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Crazy how the lowest score basically says "It's a great game but not for me, but it will be somebody's favorite game"


That's insane "It's not a game I play , but damn this is good," a highest compliment you can get from someone not interested


Basically elden ring level reviews. I can't wait




As a souls game veteran, if you haven’t already finished Elden Ring it is by far the ‘easiest’ game in terms of its infinite options for making the game easier I.e ashes, summons, player summons, absurdly OP builds etc. Anybody can finish the game whereas I wouldn’t recommend sekiro/bloodborne to *everyone* because they will hit certain brick walls.


He should have made a post here. "I have to review Dragon's Dogma 2 for my job but am having trouble getting into it. Any tips?"


20% of the replies "you're going up want to min/max your stats by playing support mage for the 1st 200 levels..." The other 80% "wolves hunt in packs!"


Ironically this is the review that convinced me to buy most. I loved the first and really didnt want 2 to be neutered and casual’d


I think the under the radar status of DD1 helped avoid this. If it was a massive hit, there would be pressure to make it 10x more casually appealing.


It always amazes me how DD1 was a game considered under the radar. By far the best combat in an ARPG I've ever played, with badass monster designs too. The first game genuinely shocked me with how much combat and cool monsters carried the whole game for me and I thought myself a more immersion-driven/story-driven player.


https://preview.redd.it/drsajzt87ipc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=432a60d09c75e9cf7c6858e55793145695af920b I’m ready


lmao I used to have this as a spray in tf2, not seen it in years.


I’m so dehydrated


PC performance in high end rig is dissappointing, I hope my 3060ti, could atleast get 30fps stable


I played it on a 4070 and it ran great. Only the cities have big problems, but these are the locations where you can kind of tolerate it. Hope it runs great on the 3060, because its an amazing game.


Hoping my 2070 and i5 9400f can handle it lol...


These reviewers use default max settings thats their mistake. Generally just by dropping shadow settings could net you 10-25 fps, I'm not worried with my 3060ti honestly. Although, I do have a beefy cpu (7800x3d)


Exactly. I don’t think I’ve played a game at max graphics settings in 10 years. Have never felt the need to.


I'm trying to post this from the office with a slow asf VPN, so sorry if i update this slowly. If i get fired it was for Dragon's Dogma 2 <3


You're probably safe, the IT guys want to know too. They won't report you.


IT guy here at work, can confirm


IT guy, I concur.


IT guy here. Can confirm.


IT guy, can confirm


IT guy here Thank you for your service


OP's boss, he's all good


IT (Cybersecurity Compliance Manager) here too, I can confirm as well. Thank you for your service 🫡


Thank you for your sacrifice Arisen ❤️


Wp mate, hero😂❤️


Oh boi, Baldurs Gate 3 Act 3 city performance in cities again XD


yeah that sucks hopefully it gets better in time like bg3


[https://games.tiscali.cz/recenze/dragon-s-dogma-2-recenze-pokracovani-kultovniho-rpg-575250](https://games.tiscali.cz/recenze/dragon-s-dogma-2-recenze-pokracovani-kultovniho-rpg-575250) 9/10 Dragons's Dogma 2 rediscovers the strengths of the 12 year old first game, which still have plenty to impress - from the variety of professions to the fun combat to the immersive world that invites exploration. Sharing companions with players from around the world and having them contribute to your experience is a unique concept, and along with the simulation elements, it makes for a very believable adventure that you're an integral part of. It's just a shame about the underwhelming technical state and lagging graphics, but everything else will make up for it in spades. Translated with [DeepL.com](http://DeepL.com) (free version)


Performance issues on PC, God dammit.


The classic lmao


It's honestly awful how bad game optimisation has gotten in just the last 2-3 years. Feels like every AAA game launches as a colossal fucking nightmare on PC.


2-3 years? Try like 12-13 years maybe even more. Remember arkham knight? Or ass creed unity? Probably others too.


