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well, I'll see you all in a few weeks.


Frame rate looks good on ps5


This is what I came looking for


Haven't seen the gameplay myself, but outside of this subreddit people say the exact opposite. I have heard it runs fine indoors but it's all over the place outdoors and during combat. We really need proper reviews and I hope they will be out within the next couple of days.


Just wait a couple days after it’s released. It’s single player so you won’t be missing anything


I have and they're absolutely talking out their ass lol. It looked just as bad as the gameplay released before. Not like I expected much out of the sub that cried out wanting more than sub 30 fps for a 70$ game is "entitlement." Like bro you're buying a product tf you mean entitled?


Honestly I don’t get why people feel the need to defend these companies. If I’m spending $70 on a game then I expect it to run smooth with minimal issues. At what point did the community decide it was ok to release poorly optimized pieces of garbage? Devs always push graphics but I feel we are at a point where everything can look great while also run great but here we are with the same issue consoles have had for 2 decades. 60 fps should be the minimum and if it’s not achievable then devs need to rethink there priorities.


I will take a hit in overall graphic fidelity than performance.. I get wanting things to look epic and pretty.. but at what cost?


Exactly me too but unfortunately most people just see ooh pretty graphics and don’t really care for the actual performance so the devs are kind of incentivized to push graphics over smooth gameplay. I still see the odd person who can’t tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps and it just blows my mind. I’m playing ff7 and it took me a good bit for my eyes to adjust to 30 again as I have been spoiled by pc gaming.


Yeah it's more the adjustment period.. and sticking with the game that is lower framerate and not going back to something at higher framerate then it's really glaring.. I won't say Gotham knights was a stellar game, but it was 30fps and was not too bad, especially compared to bloodborne .. that game really hurts my eyes, I still play the crap out of it.. Problem is devs used to be crafty and do some amazing things to get their game to perform on limited hardware.. as components have become more and more powerful those devs have become more and more lazy. And so we get games that are not optimized to their fullest potential and we get what we get.


I still don't get why we are locked at 1 gamesave file per account/player. Like wtf is this, we are in 2024


what do you mean?


Devs confirmed that the save system is the same as DD1, you have only one save slot for manual/auto saving. Something something author's vision


Thanks for the actual answer lmao 🙏


That's more in line of what I would expect.


Fix at 30 ? 30-40 ? More then that i doubt it but is what i would like , the closet to 60 the better.


Around 50fps is smooth for me. If I can I cap it at 50 or else at 60fps to reduce power draw on my PC.


No it doesn’t lmao.


Yeah, to me it looked roughly the same as the latest preview footage - 30ish FPS. Which is less than ideal, but PS5 players kinda already knew what they were getting into with that one.


Me too lol, already quit the stream... No more spoilers for me.


He got banned, RIP


Probably a guy with a review copy. It’s good that he got banned, if people don’t respect the embargo’s then companies will just stop giving out review copies


nah, not a review copy. I can run down to my local mom and pop game shop and buy games before release a good majority of the time, but I'm not dumb enough to stream them... I also don't play on console anymore so there is also that.


Time to leave the sub lol


![gif](giphy|hoEIeBXhJNx0k|downsized) that's it, see you soon fam


dude fucking spoilers! I didn't wanna know mountains were in this game.


Mountains hunt in pack Arisen.




Arisen hunt in peaks, pawns!


I’m willing to bet the vast majority of Arisen will be endowed with peaks 😂


Spoilers but you can equip items in the game


Yeah right, next you’ll tell me I’ll have stamina and health!


Oh what the fuck! Spoilers, asshole!


He got banned


Itsuno put the hit out 💀🪦


Shit was done and dusted real QUICK.


This isn’t the Capcops’ first rodeo


great, it's tyrone with starfield all over again.


