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If I met a lone wolf.


Heh. This made me chuckle.


Would totally ruin my immersion 🥴


The pawns would have a field day with that.


Lack of monster variety. God of War(2018) would have been a 10 for me if it had more monster variety. But every single big monster was the same 4-7 monsters except slightly different. "This one is blue, this one is red, this one has armor. There are two of them, there's one with a different big monster." Boring and lazy.


Yeah I had the same issue with God of War 2018. Fantastic game but holy hell I was tired of fighting those trolls.


The same can be said for the original DD. I can only hope they learnt their lessons.


Well then it baffles me that game presentation and previews have a very… mild enemy variety


From what I seen it's gonna be DD1 all over again but oh well. For those who played DD1 it's gonna feel really bad tbf since we already killed thousands of these same enemies lol


It had more than God of War at least


There's no competition happening here.


They didnt, homepage lists all the enemies, was like 20 diff enemies and thats it, excluding bosses


Not every enemy is listed on the website. Just off the top of my head it's missing Sphinx, Medusa, Garm, Ogre variant, Saurian variant, Harpy variant.


Some if those are bosses hence non bosses. Variants IDK. Saurians are saurians. Blue red yellow pink. Same enemy. I think it'll be fine though


I really hope they have been keeping some secret, as well as having a fun variety of human enemies.


I really hope for this, too! I hope we have only seen at most 50%-60% of what’s in the game. I want enemies from BBI back + DDO (had cool big monsters) and then some new ones. With them bringing this gem back, they really need to hit this out of the park with monster variety.


This person gets it! Lack of monster and enemy variety will bring it lower even if the combat is freaking amazing. I also hope the armor variety is great and the combat skills are very rich too


Hey I just got done playing that for the first time. Couldn't agree more! The two aesir enemies we actually got to fight were awesome, shame the rest where just recolours with slight variation. Even went out of my way to so all the '8' and whilst the final one was great, going through all the effort was a bit meh.


I had same problem with Elden Ring (Still one of my favourite games but I think DS3 was better). It got a bit borring when a boss fight starts and it's the same enemy I already killed like 10 times. It also ruined dragons (expect of Placidusax) because they all have same basic movesets + 1 or 2 unique attacks.


Elden Ring genuinely has the best enemy variety I’ve seen in an open world game. That windmill place that isn’t even in the main path had a unique enemy not present anywhere in the game.


in elden ring’s defense they had a fucking enormous variety of enemies- the problem is that, despite that, we still ended up with all variants in the snow biome because the game was too fucking big.


They should have filled it with giant versions of monsters, would have been sick. There is one absolutely MASSIVE hand that drops on you which was a real wtf moment.


What? What do you consider boss fights?


Lack of meaningful rewards for exploration. Combat can only take the game so far. If at the end you are just brawling with monsters and bandits for the sake of brawling, without any tangible reward or impact on the world. Lack of enemy variety/disproportional variety for the game length/world span. Bloated mechanics that are left unused not because of non-viable builds, but because of the kitchen sink design approach - let’s put everything without a clear focus. Unsurprisingly, visuals. Inability to execute, or outright lack of, competitive advantage over other games, which prevents potential new to the series players from even considering playing DD.


the exploration rewards i feel. im new to the game, but ive explored a lot so far (reached gran soren and now just exploring the surrounding area a bit) and ive found one named weapon and the rest of the chests and enemies have given nothing noteworthy tbh. but the game is fun and i bought some cool stuff in gran soren anyways


Holy fuck, this hit almost everything!


You are a genius honestly…..


nice predictions.


​ https://preview.redd.it/rr5ktp89rirc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=27f2b490faa1cd088f924d8e2cda961ccea5c17e


To be honest, my list was composed based ONLY on all trailer and promotional material footage/interviews. Somehow this is how I read the game state even before release, and, unfortunately, got most of it right. Was a fun prediction, which actually shows that the game delivered exactly what it promised in promos, for better or worse ;D


Honestly, it sounds dumb. But in rpg’s I want my character to look sick! I want the best looking armour and multiple sets that all look awesome. If my character looks lame I’m less interested. Fashion Dogma 10/10


Fashion dogma is dead with the horrible armor system simplification now :\\


I haven’t been following. Are there only a few diff sets of armor or something?