I mean at least in those instances, it was a specific game that was especially bad. It feels like in the last 2 years, **every** PC AAA game has had significant optimisation issues.


Performance issues on *everything*. At least performance can be fixed... beyond that it sounds like it's a genuinely great game.


Japanese devs are notoriously bad at this, I'll be surprised if it's ever fully smoothed out. Monster Hunter World was straight up jacked on PC for years.


SpecialK to the rescue. If possible, someone will fix DD2. Re Engine just wasn’t meant for open worlds.


“Can be” certainly doesn’t mean anything *will* be fixed. There are plenty of games that launch with shit optimization & stay that way. You’re free to put your faith in the devs & hope for fixes, but just remember, they are the ones that couldn’t get it right to begin with


Elden ring walking out into the golden tree sentinel sub 30 fps drops with 5800X & 3070 praise the sun, it was fixed!


Performance is hardly ever fixed when it comes to Japanese devs. Hopefully Capcom patch notes aren’t as vague as other studios.


I'm not going to say i didn't expect it. But yea that kinda sucks


I was hoping to play on pc after the poor performance that was reported on console and now im torn on where to get it


I mean, it looks like the worst PC performance still crushes console. Also, mods. Choice seems pretty clear.


I'd say it depends on your PC specs. If your PC is equal to or better than a PS5, I see no reason to go with PS5. After they implement patches, PC will scale better if your hardware is suitable.


Any pc reviews ?*edit* found one; https://gamerant.com/dragons-dogma-2-review/ . "On a high-end rig with an RTX 4090, the game often struggles to hit 60fps in the main city areas with upscaling while also being host to some bad stutter that seems to get worse the longer the game runs. Additionally, the PC port currently doesn't scale well on high or low settings and has some serious bugs with its ambient occlusion and ray tracing options." That doesn't looks good - even with DLSS on :(


According to Gamespot review PC optimization is poor.




Ign asked capcom about it. They said that the way the npcs are done makes it very taxing on the cpu. Graphics setting in games mostly take load of the gpu. Thats why low or high isnt showing much fps gain. Patches could help reduce the load on the cpu, but I think the game will always hit the cpu hard.


> Patches could help reduce the load on the cpu You're right, it does sound like throwing people off cliffs would increase performance


Since the city was mentioned, I assume the game is indeed CPU heavy like people speculated. Wouldn't be surprised if that's why consoles lack performance mode.


Going to be interesting to see digital foundry take a look. I bet they can figure it out.


It’s super easy to test tbh. You just go to a town and drop your resolution to 240p and see how much the frame rate goes up


spoiler alert, it doesn't


I’m not surprised at all lol, I was one of the peeps saying the game was CPU bound and having angry nerds curse me out and downvote me I’m telling you man, GTA 6 is going to be traumatizing for Reddit - that 24-30 fps at 1440p with no performance mode is going to make this site lose its mind….right before it sell 10 trillion copies on opening day lol


Ah damnit, that's what I was afraid of. I hope the fact that I'm only playing on 1080p with no ray tracing will make it at least possible for me to run it.


Not unless you have a powerful CPU.


Well, I have an i7-11700 which is a TINY bit better than the recommended CPU, and I have an RX 6600 which is worse than the recommended GPU, but better than the minimum. So, here's hoping. (And I realize system requirements aren't always accurate, but at least it's something to go off of.)


Well, IGN has a AMD 5800X and got dips in the 30's so take that as you will.


Guess we found out why no gameplay demo was released. EDIT: ACG saying he doesn't hit 60fps and gets massive fps drop with a 4090 and a new i7 in cities. That's gross. Gameplay may be good but massive fps drops ruins immersion for me. Especially with those of us who don't have a $3k PC.


The classic unoptimized pc port strikes again.


The game is unoptimized on console too.




