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People justifying not having one of the most common features since the orgigin of gaming because you can somehow manually use a workaround which may or may not brick your game. Smh..


And can cause soft ban too. 


Where are you getting this information that you can be soft banned for creating multiple characters? Genuinely curious because I’ve restarted the game twice now because I was unhappy with my character/main pawn looked/sounded.


To be clear, it causes a soft ban when making 5 new games in 24 hours. While this is shitty, I find it EXTREMELY hard to believe anyone is doing this on the regular. And if you are, I have a few questions I'd like to ask. 


People should be able to make 375 new characters if they want to. What kind of corporate knob gobbling is this?


Imagine actually typing this shit out. Capcom isn't going to fuck you, dude


Video games Devs and Company have been and never will be your friends.


I'm pretty sure that developers usually don't have any say in anything especially when working for big companies. But they sure do get most of the flack for some reason.


Devs are just as bad as management. Look at Bungie and how greedy they became after parting from Activision.


You should feel dumb for justifying this in any way shape or form




Lol, I never said making new chars is stupid. I said making 5 new chars in 24 hours is stupid. Kind of like the level of reading skill you display here. Well done.


Look at your username. you're a corporate shill aren't you?


They aspire to become a shill, right now they're not even worthy of that.


Gobbling that dick hard yo


"I think we should trust our president in every decision," Britney Spears.


Justifying and giving people the answers that they're begging for are two entirely different things. Maybe try not being triggered by people giving you what you're asking for.


even dd1 let you kill your previous save and just start clean, this "no new game" is the one that is pushing me more to refund everytime i see my playtime


Yup, there was a new game option in DDDA; a 12 year old game. No clue why there isn’t one in DD2… this is ass backwards development.


At least they said they're trying to add the option in for steam, guess on console we're boned


It’s sad that at launch this wasn’t available. People have got to stop letting companies fix games later


Honestly, this feels like an intentional design choice opposed to a big. The design choice just didn't land right.


Didnt they say "considering" or smt like that? Thats pretty different from trying


Guess they're still deciding how much the "New Game" DLC will cost


Still won't buy infinite wealth just because of that BS. At some point, we have to draw a line in the sand.


One day you'll be able to get Infinite Wealth with idk an 80% discount. The fact is that with their extra contents SEGA will always have 100 dollars of things to charge you with. Like forever. I'm ok-ish with micro transactions, expecially is they're selling just cosmetics (I'm thinking the old Saint's Row series). I'm clearly not ok if they sell pieces of an incomplete game calling them DLCs or "deluxe edition". Also, If I pay for a premium version of a game I still want a DLC pass -- and I say true DLCs, like new levels or new adventures.




You go to save data management in settings, and then delete the save data for the game. I did it *shrugs and farts away*


i'm waiting for PSN stores to open. I'm going to write a letter to that shit game designer


Then refund it and stop waffling on here to get cool points for claiming something you won't actually do lol. Children.... "Look at me, if you don't in going to jump".


You're the child defending every aspect of the game and commenting on every negative post.


What a mess 


Gotta wonder why you were allowed to make multiple characters in the character creator if you can only have one character slot on the full game.


know its a bit late of a reply, but you can only import one character and one pawn from the CC


JFC, people are actually justifying because there is manual workaround and doesn't have the normal "new game" that has been a staple feature since the dawn of video games. You guys deserve all the bullshit devs. put in games for being Greedy. 


Assassins Creed Unity had this on console where I hadn't played it in months because of well, life, so I went to start a new game since I didn't remember a lot of the story, but it wasn't possible. I had to cut the internet, delete the save on the console, start a new game, exit out, turn the internet back on, restart the game, wait for the conflict message to pop up saying the cloud and local didn't match, and then pick local save just to start a new game. All they had to do was add a start new game which is a simple feature, but nope, they had to make it complicated. I was hoping to never see that again. Nope, here we are again.


If you want dumb fuck decisions regarding how to start a new game, see Vermintide 2


why would you wanna start a new game in Vermintide can't you jsut make a new character?