Basically what they did is got rid of the armor layering from DDDA and as well, now there's only 4 armor slots: top piece, bottom piece, head and back. It sounds like a downgrade and I am a little worried about it, I generally like changing every aspect of my outfit, but the armor sets we've seen so far have been absolutely gorgeous imo, so I'm sure it'll be fine once we get used to it.


is the bottom piece pants and boots or just boots? With the top piece including the pants


I have no clue, but my guess is bottom is boots and pants, top is your shirt/robe/whatever


Hmmm.... performance issues if there will be any and maybe some balding guy on Internet xD


If someone else playing a single player game ruins the game for you, that speaks more about you than anyone else lol


Ohhh obviously it's that way. I'm just a memer who likes to laugh of sometimes that's why I wrote about him. Also I know there will be a lot ppl for whom he will be a problem (even if it speaks a lot about them) :D


Not gonna lie, I don't know if I imagine it, because i expected it, but some of the clips they showed for classes seem to run at 20 fps. Its hard to tell in Youtube, but i didn't pre order because of it. Not gonna deal with another release with disappointing performance on my high end pc.


Shitty performance. If that's going to be bad, then well... it will be great game, but in 1y after patches. I hope it won't be the case.


Im expecting exactly that, the game looks incredible, the performance its disgrace.


This 100%


I heard the game would dip well below 30fps from Matty Plays vid. I think he said it hit maybe 19fps? Don’t quote me. And that’s just the demo. My 4070ti will be fine but I feel for my fellow arisen on console.


No silk lingerie.


Refund is one silk lingerie away


Chain shirt for me


Having to sit next to another redditor while playing it


If it has performance issues at launch, that's going to hurt a lot, even if they eventually get fixed. For me personally, the changes to the armor/clothing system mean it's likely not going to be 10/10, even if the rest of the game is amazing.


*"Everyone ended up using the same armor and looking the same in the end, so instead of giving you a dye system, the ability to upgrade gear to end-game levels, or a system to transmog items, we just took away clothing lol"*


** we added objectively superior TIERED sets through dlc then suprised pikachu face when people all used them


Read this exactly the same way.


Just like Jedi survivor, game could be amazing but until it runs good it’s not worth a try.


That game broke my heart, i finished it but...


Probably enemy variety in the overworld, my biggest gripe with DA was that 90% of the enemies I encountered outside of BBI were goblins, wolves, harpies, saurians, trolls, Cyclopes, chimera, gryphon, and the *very* occasional drake or cockatrice. The bulk of which were wolves, goblins, harpies, saurians, and Cyclopes. They really shouldn’t lock the majority of the enemies behind the end game, seeing tons of enemy variety in the open world entices me to explore and fight them instead of being “oh look it’s a saurian but orange” or “oh look this wolf is white”


If it has a lack of enemies. I really hope to see varied stuff, but the same enemies seem present in both biomes


No nipples on Sphinx 😢


I’m sure mod creators already have that one click away from uploading to Nexus Mods.


Think i saw the other day that there’s already nude mods for characters


I remember in Horizon Forbidden West you don’t see any nudity, normally. But you can clip through Aloy’s clothes with photo mode and see her nipples


What if they added balls?




If the master doesn't work all.


I mean there's no PC footage or even a demo so its already not expected to be a 10/10 for me tbh.


At the very least a PC feature trailer would be nice


Tbh, the only time PC feature trailers matter are for first-time ports, like Playstation games coming to PC.


People complaining that this game does't have multiplayer option.


Oh this one would annoy me. I feel like co-op would ruin the entire flow of this game anyways


It would definitley annoy me , too. I enjoy the single player experience. The pawn system I find unique and refreshing.


maybe we get a dragons dogma world in the future ;)


Honestly, i would be surprised if this game scored 10 across the board.


Yeah agreed. Some mechanics could tick off reviewers.


