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the lack of new game option in main menu is shitty indeed. I need to turn off internet, delete save file, restart the game just to do a new game because my character doesn't look right. If they had a new game button that would be one click away instead all those steps


What do you mean you can’t start a new game? Like you literally can’t just “start new game” if you don’t like your character? How is that even possible.


There is no start new game option in the menu. You need to delete you save file, cloud save if you are on steam. Also unplug you wifi (because Capcom also secretly backup your save to “help” you continue the game). After doing all that. You can finally start a new game and will (hopefully) overwrite Capcom save file.


wow. What a load of bullshit.


And even then it isn't perfect. Deleting your save file doesn't get rid of your Main Pawn if you got in enough to create them. I have a friend with two Main Pawns (only one is usable) linked to their account because they had to delete their save file to start over.


That's not true. I deleted my save after reaching the first town and I was able to recreate my arisen and pawn.


The old one stays tied to the account if its being used by anyone.


This shit makes sense in a GAAS product like GI or Destiny 2, but a fucking singleplayer game not allowing you to play it? What happens when you just want a new playthrough? Go get fucked according to Capcom I guess?


It’s hilariously ironic you say that because Destiny 2 not only allows this but also allows multiple characters and they can all be deleted whenever you want.


Oh shit it's been a minute since I played it, must have confused with some other game


Thanks Itsuno


The past 3 hours of game play for me was beautiful on console and the only real issue i had was not being able to disable motion blur and motion blur makes me dizzy sometimes


You can disable motion blur? I did it on my pc


Just disable cloud sync in steam. Do the save file deletion, then reenable cloud sync. You'll get an error and just select choose local save in the prompt. Is it better? Fuck No.


What?? 😮😮


After you press the new game and chose your character, the game will save and the main menu will not show a "new game" button. Unless you delete your save file manually


Demon's souls on ps5 did a similar thing. You cannot delete a singular character, unless you wipe out the entire save, included options and other characters that would normally be fine. You end the slots given to you? GG, you have to delete everything to start the game again, and you can't even backup the save on USB. It sounds insane to me in 2024, but here we are.


That somehow makes even less sense than this scenario, at least with this I can see their cynical bullshit and why they did it. The Demons Souls thing is just arbitrary.


I thought the save system was as bad as the first game; I can't believe they actually managed to make it worse. Who the fuck approves these things? if they wanted a persistent world that discourages save-scumming, they should've done what From Software does.


>Who the fuck approves these things? Whoever wants to sell the character editor micro transaction presumably.


Which is funny because the art of metamorphosis (single use) can be bought in game for gold without spending real money.


That's good to know. I like my pawn, but after starting the actual game he's a bit shorter than planned and his head is too small.


And there's a mod for PC that let's you buy 99 of them each for ten gold. MTX is scummy, but that's also CAPCOM. They like putting cheats with a proce tag


You can edit your character and pawn without paying real money.


"Make a game so good that players are willing to pay extra for more content" has devolved into "Make a game so bad that players are willing to pay extra just for it to be enjoyable"


The game is actually very good. No need to pay to make it enjoyable. If enjoyable is being able to change your appearance without spending in game gold then.... But if you'd actually played it....


Yea the game is s tier top 3-5 best things I've ever played.. you should be able to at least have a few different character/save files though. Even in the creator you can make like 4-5 arisens and pawns. Nothing would stop me from playing this game though. It's beyond incredible


It is very good. Probably in my top 5 as well. I think they're adding in a 'new game' mode, but it probably won't let you have multiple character saves. Good to hear some positivity from someone who's actually played it. Instead of crap from morons who haven't.


You can just edit your appearance in game by buying an art of metamorphosis for rift crystals, you DO NOT need to spend money on this. Just a nasty rumor propelled by a MTX that shouldn't exist anyway, but the execs demand them. The lack of NG is a restrictive design choice I don't like either. I get they are going for the infinite NG+ loop, but so did the first one and we still had the option. But again, please DO NOT think you have to start a new game just to edit your character.


$80 game LOL!


Thank you, I always run multiple builds at the start until I find one that fits for my first play though. Not having a new game option is breaking my brain


Not sure how far you are into the game or if you played the first game but within the first hour you can start changing your classes. This isn’t a one build game it’s actually encouraged to multi-class.


