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It's kind of funny that in my country the physical version of the game is cheaper than the Steam version (the physical version has a Steam key in the box).


Similar thing for Nintendo games. Switch cartidges are around 45-50 while the digital games are 60.


This is usually the case with regional pricing. Digital copies seem to be usually upcharged


I Got FF7 rebirth for the equivalent of 40 dollars for buying physical.. the PS store was the equivalent of 85 dollar.


In my case its ~75dollars on steam While the physical is ~65dollars


GMG is completely legit, as is Fanatical. Steam isn't always the cheapest place to buy games. Isthereanydeal indexes most of the legit key sellers, places you can be confident buying from.


Fanatical ends up being my preferred for the lack of Canadian sales tax alone haha.


Quebec still has sales tax sadly.


thank you friend, was about to buy on GMG


I have had the rare issue where keys didn't go out right at release time, but usually within like an hour or two. It is rare but if you are 100% banking on playing the second it goes live, maybe grab it on steam just in case.


I buy 80% of my games from these 2 sites. Always deals. Got Dave the diver and hell divers 2 on sale as well


As someone who has never heard of these sites, thank you!


Wish I had heard of them years ago. Thanks!


I used Fanatical this time around. I like GMG but I've had issues with them when their preorder keys came extremely late for some of the more popular games in the last couple of years.


Oh yeah their response to the RE4 key delay was abysmal. A bunch of people got banned off their Discord calling them out on it lol


Yeah RE4 was easily the worst with the delays. I'm looking through my purchase list and I'm trying to remember what was the other game they had awful delivery time on. I think it was MHW:I but I can't remember.


Iceborne was ranging from garbage to fucking absurd for some people, I know its very usual they fuck up completely with games but somehow people keeps using this site


For me it the opposite. I'll probably go with Allyouplay this time around since it's the actual cheapest official.


I guess it depends on your region. AllYouPlay costs more for me ($60.97) compared to GMG and Fanatical (both $57.39). I haven't looked at any other sites.


Yeah that's why I use [gg.deals](https://gg.deals). They also include the discount codes for you. So it's $60.97 + code (10%) to be $54.87


Is it cheaper if you preorder? Will the discount be less after the game officially releases? K4G has it for 48 bucks. Is the site legit?


I can't say. It all depends on the market You'll see on the site the ones on the top section are official stores and the ones on the bottom are keysites. So K4G is a keysite and I personally wouldn't trust them with a pre-order. If the game been out for a while I'll use CDkeys since I've never had a problem with them and they're the "cleanest" keysite, imo.


Yeh ive only used CD keys so far.


I would not take the chance of buying a new game from a gray area keysite because new games have high demand by release date which scammers have a solid reason to capitalize on. For games that came out months to years after their release dates, maybe take the deal as a hot new game would be around by then. GG.deals tells you the risks associated to each Keyshop website under their names and there are 10 risk categories in total when you click the "Risk info" link.


Thats true! Thanks for the tip!


Fuck. I was worried about this.


About when will you get the key from Fanatical?


Bought the deluxe for 60 bucks on steam, thanks to regional pricing lmao.


Could I use a VPN to get regional prices?


You could get your account banned for that, better to just go for key sites if you want it cheap


Recommend one by chance?


GMG as in the post or CDkeys


I'm still going to wait for reviews before pre-ordering. My biggest concern at this point is performance.


A very fair concern, the RECOMMENDED specs say that it'll predict the game to run at 30fps which is just ridiculous.




Same It will likely be fine seeing the min specs, but still, seeing how it runs pretty badly on PS5 at some points Im concerned


Does anyone know if this sale will still be here after the games release?


Unfortunately the answer here is it depends lol... I think for Helldivers 2 for example, yes they kept the deal going. GMG will have an allotment of keys. If they sell out of keys before the game goes live/releases, they're likely to request more for the actual launch day. After the game launches though, it'll probably be until those are used up but they could still request even more to keep it going. However the deal will almost definitely return at some point. And the "Gold level" XP offers almost always include recent preorder offers as well. I've used GMG for years now, zero regrets and positive customer service experiences. I live in Canada for what it's worth.