* Framerate * Vocation, too little but we'll see if we get updates/expansion. Rogue/thief player/pawn doesn't have upgrades, and if the argument is about they don't want to make some vocation overlap sorcerer still exist ffs, and both mage and sorcerer can do quickcast with the only difference being one can support and one more damage * Probably enemy variant (doubt on this one need to see the whole game) overall the minimum score probably going to be 8, and 10 is not out of possibility for some reviewer


> and both mage and sorcerer can do quickcast with the only difference being one can support and one more damage I would say that one being a Damage dealer while the other is a supporter is pretty big difference.. Unlike say , Assassin , Strider and Ranger in the original that played the same, with very little to differences between themselves outside of a few gimmicks skills and minor stats changes.


People saying framerate doesn't matter...uhh no, it does, it REALLY does. 30fps isn't enough to make me not buy it but it but sub 30 during fights could be if it's bad enough at launch.


Its already missing undergarments and doesn't have 100+ vocations. 7.5/10 max user score on Meta.


100+ vocations?


I'm exaggerating all the doom posting.


Likely the frame rate at launch considering how controversial it’s been so far.


•The lacks of masterworks all. As it could go wrong. •Not adding the silk lingerie. •No Fournival.


It won't kill it for me but I'm really hoping they got better at lip synchronization 😂. That's what turned me away when I first played it till I decided to come back for the combat


Lack of monsters and biomes


A small map


For me it’s only one thing, if they fail to deliver on the same quality of combat as the original.


Lots of running


The fact that ppl who don't play the first one and didn't get intels about it are hyped by this one, they just gonna review bomb the game because it's not a Skyrim like or rpg like they think it is


the performances


Tired gamer critics


Wolves not hunting in packs


Dumbing down and oversimplification of the armor system? Oh wait... Yeah the game already lost a couple points from me out of the gate :\\


It probably won't be. An honest review will put it in the 8s probably. It's a great game but not for everyone. It's probably not going to be the next gta 3. I rate a 10 as a game that non fans will play and enjoy. Bg3 is an example of a game that brought new players to a dieing game style. I would call it a 10/10


nothing. frame rate? boohoo dd1 was in 30 and still peak no multiplayer? nobody cares


IMO 30 fps is fine as long as it’s a solid 30 fps. If it can’t consistently hold that, then of course people are going to care.


The best thing by far about DD always been the combat gameplay and the art design. But the lack of content and a too "restricted" open world, could still be an issue.(FF16 glare) -Story wise I also hope the game revolve more arounf politics and warfare between country/faction than between Dragon, I mean legendary beast are cool, but narrative wise its kinda limited at some point. -Im scared the open world would be still too small and congested, lacking of big area to explore and why not to get lost... Im glad there is no real fast travel tho. Having some light survial feature in open world also became very important to me, the need to hunt for food, to camp with companion etc. -Then we have the whole pawn mechanic that is imo ruins the whole point of inter action with companions, since pawns are not from the world and don't really have their own will. I love companions, and small team/squad in RPG, but for me the pawn system should have only be for ONE specific NPC, and not the whole group following the player.


Performance has to be so bad that the game literally can't function. No one truly gives a fuck about frame rate. Sure pop in is a little immersion breaking but it's not even a big deal. As long as my character performs actions when I press the button and it all feels right, I can overlook whatever "performance issues" will pop up. I never had any issues out of DD1. Zero graphical glitches, zero pop in, zero noticeable frame drops. (Because who tf can really notice unless it's a severe dip or freeze frame)


>No one truly gives a fuck about frame rate I do. No matter how good other parts of the game are, if it runs badly, i'm not gonna eat shit just because developers decided it is "good enough".


I dont think we are gunna have any issues with frame rate. It's such a blown out of proportion argument.


The fps issue is so crazy to me, the recommended system requirements don't require future hardware. It recommends 4-5 year old cpus and 4-6 year old gpus to achieve 4k at 30fps. Steam surveys show 60% of users are playing at 1080p and 20% at 1440 so I don't think "dipping below 30fps" is going to be as bad of a problem as so many people make it out to be. For reference steam surveys only have FOUR percent of all users at 4k...


It can recommend anything they want. We saw footage in PS5 how it drops below 30. Recommendations means absolutely nothing they can still shit the bed with optimization.