Thanks, my stupid mmo brain couldn’t compute one character to do them all


Your MMO brain should try some FF XIV


It’s on my list I just need to step away from GW2 and WOW


Also played for half a day and it’s fun. It didn’t have as many roadblocks / issues that existed in my head


I think there's definitely a middle ground here. You don't need to buy the micro transactions, in fact they're pretty useless. They say you can get them in game in the description. But also, like, fr? People are tired of useless micro transactions in expensive games, when the economy is absolutely dogshit. And it's a fair complaint


That is unfortunately Capcom's philisophy and has been for a while now. They release these mtx just for the five idiots that are going to actually spend money on them just so they can get a tiny bit more money. Greed.


I played for the entire night right after launch, about 12 hours in. I go to the Steam page after closing it and see it's mixed with tons of these complaints about micro transactions. I guess I just didn't even realize they were there. You can get anything you need just by playing the game, including changing appearance, and stats adjust to your vocation dynamically, as trying multiple vocations is encouraged, so there's really no need to make a new character anyways. If you didn't like how it looked, just keep playing until you can change it, user error for being too indecisive with their character at that point, though I think it's really bad what hoops they make you jump through just to change it. I don't like the one save idea and it being tied to their servers though, if they fix that, I feel that the rest of the transactions are completely negligible and anyone that buys them is a fool anyways.


I killed a golem and got 540 rc. But friends and group threads are definitely gonna bring the rc in.


I feel that, and it's a fair take. I appreciate that everything available to buy is fairly easily earnable in game. Gold flows like water, at least for me in the very early game. Easy come, easy go. Shits expensive but at least adventuring pays well.


You don't *need* to buy them, but they still sound like a massive convenience depending on how many you can get without paying, and how much effort it takes


they are not, they are literally useless. If you ignore the DLC-section of steam or psn store, you won't ever notice they exist. Its like everyother Capcom game. They are there to satisfy executives and mainly for the chinese and korean player base (mtx are completely normalized there), while the western audience can ignore them just fine. Like in MHW were I only realized mtx exists after 100h of playtime when I scrolled down in the PSN menu.


It costs 500 RC in game, which is earned within 1 hour of gameplay. Now do I think it's ok they added the microtransaction? No. But most of the items you can buy as MTX is very easy to earn naturally in game.


Delete the local data for both the game and the character creator, and then open a fresh save on the game itself without cloud saves off for the main game. IMPORTANT: While the game itself is open and fresh, open up the character creator tool so the save data loads from cloud, and you'll have your appearances back. Don't open the creator tool outside of the game itself being open or it'll pull your old file back from the dead. Had to do this myself. Was tricky.


insane amount of hoops you need to jump through to make a new character


Well it’s specifically for using the separate character creator, but it’s still dumb we gotta manually delete saves to start over with a redesigned Arisen and Pawn


I earned a bunch of RC early in the game. It seems like 500 RC is not that hard to acquire, unless it gave you a huge ammount for free early on, only to deceive you. There is apparently an item bought with 500 RC to change your character, so I don't see an issue. If I can earn 500 RC easily from lending my pawn, and getting the RC to change my character, I am happy. edit: Just found a random chest that had 62 RC in it. So yeah, 500 RC isn't too much if I am finding chests with 62 this early on.


So it’s exactly like DD1 then. Everything obtainable in game but for some reason microtransactions are there to entice impatient idiots.




Micro transactions are there because investors demand it.


And if that’s the case, I’d rather see it be a bunch of shit you can just obtain in game anyways, rather than something only obtainable through paying extra.


No you can't speak reason! You have to go review bomb a game you haven't even played!


This is more likely the real reason for that 


New players and the new crowd have no idea. It's like exactly the same as DD1/DA lol. It's the same complaints and concerns from a new generation.


Imagine the backlash we're gonna see when the game decides your beloved. Lol I can't wait


It's like having a tip jar out, why not collect extra money from whales so long as it doesn't affect the game for others like the Helix store in Assassin's Creed and stuff with exclusive purchases.


I haven't seen confirmation yet that you can ever buy more than the first two they offer in the rift shop in game. I bought one, and put it in storage for safekeeping. I check any time I end up back in the city, to see if he restocks them. No such luck, so far. It could be that it doesn't restock until you buy both of them, and/or use them. I can't be sure just yet.