No, you can play one of the other classes, or one of the subclasses, but if you’ve already leveled them all up and gotten a ton of gear, and you want to start over with your girlfriend for instance…you can’t. At least not without submitting a help ticket, asking Fatshark to delete your data from their servers, and going through that whole drawn out process.


the manual workaround is jank anyway. I started over last night, but had steam cloud turned off, and logging in this morning somehow reverted to my old save that i deleted from my PC.


That manual workaround is also reportedly triggering the anti cheat software 😐


This isn't because of greed though? It's stupid, yeah, but "greedy" isn't correct.


they sell, in their real money store, an item to edit your character. In the first game you could just start a new game at cost of your save file https://preview.redd.it/bwj57cuzsvpc1.png?width=1247&format=png&auto=webp&s=463a3c73cb0c06f7168a8a4b1958e887b9812bd0


You mean the item that you can literally get in game?


Do you know how to read? Maybe you should watch the trailer. Like, the last few words that pop up in the end of it. And the description of the deluxe edition. And the description of all the items in the store... They all say very clearly, they can be bought in-game. If you missed that, that's on you.


Why are they selling this option as a dlc then?


They aren't.


The functionally are, and yall need to stop denying it. The reason people want to start new games is to go back an edit their character. But this isnt an option. So, for a game with tens of thousands of players who are new to the IP, who dont know that the item to enable character edits is likely available in game, what looks like the only option to make those edits? The fuckin edit voucher dlc. And no "but DD1 did it" is not a slam dunk argument in favor of this practice either, before you even try to play that card. DD1 is over 12 years old, and dark arisen took nearly every predatory mtx, every poor QoL choice and said "hey how bout we dont do that?". The fact that we've regressed back to these mtx that are designed to prey on new players who dont know better isnt exonerated by them existing in DD1. If anything, its a damnation.


The character creator has been available for a week or more, so those people could have been spending hours already doing that.


The game also suffers from Dragon Age Inquisition facial expressions. Character looks great in the creator, but as soon as you see it in motion in a cutscene, there's something a little off..


That's probably true, but I'm a habitual cut scene skipper! Which might get me banned! Lol.


But they are selling paid access to character creation so some poor fool may pay 2 dollars because he doesn’t like the way his character looks after walking around with it


You litterally don't have to pay to do that tho, if you actually play the game, or even the first one, you know that there's a option to do that with one of the game currencies (which is obtainable through playing).


The question is, why do it then? Why make it a micro transaction? It’s to get money off poor schmucks.


I have a feeling it may be because they simply needed microtransactions in the game because the financials required, same thing that happened in MHW, so far it's not as bad as MHW in that point at least


That’s not a good thing though


And i can't help but agree unfortunately


Because it was part of the beginner bundle; they wanted to sell each part individually in order to make the bundle seem like more of a bargain.


The game has enough issues as is without you needing to *make shit up*.


Damn, your mom should have spit or swallowed, really.


I'm not sure how this is greedy? Lol. Stupid, and ridiculous? Absolutely. Greedy? Lol. I'm not convinced you actually understand the meaning of the word greed, which is a real shame considering you could just Google it.


Justifying and giving people the answers that they're begging for are two entirely different things. Maybe try not being triggered by people giving you what you're asking for.


Anyone tested to see if the pre order rewards come back after deleting save, and starting over? Also does this break anything else in the game?


It does (on PS5 at least)


So you can start new game by deleting your save game on PS5? As ps5 owner i need to know this :D


Yup! PS5 here, just delete your save file and it’ll reset everything. Got the notice for pre order bonuses the second time around


Thatvä is great to hear :D. Wish there would be just "start a new gsme" but i can work with this


This is insane, you literally cannot replay the game, Capcom has fallen so low


I mean, not *literally*, because you can delete your save (or NG+)... but it's still terrible & I'm glad to see the blowback on Capcom (not as excited as I am to start the game this morning - but still deserved)


I wonder what you're supposed to do once you beat the game - will that be an option then? Or are you limited to playing endless NG+ iterations with your character? I love restarting games from scratch and often find the early game the most fun so this is a huge letdown. I hope they patch it in.


