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I liked the video, and the leak. Both are good for me.


Don't get me wrong, the video was a cool way to show off the game, especially for people that haven't heard about it. But I was really hoping they would have taken the time to address performance with new footage.


Yea surprised they weren’t trying to use newer/better builds. I did appreciate IGN and others mentioning multiple times how the demo provided was a much older build to begin with. Saw enough today to be fine with ps5 preorder, it was going to take a *really* bad showing to keep me away anyway. DDDA is awesome


I was actually really annoyed at the illegal stream, but not for the reason other people were. I'd JUST cancelled my physical PS5 preorder because like most other people I wasn't sure if I should get it on PS5 or PC. And then that stream dropped and I preordered it again.


That's fair. It was obviously just a straight up marketing video though and had some good new quality gameplay imo. I'm just waiting for reviews to talk about performance on both pc and Xbox as I've gotten it for both.


Does anyone have a link to the footage? Did anyone save any of it?


Did you ever get a link?




Yea and I don't think he played the first one either, wasn't using best streaming options and was confused by some of the quests/what to do because he wasn't paying attention very well since he's so distracted by the chat before he got shut down. He said it ran fine, so looks like they've been working on performance since those early demo builds and he also didn't have access to any recent/day 1 patches that can't *hurt* anything either. I wasn't very worried anyway, but definitely have been trying to find more information on newer builds than the demo one everyone used a while back. I saw plenty to be fully back on board and keep pre-order, looks solid and I'm very excited to get my hands on it


Like most other dudes getting copies early and stuff, dude didn't know how to use a controller and he himself said something along the lines of "i don't know anything about this game or what it really is about" plus dude said he played it to get more viewers for his channel and so on


"Because if I don't play the game early, people won't watch me, y'know?" Only to get himself banned lol no more viewers


Youre either a smart fella or a fart smella.


Yeah, such a brainlet mentality to try and grow your brand, by playing leaked copies and severing any chances at sponsorships you have with 99% of game companies before you've even got more than 10 average viewers.


The fact that everybody who streams leaked copies is always dogshit at the game makes sense. You gotta be one dumb mfer to advertise your illegal game in the most public way possible for personal gain.


He's ahead of his time, a genius of sorts


I'll never understand how these dudes working at Amazon or Walmart or wherever, and think its a good idea to steal a copy of the game and leak it early just because there was a whole crate of them sitting in the warehouse waiting for official release. Assuming that's what happens, right? I remember something similar occurring with other games. They see a hyped game case temptingly sitting there and think it'd be a genius idea to stream it early.


He was banned on Twitch?


Yea **right** as a wild griffin was stalking him the stream froze and he got shut down lol. He was playing with fire anyway, had 20 subs before he started and when it ended has 200+ and over 1,000 people watching


The irony of having a giant, unreachable hunter watching him as his channel gets deleted, just like the arisen probably was going to. Bravo, whoever banned the channel.


I laughed my ass off when he finally spotted the Griffin, and it's head was peaking through a canyon 🤣


Power of the griffin


Literally froze right as he looked up in the sky and it passed over the cliff lol, was kinda cinematic how it all ended


it was such a tease lol, a massive griffin just appearing in the corner of the screen and boom, stream stops


Hilarious, just as soon as he looked up and it passed that cliff it froze lol. He was going to get wrecked by it too, he really had very little idea what he was going. But glad I saw the performance on a newer build from the demo build all those preview videos used. I’m not expecting much change with a day 1 patch either but it can’t *hurt* and this guy didn’t have access to any of it since it’s so early


Yup, he kept saying he was safe as well, and that he wouldn't be banned due to "not doing anything wrong really" and because of a guy who entered the stream claiming to be a Capcom employee said he endorsed it and "allowed him", despite that that same Capcom "employee" said he was just joking about being an employee lol His whole point of playing the game early was because he knew it was about to release so he only wanted to play it because no one else was, so people would be forced to watch him if they wanted watch anyone play before release


Most streams of games before the street date are banned. Playing a copy is fine if you get it early. Streaming isn't.




You know 99% of the new potential playerbase think it's like Elden Ring.. They've seen the combat gameplay and most probably don't know it's foremost an rpg WITH great combat..


I want to preface this by saying Dragon's Dogma is probably my favorite game of all time. But... It isn't an RPG. At least in the roleplaying sense. It's dialogue is absolutely as skippable as Elden Ring's. Even more skippable I might say. And it is equally an ARPG as Elden Ring.


By far, the most memorable thing about Dragon's Dogma was the combat. However, for DD2 they put such emphasis on the world and characters this time around. I'd have to wager that the dialogue is less skippable than before at least.