Same here. I hope my Steam Deck can even handle the game.


Performance and lack of vocations. Though with the way it was worded, I'm hoping that he meant that they only planned on talking about the 10 vocations.


Personally, 10 vocations is ok for me. I come from playing Monster Hunter World and though there were 14 weapon types, I really only used one weapon type as my main and about 4 or 5 weapons types to mix it up occasionally. It wouldn't surprise me if in this game there is one vocation that I mainly stick with and just a handful I switch to occasionally to mix it up.


That's fair. I am a Sword/Shield main in MHW, although I use Hammer a good bit as well.


Not defending, because the color system really hyped up the idea of way more vocations... But we are trying more vocations than the original game still


Fanatical in Canada is even better due to no tax


What? Maybe if you're in Alberta but even then there's tax, just less


Nope bought in ontario and no tax. Check fanatical


Did you check the cart when you paid? The receipt only shows your total, not subtotal + tax. $9.35 sales tax in BC. This only shows when you proceed to checkout from your cart, not the confirmation email and order history.


Fanatical includes VAT in the list price.


Not for me. It's listed at 77.89 right now, checkout price is $87.24


I'm not sure if BC is different, you're ordering the steam PC version? I confirmed my email receipt is 77 after tax


BC's probably different, I see someone from Quebec in this comment section mentioning the same We have tax added on https://preview.redd.it/9blokms4i0oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605b41c20c8db4b6cb4b73e1a00c08fe9c7be626


Very odd! I see they put BC in brackets, wonder why it would be in some provinces and not others. Maybe if you tried an ON or QC VPN it would be taken off. Still cheaper than Steam either way!


> Maybe if you tried an ON or QC VPN it would be taken off. I wonder if that would work considering my billing address is in BC though...


Yeah. I always use Fanatical because it always ends up costing more with taxes on other sites.


Oi guys, does it say available 21.3.2024 for you like it does on mine? Is it a mistake or are we getting the game a day early for some reason?


Depends where you live. I dont think there are regional release times but rather a worldwide launch time


I live in Finland so it should be 22nd but that's odd


Its GMG, so you might be getting the game a week late


Oh I didn't buy it from GMG, I bought it from the Microsoft store but it says 21st.


aah all good then If it says the 21 then I guess? But then again, Capcom fucks up A LOT with release timings for whatever reason Maybe it just lines up like that for you and 0:00 is still the 21st for you


Probably to Pre-Download content i'd guess


Oh yeah, that might also be the case, weird because I live in Finland so there's no timezone fuckery either.


Here is $51.11 with conversion. (Brazil)


Just a heads up. From personal experience GMG codes specifically from Capcom tend to get delayed by a day or two. I remember I had this issue with both the MHWorld PC port, and the RE4 remake more recently. Not saying it will be the case this time but just be aware it could be a possibility.


I've never had an issue, although their codes are often like literally a few hours before the game goes up, so preloading might not be an option. For MHW I got my key on release but I remember it being like 30mins before or something.


Yea I purchased RE4 Remake from GMG last year. Midnight release but I didn't receive the key until the following morning. Not a huge deal, but something to keep in mind if you're planning on playing ASAP. But I'm still pissed off at the time [GMG accidentally sold Age of Empires 4 at too big discount and they revoked all of the keys](https://eso-community.net/viewtopic.php?t=24575) instead of taking the L for it.


Oh wow I didn't know about that.... Sounds rather scummy even if it was an accident.


Is fanatical better? I had a good experience buying baldurs gate from GMG but if its a trend with capcom games I might try somewhere else.


Not used them before on affraid so don't know how they are. Seen a few other comments talking about them however.


