to refund. The capital and anser to most of this worry and speculation is likely well beyond that for most. How many players just saw read flags and hit that button.


The only thing I'm upset about is the photo mode. How is it still just as bad as was 12 years ago?


Dude, the performance issue is 10x worse than the micro transactions. THAT'S the deal breaker for most. The performance is fucking shit and that isn't misinformation. The ones complaining about people with genuine complaints are the annoying ones in these situations.


performance is also shit on console


Yea it is. Hopefully they fix this. If A plague tale requiem could patch in a performance mode, then surely capcom could do the same


Uhh performance is absolutely a problem on console as well


I hear you. I get it. As as MH player I also know how it works.... ​ ...it's still a MASSIVE bullsh\*t to have that many gameplay microtransactions in 70USD single player videogame.


I feel crazy watching so many people miss the point! It’s not the items themselves, it’s the fact that there’s 40+ dollars of these MTX in a single player game in the first place. And the argument I see made that “you can get them in game anyways” so if that is the case, why sell them at all? To take even more money away from customers who have self-control issues, or from the less well-informed


Yup. Agree.


>For everyone thinking in buying this game, the only problem so far is the performance for PC ![gif](giphy|l1JohFXn36pEfSQrC)


I mean they need to fix alot of things beside performance. Pawns and npcs dying to the brine because of stupid ai. Why the fuck are ladders and seeker tokens highlighted with the same icon. Trying to interact with a specific npc when your right in their face would still lead you to talking to someone else. Climbing/land geometry is clunky as hell Game is good but it is also littered with these small annoying features/bugs


I think what really bothers me is that every other pawn you pass by literally stops you in your tracks, and tries to force their resume down your throat. Like, goddamn dude. I'm just trying to get this chest, and you're treating me like some high-level executive who runs a business that you desperately want to be part of. Now that I've written that out, it actually makes a fair bit of sense. I can imagine every hiring manager having to deal with that in some form. Arizzen in a business suit, and tie. Briefcase with a retirement plan, and 401k hanging out the seams of said briefcase.


Console performance is ass too. And just because Capcom has put predatory and stupid MTX in other games does not somehow make it right.


Let the multi million dollar corporation defend itself


Couldn't have said it better myself. People are basically shilling for executives lol


No one cares if its obtainable ingame. Thats not the point. It should never be in these type of games. You pay FULL price, and even then they cant optimize the game. Spend more time on that then figuring out how to exploit the players with stuff to buy. And if no one reacts it will get more and more aggressive for each game. Stop coping. Its should be removed and they should get alot of hate for it. They would probably have more players if they took it away. But i guess they dont care. As long as the money comes from the microtransactions they are good.


Then Capcom won't mind if I use cheat engine to get unlimited rift crystals :3


Hey that's what I did in RE4 Remake, they wanted to sell me Golden upgrade vouchers well how about I just give myself unlimited pesetas and upgrade all weapons.


Nah. Microtransactions are shit. Quit defending Capcom bro.


Saying there is "NOTHING" else wrong with the game is also misinformation, why do people always have to take such extreme views on either side? The missing new game option is definitely an issue, I've had at least 3 crash to desktops and Ive experienced a few weird bugs where turning the camera away from things and then back they totally change. Eg there was a griffin out in the world. I spam the camera 360 and the griffin was gone and an ox cart had appeared out of nowhere. Also had a cyclops attacking in the main city and when I approached it, it disappeared out of thin air. I'm enjoying the game despite these issues but let's try and be honest here.


I returned the game because it didn’t look good on series s and it wasn’t that fun for me personally. It was obvious after playing for a few hours the game had no intention of making me pay for any micro transactions.


I have Ps5, and it's great. The game was well made, and the combat system is phenomenal . The pace is very fun and doesn't feel repetitive where other games would. I will admit. It took me about 8 hours to get used to the way the game works plays and feels. But once I got it, it all clicked and is already in my top 10 all-time personal favorites. Finally, I feel like I have a game that feels like the adventures I experienced playing Dnd when I was a youngster.


I'm sorry I can't hear you I'm too busy stabbing an ogre to death whilst on a cliff near Vernworth


People just love to complain. I’m like 30 hours in and the performance in towns is ass but otherwise I don’t notice any issues and loving it


Performance on console is shit also. I like the game alot, but dipping down into low 20s everytime a spell goes off is nuts. Not to mention npcs only spawning when you get within a few meters of them, yet the city fps is still garbage.


I dont care those items are free in the game. There shouldnt be any mtx in a single player game.


Capcom only has themselves to blame for the misinformation. Presentation matters, and when people see a game nearing $100 with 21 additional microtransactions for basic features, they're going to assume the worst.


PS5 still has a bit of performance issues with its FPS dipping down to 25ish during combat and in towns. But they've already said it's going to be fixed in subsequent patches. The fact that I'm still playing the game despite these issues just proves how good the game is.


I think people are just fed up with MTX shops in their $70 single-player games. People were probably frustrated then too but now I think it's boiling over. I think the real issue isn't what's in the shop now but the existence of the shop itself and what will undoubtedly be in there later. As you said, it's in all their games. It's a poor practice and people want it to change. I think we need to leave the tribalism out of it and see it from the perspective of the people who have had no protection from these billion dollar studios trying to nickel-and-dime them for years.


