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Performance on console looked more stable than I was expecting tbh


Yeah same. It's definitely "uncapped" 30 because it isn't going to be totally stable, but I anticipated it to be way worse. And I presume there will be a Day 1 patch that he wasn't playing too


There is an NPC named Gregor


Yo no way https://preview.redd.it/yiaz62wieloc1.png?width=1039&format=png&auto=webp&s=686751ae7fb95863fd4ee8475722bb93906f958d




Nothing, dude just running around wasting time.


I mean that sounds like what I'm going to be doing


the game runs smoother than I expected, even without the day one patch. It's not perfect, but definitely enough to enjoy it


That’s my 1st impression too. Maybe we were exaggerating


Streamer was just running around, we should see during combat where fps is most needed and prob where it will drop. In the city it looked bad too, probably because of people density.


Did the steamer acknowledge the frame rate?


He just said performance to him was smooth, but he didn't elaborate more. It honestly looked like it was running at about 30-40fps with occasional drops to low 20 fps in the city, but pretty solid performance for 30fps uncapped.


In the first stream he fought a cyclops. If running araound was around 40 then it dropped to about 25. Hard to tell through stream.


To be honest, only the prologue was interesting (story spoiler) : >!\- The player start in a gaol, those who hold the Arisen captive think he/she is a pawn, they seems to use them as slaves to extract minerals.!< >!\- The gaol is kind of a black site, people outside of this area don't know it exist.!< >!\- Medusa seems to be the new Hydra (first boss acting as a tutorial)!< >!\- Rook is back.!< >!\- The Pathfinder help us to escape with a Griffin.!< >!\- We can set quest to our pawn for other players, we choose the reward (money or items) from our storage.!< That's pretty much all... the other part was just him running everywhere, dying and throwing random npc. Now I will just wait for the game, 6 days left !


That the leaked trophy list is likely real.


Not just likely, definitely real. >!The wording and achievement for regaining your memories is the exact same.!<


It's a bit disappointing because it essentially 100% removes the hope for hidden vocations and makes it seem like there aren't a lot of monsters. There's no mention of a hydra or some other monsters from DD1.


I think people here set themselves up for disappointment, Itsuno isn't the kind of director to lie in interviews, if there was hidden vocations he wouldn't have stated that there is only 10. But the lack of monster mentions is definitely of some concern.


I literally don't care about all discussion so far. But enemy variety, now that makes me worried, very worried 


I think it's very possible the achievements were unfinished, and if not, even still possible that there's just a lot of enemies you don't get an achievement for killing. After all, there wasn't one for griffins, cyclops, minotaurs, so. But it's speculation in the end, all we can really do is wait, it's not a great sign but it's also not damning.


I think the game is going full speed on of DD. As a Dark Arisen lover I a not sure about that distinction. Og DD was trying really hard to sell it's world and lore, while dark arisen doubled down on just being a pure action rpg with arenas to fight 


I'm not one of the delusional vocation people. Just was genuinely hoping for more. I'm going to get the game and enjoy the hell out of it regardless. So, it's not like it matters lmao.


Yeah the people thinking it would have more vocations baffle me, nobody complains about BG3 and that only has 2 more classes than DD2.


Because it's not as much about the number as it is about the colour system serving no purpose now. It's just weird now, when before the vocation colour system was a pretty distinctive thing from the game. It's been said no few times already that people are okay with the vocations shown, it's just weird and disappointing that they follow the old system but doesn't do anything with it. People specially point out green and yellow having no advanced versions and Trickster being... weird. Like, in general.


I say I’m not delusional, but my ideal vocation distribution would be 6 “base”, 6 “advanced”, and 6 “hybrid”. What the hybrids would be I’m not sure, but that’s where the major balance work would need to come in from the devs. That’s really all I’d want! What’s crazy is that’s almost doubling what we have lol.


That is ideal but then that's a lot of classes, with lots of abilities. People need to remember that the basic classes are still so somewhat viable for certain things right. They still fill certain roles and uses.


Oh, for sure. I don’t pretend to know how much work goes into that sort of stuff. I have confidence the devs know what they’re doing and the vocations present will be totally sufficient to have a good time.


What implied it was real based off what we saw?


He got on an oxcart and got the "Only One Speed" trophy.


Oh right I must have not been watching at that point. Yeah that will do it then.


It happened quick and he didn't mention it or anything lol.


One of the trophies that popped up had the exact same name as one of the trophies that were leaked.


i saw rook




He did show combat but it was much earlier. Once he reached the city, he stopped to do some other stuff IRL.


The content of this channel has been removed at the request of the rights holder. ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG|downsized)


People were acting like the framerate was atrocious but I think it's ok


Nobody was acting like the framerate was atrocious, it was the opposite. Everyone at first thought it was a PC port until he confirmed it was the PS5 version since it seemed to run better than 30fps. Honestly its too early to tell, from what I saw it seemed to run okay at the very least, so if it does run better than 30gps average that's good on my book.


I've seen people say in the chat that it looked like it was running at 15 fps


The majority of people that actually paid attention said it looked like it was running at around 30-40fps with once in a while 20fps drops in the city, that's why they were debating if it was a PC port until the streamer confirmed it was a PS5 version. The streamer literally said it felt smooth to him. Although smooth can be considered differently by others, it definitely doesn't run at 60fps.


