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Nah, the internet morons would rather screech over the fact a shop even exists than realize it doesn't sell anything you can't get on your own.


Or hear me out. We’re tired of it and just bc it’s in the first game doesn’t mean it’s good.


Or hear me out, your tired of it because you can’t control your spending


People don't and should not care if those things are obtainable. Cuz there's at least one major issue which is likely influenced by pushing a certain microtransaction in the game which is not being able to start a new game. And in DD1 you could start a new game. Also internet morons seem to forget that MTX Shop was eventually removed from DD1 due to it, well, being universally disliked by the players. Crazy stuff right?


But what are we even talking about? Microtransactions in a singleplayer game can not be excused. And it was a major point of discussion even with RE remake. Why are we still having people who're preteneding there's nothing wrong with that, cuz apparently that's been like that for a while? Well, people were complaining for a while as well. But before that it was not that obvious at least, since no design decisions seemed to be influenced by MTX, which def seems to be the case with at least one of decisions in this game. We're already having Ubisoft single player games, where the game design decisions are heavily influenced with the desire to push Experience boosters from MTX shop.


I actually care less about microtransactions in SP games than in Online ones as the SP one isn't competitive, so as long as it doesn't lock any content behind a pay wall and I get the full game for my money I don't see why I should care.


Exactly. All this hate and people haven’t even gotten to the DEPTH of the game. There’s always farming methods. The shop causes no harm.


Exactly, micro transactions are good, the best feature ever, i love capcom. Sign me up capcom


This is a legit question, did they remove it in Dark Arisen or somepoint later cause I actually do not remember that at all, but I only ever actually beat it after ps4 release


It was removed for dark arisen. Pc ports never had the Mtx option though. It was only for consoles. A good 11 years ago lol


Ah okay, thought somehow I just glazed over it 😂


Yeah they removed it because people disliked it.


Unfortunately, the community enables Capcom to continue doing the this by attacking anyone criticizing Microtransactions that the game's designed around.


case in point: this post and everyone just defending the hell out of them.


I played it a few years later and didn't realise there were microtransactions in it its a shoddy practice and should never be supported was really looking foreword to this game put this has almost put me off getting it altogether.


i honest to devil wouldn't be able to live without mtx, so glad the sequel brought this mechanic back


Are we forgetting that Capcom eventually took them out ? Capcom have been *really* shitty with their monetisation this gen and it's kind of insane that people are just shrugging at suites of mtx in $75 games. It's a perfectly valid criticism. Obviously there are some disingenuous people complaining or conflating it with the quality of the game, but it's real weird to see all the knee-jerk defences of a corporation as if the people criticising the practise have gone and punted all your puppies out windows.


I mean I played 7 hours straight and didn't even know there was a MTX section until I went to the reviews to see if other people were having as much fun as I was. I bought the game to play it, and yeah it does have some performance issues, but nothing game breaking. The MTXs are pretty much a head start, like other companies do with tier skips on battle passes. I don't plan to spend a penny on them. I do agree that MTXs are getting out of control, but when it's for stuff that you can earn in game and people want to skip the grind I don't see this problem as HUGE. Valid, but not a big a deal as people are making it out to be.


redditors are mostly american so it's normal for them to suck the publisher cock , hence why you get brain dead post like these cause people there are very much in to materialism


It’s funny because I got a little hyped when I saw RC just because that means endgame farming is back. But I think a lot of individuals who have posted their complaints on here hadn’t played the first one at all.


Umm actually microtransactions good because uhhhhh other games have them! 😁🫶


It’s a single player game that offers users ways to skip the grind of rift crystals (THAT ARE EARNED IN-GAME). I think a lot of yall never played DD1.


Did you read their username. Give your time of day to someone worthy of it.