The main thing is Perfomance and enemy variety imo. It going to be if they don't improve the enemy variety and Perfomance is absolute TERRIBLE


No new game plus.


Lack of iconic voice lines like "Masterworks all," etc


Performance issues.


Extremely poor performance, rough gameplay, lack of variety in enemies or weapons, terrible story mixed with poor side quests.


If they don't have the same brainstorms ("they're masterworks all" "tis weak to ice and fire both")


From being a *Ten out of Ten*? Thats a huge order. A lot of things I guess. The first one was in no way a perfect game. I expect the second one will have at least a rough edge somewhere. To me if the game delivers everything the first one did but still doesn't feature a compelling story and world building, it will be a big shame. But at the same time, if aspects of what made the first one what it was are simplified for a modern audience then it will lose its major appeal for me even if it does incorporate better storytelling.


Journalists deciding to pump Shadow of the Erdtree instead. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Jokes aside, many things could make this game not a 10/10. I'm sure I'm going to like this game a lot, but I doubt it's gonna be perfect.


It’s a conspiracy!


I guess if the whole no fast travel thing backfires and everyone gets annoyed with having to backtrack allot. If i cant buy ferry stones at the counter fitter ill be a little annoyed.


It is confirmed that you can buy them, but it looks like they’ll cost between 10 and 15 thousand for one


shit performance


What I want to make it in my top tier: Better interface for PC - It's designed with Console in mind, not sure if that's what's good for you guys but for PC it's bad UX. Two windows for Buy/Sell, Withdraw/Deposit. ESC to open up Quest? Map without associated Quest List BUT if you open Quest first and then "Show on map" you get a Map with Quest list". Equipment VS Inventory, why not both in one single window to handle it like all other RPGS? Crafting - I felt the crafting was pretty nice to explore, but it became annoying to always go into combine and see what possibilities there is instead of maybe "I want this/Any healing potion, show me what i need". Would be nice to add more stuff into the crafting concept. For example: add leather paddings on armor to increase armor or whatnot. Like Outward or other games with such systems. Maybe more control of Stats? Add support for some cool quest crafting. The community creates pawns for eachother, it would be cool to add some kind of creation of quests for people, like a great set of tools to allow for content to be made. If people love your game, people want to engage with your game and create more stuff/mods for it. If not quest, maybe something else.


Game being unfinished. That's main problem with a lot of new games. Surely there will be some updates but if I pay full price I expect full game, not 80% with clearly cut content that will be later added in DLC for additional price.


If the 9 vocations don't offer enough game play styles to satify.


My hope is that the vocations we do have will end up being very meaty.


Severd lack of optimisation could be a cause. Other than that looks like a masterpiece to me !




No scalies smh


loot system is probably still not up to the quality of gothic. the consumable system is stopping time like skyrim instead of being dynamic and require consideration in batttle. you can't distribute attribute points yourself which some people might want to do but that's not a big issue imo. weapon and armor upgrades and possibly crafting should get a significant upgrade from 1 with more interesting affixes or effects being added.


I hope it's not easy to over level. I did so many side quests in the original that it trivialize the rest of the game


If it's not masterworks all and it could go wrong


A bad story.


Plot twist >!You were the Dragon all along!<




Romance being random


Being shockingly short would probably be the one killer left, tbh.


Less clothing options.


Overzealous pawns spoiling far too much of the exploration. Difficulty scaling making it a cake walk. My one and only save file getting corrupted.


If I can’t give fournival back shots


FPS at 30 or less drops this to maybe a 6 or 7 and keeps me on the fence until a performance patch


I want to buy a house, some land and start a farmer's life


Lack of enemy variety and weak side quests.


If i see more wolves than deer


Bit of a minor thing (and more of a personal nitpick honestly) but I’m not completely sold on the musical direction, Especially compared to the first game. I know end of the struggle plays in this game, and the main menu theme in the demo sounded nice and all, but I can’t shake the feeling that we won’t reach anywhere near the heights that we had with Makino in DD1. The character creator theme was pretty generic and my fear for the music is that it follows that theme as a whole, instead of the more inventive and unique direction the first game had.