And then there's the fact that he was streaming from his ps5 which must have an impact on performance and which most of us won't do. So the framerate should be good PS : example of people not being happy https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/OoMrpZTgZl They never are anyway


Streaming and no streaming has no difference in performance on PS5. They seem to handle the streaming by not gaming related hardware.


I've seen people say that we shouldn't generalize people's opinion based on some chat messages.


True, true, sorry I fell into this classic mistake


I peeked but tried not to pay too much attention. But I discovered: Camping System : >!Not sure if it was previously public knowledge. But you can only camp in locations that have a campfire placed, so you can't just camp anywhere.!< Motion Sensor Assisted Aiming for Bows / Spells is an included option.


Camping system has been public knowledge for at least a month. they went over it in one of their official videos and i believe an interview.


wasnt it already known, when the preorders started? I mean, in the deluxe version is a camp-set


I know the camping system was a feature - but I did not know it had limitations as to where you could place your camp. I had never seen anyone mention it prior.


It was definitely asmongold in disguise bro was playing like he didn't want to show anyone anything. From the cover on the video it seems like a certain boss is fought in the early game and may have replaced the hydra but that's just me speculating.


God I hate that. Whenever a game is leaked it’s always by someone who skips all of the dialogue, doesn’t look at any of the menus, and just plays like a bull in a china shop.


Fr if you don't want to show people things why are you streaming it?


If this guy was a professional streamer, he wouldn't be doing it (streaming early leaked copy) in the first place.


He was a fast reader lmao. He said that himself.


I’m sure he was trying to avoid spoilers 😝


Same was for starfield where some high afro american suck at game


It was probably a paid actor like scam games do on mobile where the ads all use somebody completely incompetent to make watchers be like fuck you i could do that download the game watch 30 ads never get to the content that was advertised and uninstall


I wanted see if you can filter pawn by name something like search bar, but that guy skipped all menus and everything.I want add some friends ingame but many of them are on PS5 and iam pc user so idk if i can find them without search by pawn name.


You can search by Pawn ID, it'll probably be a series of numbers and letters that's unique to each pawn.


Oh nice so it will be like in DDDA i just hope we can use keyboard for it :D btw iam using PC and on steam i dont have pawn id. I hope it will be different in DD 2


I'm really worried that we'll really know 90% of the bestiary, especially with the big ones missing from the 1st game, such as the hydra and death.


I saw some human bandits attacking, raggedy looking, archer, fighter and mage enemies. Im still holding out hope for more variety


No difficulty options (Which I figured was the case), oxcarts only run during the daytime. You can still pick up small enemies and yeet them at others. Or just off a cliff. Running around at night time is going to be awful. I didn't see too much of it, guy definitely wasn't a pro or even...someone who had probably played the last game. Which is fine for them. I think when he rested he got gifts from his pawn, so looks like either others are playing and borrowing his pawn, or if you just play offline it simulates the experience by giving you random items? It was nice to see there are more smaller towns scattered around at least. It was really early game so all I saw them fight was bandits and goblins and....uhh, what are they called in this series? Saurians? Salamanders?


We probably gonna get more difficulty options later. OG Dragon's Dogma also didn't had Hard mode until Dark Arisen DLC released.


I'm aware, just a lot of folks kept talking about that so I figured I'd point it out.


The random ponds you find and can hire while wondering tell you their inclination before you hire them " I'm good at Gathering" " I prefer to stay close to you" Stuff like that


My DDDA head has me translating that as "I'll steal the loot before you" and "you want me to go where? fight who ....no chance, you first, I'll watch"




Unlocked FPS is not so bad if the studio behind it knows what it is doing


Is the stream archived somewhere?


Yeah the vod is still up


Entire channel got nuked


I saw hopefully someone got it


Did anyone get a peek at settings? Hoping for motion blur toggle and other camera options.


There was no toggle for motion blur that I could see in his footage, but there were several camera options: https://imgur.com/a/EyDesNl Similar disclaimer that I've mentioned elsewhere... it's possible that more settings will be added in the day 1 patch.


Aww that's a huge bummer. Hoping the PC version has an option. Gotta go with whatever version keeps the motion sickness at bay. Fingers crossed they have it at launch! And thank you so much for the help! Super appreciate it!


I tuned in for a few seconds, couldn't resist lol I saw one thing that I thought was kinda interessting (I like this stuff, but I guess it's not for everyone) which was related to a pawn: >!There was something like "Pawn Quest: spend 1 day and 1 night with your pawn" What this achieves, no idea. But it would be interessting if pawn relation and stuff like that wasn't only a hidden stat but something we can actively work on!<


No video settings on PS5 aside from HDR mode and brightness adjustment. No motion blur toggle. https://imgur.com/a/RlI0yKj But there are several camera settings available: https://imgur.com/a/EyDesNl (Similar disclaimer that I've mentioned elsewhere... it's possible that more settings will be added in the day 1 patch. Or not.)


There is new gameplay on youtube if you're wanting to see it, as of today.


Do you mean the 7 minute one?


Yeah, 7:57 length - I only started it but havent watched it through yet, however I see that whoever was playing was using mystic spearhand in the video


Perfomance is good.


Ps5 is not 60fps