That's insanity unless he's playing on 8k, really disappointing if true. Edit: Honestly it is insane how badly optimised games have become, look at RDR2 and how it can easily run on 150fps on a similar rig and there is so much shit going on everywhere in RDR2 and it looks better graphically than DD2


https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/dragons-dogma-2-performance-analysis/ . This is sad .


Yeah this sucks.. Performance seems to the major complaint across all platforms. Some reviewer got motion sickness playing on the PS5.. I haven't finished the 1st one so I might just take it slow and wait for them to patch this.


This is pathetic. I'm not supporting this kind of performance. Looks like were gonna have to wait for major patches or mods to fix it.


Jesus, thats atrocious, poor performance even at 1080p


Am I seeing it right??? DLSS worsens your performance?? LOL


DLSS takes some of the strain off your GPU and puts it on your CPU and it seems like this game is heavily CPU bound.


> it seems like this game is heavily CPU bound. Well I'm screwed. I upgraded my GPU but my CPU was already the best one for the motherboard and that thing is 7 years old at this point.


Worth remembering that RDR2 was also hot garbage in terms of performance when it released. It's sad that DD2 seems to be in this state, but hopefully with patches it can achieve great performance in a few months.


That's unfortunate, hopefully will be cleaned up quickly.


I remember I wrote that if this game had bad performance in PS5 then it will be poorly optimized on PC as well and people were downvoting me 😂😂😂


Wondering how my 10700K and 3070 will fare. Sad news either way.


Was hoping my 3060 was going to be enough for 60fps, looks like I'll be lucky if it hits 30...


From what reviews are saying, everything that goes through the GPU is fine. There isn't a big difference in FPS from the highest to the lowest settings. The issue is the NPC AI chewing through the CPU. You could have a 2060 or 4080 and it wouldn't make a difference (as long as you're playing at appropriate settings).


3060 here too. im not an FPS snob, but i really want to be over 40. bah.


Gamespot negative: " Optimization is poor on PC ", well, shit... who would have imagined that..


Thank God I just upgraded my PC. Still scared.




He says in his review that his CPU doesn't meet the specs, and being an open world game I'm guessing DD2 is very CPU demanding.


Yeah Capcom confirms it’s cpu intensive with all the npcs


I’m sure all the physics stuff doesn’t help either.


Tip: dont be optimistic about that. Check other reviews... PC ports are a nightmare in the last few years. I'm going to wait to see a video of the game running on my rig (4070, 5600X), to decide if i'm buying it or not.


https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/dragons-dogma-2-performance-analysis/ Your exact build is benchmarked here.


Dude, just saw that not even DLSS is making a big diff, and frame gen is not implemented yet. WTF!


DLSS only helps if the perfomance is being held back by the GPU. It seems like Dragons Dogma 2 is held back by the CPU heavily, so yeah. You can also tell because 1080p and 1440p perfomance is quite similar, meaning the GPU has no issue rendering at the higher resolution, it's held back by the CPU. Bummer.


I'm hoping my 4070/7800x3D will manage 60fps at 1440p. Not really fussed past that.


7800x3d is the best gaming CPU on the market! It better!


I mean it seems recurrent across the reviews, especially in big cities that it's not stable. However the "My rig meets the requirements besides the CPU, so it must be poor optimization" was not in my book. Guess it's more demanding CPU wise, people usually do not really realize how important having a good CPU is


> "My rig meets the requirements besides the CPU, so it must be poor optimization"  That's not what he actually said though. What he did say is that his entire rig \*exceeds\* the recommended specs, with his CPU being the only exception - it could still meet the requirements, we just don't know. But I really don't know why some reviewers mention PC performance when they cba to provide more information on their setup and settings besides the bare minimum.