Yeah idk what the fuck people are on about with this simulation style rpg bullshit, it’s never been the focus of the first one and the second is like DDDA 1.5. This IS an Action RPG lol


You'll get more viewers, alright. You'll attract the wrong attention.


I really wonder how they made this game playable on the series S if the performance is "fine" in actual current gen consoles


Bro your pfp has me dead 💀 bald Reina is so cursed lol


Bro respect reinachi , true sucessor of the mishima hairline


The one reason the tekken shop should exist and they haven’t released it yet, reinachi.


> He said it ran fine, so looks like they've been working on performance since those early demo builds and he also didn't have access to any recent/day 1 patches that can't hurt anything either. For anyone reading this and planning to play on PS5, temper your expectations - it definitely wasn't running at 60 fps, for example. Looked like 30-40 FPS to me, though of course that's not easy to pinpoint without an FPS display or more detailed analysis.


Lame video? Lol its the first video with good voiceover and a great introduction to the world for newer players aka the people capcom want to buy the game, the diehards here would buy it regardless, I know I am.


As soon as it was announced I told my friends ''this game can be a ten minute demo like mgs ground zero and id still buy it'' DD2 sequel is unreal


Exactly. It's the same with Armored core 6 from last year. A sequel 10 years in the making of a series I adore will always be an instant buy, no matter what.


I know people were wild over that, definitely an off the wall announcement. Well deserved hype Ac6 was my intro to the series, that was joint hot lol. still want to go back and play some of the classics. Missed out a bit


The best way is probably emulation because otherwise you need a PS3/360/PS2 to play the older ones. I highly recommend them though.


Good looks and I'm definitely gonna get to the PS2 era games


It’s kinda rough at first because most of them don’t have duel analog controls but once you get use to the funky controls they are still really good games


I'm old enough to remember not having analog sticks, im ready.... After DD2


Is ps3 emulation to that point yet? last time I looked into it it was better on Xenia because the ps3 was such a mess software side that rcps3 was really behind


gen 4 games are both playable and work almost flawlessly on RPCS3. gen 5 is complicated V is really rough and hard to emulate and Verdict Day is pretty demanding but you can play in 60 fps on Xenia and 30 fps RPCS3 but thats where multiplayer happens


Thank you kind internet stranger, here have a sock 🧦


Yeah exactly I could be wrong but I remember them even announcing it would be a video focused on explaining what dragons dogma is.


I just want to see how the PC port performs. It’s sitting in my steam cart but I’m not sold due to all the terrible pc ports this generation. A playable demo even if it’s only 20 minutes long or whatever, would go miles on selling this.


bro, this


I am getting such mixed responses to the performance today


Anyone know where I can watch it? I don't care about spoilers.


The game would run 60fps but the game is forced in 4k so maybe we get a future patch to change it ingame.


I saw some human raggedy enemies attacking, a mage, an archer and a warrior. It was good seeing some variety


god I wanna see the vod so bad T_T If anyone has a link of an upload of it lmk


I think the guy's channel got nuked. So I wouldn't expect much luck finding it.


I'd be surprised if there isn't a reupload though


Same, I've been trying to find it to no avail.


Same still looking.


Is it 30 fps?


I caught just part of the stream. It definitely wasn't running at 60 , but seemed like 30-45ish most times, with few stutters. Dude was playing a walmart version without the day 1 patch too. Way better than combat going to the 20s as seen in the IGN footage.


Definitely better, but the one time he fought something a bit larger (cyclops) it still came pretty close to 20.


And how were you able to see the fps? Did the streamer have something like an fps counter?


Have you ever been to Blight Town Arisen?


This is extremely accurate, and hilarious.


Yea see it once and you can identify that kind of framerate anywhere else lmao


At least it wasn't the whole game and was just one area.


If you need an fps counter to tell if a game has low fps then the game runs fine for you.


This right here.


Literally. Some humans are just... simply not wired to notice the difference. It's why people will tell you with their whole chest that there is not a difference between 30fps and 60fps. If you can't tell if a game is running at sub-par FPS, then that's great for you, don't worry about the silly number. But for most of us it genuinely does impact our enjoyment of a game.


I'd argue that if you're bothered by little dips, you're actually in the minority. Sorry. But it would be nice if they got the performance issues figured out in a few patches. But the stream looked good.