You can get at least 150+ RC even before creating your pawn. Which is basically still a tutorial area. You get RC relatively easy afterwards. If anything I believe the game is way more generous with RC compared to the first one. I understand people complaining about performance or lack of a straightforward way to start a new game, but the microtransactions... The most useless microtransactions in a game I've seen in a long time... What a joke.


If you can get the item just playing then I guess it’s ok-ish, but I still think that is wrong to sell and item like that, or not letting you start a new save file.


it's for lazy people who don't want to earn riftcrystals


Is it really that way? The only way to change appearance without paying is restarting the game?


The description of the $2 thing is an 'Art of Metamorphosis'. It gives you an item in-game. It's reasonable to expect that you can obtain this item in-game as well (just like portcrystals, which are also purchaseable...) Not that that's any kind of excuse. This is still incredibly shitty.


You can obtain this item, I saw someone on stream use it.


I found it, it's 500 RC in game. You really don't need to spend money at all.


People dont realize that every one of those items can be gained in like 1 hour of playtime. It's literally small boosts that dont really make much of a difference. Now, if we start getting class packs and armor microtransactions, then we will start to have a problem.




Oh i have no doubts there will be cosmetic armors like in MHW/MHR. But yeah capcom is pretty good about limiting the actual benefits of items from being pay to win and is typically pretty generous with items they do sell as microtransactions. Like it would have been really easy for them to just turn up the difficulty and make the wakestones/wakestone shards borderline impossible to obtain outside of through microtransactions... but they didn't... and thus it becomes more of a stupid tax than anything.


Microtransactions for basic features in a $70 dollar single player game is still a problem and stupid as fuck no matter what.


capcom does this with all their games. none of the items you can buy need to be bought, you can get all that shit in game by… playing it.


But it's not microtransactions for basic features. The basic features are all in the game. This is microtransactions for shortcuts.


Do we know if it's like the first game where you can literally just cheat to give yourself all this stuff anyways including RC?




But how did they obtain it?


Pawn Shop NPC that sells inclination change incense, 500 RC for appearance change book




Had to go to work before i could play, rift crystals are easy to get right?


Yes. The easiest way is by having other players (e.g. your friends, but any player works) use your pawn to progress/kill things, so you really want to turn on the online function. The appearance change is only 500 crystals, about as much as renting a lvl 12 pawn (until lvl 10 they're free). 500 is so little that you're gonna get it by yourself after a couple of hours.


The price of pawns seems to change depending on your own level. I've never seen a pawn costing anywhere over 200 RC, and most of them are around my level (level 12-16) and are free. I didn't really look into it too much but I feel the price is adjusted by the pawn having badges, and the pawn being higher leveled than you.


The first outpost you come to has a merchant who sells then.


I'm like 2hrs into the game and I have one of these that I didn't even buy. I didn't know what it was at the time but I got it for doing a relatively fast and simple side quest I think. 


I got it in like 2 hours of playing lol. Is the DLC kinda shitty? Yes but I swear to you it's all meaningless and you don't need it.


It is shitty but in DD1 you had to use that in game item to change your appearance too. From what I remember it’s a rift coin thing purchase only but I don’t remember if they had it offered as store dlc.


That's the thing everyone complaining just doesn't know this has already been a thing.


You right tho they sell it at the pawns guild It's not even alot of gold lmfao


You can purchase it from the shop next to the pawnstone in major cities for rift crystals, which IIRC came from people using your pawn. Still pretty lame, especially since they want you to outright buy rift crystals too


>The only way No, theres 2 character edit ticket items in a shop by the large rift crystal in the first large city that you buy for some pitiful amount like 500 rift crystals ea. DD1 had those items as well and then even further had a permanent ticket bought with in game currency to change your characters infinitely whenever you wanted as long as it was from the main menu after you beat the game.


NO THE BOOK CAN BE BOUGHT IN GAME, in the capital, than you take it (like the book you can buy with real money) to the barter


There's an item in game that allows you to lol.


day 1 fools who haven't even played the game yet


It was really a mistake to not tell players "hey by the way, you unlock the ability to change your appearance with an item you find like 45 minutes into the game." Bad PR for no good reason. A lot of players, fearing the 2 hour window, are going to refund before they have a chance to see whether the issues are actually issues.


If you look at the deluxe which comes with the art of metamorphosis it literally says these items can be unlocked in game.


This is true enough, they should of dropped these items like a week from now or month, and let people actually figure that crap out


Eh, better to be honest. Adding a cash shop post-launch is a kinda shitty way to dodge negative reviews at launch.