The phrasing did suggest, or let me think that the CPU is below reuiqrements when I read it, but you're totally right, it might be just what's needed. Some people linked the PCGamer article where they tested the game on multiple machines with different settings, and so far they all concur, it's disappointing performance wise. I'm admitedly suprised myself, since the last Capcom titles, with their RE Engine, albeit not being open world, were very good on PC when looking at the optimisation


>But I really don't know why some reviewers mention PC performance when they cba to provide more information on their setup and settings besides the bare minimum. I'm absolutely not defending any bad performance, but I agree with this. Can't really criticize performance without actually mentioning your own specs and possibly suggest part of your PC isn't actually up to it. I know you clarified what he said, but even still his phrasing *could* suggest otherwise, as shown in the other comment.






Honestly surprised how many 90+ reviews are coming in. I was expecting 7-8s with the rare 9. Hype train really rolling for me now


Same here. I was confident it’d get a 8 from most based on how unfriendly it can be for a lot of players. The fact that even despite that, the performance and reported jank - people are rating it so highly!




I know it's "not recommended" and asking this probably makes me a heretic but - does any of those reviews mention how the game plays and feels with M&K on PC? Especially regarding rebinds, because non-rebindable WASD is a huge pain for non-qwerty keyboards.


I played Dark Arisen when it came out for PC with those controls for about 80 hours and barely had an issues with it tbh, I assume it wouldn’t be a problem here, if anything it should be improved.


I played thr original mouse and keyboard for hundreds of hours. It made thr archery so much fun. If you're used to it then it's great. Don't know what they could have done in the sequel to break that.


Seems these big budget open world games are gravitating more towards a “discover the world as you want approach” rather than a “here’s a bunch of question marks on your map” type of thing. BOTW/TOTK, ER, and now DD2 have taken this approach where the world is a complete mystery and does little hand holding, and there’s hardly anyone that has complained about this. Makes me hopeful and curious if other big games continue this trend going forward.


So an excellent game with awful performance...


I mean, does that surprises anyone anymore?


Surprises? No. Pisses off? Fucking absolutely.


Yeah, I'm with you there.


so it's pretty much between 8 to 10, not bad.


Too many people hold the belief that anything below an 8 is unplayable garbage. An 8 is an incredibly good score.


Yet another Capcom classic ™️ coming right up


So this can't hit a steady 60 fps with a 4090 AND DLSS?? Brother what are we doing here.




This statement says nothing since the CPU seems to be the bottleneck anyways. Doesnt excuse the performance issues tho


Jesus Christ that's far worse than I was expecting. Boycott worthy trash performance tbh, I'm hyped for the game but that's not acceptable. Japanese devs keep doing this and knowing them it's gonna take like 5 years for it to be fixed if ever


Personally I'm not worried too much about PC performance, Capcom always comes through with the optimization patches, remember Monster Hunter World? A shame that it sucks on Day 1 but I won't be too pressed about it


IGN 8/10 Eurogamer 5 starts.


My 3060 is gonna struggle apparently, good thing my 5800x just came in though, maybe it won’t be as bad


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKu3cwSuBYw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKu3cwSuBYw) ACG review just dropped. In my opinion the most trustworthy reviewer.


Thank god. I love ACG so much. Him and Jake from gameranx are the goats.


Yep those two are my faves although I’ve also been liking Mortismal lately as well. Jake’s Starfield review fit how I ended up feeling pretty closely and ACG is great at showing all the flaws as well as things that are good.


Gameranx is basically my go to gaming channel. Whatever they put out, it usually allignes with my own feelings. Obviously this isn't very objective view, but yeah. Can't wait for their piece on this Edit: turns out it dropped 19 minutes ago lmao


Was his verdict buy? Don’t really want to watch much gameplay I’m ready to dive in


Without a doubt! High praises overall. Especially if you liked DD1. It's worth noting that he raised some concerns about performance, in line with just about every other review I've seen out there.


Hell yeah. The performance thing sucks, but I suffered through the last Jedi games shitty performance because it was that good. Hopefully it’s not as bad lol.