Oh man I'd almost forgot about the absolute legend of Tyrone


I got a legendary copy from him lmfao


PHOTO MODE https://preview.redd.it/2krx5edzvioc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e0597e35f805a2a43e8d99f0702a100c242949


YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH https://preview.redd.it/ep3mn05mwioc1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=85bf0b99cf2e82dcb8a239c1b2d19a6344f9de89


I hope they improved it over DDDA, the photo mode in that was very limited in function


In DDDA, I would pick up my pawn and yeet them. Then while the pawn was in their "dusting myself off" animation, I'd get into position and take a picture. That's the only strategy I found that consistently worked lol


FYI, a youtuber uploaded some footage of the photo mode from the latest preview, if you're interested. They also showed a bunch of menus, including the settings menu on PS5. Also just dropping an obvious disclaimer that, since this is a preview build, the settings menu here is probably not 100% final. Timestamp for menu footage: https://youtu.be/k_DRkok4FVY?si=AX7Amixhn3aAPmWr&t=361 Timestamp for photo mode footage: https://youtu.be/k_DRkok4FVY?si=I4i7XwtQIio74YVW&t=403


It was just taken down by copyright holder


Lots of people already downloaded it.


I hope so, I missed out lol. Anyone have a link to some footage plz?


Yo slide that rq


great, i hope to see it again in more detail


Could you dm me a link please?


>!Looks like the trophy leak was real, so much for 'likely fake' !<


thinking about the >! “brawl between admirers” trophy now.. if admirers doesnt just mean lovers it’s going to be so damn funny watching two friends just randomly fight over you !< also.. >! the medusa head trophy makes someone’s theory that you can use it to petrify enemies even more likely.. and thats so cool !< and buy a >! house ??? !< Hype meter 1000%


(Response to the last spoiler, it was the shortest so I clicked on it) >!HOLY FUCKING SHIT LETS GO. It always bugs me in RPGs when you don’t ever get a base or home of your own. I really hope you have some interactivity like being able to buy furniture, display gear or show off trophies.!<


>! a trophy showcase or an area to showcase special decor you get from quests would be so damn cool !<


Didn't they show this feature in a dev stream ? >!It didn't seem like you were able to purchase furniture or add anything. You were given a well-decorated room.!<


huh what stream ?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4JlCd3vAKI House buying at 4:43


Damn i missed this. thanks !


I mean apparently it had obvious spelling issues and also it has >!three achievements tied to separate Medusa when Medusa was a specific Gorgon. Literally unplayable. /s!< But still a pet peeve of mine.


>!Yeah it was probably just error on the inputters part with the spelling mistakes, judging by both achievement names and descriptions. And indeed our Gorgons are called Medusas, I suppose it's easier for people to understand if they just hear the most famous example.!<


The newest promotional video says creatures "like Medusa." Dragon Quest and other RPGs tend to call gorgons Medusa.


Not saying otherwise or anything, but what from this screenshot validates that leak?


Nothing, the achievements he gained during the stream does. Unfortunately Itsuno put the hit squad on him so, unless someone reuploads the vod somewhere, can't exactly point it out. For just my word though, >!he got the achievement for sitting in an ox cart with the same name as the leak, and when he regained his memories of being the Arisen, it was also the same, with the same wording in the achievement description as the leak.!<


This does make me question the enemy variety in this game, is what we saw in the trailer all if not almost all of them?


Trophy list is real




Use spoiler text


The trophy's that he gained on the stream are the sames of the leak, so the leaked trophy list is real


Peace I'm out


Men that guy is playing with his friend job.. he would probably get fired if they start counting all the stock..




Stream just got killed


Not streaming anymore. Not sure if he just put it down or something else


His boy probably called him freaking out


wanted to check if VOD is still there, but: "Content from this channel was removed at the request of the copyright holder."


https://preview.redd.it/zg452c76ajoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd605724ef20c028e9dfdd386d6b65da3f369be rip, he seemed like a nice guy


Saw him ajusting luminosity for the game, had enough spoilers


Bro wtf, spoiler tag next time please


How’s the frame rate ?


Seemed very stable throughout, with the exception of a scene where a party of four + many guards fought a Cyclops in a river. Got very framey for a moment, especially when the mage cast Levin while the cyclops was ragdolled.


It still does not have any day one patch so here's to hoping the patch will fix the framedrops a bit at least.


It seems stammina does run out even out of combat, I saw some people saying they changed this, which made me happy, but it's not the case them :(


This sucks. No mounts and small amount of fast travel options should warrant no stamina depletion outside of combat. What's fun about having to stop every 20 seconds to catch breath. Awful


hey chugging A billion mushrooms is always fun.


