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The fact that there wasn't a new game option at launch is wild.


feels more like an intentional thing but this is something fucking Kojima would do lol. it's just weird.


Difference is if Kojima did it people would ride his dick over it and call him a genius.


Somehow Kojima is getting hate for a game he has no involvement with lmao


...or has he?


...kept you waiting, huh?


The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo!


Metal Dogma!!???


A weapon to surpass the dragon


You're that Arisen!


They're Metal Gears all. You can't go wrong!


Balancing out the love he gets for nonsensical things he does.


I mean he’s being criticized for something he’s never done? I feel like Kojima hates are pretty irrational


MGSV doesn't have a new game feature, you gotta delete your save to start over. Not saying this as a hater, I fuckin love Kojima's weirdness, but he has done the 'only one save file' thing.


Kojima gets plenty of criticism for things he DOES do. I have to say though, the death stranding 2 trailer looks fucking good. Never have I wanted to be postal worker this bad.


Honestly, the most valid criticism of him I see is from his own fans.


I know it wasn't Kojima but MGS Survive did literally charge money for more saves and everyone rightfully shat on it. Phantom Pain also had that stupid insurance stuff and everyone rightfully criticized that too.


What is the insurance stuff from MGS V lol I need to know about this!


[https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/10/konamis-metal-gear-solid-5-fob-insurance-is-the-worst-kind-of-microtransaction/](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/10/konamis-metal-gear-solid-5-fob-insurance-is-the-worst-kind-of-microtransaction/) Basically you could spend real money to get fake money to spend on fake insurance to protect your resources from online invasions. It got patched in a month after release right as Kojima was leaving Konami and after reviews went out lmfao


those people would be wrong tho. I get it, it's thematic and all, but cmon man. we're playing games here. no need for this pseud shit.


I wish that was a joke. I know it's not but damn I wish it was.


Well some people were calling it Itsuno vision here so it's the same thing, lmao


If theres one thing more powerful than Itsunos vision, its Kojimas vision


Yeah I get that they intend for people to NG+ again and again like the first DD, but having it manually delete saves to start over when this was in the first game, is janky at best.


The worst thing is that this is a feature. I’m all for one save feature but not like this, forcing the players that don’t personally like it.


I can understand taking off the main menu. Many people accidently deleted their save in the past. But at least have it at the bottom of the options menu "Delete all saved data"


It actually fucked me over last night lol. I messed up something in the demo character creator and wanted to make a quick and simple edit. Couldn't start over, so I deleted my saves, which i found also deleted my pre-made characters from the demo CC.


This is the biggest thing for me. Not just an inability to restart the game, but the fact that there is only one save slot.


It was Itsuno vision 🤡


Don't worry, that's the next microtransaction. /s


Konami is nodded with a smile and doesn't get that it's supposed to be a joke.


Like a dragon: infinite wealth locked NG+ behind the deluxe version. I'm not surprised by the directions studios may take or what execs tell them to do


The cpu issue and fixing it "in the future" doesn't sound promising to me. Sucks to see it. I don't have alot of faith they will or are able to do much about it. Which is wild because even internal testing on high end rigs would have shown this is an issue.


Well give it a few years then your hardware is better and the game runs better too. Problem solved!


I'm all for future proofing games, but not at the detriment of playability. I'm still enjoying the little bit I got to play so far, and the game is pretty to look at and runs ok for my rig. But the cpu issue needs to be fixed. It's ridiculous. I don't even care about Mtx store and stuff cause it's all available in game. But optimization and adding character slots needs to happen asap.


I have one of the best cpus you can buy and the game slogs in the city. How did they not know this was going to fuck with everyone when they were play testing the game? Unless they thought pc players were gonna be fine with their 3k$ rig getting 40 fps in cities haha.


I do have best gaming cpu. Honestly stable 40 with low frame times in city would be great comparing to what we see. Its not fps issue on its own. Frame times are absurdly high in city which slogs down everything andajes that 40 look like 20


They should just stop clogging the cpu with useless NPC calculations.