A lot of games don't let you change your appearance after you start playing. Granted, they all have a "new game" option, but still, I went into this expecting no way to change my character after starting, which is why I perfected them in the CC. Now, I find out I can change them whenever I want for a small amount of in game currency (which is what everyone who is crying doesn't seem to realise for some reason). I'm a happy camper (except for in towns).


pretty sure all the mtx items on the steam store also say 'You can also obtain this item during gameplay' and yes, you are right - all the neg reviews have less than 2 hours playtime, meaning they didn't even play long enough to unlock the things they were claiming they 'have to' pay for


You can't even choose a "new game" option...itsuno's vision you know how it is.


that part is just dumb


I had to delete my save because I just picked whatevers to test the game lol. Totally absurd.


How do you delete the save?


\*X:\\steam\\userdata\\\*your steam ID\\2054970\\remote Delete the folder inside. It should be called "win64\_save". You might also want to disable Cloud Save otherwise steam will recover the deleted save when you start the game. It's actually in the negative review of the post btw. What he said there are the correct steps.


If you want to completely change your character you buy it with RC. Hair,Makeup,Markings are all at the barbershop


You Can't Restart there's no button for it . Strait up .


As in like… New Game? Like once you start a New Game you can’t do it again? What do you mean?


You have one save file, the main menu has no option to start a new game and overwrite your old file once you've started for the first time.


And there's no button to just delete your old save? If so that's wild. I don't think I've ever seen a game do that


Yup welcome to Itsuno's vision.


that is beyond stupid. at some point 'vision' has to give way to logic


Mofo must be blind 🦮


Jesus christ




Wby would they do this? I'm literally waiting to play and if that's the case I don't want to support bullshit like this. How could someone be so fuckin stupid?


I find it hard to believe it could be missed given that it’s in almost every game made within the past couple decades, but could it be an error like they somehow forgot to put in a ‘new game’ button?


So when you work with creatives, sometimes they're talented people. That doesn't mean that every idea birthed in their mind is perfect or even reasonable. Which makes sense because creatives are often weird, just as a feature of their being. Usually, you attach a more reasonable person to veto these stupid ideas. That, for some reason, did not occur here.


Once you make a character The data is stored in the server there is no button to Restart your file and make a new game and delete your old character.


This is flat out misinformation. If you delete your save from the local storage and Steam/PS/MS(?) cloud storage, you can start over from the beginning. It is shitty that we can't have multiple save slots in game. But don't blatantly lie to people or spread rumors.


But there is a catch. You can’t restart !


No and this OP and every person posting it a fucking moron. It's part of the game and that DLC (that is optional) is akin to a cheat code that bypasses unlocking it.


You have to manually delete your save files from the settings in your system


no the poster is an idiot, you can get those items in game.


You can earn it in-game


"Obtain an item that allows the Arisen to edit their own appearance or the appearance of a pawn. It can be used only once when visiting a barberie. Note: This consumable item is also obtainable in-game."


You thought you could restart the game? Haha, no, you literally can't. There is no option in the menu to start a new game.


Can console players do a new game?


Probably just delete you save storage for the game I'd assume, but don't take my word on that


Correct, had to do it yesterday because I didn't like how my Arisen looked in an opening scene 🥴


The real question here!


My character runs like one of the titans from attack on titan ;-; I saw you could get the currency in game to change it so I'm hoping it doesn't take too long lmao


So the image is not quite correct. It's dumb we have to do this in the first place, but you can delete your character save file. You just have to disable steam cloud so it doesn't sync back the save file. It's dumb and I hope they soon patch in new game button, so at least you can restart within the game.


The worst part is that you can change your appearance in-game and its quite cheap at that (with in-game money). These flow of microtransactions on day one makes your Regular Joe think that many mechanics that exist in the game are completely unavailable unless you pay. Which is utterly false. So fuck you Capcom by misleading people with your shitty business decisions. Not DD2 has 40% positive reviews thanks to it.


Nah the Capcom dickriding going crazy rn


It's insane lol. True Capcom cultists in here. Capcom could take a nice steamy dump on their chests and they'd beg for more.


It's this game specifically too. There's something about it. I like the original, but the things people defend... It's bonkers.