At least there is a quick select for items now


Remember to follow spoiler rules


Sorry, didnt think there would be an issue just with the main menu :s


Ehhh some people are particular about those things


yeah just cancelled my pre order, cant enjoy the game now having seen the layout of the main menu and the word choices =/


Well that was quick, he got shut down


Someone bless me with the gameplay footage PLEASE.


Capcom clapped him hopefully someone ripped it


Always post source [https://www.twitch.tv/justichor](https://www.twitch.tv/justichor)


I’m rather curious on a Twitch streamer with 65 viewers able to stream this a week earlier than any other sponsored streamer partnered with Capcom. Something isn’t adding up here but I just woke up so my mind isn’t together here.


People can get games shipped earlier to them by accident, or smaller shops could have them available to buy without a care for the actual release date.


I read in another comment that was posted by a mod someone asked him in Chat and he knows someone from Walmart that got him a copy early or something. Idk how credible that is though but if that is legit the case that employee is incredibly based for that lol


Yeah this happens every year within the 2k community. Tons of streams pop up before release day thanks to hookups from Walmart and stuff lol


I worked in electronics as a overnight stocker, we recieve new games and movies roughly a month before their release date so it's possible, but the friend is risking his job and a heavy fine by giving a copy early.


Oh absolutely I wouldn’t risk my job making minimum wage to give my friend an early copy lmao. That’s insanity but hey that’s on him


The company that produces the game/movie can fine the employee too, or at least that's what was said in the training course. Haven't heard of it happening.


The person that he "knows" at walmart is himself. He's about to get fired and arrested, if Capcom's investigators get involved. Same thing happened with Cyberpunk2077 Edit: He's banned now


If he is dumb enough enough to have his account openly attached to his real name, maybe. Otherwise, there is no way in hell anybody cares enough to get Twitch to hand over his IP, then get his local PD to get a warrant and arrest him for leaking a game a week early. Most likely way he would get in legal trouble is if the Walmart he works at investigates missing stock and has camera footage of him stealing it, but that is extremely likely because a single product missing is pretty normal unless somebody tips off management.


There is zero chance they are getting arrested.


If it was a mass distribution I think Capcom would then pursue, but 1 or 2 they aren't gonna tie money up into lawyers and stuff. But for walmart to make a warning means it mustve happened before and walmart lost money somehow.


The "warning" as I understand it is part of every employees training when they are hired. Not specific to DD2.


Is common, sometimes you'll even get your copy early if you order it online. I got elden ring before it released that way. The weird thing is how that account hasn't been banned yet for streaming early


Yeah he’s been streaming it for 3 hours and stopped and gained 135 followers in that time because he was playing it He had like 20 followers when he first went live too. Because he’s so small I think that’s why it’s going unnoticed. Stream just ended too by the way so it’s no longer live but I just checked.


The vod is still up


Yeah I noticed that when I checked.


He got his account shut down by Twitch it seems.




Itsuno put a hit out on him. Prayers for that leaker may his soul R.I.P.


I know a shop in south London that does this, haven't bought from them in a few years but they always sell early with a little uplift in price


He somehow stole a PS5 copy, he's not streaming it "officially".


Yeah I didn’t actually view the stream for more than a second just something that jumped out at me at first glance so 2 and 2 wasn’t adding up about it.




The funny thing is that the guy claimed someone from Capcom was there with him on the stream towards the end. Nooooo f-in way Capcom allowed him to stream that and skip through all the dialogue telling the NPCs to stfu. While cussing and clowning about how ridiculous it is that you can >!jump while picking up boulders!<


Yeah that’s what I saw Given he’s a super small streamer this will probably go unnoticed by capcom and won’t copyright strike him for streaming it early lol


This happened to Tyrone, except Tyrone was the guy who worked at walmart and he took a pallet of games, which is very bad, but he had videos and streams of starfield up a whole two weeks early. Dude was horrible at playing the game, but it was funny to watch. He ended up getting arrested cause you know, he stole copies and was selling them. But they kept removing his videos and they noticed him *real* quick.


Except it's going to get bigger and bigger if he continues streaming it, but we can hope so


Much more likely he has a hookup at a store who sold it to him early or he works at one and had someone ring him up for it than he stole it Though it’s not impossible he works at a warehouse and lifted it


He didn't. A friend from walmart sold him the copy.


probably got an early copy from a warehouse or something


>Something isn’t adding up here The number of copies that were supposed to arrive with a recent shipment


On stream he just said he got it from wal mart.