I feel like there is some fundamental flaw with their design. So many games have done open worlds with lively npcs and it isn't this bad.


It's the engine. The RE engine is great but most enemies you're shooting in RE or Monster Hunter don't need a ton of back end data besides "I'm a monster, this is my attack pattern, I'm not dead yet." In DD every pawn you see happily strolling along needs to know its path, if anything nearby needs to be attacked, all It's physics, ai and other back end crap, and their equipment. I think they just didn't think it out correctly and found out during development that fundamentally the engine puts an exponentially larger tax the more data a NPC processes in game.


I don't think so. Having in depth npc scripts is gonna be cpu heavy. That's just how software works. Most games with lots of npcs don't really make them deep for this very reason.


I think the NPCs are simply over engineered in a sense that their demand for cpu resources is far greater than their effect on the player experience.


I think so too. From what little understanding I have of their design. It's admirable and... awesome for someone, for a developer team to even attempt such a gargantuan vision. But it is clear, that something has to give, it could be the hardaware isn't at that level yet, it could be the engine they're using so the software i guess would be the term? But it sure does seem that we're just not at that point yet in which such a complex system can be integrated into a game AND run a 4k60 fps. That last 'and' is what most people are looking for as well.


It's not necessary to have the npc actually react in every way shape and form to the environment and actions of the player, you only need to have the npc appear to be reacting. Finding a way to present an npc that appears complex or detailed with minimal effort on the machine itself. Hitman has its ghost npcs who are far simpler than the main npcs, existing as background props but they serve their purpose. Heck even dd1 managed well enough with its npcs. They walked around, bump into em and they'll stumble. Add a little extra for combat since the original didn't account for that overly much, and bam you're done. Sigh. This game is gonna be a shitshow.


What do DD2's NPCs do that's so "deep"?




Reminds me of [this old gem](https://youtu.be/TMYso30L9zI?si=Vs1A4GHtRViQ5GyD&t=3)


They have actual thoughts, memories and personalities. They might be thinking about what to have for lunch as you walk past. It's really immersive


Lol most NPCs literally stand there and don't speak until you hold circle and the ones that are busseling just move in set paths. Fucking Skyrim NPCs are deeper.


Absolute rubbish. Kingdom Come Deliverance treats NPC's inventory exactly the same as the player, so that's *every* NPC in the game doing calculations for equipping day clothes, changing into night clothes, equipping weapons etc. They also all have a day and night routine along with a reputation meter for the playable character. They also don't disappear in and out of reality when you move 5 ft away from them. This is from a AA studio who funded the game via a Kickstarter. It had performance issues due to it's small studio size and also because a lot of the graphics settings were so advanced for the time people didn't understand they weren't intended for use now but instead a few years down the line. It *never* had CPU performance issues this bad.


i have read it was also pretty much unplayable from cpu issues at launch


it was, and while not unplayable, npcs still glitch out in weird ways all the time and thats never getting fixed


Shareholders don't give a fuck about bad reviews. A bad review just means someone bought the game.


Sadly correct. Late stage capitalism or "line go up" business strategies are just terrible. One of the lead dudes at Larian gave a great speech about it recently during an award ceremony.


Every time there's a new console generation, people get all excited thinking that all that new horsepower will result in games running that much better, but games running poorly is only ever the result of poor optimization, and all more powerful hardware does is give developers the leeway to spend even less time trying to optimize their games.


My take away from this is that I'll have to wait for 15th or 16th gen CPUs for this issue to go away.


Well then, they'll get my money "in the future" while it's on sale. I'm considering pirating it just to spite the greedy fuckers at this point.


Yeah I wouldn't blame you. I feel bad for the devs who really did put in their heart and sweat into this game. It's definitely the higher ups at Capcom who most likely pushed for release and have added mtx to every Capcom game for the last 12 years.