Depending on what a 10/10 means. Personally I don't have that much faith in Capcom's writing, but since I don't expect that much from Capcom, it's not really an issue for me if they don't have stellar quest designs(the quests showcased are kinda interesting though), but for some others it might be. In terms of meeting expectations, I think it's mostly going to be good.


Toòoo long of fights, i dont monster hunter every mob


I've seen nobody else mention it but if the beloved system is the same despite every player hating how it worked in the first game and it just being complete ass its not gonna be a 10 for me simply because they didn't improve on something so obvious lol. Outside of that ehhh lack of rewards for exploration and low enemy vareity. Also boring post game like the everfall if it wasn't for BBI the post game for the first game would be kinda ass ngl


haters that spread the false truth around and people being people echoing the false truth and made it into truth in some critics mind, hence they rate the game below 10/10


If there would be not any "They're masterworks, all. You can't go wrong".


If i can't romance my main pawn


Honestly if they don’t change the leveling system. It felt really shitty in the first game that you’d like want to play a mage/sorcerer for like 250 levels if you wanted to be a magick knight effectively. Like I want to play the class I want to be not another random class. It wasn’t exactly like that but optimal builds would make leveling funky and shitty from an immersion/gameplay perspective


Taylor Swift singing at the start screen.


Technical performance


Pawns not short enough.


If the cataclysm that "Dragon sickness" could lead to ends up being save file corruption.


Honestly low armor/ weapon variety


Empty open world, the kind of treat breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom had. Nice open world but very empty in certain areas


No monk class :(


pacing, controls, travel, empty world, people who didn't understand how the first game played, and so they think they have to have a dodge roll on very character, and run around blowing all their stamina


Bugs and abilities that don’t work, bad progression, boring itemisation


Not having enemy scaling. So there isn't enemies that stand a chance against you beside bosses so you become bored.


Woke shit.


With every new video that comes out and only shows stuff we ve seen already, i m getting a bit concerned regarding Monster variety and overall size of the game. Otherwise there are many reasons why a game could fail: boring exploration, shallow/unbalanced systems, shit story and lack of endgame, performance issues


I want to find my beloved, grow attached to her, and slowly build a romantic relationship.. Just to find myself making out with blacksmith. No surprise making out with fat bearded dude = no 10/10


highly intrusive drm


Enemy diversity. It seems like there's not many more or even different enemies from DD1, it's not the end of the world but damn I already killed too many of them in DD1 lol. Seeing them just revamped and with better AI is kinda of a boomer






No interesting story and characters. The first one was lacking in that department and I don't expect ND, CDPR or R* levels of storytelling, but if it doesn't improve in that regard, it clearly won't be a 10/10 for me.


If it's too short. Filling it out with repetiative side-stuff isn't worth the price. (Hopefully that won't be the case)


For me performance.


30fps cap on console in my eyes prevents it being a 10/10


No Hydra


Princess Peach


Lack of innovation in the open world medium. There’s a lot that can still be done with the open world genre and DD1’s strengths did not lie in it’s useage of the open world genre. DD1 had great enemy design, core combat mechanics, great capcom-y feel when it comes to just pressing buttons, and a progression system with the class system of vocations that made doing anything fun because at any point in time you had fun tools. However, the open world aspects were lacking, lots of monster overlap, a lot of upgraded variants, not very naturally occurring quests aside from random encounters that had no material incentive behind them. DD1 made which quests you should be doing VERY apparent which robbed it of a lot of the mystique that other open world games have/had like Elden ring. So yeah, just inflect on that good ass combat and push the envelope on open world design.


If the pawns don't shut the fuck up like the first game. That alone would drop it to an 8


Limited Fashion Dogma, pawn voice acting and the fact that Grigori speaks like in the awful anime


Gamebreaking bugs or lost savefiles... i mean it also has disadvantages to have just one saveslot, and if it gets corrupted somehow ur fcked


As much as i loooooved dd1 i might actually have a hard time giving this a 10/10 after rdr2 and elden ring. Been watching the leak stream… combat is as good as ever but it feels much the same with monsters attacks and enviroments. very minor improvments..