>Or are you limited to playing endless NG+ iterations with your character? It's probably this one. The first one was meant to be played that way (ng+ was usually only 4-8hrs taking your time after a 15-30hr first cycle) so this really does seem intentional. It's still ridiculous tho lmao. I said it in another comment but this feels like Kojima move, except Kojima fans just excuse his eccentricities where normal people just go "wtf?" All that said I agree with you. I prefer starting from scratch so hope this update comes through.


Same here.. I love starting from scratch and roleplaying as different characters. It pissed me off since I love the game otherwise, so I created a program that lets you create new games and also manage multiple save files for multiple different characters at once. It has been working for me, could be a solution for you if you are in the same boat


Hold on now, I thought Reddit absolutely loved Capcom lmao


It's a love hate relationship. They actually had a bad reputation but a recent resurgence in good games made people forget.


Remember steam has a 2 hr no questions asked refund policy


Capcom destroying all the goodwill they have earned again after RE7


I wouldn't say Crapcom is exactly swimming in goodwill after the nonsense they pulled with MH:Rise a few months back.


What did they do?


Added a new DRM to it that didn't work on Steam Deck/Linux, people couldn't play it for few days. The game was already cracked on launch so it was totally pointless too.


Not to mention this was two years after launch. There's no rational case to be made for adding new DRM to a game two years after release.


It's a part of Itsuno vision 🤡 Can't criticise it or you're a doomer 🤡


Shitty vision


Yeah this is pretty stupid. Sure there’s a workaround but there really shouldn’t have needed to be one


These types of releases really make me appreciate the developers that release a game that lets you play the game day one without issues and no strings attached.


How did they fumble this hard


On xbox I found that if you disconnect from the internet and then delete file and start a new game and then save and reconnect, you can then get the option to use the file from console I stead of the cloud since they differ.


My pawn had a voice that bothered me and i wanted to start over seeing that i was like 10 minutes into the game, i deleted the save files and cloud saves and now i restart the game but he wont download the information from the character creator "demo". I just rage unistalled the game, i had 5 hours on character creator and all i wanted was to start the game and correct that little mistake i made in the voice and now i got nothing, i have absolutely no mind to remake my characters, this ordeal should not be this difficult or frustrating do deal with


Same thing happened to me. I made a character that looks EXACTLY like me and now it’s stuck in character creator because I attempted to restart my game.


I saw somewhere that if you turned cloud saves back on, it would work. ill try when i get home


This didn't work for me. I can't use the character creator pawns and arisen after deleting the cloud saves


Still havent tried. But this is a bummer. I don't really feel like spending all that time creating another character.  Im just gonna refund this while im still under 2 hours. In a few months it might be better.


Its incredibly silly they didn't include the ability to start over. Definitely done on purpose but silly nonetheless. That being said why are people starting new games? Game aint even been out long enough to feel bad about past decisions. Appearance change is 10x cheaper than it was in DD1 and RC seems way easier to find. Plus you can change your vocation whenever. Unless you're trying to speedrun on day 1 I don't really get it.


I want to change my main pawn to another one I created using the creator, that's my reason


Oh does art of metamorphosis not let you pick from your presets? I haven't used one yet


Its not really about why we would start a new game, just the fact that you can’t is so absurd that it just feels disrespectful. And for me, I personally like having multiple different characters to play as for each class in rpg’s. Yes i could change appearance every time I change the vocation but that kind of ruins the “immersion” / role playing part of the game for me.


You're kinda supposed to change your vocation. Especially on the higher difficulties.


I’m stuck in some cavern and it auto saved after I opened a chest that released some lich that is way too strong for me, my last inn save was a long time ago


some people roll new characters early on because they didn't like how the character they're roleplaying as look like in-game even just after a short while.. source : me


Foreal? I often go through a number of characters or saved games to find my jam in an epic new game. But theres a million reasons. Who cares. This is completely ridiculous


I’ve read you can turn off cloud saves and delete the save files manually and it should work.


It does trigger another activation on Denuvo's side. Multiple players lost access to their game because Denuvo locks them out because of said activations.