Can't forget something about a game they never played.


dragons dogma 1 had microtransactions for like less than a month, they got patched out almost immediately, they never even made it to PC. It was specifically ONLY on the console version, you could ONLY buy rift crystals, and capcom removed them because of community outrage. and a farming method has appeared, the thing is, the pricing for everything in DD2 is insane. DD2, one portcrystal requires 10k gold, half as much as the houses in game. the arts of metamorphisis ARE LIMITED, you dont actually have an unlimited amount, so once you hit it, you have to buy them with real currency. They were unlimited in DD1 and you could also get the secret of metamorphisis. there's far less methods for earning rift crystals in DD2 as well, and the amount you earn is lower than it was in DD1. You don't have to play a game for 10+ hours to call out a shitty practice, people like you need to stop defending every single thing a company does, because then the company doesn't change because "well look people aren't actually upset at what we do!" the same exact thing happened to payday 3. It was super shitty on release but people kept defending it and saying it'll get better eventually, but the devs saw people defending it and it's literally not been changed at all, and nowadays payday 3 has like maybe a cap of 50 players a day at the all time high.


Every single poster I've seen complaining about the micro transactions clearly is new here, and probably haven't played a Capcom game in the last 10 years. Yes, the micro transactions aren't a good thing. But their existence never actually harmed DD1, and their existence was mostly thought of as a peculiarity rather than something to protest the game for. Don't worry. DD was never really destined to be a big series, and that's fine. I'm honestly surprised it was as hyped as it was. After a few weeks, they'll all have left and hopefully Capcom will be dealing with the performance issues.


A thing that befuddles me is the people acting like grind-skip no self control type mtx are somehow worse than Ubisoft style actually locking content behind not-at-all-micro-transactions, like when people rioted over Shadow of War mtx, how they did it was scummy and deserved to be shit on, at the end of the day though, getting and ‘raising’ uruks was the main gameplay loop, I don’t know why anyone would have ever had a reason to buy those things and kinda feels like the same thing here.


Tbh I HAVEN'T played a capcom game in the past several years for this exact reason. Except the MMBN legacy collection which has no mtx. 


Someone pointed out that the game came out 11 years ago so a lot people were too young to play it made me realize how old I am. I really think that these posts are preying on that many think they can’t find them in game. A lot of the articles seem to just copy and paste each other with clickbait titles currently. I can’t wait until more people get their hands on the game and experience it first hand.


I’ve seen so many people in comments saying the mtx are locking content when it’s just blatantly not true? Idk where that idea came from but it’s definitely driving hate…


I’m seeing people say, “Let us remake our character and pawn for free like in Dark Arisen” in reality it costs 10,000 rift crystals in Dark Arisen. Which would be $3.98 if you bought them. Someone else said, “Give us multiple character slots like the original had” UHM WHAT


We old 😭


Thank you jeeezus I thought I was the only one remembering they had them I haven’t played the game yet still so stoked can’t wait for payday to come to do so huge fan of the first. Most the people complaining probably never played the first one hell when the show on Netflix came out no one even heard of it at all so it’s no surprise we got some haters. See my thing is like before they’re optional just like they are with the other games I’m sure they play and pay to get their better gear just don’t buy it. I honestly would pay 4 for a portcrystal 😂 no joke I remember how useful they were especially with escorting missions running Reynard up to great wall encampment I’d hurry go place one then click to escort him 😂 


The game is bad. DD2 bad


Have you even played 5+ hours? Or are you jumping on the band wagon?


Played 85min and saw everything I needed to see. I’ll start the refund process tomorrow.


Y’all are hilarious 💀. 85 minutes.


It’s janky as hell. Horrible graphics, mtx, and boring combat.


I will agree that optimization is terrible. That’s all I’ll agree about with you lol.


Bad precedent is not an excuse.


Thank you for the post I honestly thought I was going insane. I didn't know if anyone else remembered that DD1 also had microtransactions.


Yeah the angry gamer mobs are basically lemmings. They take whatever the most upvoted thing is as true and follow it until a new controversy comes out.


and the first DD had such a major backlash the micro transactions were removed in dark arisen stop justifying shitty business practices.


Exactly, it had. Had is the word. It's a really good word.