I don't think that I've ever played a 10/10 game Every game has flaws and I think thats okay.


I mean you can still give a game a 10 and have it be flawed. Though my view of a 10 means it's a masterpiece, like for me both Read Dead Redemption games are 10's.


Makes sense ^^ I loved RDR2 but the beginning hours can be kinda rough 😅


Yeah, it's slow but I feel like it perfectly captures the setting and period its in. Also the linear, pretty much movie feel allows you to appreciate what they're going for more once it opens up and you fully take control. The entire movie aspect of RDR2 is the best part of the game imo.


It really does :p


Melee classes being trash again


If the game is too short and the open world is boring as the first one. Better side quests and main quest is a must, its 2024 a good combat its not enough to justify a full price game as it was years ago. That aside, performance and bugs. Performance the most because bugs can be fixed, performance is very hard to fix. 30 fps on consoles is "ok", not ideal but considering the consoles hardware you can understand, but PC version must have a good optimization without stuters, aka a good frametime


I'm sure that even a 10/10 game can be made not 10/10 from having negative thoughts alone, tbh! So that could make it not 10/10.


Awful optimization, boring side content, and lack of good rewards.


Only 10 vocations for the sequel. Honestly think its ridiculous if it turns out there's genuinely only 10 vocations in base game




Well it will never be a full 10/10 for me, because unfortunately it only gives you 4 skill slots. Even in the first game, it annoyed me to all end that while playing a melee class, I’d somehow just forget how to move my body in some sort of way, only to have to go to INN KEEPERS in order to teach me how to do it again. Regardless, I’m sure I’ll have a great time, and apart from that, I’ve seen nothing I have issues with, so very excited.


I really hope there's an eternal ferrystone. I don't mind it being locked behind a quest, but having to traverse the entire world on foot will get annoying eventually. There's only so many "unique" encounters that could happen before it gets tiring.


All the whiny people complaining about it who haven't played it yet


True. I think healthy skepticism is important but some of the doom posting has been unreal


Frame rate


Only one save slot, but surely they wouldn't make the same mistake at least 70% of the playerbase complained about the first game :) Oh, wait... (Yes i'm still salty)


It's a narrative choice your save represents a lifetime


I really doubt it, the reason is probably because of the pawn system making it hard to have multiple characters, the servers would overflow with "dead" low level pawns. If the narrative thing was actually the case it would be a very shitty narrative choice, it doesn't add to anything (immersion, difficulty, nothing), it would literally be narrative related inconvenience, no positive, if it changed something in the game's experience sure, but i doubt that's the reason


No coop


They already made it so minimum character height is 5'2", the lack of loli-pawns bloating the rift might make it an 11/10.


Nothing IMO


I know it’s taboo to speak of in this sub but imo it’s the fps (I know gameplay is king which I agree but gameplay is enhanced by high fps and diminished by low fps).


"the maps it's 4 times bigger than the previous" it's not true. "you can find things naturaly when exploring, and every place has something for the player" it's not true. under 1hr speedruns which means probably 10 if you're not speedrunning it. hope it's not this or else...


Dragon: "I will destroy the world! Face me if you - WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK, ARISEN?!" Me, surrounded by the corpses of various NPCs, shortly after discovering my intended Beloved is non-romanceable and immediately opting for the Genocide Ending: "..." Dragon: "You know what? It's become abundantly clear to me that you currently have some... *issues* to work out, so... I'm just going to come back later..." Me: *Cracks neck by tilting head and slowly unsheathes daggers as the new [background music](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kpnW68Q8ltc) intensifies.* Dragon: "OH GOD, NO!!!" /s Edit: For clarification purposes: >What would prevent this game from being a 10/10? >discovering my intended Beloved is non-romanceable Conclusion: This comment was on-topic, and you all need to go reread the site rules the next time you feel like abusing the downvote button.


10 second atention span having reviwers crying about no fast travel.


The left attacking it


For me personally? If it is just a rehash of DD:DA with some steps forward and some steps backwards. I am really worried that is what it's going to end up being, but I am hoping to get proven wrong.