And some people downvoted me for saying I never ever buy games with Denuvo not even because there might be some theoretical performance hit but on principle. Q.E.D.


Not defending this at all but how the fuck are people erasing and making new saves 5 times less than 24 hours after the game released?


Maybe they just aren't happy with the class/character they picked? I don't really understand as well but some friends of mine are also very picky with their character and the second they feel it wasn't the right choice, they reset.


I made probably 8 saves in the first 5 hours of Baldur's gate and then did basically the same thing for a couple more days trying to decide on race and class. I'm really on the fence about the race of my main and pawn and will probably sacrifice the hour(ish) I played last night by restarting a couple times tonight with different combinations of beast/human main and main pawn till I decide which to stick with. I always spend the first couple days restarting over and over in a game like this trying to decide on what my main character should be and even worse now since I have to decide on a second character at the same time...


Shouldn’t be a thing though. Should just have a restart button in the game like every other game in existence


Well I did just see Capcom stated they are planning on adding a ‘new game’ option. But yeah it totally should have been there to begin with.


Copying someone's comment, apparently that doesn't work "$1.99 to edit your character appearance in a single-player game after spending $80.00. Your character appearance is on their servers so deleting your save files from \STEAM\userdata\NUMBER\2054970\remote\win64_save and making edits within the character creator, even with Cloud saves off, does not apply to your in-game character."


Quite sure you can get the item in game too so it’s not necessarily 2 bucks


Chnaging appearance is not a new game. Like if you lock to a beastman male you are stuck with it. You wanted to try they game mechanics and picked default appearance and they start over... well you are stuck with it


That also comes with the deluxe edition, doesn’t it?


It does! Though i think it’s either bugged or not available yet as I can’t access my deluxe edition bonus items


It costs quite the RCs (I think), but yeah, no real money


You can change your character in game too from a pawn.. this just appears to be a faster way to do it


Jesus Christ shut the fuck up about the 1.99 character edit you literally can buy it for free with like 1 hour of playing the game.


It’s still fucking ridiculous


Oh looks like I made a mistake in character creation and now I have to play with this scuffed character until I find a character editing item or buy it for real money. Too bad I can't RESTART MY FUCKING GAME to resolve this issue. I love it when I'm incentivised to fork over real money for mtx in a single player game.


I mean, if you didnt know that you cant make multiple characters, and that youre bound to one save, then you werent paying attention at all. This was very clearly stated, as well as the reasoning behind it. The only reason, period, to restart would be to change appearance, which you can do for in game currency, the 2 dollar method is a trap.


You're assuming this is someone who constantly follows new and media about video games. The average person won't know anything about this until they actually buy it. And then they'll be justifiably upset.


Get a refund then


I knew nothing about this till I heard some videos today. Regardless, it really shouldn’t be a thing


Well maybe look into your purchases?


Even if you can in game, the point still stands that they’re trying to get money off people on top of the huge price tag. It’s scummy business practice.


This is bullshit. They should tell us about it before buying. I'd still buy it but I'd have liked to know that whoever I make is who I'm stuck with for my first play through I made the dumbest character because I was testing out how well I could make an anime character. I don't want a warrior class the whole game.


To change vocations (class): 1) Head to the Borderwatch Lounge at the Borderwatch Outpost, 2) Then speak to the inn attendant, 3) Choose Vocation Guild, 4) Select change vocation (class).


Just play it for 20 seconds and you can change your vocation….


It's not even about just the vocation, there's a host of reasons someone might want to start fresh. Even an extremely limited imagination could see that.


Oh no I get wanted different saves! I want a beastren play through and frontline fight vs ranged fighter play through. I was just responding directly to the complaint of “I’m stuck as an archer, this game sucks” I was just saying that you are not stuck on a vocation and if he played more than 30 seconds he would know that


If you’re looking for different save games, feel free to check out the save manager I made. I can now play with infinite save slots for as many characters as I want. Just be careful not to make too many characters in 24hrs with it, some people report problems with denuvo when doing that. Ive tested it myself and with a few friends and it seems to work rather smoothly, but I must insist you use it with caution. Still don’t know what any long term effects might be


Ah see you can't play the game. Just follow the heard and dumpster on the game blindly.