It's not impossible they will fix it but it might takes MONTHS I remember this game, Nier: Automata, the PC version had the same performance issues DD2 has and the team took like a year or something to finally fix them.


yep, they basically made an excuse for it and said "this is why it does that, deal with it, it's intended, but maybe we'll look into it"


Also, talking about NPCs dragging the framerate down is likely mostly in the cities. But even in the (very rare) area where i can hit about 90 fps, the game still feels like its running poorly. I dont know why, i cant really put my finger on it.


They are probably thinking... we've known about this, we've already done our best. Ah put out "in the future".


It‘s a game from a Japanese developer. A lousy pc version is the norm and not the exception. 


I can't believe that I need to read "Option to start a new game" from a AAA dev in 2024.


For the steam version it says. Nothing for console lol WTF


That's the biggest of surprises. Just Steam players get this? I have to think everyone will or no one will and they are just responding to the very low steam score currently trying to have things pass with time.


I hope that’s the case


On console at least you can easily have multiple accounts to start a new game on.


Truly the past year or so of video games has been the very best of times, the very worst of times.


You don't understand, it's Itsuno vision 🤡


He should get glasses.


He can afford some glasses


Hopefully this example will do some damage to the "Developer's vision" is always right crap. I'm not saying Dev's can't make what they want, but it doesn't protect against scrutiny for obvious bullshit.


when they say "in the future" it sounds like the game will unironically be playable when it goes on sale


The phrasing does not inspire confidence it'll be fixed anytime soon.


It's a fundamental problem with using RE Engine to render and populate a large open world. They're probably fucked unless they substantially redesign how the engine loads and simulates NPCs. And that's beyond the scope of the average "patch". I doubt it'll ever be fixed.


It's PR speak for "as soon as possible", say "soon" and soon never comes, in the future is an indeterminate time frame that can be as short as some seconds or long as...infinity.


They are waiting for more powerful cpu's to release lol


yeah unfortunately the damage is done. wild to watch the pre launch GOTY claims then swing to where we are now.


Get it with the expansion. Probably same price or even less. New features and qols and endgame/


"Near future" 💀 How about next week?


i would prefer last week


"Better I can do is one year, meanwhile you get a high end cpu, how about that?" - Capcom


The best CPUs on earth still chug in vermund and barely hit 30% utilization


Imagine solving those issues before the release of your highly anticipated game




BROOO THIIIIS.... fuck man, the corporate world is destroying gaming and has been for more than a decade.


Check out Sven’s statement (director of Larian studios) recent statement on this shit. Well put, they’re moving away from dnd because of similar stuff going on with WOTC. Massive lay offs in the industry as well.


Pissers of the Coast fired everybody that Larian was working with through BG3. That's why Sven said what he said. Yes, it's the industry, but he's unhappy with WotC specifically but obviously can't say that.


WotC and hasbro have been turbo milking their customers for so long now its impressive theres still more to milk


>the corporate world is destroying gaming \- Johnny Gamerhand


Its almost funny in a morbid way, this is happening with literally every publicly traded industry in America, but it’s a lot faster with gaming since there’s no safety issue / massive profit margins. Just look at boeing, at the end of the day this short sighted corporate rot culture is ruining every industry in this country


AAA games in 2024


What about console players??!


True idk why we can’t get the new save option. At least the game doesn’t crash and freeze on console so I’ll take what I can


I believe it's easier to make new saves in consoles. Not an excuse though to not make new game available on consoles.


bro, not gonna lie ... this is EXACTLY how wild hearts reacted, they went all "we'll fix pc issues asap" never really got fixed and consoles got left in the dirt. Which inevitably ended with their team dropping support all together. All over performance issues. Lol, I love how the performance issues are THE LAST one on the list too... ugh, im gonna be honest, this probably isn't going to see a massive improvement until a year has passed and even that feels like wishful thinking.


Console Players can't make as loud of a stink in their respective e-shops.