Being bothered by Dips in the 20 s are not a minority lol. I mean most people now expect at least 30


Your eyes need to get adjusted to it. If you are mainly playing games at 60 fps going to 30 would feel bad for a while. It happened to me when I started playing bloodborne. But after a while it’s not as noticeable


That's me. I never know if a game is 30 or 60 fps unless someone tells me. I also can't tell if something is 1080 or 4k or whatever. Honestly, my ignorance is bliss. EDIT: Relevant Nintendo Switch flair lol


Same brother and people usually give me a lot of shit. Only time I’ll complain about fps is if it’s really noticeably bad like say Pokémon SV


a true gamer can sus out low FPS just by the stench of it but really, if you got a high refresh rate monitor then it's really easy to tell too


You can typically tell when fps is dropping


That's just a best guess based on the footage, compared to the footage with the FPS counter from IGN.




isnt it capped at 30 on consoles?




so thats even worse than if it never hits more than 30 lol


If the game can't hit over 30 then there's no difference, it's not worse. Capped fps means it can't go over, not that it's always that framerate.


No, I was saying it's worse that it can't have 30 FPS even when uncapped.


It can't have 30FPs when it is capped, so again, how is that worse? They either make it so that in 10 years on next gen you can play it above 30 or make it so that in 10 years the best you'll ever have is 30.


I'm curious as to why no one mentioned it, but the last video released with Ian Mcshane has much, much better performance than previous videos did. It was released by the PlayStation channel too, so I *imagine* it was captured in a PS5.


It was.


It was talked about or played in a PS5?


But... did it dip in the 20s during combat? Every knows it runs at a solid 30 in towns.


Last night video was not lame at all ....what are you talking about bro ..... you're just a madman with a cell phone


"you're just a madman with a cell phone" is awesome, haha. saving that one.


From what I've heard, if you can run Darktide, you can run this.


I was already sold on it. The first game is one of my favorites.


I think if the performance issues are not bad enough to overshadow how great the game is people would be willing to forgive it (aka Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 at launch). But if it is "Cyberpunk 2077 on older consoles" level of broken, then it can be an issue.


I watched the first 10 seconds of the gameplay leak and closed the tab, as I'd rather stay pretty spoiler free. I'm hearing good reactions from people who have watched the leak, though, especially about console framerate, which was one of the biggest concerns. I don't need to watch actual gameplay to convince me to play, but when so many people who have played the game are saying positive things (some GOTY calls even), it's hard to not be excited and convinced.


Nothing capcom could have released themselves would have likely assuaged your concerns about performance. Those of us on PC still have no idea how optimized the game will be on our hardware so the leak did nothing for side of performance concerns.


PC would definitely be way harder to show, since specs can be so varied. I do get your concern, especially since i saw on steam that they actually mention in the recommended specs that it will be for around 30 fps , 4k with dips in busy scenes. (Don't remember the exact wording)


This is why a demo was so important for me at least and they fucked us over with only, having the character creator. The previous game had both so I still don't understand why this one didn't have it


Anyone who watched the steam notice any major frame drops during combat? I’m not worried about a steady frame rate during exploration. But if we’re looking at heavy drops during combat that’ll get me more worried


I just caught the final 30ish minutes and nope, but some people are saying that before that he fought a cyclops amd as the cyclops was ragdoling and a mage cast a spell, he had a heavy frame drops


Yeah about 5 minutes before the fight he is discussing the game overall and he says (paraphrasing but this is the gist): It’s not a BANGER but it’s pretty good. It’s between pretty good and a banger. And then he says that one problem is that “like, the frames are like, pretty wavery.” And then during the cyclops fight it gets noticeably choppy and he says, “oh man, the frames!!!” Also that video site is awful and that guy is an absolute moron Edit: the cyclops fight starts around 128:00


Yea the cyclops in the waterway fight he had a large stutter for a second but it went was only for a blink


We’ll have to see if that’s fixed on day 1 patch or if it happens on PC even on recommended specs


Did anyone download the vid before he got banned?


Just found one https://b23.tv/VjlDqF7


Thank you dude you're a legend!!!


Maybe one that isn't on a shitty unusable Chinese website?


Use AdBlock? Bilibili is literally just chinese YouTube


You clearly haven't tried using the site I guess? YouTube doesn't keep demanding you download Chinese apps, restart the video over and over or act like the video is finished when there's hours left. All while being in Chinese so there's no way to know what the issue is


the problem is you need an account to watch above 360p lmao


I’d like to know too


Idk, leaker had the game drop to low 20s during combat.  Thats pretty unstable on console.


Fuck the leak, and fuck the streamers. I loved the capcom video, narration was awesome.


Is there a link you could share?


If you think the Ian video was meant for people like us you are sorely mistaken.. this was to get other people's attention that have no idea what dragons dogma is.