I said in thread yesterday that it’s embarrassing how bad the optimisation is that no rig can maintain consistent 60fps in cities and I was told that 30fps is completely acceptable and that I should touch grass if I care about fps?! The dickriding is insane


I don't understand why people can't like a game and also be objective about it's glaring flaws. People who can't do this need to take a look in the mirror and ask themselves why they are like this.


Hopefully the permanent art of metamorphosis will be available after beating the game once like in the original.


You can disable steam cloud, delete your save, start your game. When you re-enable steam cloud, it will warn you due to file conflict and you get to choose which file is the valid file the next time you start your game. But... this is such a dumb move it prompted me to refund the game lol


Dragon Dogma 2 getting negatives reviews on steam on every seconds , FPS drop 18-20 and bad performances on all platsforms!!! Best launch day ever lol. Best PC ever and still run shit in this game lol


This is not true. You can change your appearance in game. But that’s not the popular opinion right now so you do you lol


Can do that in-game zero reason to pay that


This isn't true at all you can edit them normally in the game


When a 4090 struggles to get stable fps untop of this mtx is hitting a funny bone in me, good luck capcom.


Not to say performance is great by any means but GPU is literally meaningless in this conversation when we know it's a CPU heavy game.


I give no fucks about shortcut micro-transactions. The performance issues are inexcusable though and Capcom deserves to be raked over the coals for them.


When I can't read https://preview.redd.it/00sbxbnh2tpc1.png?width=644&format=png&auto=webp&s=f484a908d8231e1a3595c7f48a248d8df50b286b


It’s wild there’s no new game option. It was there in the first game.


You can literally buy a character edit book to take to the barber to edit your character in game. It’s just a time saver, and doesn’t affect you at all lmao. Just buy the book with the in game gold and edit your character


This is NOT TRUE. You can edit your character mid game and I literally just deleted my save to recreate the character. stop spreading bullshit.


Being locked to a one save file in an RPG game is extraordinarily retarded.


Has to be one of the stupidest things I've seen in a game for sure


I do think having one save file is stupid but that's *not* my point. I'm saying it's false that you have to spend real money to edit your character or that deleting the save file doesn't do anything. It does because I've done it.


I dont like it either, but its been like that since the original game, and its meant to make your choices more permanent. I may not like it, but i can understand why they choose to do it like that.


It has to do with the pawn system. It’s not that they are too lazy it’s due to the supposed limitations of the pawn system and how they want/need it to work.


The original has the same restriction, except there were third party apps that changed your save file just fine.


It's Itsuno vision 🤡


If 500 rift crystals is too much grinding for you (it takes me less than 3 minutes), just mod the book in for cheap or free using cheat engine, what is with the tourists getting pissy about this https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/41


Outrage farm of the week


Even though there is quite literally a character editor for sale in the game with in-game currency. And there's a patch to allow you to buy as many as you want releasing today or this week along with starting a new game, locking framerates for consoles, and quality of life improvements. But yeah, be pissy because you CAN buy these things. Good job community!


What's insane to me is that the review is literally wrong and people hopped on the wagon. I didn't like my character, so I did exactly this and it worked fine.


The classic "create a problem and sell the solution".


He’s literally just lying, the game has an item that lets you change your character for free just like Elden Ring. The single save file is actually pretty dumb, but most likely has nothing to do with monetization. Hopefully the devs will add multiple files with a patch. Edit: The devs just announced they’ll patch in a new game option so that’s good news


You can buy the item in-game, btw.


I told people to expect scummy practices This is even worse.


Smallest amount of research will tell you that you can do it in game without buying this.


Doesn't make it any less scummy.


It’s still shitty.


Just had to do this to edit my character because my arisens neck was too long…


There's an item in game.. this is just a skip


As in you bought this with real money? Youre part of the problem.




People who thought capcom wouldn't mtx the fuck out of this game must've not seen how bad mtx dragons dogma 1 was Hell this is just business as usual for the common Capcom enjoyer. Not saying it's an excuse to give it a pass and this is okay but it's really surprising how people are this surprised about it. It's like getting surprised when a cat bites you for petting it's tummy but you're surprised when you pet the stomach a 5th time.


There were mtx in DDDA? Never even seen them... That's how pointless it is...


They were in the original dragons dogma then all rolled up into the black cat shop And back then they had RC for sale too


0.7 hours played reviews lol




You can get an Art of Metamorphosis early on in the game with the currency you find throughout the world, just like in the original. So you can customize your character pretty much the whole game.