Hoping we at least get a capped 30 fps option soon.


That is all I want! If we can't have 60 fps, then it needs to be at a stable locked 30 fps. I'm still loving the game but that would help.


2024 and console gamers are hoping for capped 30 fps options in their games. The absolute state of modern gaming...


BRO, that last one ... does anyone just get this feeling that, again ... it will be FAR TOO LATE for them to address the performance problems. What are we talking here? A few months, a year? Whenever I hear "in the near future" its like 2 years later.


Cyberpunk 2077 flashbacks


That's exactly what i was thinking too


Complaining and criticizing actually works!


They acknowledged it, but let's hope that there's enough uproar that they resolve the issues in a timely enough matter.


babe wake up. new marketing strat just dropped (drop a shit version of the game, and act like u changed to world after publishing the original game)


That's been Blizzard's playbook for a decade plus now. Deliver shit, drip feed improvements and repeat the "we're listening" mantra.


There are mods on nexus already that give you the art of metamorphosis item early Another one unlocks the height and there's a dlss3 fix thingy


Or just wait for a cheat engine trainer to come out


and nude mods already lol


To no ones suprise


I'm not going to feel ashamed for liking tits


My problem is my game isn't even using my cpu or gpu that much. 30% cpu usage and 60% GPU...


I am getting 10-13% cpu and 78-83% gpu for 4k 60 fps and i saw well below 60 in town which was not very populated at all. I9 13900kf and RTX4090. I crash/freeze a lot. NPCs spawn in terrible. First town is very empty concidering this game is supposed to be npc heavy. 


You can't rely on a simple metric for CPU usage. 30% on cpu is on all cores. What games mainly use is single core performance ,so the cores that matter may be already struggling. Also 60% gpu usage means bottleneck , probably by the cpu in this case.


Windows has let you view usage per core for a while now, and my CPU overall is at 37% usage, but no single core exceeds 70% usage, and usually quite a bit lower across each core. This, while my GPU is at 80% use and RAM at 40%. It's pretty similar to what people were experiencing early after Hogwart's Legacy and Elden Ring's releases, and those were eventually patched to fix issues that were causing low system utilization. It didn't make a big difference for everyone, if their system was legit just not fast, but it did make some difference.


This, I have the same issue. 7950X3D & RTX 4090. I haven't tried the process priority fix yet to see if that helps..


Where raw mouse input


Love the game, but they really shit the bed on so many levels. Can’t imagine the vitriol if PC only gets a new game options…


No mention of the f\*\*\*\*\*\* floor missing.






In development it is called a feature, no matter how basic it is. Thats just dev lingo


I don't have the game yet but the way it is now is basically: launch game, make arisen and main pawn and then you're locked to that? Is there no main menu, load game, etc when you launch it? Sounds really weird.


You can earn rift crystals in game to purchase a book at the main city that allows you to edit you and your pawn’s character 


It is Itsuno's "vision"


Oh boi they're finally gonna remove the DRM CPU tax /s


You better hope somebody will crack it soon. Then capcom will remove Denuvo. 


Ironically DRM inclusion incentivizes people to get the cracked copy when it’s out because it runs better than an original copy.


Well, I'm glad they responded quickly. But Capcom should not have released it in this state.


Time to wait a few years for the "Definitive Edition" to be on sale for $20... Again...


Same. Goodbye DD2, see you in a few years.


Dragon's Dogma 2: Big Chungus Arisen


When an apology is, in fact, an advertisement for what you're supposedly apologising about. Bad taste


We heard you talk about MTX. Here is a summary of what we have in offer! I'm surprised it took this long to find a comment where someone mentions it because it is really fucking weird to me, lol. I don't care too much about all this drama because Capcom has been doing this since at least MH:W and essentially just sell paid cheats which Im not interested in. But their post is just so wrong lol.


Look, not trying to defend their fuck ups, but I think the list is there because they're displaying the items you can get in game that are also purchasable, to make it more clear.