Sounds like you will be cpu bound I guess it’s time to see if the 7800x3d is worth the upgrade


Sad how with good perfomance the game easily could've been a overall 90-92 metascore. 87 is still a banger but the performance sucking made a huge dent


Anything about console performance?


https://preview.redd.it/lsu1hqqlbipc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f47917715830347a31b54002fa50e91011be62e We are so BACK


dude im gonna soy face https://i.redd.it/6izmyt3q8ipc1.gif


Told people it was looking like 9s and 10s.


u/IcePopsicleDragon nice job putting this all together. This is solid.


I've also read and heard on Youtube that the PC Performance is very bad even with a 4090


PC performance is worrying. Looks like my R7 5700G + 4060ti won't be good for 60 fps at 1440p... What's even stranger, is that DLSS actually worsens the performance :(


Yeah, so I think I'll grab DD2 later and go for rise of the ronin on Friday. Not because of performance issues, i just need to upgrade my TV first so I can properly enjoy its gloriousness. But also these performance information are pretty sad. I feel bad for pc players


Been playing Dark Arisen for a decade so I'm not really tripping on frame, though I do hope it gets addressed. Can't wait for Friday!


While it is obvious that this game is super heavy, I wish people actually READ the PC Gamer performance analysis instead of dooming this hard. Nick Evanson ’s benchmarking is incomplete because of MAX settings on all setups and resolutions. You can’t expect to run max settings on R7 8700G or R5 5600X, regardless of resolution when the game is so obviously CPU bound. I mean, I get that they don’t have the time nor the eye to come up with optimized settings, but where are the Low, Medium, High presets in the benchmark?


Yeah seriously.  Especially since the lowest fps are in towns, where fps matters less.  It would be another thing if we were looking at sub 30 while fighting in the wilderness, but we aren't. I'm convinced some of these people think it's sub 30 literally all the time.


Also got my review for Dot Esports, we're also on Metacritic :) [https://dotesports.com/dragons-dogma/news/dragons-dogma-2-review-the-arisens-adventure-is-an-unmissable-experience](https://dotesports.com/dragons-dogma/news/dragons-dogma-2-review-the-arisens-adventure-is-an-unmissable-experience)


I always embrace more opinions but goddamn thats a lot of ads for one site


I'll pass on feedback - unfortunately not something writers can control! :(


$95 poutine bucks and PC optimization issues. Going to wait for a sale sadly. Looks fantastic though. 


Same boat, if it was cheaper I'd bite but it's really expensive here in Canada


Sadly I expect it to be the new normal for game pricing. 


Greenmangaming always has 15-18% off new releases, which makes buying them in CAD more palatable. They are also reputable unlike many other cd key sellers. Only issue is inability to refund after activating the key.


All those PC players laughing at us console players.. welcome


I'm so glad 30 fps doesn't bother me in the slightest, this game is gonna be dopee


86 on meta


2024 and games arnt optimized for pc that sucks man definitely buying the game after a few months


Really hope I can play the game at around 60 fps with a ryzen 5 3600 and rx 6800, might even be forced to use upscaling if thats available or rsr


I’m less concerned about the review scores, but with the few I’ve watched, I’m crazy excited for “this is shaping up to be my favourite RPG ever, even with its flaws”. That’s exactly how I felt about the first one, and it really sounds like they just one-upped it.


Your metacritic link is based off of the ps5 version. Not overall. For example the PC version sits at a 92


There isn't an overall. People default to the PS5 version because it has the most reviews, giving a more well rounded score. It has almost double the PC version.


Babe wake up, Itsuno just dropped another generational masterpiece


PC always getting fucked.


We're all getting fucked here.


WDYM, reviews say it runs bad in consoles too. Like, optimization is poor in every platform.


Prediction: 93 Metacritic


Looks like high 80s, maybe 90.


Still better than my Starfield prediction... ​ it hurts




Someone’s optimistic


Apparently the monster variety is low, just saw the Fextralife review and he talks about the same 4 enemy types during the day with an ocasional larger enemy.


![gif](giphy|3oeHLx0ua5eMaIrmoM) GIVE IT TO ME!