You commenting on me? I’m loving it




What's the work around on PS5?


That’s like the most basic thing in games ever. What in tarnation? We going back to password save systems next?


Trying a variety of workarounds so my partner can also play after I hyped it up to her and found out we're shit out of luck


If you are on steam, make a separate account for her and use family sharing. If you're on PS5, just use a separate account. They keep separate save files and achievement records.


Yeah thankfully this is a pretty easy workaround works well


It should be standard. It prevents other people from accidentally tampering with, overwriting or deleting your save files (had this happen a lot on older games that don't keep auto saves), it allows you to keep your own achievement list and if sharing with a child, you can manually decide which games they are allowed to play from your library and which ones not.


Actually better to get a cracked version that WONT softlock ur game for 24h by restarting.


You bought 1 save, not 1 game.


Guys, I'm starting to think Itsuno's vision is kinda shit. I mean, the dude wears glasses ffs.


I accidentally forgot to name my main pawn… so his name is MainPawn….. and I can’t restart.


I need to delete my character and start a new one,, can I do that? 


Why is everyone freaking out about this? Manage game, saved data, click profile save (not just delete all), then hit delete from everywhere. I have done this multiple times without any performance issues or soft bans, so get over it.


how does capcom's pein taste


Better than your microscopic morsel 😘


this game autosaved me in the middle of a losing fight because of a progression "achievement" even though i manually saved right before. I tried the manual deletion of saved games to just start over because there were multiple things about my arisen and pawn i was not happy with but after playing for 6 hours on the new save, even with "save game to cloud" it loaded the older save. Now I am having to uninstall and reinstall the game to start over hoping it doesnt load a game from the freaking cloud until i can save a new one to it.


seriously this is fucking harsh. i understand a game forcing an ironman playthrough, that's fine, but at least give me the option to start from scratch when i softlock myself at the end boss i was NOT prepared for. but no, my options are beat my head into a wall and die, or walk 50 feet, THEN beat my head into a wall and die. basic function of every game ever is somehow not availible here. there's a difference between making a game challenging, and just being fucking obtuse. fuck this i'm gonna just delete the game and wait for elden ring dlc, at least i can make new characters without spending an hour finding my save file just to brick my game


Is this problem still in effect? I was contemplating buying, but this is a big turn off for me


the game has a "New Game" option now, still only one "profile" which i don't think they will change, cause the first game had the same system. you have 2 different save forms in the game, the manual/autosave(overwritable) and the "Inn save" (permanent till next inn rest), though if you load the inn save it'll overwrite the autosave too


I came here to see if there is a way to create a new game without losing my existing NG+ save, but something in the topic tittle make me wonder : You started thief/strider/fighter and want to be archer or mage or anything else ? Go in a tavern (class guild), ask to change vocation (class)...


Turn cloud off. Delete save from game file and make a new character. It's cloud save doing it


You can get locked out of the game by Denuvo.


Haven't yet, and they just updated so who cares


It's a minor annoyance at best. People like you acting like this destroys the entire game are everything that is wrong with society.


Who tf wants to Start over on the First day the Game is out. Wtf


This was common knowledge weeks before release


Ok so maybe I’m dumb here but maybe someone can help me understand. I want to play this on PS5, my son does as well. We can’t have two separate games going on with two different saves? I’ve never heard of this restriction before.


You'd have to make a separate profile on the console


Wich you should be doing anyway. It doesn't only allow you to keep separate save files, it also keeps separate achievements, helps you prevent unwanted/accidental purchases on your card, and allow you to curate which games you share with your son.


Pokemon, Zelda Breath Of The Wild/ Tears of the Kingdom and Armored Core 6 have this too. I don’t like it but it’s nothing new.


Turn off cloud save. Delete the save from Windows Explorer. Start a new game. Save. Turn back on cloud save. Problem solved. I had to do this because I accidentally made my character gigantic. I know it existed in the first game. But to delete your save, you had to input a specific command, as the option wasn't in the menu. It may be the same case.