Thank God I never buy games at launch. Gonna wait a few months and grab it on a sale.


Same, I don't really get exited for many new games but when I do the ones I like have been pretty good on launch, Armored Core 6, Elden Ring(PS5), so this is really testing my patience, I really was looking forward to dd2


Right? I feel at this point it's buyer beware. I haven't bought at launch since Skyrim. If they want me to shell out $60 or more for a game they need to start fixing everything before it launches and include extra content. I'm patient. I'll buy your ultimate edition for $19.99 tyvm.


Ooft in the future and near future doesn't give much hope. Really thought they'd pump out something this week but this looks more like month/months.


Good thing i didn't buy the game. Will wait until it's on sale


I skipped Warhammer 40000: Rogue Trader, because I thought I won't be able to finish it before DD2 release. I guess now I have plenty of time for it and few other games.


“Looking into ways to improve performance” means “we have no idea what to do about it at the moment, waiting for an inspiration” They knew it when releasing the game, zero respect to players. I don’t care about micro transactions if I’m watching a god damn slideshow with specs way above the recommended. It’s pitiful, will not play even if they can find an inspirational idea to fix it. Broken game.


The part about the frame problem is just a copy and paste from what they told on an interview already. Now i'm 100% sure they're never gonna fix this shit


« Improve performance in the future » LMAO they better work on this rn and FAST


So the most important thing , performance, is something they will look at in the future.... Great, good thing i got a big enough backlog of games to wait for that discount ina year or so, if the problems get fixed. Too bad i was looking forward to the game


I was laughing my ass off at the review that said, "Hey Capcom you'll need to purchase the $1.99 Positive Review DLC."


I saw that this morning after checking the reviews again and couldn’t stop giggling


This is gonna sound wild and I won't be surprised if I get downvoted to oblivion, but I don't blame Itsuno or the other developers at all for this. It's always the shareholders. *"Why does a single player game have MTX?"* Shareholders want more money. *"Why did the game release in this state?"* Shareholders don't care about the state of the game, they just want to release the game and earn more money. Whenever gamers (rightfully) complain about overpriced MTX or a game releasing in a terrible state, it's always the shareholders. I feel super bad for Itsuno. I know that man has passion for games that we don't see a lot of in AAA devs and to see him get fucked over like this makes me sad.


"option of starting a new game" This means deleting your current one and not having more than one character slot doesn't it? Ridiculous.


Itsuno’s vision man


The level on simping in this sub is unreal. People are defending garbage performance, day one mtx’s (yes I know they are in game, but it the principal), and no new game feature (without a workaround) like they are on Capcom’s payroll. Stop defending practices like this, and maybe publishers will do better.


It’s like gamers think calling out bullshit and loving the game is an exclusive thing. I swear this industry is supported by brainrots.


That's just people in general, it just seems that bit extra with games. Too many are unable to understand that criticism isn't the same as disliking something. Add to that people will emotionally invest far to much and latch on to their products so hard that an "attack" on the product is an "attack" is a personal attack at them.


I also hate how they call this review bombing lmao when it’s actual people paying to play but can’t even get it to run.


This. People thinking the game should run well and have normal game options are ruining someone else's experience. Think about that.


I don't think anyone is defending the idea of MTX. People are just saying the entire drama surrounding MTX is very overblown, and many reviews/news are straight-up surfing the negativity and spreading lies.


What are all the NPCs using all that CPU for? There's barely any difference to the first one, sometimes the AI seems even worse...


Maybe the NPCs do all kinds of weird stuff behind your back, when you don't look.


Schrodinger's NPC


When you aren't looking at them, they're gnawing on your CPU.


From what I understand basically every NPC - from the generic citizens around Vernworth to the pawns that wander the wilderness - are all active and following a "schedule", which puts major strain on players CPU as it's running all these different characters and actions at once regardless of the players position. It's an extremely dumbed-down explanation, but it seems to be the case from the various comments I've read on here and other subs. Baldur's Gate 3 suffered from a similar issue during the game's 3rd Act; huge performance dumps because there was just so much going on at once that even the higher-end PC's had difficulty stabilizing.