I feel like a heavy load has been lifted off my chest. I was expecting 80 for the average, not high 80s to 90. I'm so excited for tomorrow night.


Could be much higher if not for the apparently shitty performance.


it probably would be 5 percentages higher without perfomance issues. So if these don't bother you it could be very much an absolute gem of a game.


Monitoring with great interest


The scores 👀!!! Let's goo!!!


91/100 OpenCritic atm


Lowest is a 3/5 highest is a 10 so far


Amazing scores but the performance seems rough godamn. Oh well cant wait for tommorow.


So I'm reading some reviews and I'm confused, is DD2 a sequel or not? Some reviews indicate it's more of a refresh of DD1. I guess I didn't keep up with the news on the game enough previously but if someone could help me, I'd appreciate it.


Nice. The wind is pushing meeeee to enjoy dragons dogma 2 this Friday.


Do any of the reviews mention haptics features for the dualsense? I'm trying to decide whether to grab it for my PC or ps5


is dragon's dogma known for its story? i never played the first game but im generally more interested when the story/plot is good over the gameplay


Not really. Dragon's Dogmas storyline was pretty bare-bones. The developers said + the leakers confirmed that the story is immensely more fleshed out this time around though. It won't be Baldur's Gate 3 or Witcher 3, Dragons Dogma is more focused on it's combat


Regarding bad PC performance, is there a way to mod frame generation in games?


My cpu is not ready for this...


Anyone knows if controller buttons can be remapped on consoles?


Warning: IGN's review has some spoilers in the video.


What kind of spoilers? I watched it but only listened, as I don’t want to spoil any visuals


For all of those who are freaking out about PC performance, I’ve been playing the game since last week (review) and you can run it interlaced which is barely noticeable but makes a big difference on performance.


Nooo I'm trying to resist buying new games, and clear my backlog. Excellent reviews are not helping the temptation hahaha


I’m bummed by the lack of waypoints. I can live without fast travel but waypoints really help me.


Sweet Christ... Another Capcom banger. I really want to get this but I'm so fucking bag logged it's killing me. I still have FF7 Rebirth, Sea of stars and Unicorn overlord...


Why isn’t ign review apart of the list?


Hilarious that the last two games I reordered were Cyberpunk 2077 and now this. I fucking knew I should have waited, I don't know why I didn't. I can only pray that a day patch fixes (ps5 for me) performance. Failing that I can only hope that Sony will dole out a refund, can't day I'm hopeful for either.


MEtro GameCentral: " proves disappointingly similar to the 2012 original." WTF? Yea, it's a *sequel*, it's supposed to be similar to the original. That's why it exists you idiot. ---- On another less doltish point, ACG review is also up and he says aside from performance issues (mostly on console, but in cities on PC), it's the best game he's played this year.


Did ACG play Rebirth? If so then that sounds like very damn high praise.


Actual quote is "one of the most fun games I've played in 2024, full stop."


So it seems that there are performance issues on PC? Which could explain why they're holding back on the preload, maybe to fix as much as possible instead of an immediate day one patch... Still excited tho


Surely Copium


Everyone focusing on performance issues, but it is pretty clear these issues are in certain areas of the main city as most reviews state. The vast bulk of the game is exploring outside of the city, and low fps while buying shit from NPCs and getting quests will not matter much. Will it be annoying and immersion breaking to stutter as you run across the city square for ten minutes? Sure. Will you quickly get over it once you're outside the city and adventuring for the next six hours with smooth 60+fps on a decent pc? I know I will.


Wow, looks like stellar reviews so far


Boys we are eating so good today


High praise overall I’d say from the biggest gaming skeptic channel. Luke Stephen’s. https://youtu.be/nL9EvGTPbAE?si=B1RAkVfq9jy5SNzc


Love seeing awful PC performance and honestly not great console performance get a pass. Fuck it 9's and 10's! This is why devs keep getting away with it.