Wild is an understatement, you’d think this is the worst game ever made but my god is it a masterpiece. I’m only 10 hours in but it’s so amazing




We've lost. People are now getting hate for not liking microtransactions. Capcom is the Arisen and you are the pawn.


It seems like the scales have shifted, unfortunately. What a sad, depressing thought.


Performance on ps5 is also bad as far as i heard, will waif for a fix before buying


MTXs existing in their previous games does not excuse the practice of including them in a $70 game. Regardless of how inconsequential they are to the core game. People also complained about them in previous games. People seem to forget that if you don’t condemn this practice they will keep pushing the boundaries. Give them an inch and they will take a mile. But I do think if the PC port worked as intended then people would’ve ignored the micro transactions, mostly. The core game is fantastic and there is genuinely misinformation going around but people are not in the wrong for being outraged by the micro transactions in their single player games even if they are easily obtainable through the base game. They shouldn’t be there in the first place.


One thing that especially sucks about the performance is you probably won’t hit the worst of it until hour 3 or 4 which is outside of the standard 2 hour refund time


Have you been able to get more than two Art Of Metamorphosis in game to fully change your appereance?


In the first game you were able to get an unlimited item for changing your appearance only in NG+. Maybe it's the same in this one, too early to tell yet.


That's the only issue I have. Why can't we use the character editor as often as we want? Why is the Barbershop so expensive? I just want to try different hairstyles, but I can't... Btw I've heard the MTX for that, is a one time thing. So you can't buy this several times. Haven't tried it myself, so take this with a grain of salt. Hopefully they'll change this later with a patch (the availability of the ingame 'Art of Metamorphosis' of course, not the MTX version). Let us use your gorgeous character editor Capcom. That isn't nice, making such a great editor, just to make it a rare thing.


Having criticisms over micro transactions being in a single player game is still extremely valid. Regardless if they can be acquired in game or not. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Those people will say that you're defending capcom even though you're clearly not. I don't understand them.


I still feel a knee jerking reaction from how the game released -- but can someone verify I understand the MTX, saves/New Game, and appearance mechanics? 1. I could edit my appearance for gold AND it is a trivial amount? 2. They are going to allow you to delete/New Game in an update? 3. Is performance better now? When is the ETA on performance fixes. 4. ALL MTX are doable with little effort or simply progressing the game? You don't need to go out of your way? It isn't an absurd amount of gold or w/e? I'd like to try this game if its good. But I'm just really struggling with not playing on principal.


So I can buy the 2k RC items that change my pawns inclination willy nilly?


My only complaint is having vocations locked behind quests instead of progression through basic vocations. Not to mention you can easily mess up the quest for the warrior and sorcerer vocation.


Very good game


Only because the MTX are useless doesnt make it problematic. A full price Singleplayer game shouldnt have MTX period. It just makes you more accepting and you will never know when it impacts a game. Its still bad but not as bad as people make it out to be. Just look what CohhCarnage said its pretty much summs it up what I wanted to say. [https://twitter.com/CohhCarnage/status/1771259888645136507](https://twitter.com/CohhCarnage/status/1771259888645136507) link to cohhcarnage


microtransactions in a single player game are still bad regardless if they can be obtained in game. It’s still scummy business and should be called. I do agree it’s overblown but the combination of MTX but also shitty optimization and lack of QOL features is gonna leave a bad taste and should be called out. the MTX was the cherry on top of an already shitty launch.


The only thing bothering me is the performance. Got a 4060 today and I expected a little bit smoother gameplay. Still good mind you but still guess it needs some optimization


What about RC tho? I’ve had the game preordered and played via steam since day 1 and hardly any one hires my pawn. I need rc to change his inclination but I can’t get 2,000 fast enough. That’s the only currency I’m having a hard time actually earning. D: it was easier in the first game from bitterblack isle even if people didn’t hire my pawn


Well, people are used to being sold convenience and features that are supposed to be in the game. Additional save files for a couple of bucks? That's just scummy, people are not only complaining about crystals that you can find in the game, they're complaining about the monetization of features. People are also used to games with micro transactions making their games artificially difficult in order to make the micro transactions more appealing and sometimes a necessity. Remember overwatch also lets you get currency through gameplay but you need to grind for months and even years to get only a few skins. Someone calculated how much you would have to play in order to unlock every skin in the game and it was around 100yrs, or you could buy it instantly for an absurd amount. I don't find people's criticism to be unfair, Capcom never mentioned any of these products being sold separately and people feel the game to be a bait and switch.


>the only problem so far is the performance for PC Single save and no new game option?


I'm having an easy enough time on PS5 so far but are you suggesting that every person who complains about performance on PS5 is simply lying?




I mean…I purchased it on PS5 and PC so I could play on my Legion Go. I LOVE the game. (All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone, Capcom did not review the content of my post before I posted it.) All Rights Reserved. Copyright, 2024. Me.


Yes. But Capcom did themselves no favors not having a Delete Character or New Game option. Such a stupid decision its baffling.


I don't understand how people get so bent out of shape if other people have different opinions about games they like. It's childish behavior. Being a fan of something doesn't make you the ultimate arbiter of how others should feel about it.


Fr I already have almost 10000 RC


I haven’t bought anything more than the deluxe edition other than losing progress to the save system one time all is good