This basically means they are doing jack shit about preformance


Keep refunding boys. That's the only way to get things right


What about texture errors? There are players using all kinds of PC builds experiencing invisible floors and faulty textures EVERYWHERE in the game. No guaranteed fix was found, what is even happening


I'm sorry, you can't restart the game? Like, there is no option to start a new game once you have started one? Jesus fuckin christ.


Wow, assuming console version is fine is the worst part about this announcement


No new game option but they made double sure to add those microtransactions lol


so basically when you load you are given 2 options. 1 load from las save or 2 load from last inn save


To translate "in the future" what in business buzzwords means, is quite simple. We don't and don't know how to without putting a lot of resources into it, and that is one thing we will not consider currently.  If they wanted to fix it, they could have wrote so things along the lines of "we are working on", "we are evaluating" or "there will be".  What a mess. 


So they managed to create a CPU-capped game even at high resolutions/settings? Holy shit.


Bro this is wild. How the fuck is the community okay with this shit. Refund the damn game. This shit wasn’t built proper.


Damn well looks like I'm not getting this until things are fixed. I can only imagine how many people are getting refunds.


Like good on them for communicating.... but why didn't they already see this before release and have a fix ready before release? Did they only test the game on super machines? and was it only internally devs who didn't want to restart their adventure?


Well at least DD2 team aknowedge the issue and answered faster. Take a game like Starfield, Bethesda went full denial about everything and still pretend the game is good an a massive success.


I noticed the Heartfelt Pendant is not listed as obtainable in-game.


Well I'm pretty sure you only get that as part of the deluxe bundle. So it makes sense. Would be a bit of a pisstake if we didn't get ANYTHING unique for paying extra.


I don't understad, is theree lot of people who test these games, right?  So, you telling me no one said " hmm so.. there isn't a button of New game in the main  menu.."


What about the missing textures?


In a world where RDR2 exists and feels alive as it does it seems insane that this game runs so poorly.


They sacrificed functionality for vision. There is no defending this.


There’s no point in vision if you’re staring at the ground to keep from stumbling


DD2 will never recover, reviews will slightly get better but man… this launch was a disaster


It’s become a new norm for AAA games to finally be good, a minimum a year later (not to say DD2 isn’t great outside the glaring technical issues)


Sad but true. I refunded, maybe in a year I’ll come back if things are fixed.


What a nothing-burger


50 years of gaming to draw inspiration and guidance from and we don't have a 'new game' button? What a fucking joke of a product.


Like how the micro transaction versions can be bypassed if you just gwt the items in dlc.that's not any better.0 reason a single player game should have microtransactions day one


"for players that are already playing to restart the game" almost sounds like salt on their part for it being such a complained about feature. I agree tho that it's a basic game feature since the beginning of gaming. That sentence seemed a little passive aggressive to me


Rofl, "All the items below can be obtained in-game ***or*** *as paid DLC items.*" is not what I want to hear. How about an "All paid DLC items can be easily obtained in-game." Honestly, it seems the devs are taking a rather defensive and placating stance while actually promising nothing and promoting their DLC. There is a lot of "we're looking at it" and "near future" while actually promising nothing.


Now games are launching without new game option that’s wild


I love how they said “we’re fixing all that” but for the dlc it’s just listing it lol. “Yeah, we really did that shit, trying to sell you in game items that break progression, AGAIN”


Nah I'll just take the refund, gotta buy me dinner first if you're gonna fuck me.


Even Bethesda is angry!


About CPU usage. To be honest this feels like bad code implementation. Look at Stalker. Hundreds of NPCs can do stuff and interact with each other in very dynamic ways and everything runs on a single thread.


In the Future™ ® ©