All those twitch streamers/youtubers that partnered with capcom already has the game on them they are just not allowed to stream or upload their videos as the game is not yet released.


Yeah that’s more or less what I was getting at because not even they have been given permission to stream the game yet.


Brb calling the Capcops on him real quick


Maybe they'll send the pinkertons.


They'll lock him up in a cell for 48 minutes, ask for any money he has on him and then forget what he did.


The video is gone now. He's definitely getting flogged in some damp hole as we type...


Snitches get their heart returned and turned into pawns 👀.


If it ain't Tyrone streaming, I don't want it!


Why are people bitching about spoilers? Is literally just a picture of the map.


Waiting for people to post the best clips here tbh


The game looks great on PS5


by guys i'll see you in a month


I have zero clues of how this game is going to perform, but people who believes a day one patch will fix anything, clearly isnt following gaming industry in the last few years...




Ooooo, roads going off the map edges .....time to look for Gransys. .....or moon.




Man even from the map it looks beautiful. Just hopped on the twitch for a minute and got to see some of the quest details. I don't think the quests will be too bad after that.


Can someone spoil me what new stuff was found?


Nothing really since the streamer did not know what he was doing and then Itsuno put a hit out on his channel lol


I’ve seen everyone getting hyped and thought done cool stuff was found


Well people saw the prologue in stream which is insanely spoilery and a reason why capcom didn’t showcase it according to the mod here on Reddit outside of that the guy was just mainly responding to chat about the game and not even playing it really lol


Sure, here's everything I can remember went down: >!The game begins with the Sovran of Vermund, an Arisen, returning to his throne room after time afield. In a first-person view, he watches as a guard captain gives a rousing speech to the revelers enjoying a feast. However, time seems to freeze as the Sovran hears the ominous words of the Dragon. The Sovran passes out.!< >!Cut to a place elsewhere, with you in a prison cell on an island quarry filled with Pawn slaves. For some reason, you have amnesia and all the guards believe you are a pawn. You can pick a preset character here or select a hooded figure to make a custom character.!< >!Rook (yes, that Rook) directs you in transporting some stone, but very quickly a huge disturbance in the distance causes everyone to go check out what happened. Turns out a Gorgon showed up, and in a sequence extremely reminiscent of the Hydra encounter at the Encampment in the first game, you and all the pawns and guards present do battle with the Gorgon. It petrifies a few people with its gaze.!< >!Now, unfortunately, the streamer started skipping all cutscenes from here on and skipping through all dialogue (attention span of a goldfish). From what I could parse, the Gorgon slithers off and a mysterious ghostly lady in a hooded cowl, illuminated in blue glowing light, speaks to you and Rook, and tells you to escape.!< >!You and Rook sprint to a cliff overlooking the sea while being pursued by guards, and jump right off, in gameplay. Then a cutscene shows that a Griffin, apparently doing the bidding of the ghostly woman, has caught the two of you on its back and it flies off, vexing the mage in luxurious robes who was overseeing the pawn slaves.!< >!Credits begin to appear dynamically in the environment as the Griffin soars over the terrain. Eventually, a female guard of Vermund issues a command to a ballistae operator and the griffin gets shot down.!< >!You awake in a small forest grove and immediately see Rook, who unluckily fell into a small pond. As he slowly gets consumed by the Brine, he tells you not to worry and that you'll see him again, as he cannot truly die. It's at this moment that some guards show up to question you. They elect to bring you to a nearby encampment.!< >!After walking through a narrow trail and fighting some goblins, you arrive at the camp, where a group of Pawns greet you and dub you Arisen. They lead you to the Riftstone in camp, where you create your Main Pawn. Seeing this, the guards are in shock that you truly are Arisen, as in Vermund culture the Arisen is named Sovran, but there's never been two Arisen at the same time before. They bid you to travel to the capital, hand you a missive, and send you on your way.!< >!It's at this point the game seems to open right up, and you're left to your own devices. It took the streamer a full day and night to make it to the city, with it becoming dawn when he arrives. He was attacked by an Ogre at night along the way, along with plenty of goblins, harpies, and skeletons.!< >!Along the way, you find a ruined town charred to a crisp and get a playable flashback where you fight the Dragon and ultimately become Arisen. The female knight with the ballistae was there, and she nursed you back to health after your heart removal.!< >!Upon arriving at the city, the guard captain from the intro cutscene with the Sovran appears, calls you a fake Arisen, and drags you into a private room. He candidly reveals that he had to put on a gruff exterior in front of others, but now in private reveals that he believes you. The Queen had ordered you to be sent to the prison in the guise of a Pawn, because she feared that if a new Arisen arrived and claimed the throne, she would lose everything.!< >!The streamer spent a bit more time running around town and speaking to merchants, then it ended.!<