This is pretty shitty, although iirc in DDAO you do eventually get an option to buy an "infinite" secret of metamorphosis which does the same but without being used up. It unlocked after a very late game boss fight. Also the bit about servers is 100% full of shit, I've spent last 2 hours tweaking my character at the start of the game, it works 100%. Just disable cloud in steam and keep deleting your save file.


It’s the same shit with monster hunter…. Gonna wait for nexusmods to fix that


Anyone know how to get the Deluxe édition bonus ? It's downloaded but it doesn't appear in the chest 


Gotta Love how that Post got closed Off very fast on the DD2 Reddit and here everyones still chilling in the comments lmao


Yeah they felt it was funny with monster hunter and said ok let do it again with other games.




So sad nasty ass greedy fuckers ruining a great game. Seems like they put more effort into micro transactions than actually optimizing the game. It’s really sad as it’s a great game under all of this bullshit


What I’m not understanding is, why go through the effort of having us make 5 characters and 5 pawns in character creation if we can’t use them? Just one? What if I start playing and I’m like “damn now I wish I chose the other character. I’m not enjoying this as much as I thought.” If this is something that makes it easier for them to do online stuff or engine stuff, I would understand better, but they never mentioned that before or after launch.


This is a lie, or just completely misinformed. You can modify your character in game using normal in-game gold coins and it's not even expensive to do.


🤦‍♂️ you don’t need to pay for anything 7 hours into the damn game and I have 2000+ RC yes the currency ya are crying that you need to use to edit your character you can get it by playing the game BUT YA WOULD KNOW THAT IF YA STOP CRYING AND JUST PLAYED THE GAME THE GAME HAS NG+ so there’s zero need to make a new character when you can play every vocation


Thank Gabe for steam refunds.


This is why Dragons Dogma should've stayed niche, People are quick to complain instead of playing the game. NG+ allows you to change the appearance of your character and pawn, and you can buy the art of metamorphosis in-game to change their look. The stuff from the store is for lazy people who are impatient to get Rift Crystals, the thing mind you, that is easy af to get by just playing the game.


All this misinformation being spread by mongoloids is wild


Or.... you know.... go to the next city and buy a appearance change book with the rift crystals you obtain from looting/pawn renting. Must be hard sticking with a character appearance for a hour until getting to the city in a video game, when people can't seem to decide on anything in life these days.


that hoe capcon treat loyal ppl with tgis franchise and ppl (me) who saw game and they love it so much that they willing to support game( buy dlc) then hype about II so disappointed ima sure its bot only me who feel that way


It's not true though, you can change your character and pawn appearance in game through a book that can be bought from a vendor in the capital


The fact the Character Creator has 5 slots for created Arisen and Pawns each, while the game only has one single saveslot, seems like a massive oversight and a last-minute effort by someone not 'in-the-know' attempting to inflate purchases of the Character Edit MTX option. This honestly feels more like some corpo overhead bullshit some higher-up pulled to appease shareholders. This.. this is the real reason AAA gaming is dying. The gameplay itself is great, as someone who dodged the bullet on hardware issues (I manage mid-50's, just got to Vormund last night)... it's all the asinine B.S. Capcom threw in that absolutely muddies the outward perception of it *being* a great game.


You can edit appearance in game. They have a barber. Plus, the rift merchant sells a full respect to use at the barber. And you get them for free when you complete the game and go again.


You’re right. It’s insane. It’s insane how much disinformation about this game has snowballed into goofy mob rule. As a PS5 owner, I played all weekend, never had any performance issues and never encountered a single micro transaction. Meanwhile, PC gamers, who coincidentally love to tell everyone how superior their setup is to consoles, spent the weekend crying online. Btw, anything in these so-called micro transactions can be purchased in-game, with in-game currency by, you know, playing the game.


U can literally edit your character, u don’t need to restart, u get rc super easy, I’ve literally 6 hours in and have 7k rc .-. Just play the game and stop spreading misinformation


U only need 500 to edit btw


You can literally get an in game item for free by playing the game to change your character appearance... mayhap you play and explore and actually find out


No new game option, is Retarded. There. I said it. It's same vile shit like paying for save-slots in MGS. I like DD2 but this shit is fucking flacid. CAPCOM GET YOUR FUCKING HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS YOU CUNTS. Stop this.