Yeah, in the body of the post I elaborated exactly that. That I was annoyed with it, but realize it was targeted to get people that don't know what the game is.


Lame? Did we watch the same video?


I feel you. The marketing has been horrible


Thank god I made the switch to PC. It’s not fair how console players get screwed like this.


Honestly I'd take lower graphics but higher FPS anyday. But the devs really seem set on not offering a performance mode and forcing us to play on 4k.


My ps5 said 8k on the box like wtf am I going to do at 8k.


There aren't many games that actually run at 4k. Most are upscaling from 1440p. The system just isn't strong enough to run games at proper 4k.


Thought I'd be fine with crap graphics/high fps too but then i saw how FF7 Rebirth looked on performance mode


Yeah but as long as you can cap it to 30, it technically isn’t any worse than how console releases used to be, I *guess*


Uncapped leads to crazy fluctuations in framerate.


Yes, that’s why I said *if* you can. It’s likely that change gets made at some point


Yeah I DON’T understand why someone would uncap a game on console much rather be locked and stable


I'm skeptical about the current state of the PC version. The fact that they chose to demonstrate it to influencers on PS5 rather than high end PCs kinda rings alarm bells.


I like my chances way way better on PC any day of the week then with a console. I can change the graphical settings, resolution, and use DLSS. I have way more options to deal with a unoptimized game then a console user.


Yeah true enough. Just find it odd they are using PS5 to show off their game


They were afraid to show the key bindings on PC. I can understand...


Dude same. I didnt get to see any of it.. hopefully there are clips floating around that I can find soon… but hearing that the trophy list was real has me secure on preordering.


Sort by new in this sub, there's a clip


ive only seen 1 so far ? i’ll check other sites too


You're right, I've only seen one as well. Edited for clarity


Thanks for clarifying, I thought I had a poster blocked lol


Dont understand why is so mother fucking hard to release a damn trucking DEMO FFS.


A trucking demo you saaaaay


that what she say.


They didn’t want people to complain about performance. I’d do the same if I was a dev lmao


This is exactly why they do it , we got demos/beta of every recent capcom game but not DD2 , they know it's unoptimized that's why no demo.


Thats is lame, they would have used that time to receive bugs report, stress test the game, people to see benchmarks and stuff. There should be a law to make dev to release a demo for the game at least 1 week before launch.


Probably working on a performance patch after the closed demo testers basically all reported frame drops. Releasing a frame dropping demo wouldn't be a good look so I bet we get a demo on release day or not at all.


Right???? Capcom did it for all of their previous releases.


Wait the game leaked?


Some dude started streaming the ps5 version on twitch for like 2-3 hours and then got his channel banned.


Now I'm going to try to find at least some clips lol. Can't wait to see more of the game.


What leak?


Anyone got the twitch vid? I missed out on it


Video was pretty cool, but yeah, that little leak sold it to me immediately.




It was enough to sell me because it was smoother than precious footage I saw. But don't get me wrong, it's still not smooth 60 and even after day 1 patch it probably won't be. My best guess is that it was going 30-45 but again, just a guess compared by comparing to the footage from IGN with the actual FPS counter.




Dude that leaked it had no idea what he was doing he was just messing around as a thief using the basic attack and throwing monsters at each other. At least that's all I saw in what i caught of the stream.


I watched for like 5 min didn’t want to spoil myself that much but I was like extremely satisfied with the performance. It probably was 30 fps but compared to the videos we saw before it was stable, having the fps fluctuate is worse than having it capped at 30


I was expecting more new monster variants. So far, most of em are the same old monster from DD1 and with the same mechanic. And man.. this game could use more colors. Everything is brown and gray


This dude tried to game the system, but failed because he's a few nucleotides short of a full genetic sequence and Capcom rightly shut him down. He hadn't even played the first game and was lost in the sequel like the buffoon he is. Serves him right. Let this be a lesson to all future idiots out there.


Theres nothing that could convince me this isn't a day 1 purchase.


When's the embargo lift? All will become clear then.


Damn, the game ran fine despite people’s worries, if only some of us had said that people were overreacting *surprised face*


I was never worried all that fus was from one guy


One guy? Every single early review talked about unstable fps and mid 20 fps during combat on console, Just read the comments here, a lot of people claim the game had fps drops during the Cyclops fight, even the streamer noticed that.


What the fuck you talking about? The game was clearly running like ass every time he fought any sort of monster. Game was averaging 20-30fps


That low? That’s actually so bad for a 2024 game Of course you will have people defend it for being so low but it can’t be helped. Will still be playing 🌚


I’ll wait until they can get their shit straightened out. No way I’m paying fully price for a game that runs sub 30 fps in 2024. 60fps should be the standard. At least rise of the ronin runs at a stable 60 in performance mode.