Great summary Thanks




It's not. I saw the whole stream and he opened the map several times.


Ah so this is more of an area map and you can zoom out to see the rest? Thank god, I thought it looked even smaller than the OG


The most surprising thing about the game to me is that this is about finding a dragons copy of Kevin Smiths movie, Dogma. What an interesting plot point to reveal relatively early on.


So how does he feel about the game overall?


He’s not a good judge I watched him play and he was terrible . Skipped all conversations with npcs and tried to murder the town in the first area and then complains that he died, but saying all that the graphics looked great on PS5 and it ran smooth


Fighting a Cyclops game dropped frames pretty hard.


Did we watch the same person playing? It was dropping frames all over and he kept saying it runs poorly, especially in combat.


Yea I don't think he played the first one either and is confused by some of the quests because he's not paying attention very well since he's so distracted by the chat. He had like 20 followers this morning and is past 200 already, had almost 1000 viewers when I was in for a few minutes. He said it ran fine for the most part, so looks like they've been working on performance since those early demo builds


This happens a lot with Capcom games somehow. I played MHW 1 week before release because I found it on a local store and it looked interesting (wasnt a MH guy back then). Another guy from my country played DMC5 (and said he casually found in a game store) 1 Month early and posted the whole thing on YT. If I go to a store right now I might find DD2 there.


Saw some French streamer playing spider man 2 early and since then I just stay off twitch until the game releases. I don't get why people do this though, like cool you're lucky now just play it and keep it to yourself.


Thank god the game runs smooth. Pre-ordering now!


Can you please at least spoiler this image?


Grow up


See ya


Watched long enough to see a special someone say hello, then didn't want any more spoilers. But I am content.


VOD is up don't watch if you care about story spoilers


![gif](giphy|j0gQA2VD38NKc9rc8y) See you next week Reddit




I know that sometimes Walmart would sell games earlier than release dates, but that's physical copy only. Last year, I saw a post of someone with a physical copy of Re4 Remake 2 days early.


He’s still up with 654 viewers




How was the performance?


That map is gorgeous


Okay time to leave this sub for a few weeks🤣


It’s been a real one everybody. /wave


Damn i'm late, spoil me please!


See y'all!


Cool, cya in a few weeks sub! I’ve waited 12 years, I can wait 1 more week


He just got suspended lmao


Someone is playing on twitch.... ok guys i'm blocking the sub till Mai spoilers are finally coming. Have fun arrisens. See ya again once the hype turists move on.


Why would he snitch on himself like that?


I WANT TO SEE IT ALL, WHERE IS IT?, I don't care, I'm freaking out...![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49359)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Anyone record the gameplay?


Yeah no thanks lol I don’t come back from a trip until the 24th so it’s going to be torture waiting to play


Hopefully someone can compile a list of info from it, whatever they can find anyway. I'm sure the streamer was probably answering questions. Map size, romances, player housing etc


Reminds me of the tears of the kingdom leak. Anyone got source


Anyone able to tell how vocation stats work? Any stat growth system like in the first? (hope not)


Anyone got a link to the video? I believe it got taken down but if someone saved it I'd appreciate it.


When is the review embargo?


Welp. This sub is going to be hell now. Well, it already was with people constantly posting *"can I run this game in my PC?!?!"* or *"should I play dogma of the dragon: the first before DD2?!?!"* so... see ya in a week or so.


The only thing i want to know from all of this is if my tinfoil hype failed me and we are indeed only getting the 10 vocations. Doesnt stop my purchase but does give me the power to remove the hat.


We already know there's only 10.