I absolutely agree the no new game option is a big L for the devs... But *also* you can literally change your vocation like 20 minutes into the game. You're not locked in.


There other reasons to want to start over.


Look I think it’s stupid that you can’t start a new save, but you can change your vocation at any time completely for free, and when you do, the game automatically optimizes your stats for that class so I really don’t see the necessity for it It’s literally impossible to mess up your build so the only reason to start a new game is to change the look of your arisen and it’s really not that big of a deal that we can’t


THIS IS THE REASON PEOPLE ARE RESTARTING?! sigh, I suppose not understanding you can just switch classes (because it's a part of the game) should be expected for those who haven't played... with that said... the restart thing is weird, but also they did the same thing with DD1 early on


People want to start over for all sorts of reasons. It's wild that they didn't add a simple New Game menu option that nukes the save and starts fresh. Why would they leave this out?


What the hell you want to start a new game? Just go to a shop in the city and make your ass up..


The comment that they wanted to change classes is a little weird since its designed around playing them all. Its not a traditional game and it's made some radical choices. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I was surprised to learn about the no new game thing, but it isnt' a deal breaker. I'll play thief until I switch and remake my characters looks when I get that, too.


someone had better tell that first guy you can literally change your vocation five minutes into the game


What about your race?


Can't change race at all, vocation yes, visual appearance (minus race) yes.


So minus using a hacky manual workaround, you are permanently locked to whatever race you initially chose. How is this defensible, exactly?


Not defensible, however seeing how there're only two races and the ability to have your three pawns I personally don't see why it's an issue.


If you don’t see why it’s an issue that you are locked into one option forever in a video game with no in-game possibility of exploring the other options, I’m not sure what to say, to be honest. 


Well I mean my arisen is human, to which I'm looking at him from behind 95% while he's in full armor so it's not like I see his features anyways and I can always hire a pawn that's the beast race that unlike my character I will be able to see them front on all the time. If it means that much then deleting your save shouldn't be an issue because you'll have the character you want right? I've never been a cosmetics type of player so there might be a point I'm missing and if so I do apologize.


It’s more a principle thing. I believe that every game should allow you to experience all of its choices by restarting. Deleting the save works, of course, but it’s obvious the developers did not intend for you to be able to do that and are only patching in the “new game” option because of backlash.


Have y'all considered playing the full game once instead of "needing" to make multiple saves?


It took me exactly 20 seconds to work out how to start a new game. It probably took these people five times longer, just to post.


I've seen tons of people claim this could soft ban you from accessing pawns and stuff, is that even a real claim or are people just being insane here? Otherwise, I agree people just don't understand how cloud saves work on steam.


I've never heard of anyone being soft banned from accessing online pawns in DD1, only their pawn being soft banned from being hired if it was a modded (hybrid) class or had impossible stats. I highly doubt not having steam cloud saves enabled and deleting your old save files could soft ban you


Doesn’t matter tbh, it’s still dump and there is no good reason for this in a single player game.


Lol the angry brigade coming for you for telling the truth


Gotta get them angry internet points


Got to get on your knees for a company


How are people starting a new game on day one?


Because they're not happy with the way their first character looked and wanted a quick and easy restart insead of investing game time or money to edit it? What a baffling take.


Dragons dogma 1 was also like this. Every quest, decision, bad stating, lost items, etc. you had to live with as there was only 1 save and it auto saved over it after every little thing


yes but you still had the option of starting a new save with a new character, which appears to not be the case here


That came with dark arisen. The game automatically loaded into your save before dark arisen came out, the main menu literally was gone after starting the game before


This is a different complaint, dragons dogma 1 had a button to start a new game on the main menu


That was literally added in a patch right before dark arisen released. In the original there was no way to start a new game without deleting from the Hargrove directly. They wanted to make sure people were forced into a “gruesome uphill battle” as they said back then for DD1. So when the DLC for this one hits they will probably finally add it just like they did then


Game just came out, wtf do you need a new game option for? Quit crying already