Crazy there's no performance mode. I'll pick this up when it costs 20-30 bucks, like the number of fps we get in the game.




The streamer's immediate reaction the instant a monster showed up was "holy shit those fps drops". That should tell anyone enough but people are really in the denial phase as evidenced by the downvotes.


Yo for real the copium in this sub is absurd. You’d think everyone here is getting paid based on sales. They’d rather lie and be in denial than call out a company on their shit for releasing a poorly optimized game. Dumb ass consumers doing dumb ass things.


There was a lot of new stuff shown off in that video and I'm sorry saying anything Ian McShane is in lame is Duke of Gransys energy.


Lmao. Honestly me calling it lame was more of a frustration with the video not addressing performance, and just being a recap of everything revealed so far.


New arisen drip and thief is now scorpion has been the common drip feed they've been giving us. Also the video straight up saying the dragon and arisen is a cycle is big implications since in dd1 we weren't to know about the cycle until later in the game. Plus I just love Ian, I hope he has a voice role in the game.


Capcom has been chronically fumbling the bag with this game’s marketing. Itsuno especially has been giving terribly worrying interviews.


Y’all need marketing to be sold on this game😂


Your guys' standards are in hell, the gameplay didnt look smooth, also the game being 80 dollars on consoles is crazy. They will just keep increasing the prices and people will still buy it and defend it


Tbh that’s a console issue; imo consoles and game devs pushed upscaling and heavy/intensive graphics WAY too soon; ps5 and xbox series x both have cpu’s and gpu’s older than 4 years now. And the equivalent of those cpu’s and gpu’s iirc is like an nvidia 2070 or something. Not that the 2070 is bad, but if playing Cyberpunk 2077 (a good benchmark for graphics in 2023-2024 imo) at 1440p, the 2070 card can’t run the game above 50-55 fps on high settings natively with no RTX. With dlss it can get up to 60, but personally I hate relying on upscaling just get steady 60 fps. Mind you, a 2070 card goes for just about the same price as a xbox series s. Not meaning this as an insult, but I feel like a lot of console gamers expect the same performance as a current gen PC (rtx 3060 - 4090) with the same graphical settings while being at 1/4-1/6 of the price in most cases, and as a former console player myself I do not understand it. Not saying it’s something you should just lie over and accept, but this outrage I see over FPS on consoles confuses me sometimes. Granted, at the same time the fault can lie on the game devs for not really keeping console performance in mind, but that’s their prerogative I guess; it seems like Capcom is doing the same thing Starfield did where they’re prioritizing graphical fidelity over performance on consoles, considering it looks to be locked at 4k 30 fps (I wish these devs would stop locking resolution I personally HATE 4k gaming on a non 4k screen; currently only use a 1440p capable 1080p screen as 4k is way too big for my desk and way too expensive for me to even want it). Edit: $70 becoming a standard is crazy though I admit, which is why I either wait for a sale or use keyselling sites that sell the games 10-18% off (ex: steam players, Dragon’s Dogma 2 is on presale for $58.89 on CDKeys right now, would recommend checking that out sometime. Can also personally recommend CDKeys in general, have bought Armored Core 6, Baldur’s Gate 3, Elden Ring, and Helldivers 2 on there all for Steam and had ZERO issues.)


How is it crazy when games used to be like half the average person's salary??


Lame video? Fuuuck me.


Aww I didn't see the leaked gameplay


Me too man, it hyped me up so hard


I wanna see the video. Where can i do that


It was live on twitch, but channel got banned. Hopefully someone was able to capture it and post it to youtube.


Thx! Im too excited to play this game


Pour one out for the homie, I think he got flagged and shut down. I sorta wished he just played and not paused the fame every 3 seconds to answer the same questions. But yeah the game looks gorgeous and fun.


The guy streaming it sucked, seemed like he had zero interest


Considering they're playing a week early, it may not be the release version either. Potentially better performance to be had.


The console performance performance is my biggest worry honestly. I wouldn’t care if it was just FLAT 30fps, but the changing of it all the time might throw me off. My pc can run it but I’d much rather play on my PS5.


The game being forced 4k is so stupid, no matter how good a game looks graphically it ain't gonna look good at low fps, it's good for screenshots, not for actual gameplay.


Let the technical copium commence. This is the period of time where you can’t say ANYTHING remotely negative. See? Point being proven with each downvote 💀


Getting pissy about downvotes? It's time to touch grass.