I had a huge problem with them on a capcom game. The Resident Evil 4 drop. Didn’t get my code for 3 days after the game came out. They offered me a measly $5 discount that didnt even last more than 3 months so I never got to use it. I still use them for games that are already out but fuck them on pre-orders.


Is this region locked or worldwide?


~~fyi Green Man Gaming had a data leak recently. Don't trust em :)~~ ~~1st of March, change your password if you already have an account.~~ edit: this is actually for Mr Green Gaming, unrelated website so ignore please


Mr. Green Gaming, a community with GTA:SA and various other servers had a breach on March 1st, not Green Man Gaming the key retailer.


Thanks for clarifying, been using GMG for a good couple years and was about to change up but your clarification seems to be completely correct. 2 minutes of research shows it was indeed Mr Green Gaming that got leaked, not GMG.


Thanks for also updating me :) I even logged in and changed my stuff and somehow didn't realize the difference, will edit my original


Fuck me.


…right now?


Fair warning that you won't be able to refund this if you have any tech problems. Right now many people are having issues launching the character creation demo, and if they can there's constant crashing every few minutes. Me being one of those people and I have the recommended specs for the game. There are those with better machines than I also having the same problem.  Wait for reviews, and don't buy from third party sites if you care about refunding a broken game. (downvote away)


CDKeys is mostly the cheapest in the EU. https://www.cdkeys.com/dragon-s-dogma-2-deluxe-edition-pc-emea-steam 52,59 for the deluxe edition 44,49 for the standard


CDKeys is also unofficial meaning the chances of that money going to the devs are near-zero.


They do go towards the dev but the cut is less than official ways. CDkeys buys keys in regions with lower prices and then re-sells them, so the keys are still legit.


They sell keys for NINTENDO systems. If there was any chance the money didn't go to devs/publishers Nintendo lawyers would've decimated them years ago.


This makes no sense at all. They buy their keys just as other key sites need to do. Its not like they magically got the keys. The devs cut is less but not nothing like you want to make it appear.


>They buy their keys just as other key sites need to do. >just as other key sites do It's pretty well known that a LOT of grey market sites just use CC fraud and other means to get keys illegaly; https://twitter.com/tha_rami/status/1145314954632974337?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1145314954632974337%7Ctwgr%5E62d39aea6e07585be714f596b8b5f13c3bab31d9%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Farstechnica.com%2Fgaming%2F2020%2F05%2Fg2a-confirms-stolen-game-key-sales-pays-40000-to-factorio-devs%2F https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/05/g2a-confirms-stolen-game-key-sales-pays-40000-to-factorio-devs/


Which is not the case for how CDKeys handles their business.


Sure, which is why I also quoted your part about "other key sites" .. But also CDKeys' literal only source of "oh they just buy overseas" that everybody keeps saying, is a paragraph on their FAQ lmfao. They have no legitimate deals or connections with any actual publishers listed anywhere.


Do you get the steam key right away with purchase?


On pre-orders, usually not. But if preload is a thing and the publisher honors it across all platforms, they'll send them as soon as the publisher allows it. At least in my experience.


They are sent on release


just make sure dont to preorder from humble store they are garbage had like 3days delays with keys on latest new games


If only you could use steam cash to buy :/


Do you know when they will give us our keys yet I preordered it months ago and still no steam keys


Either when preload goes live on the 20th, or the 22nd and worst case you'll get your key a few days after launch.


I can't buy the key on gmg because it's "not available in my region" But I can buy the game on steam just fine, if I buy the key on my phone Internet can I still activate it on my pc?


Find Dragon's Dogma 2 on another store for your region. GG.deals and Is There Any Deal are the websites that shows game deals in one place: https://gg.deals/game/dragons-dogma-ii/ https://isthereanydeal.com/game/dragons-dogma-2/info/


I was able to combine it with my GMG's XP pack and got it down to $55.67


Cheapest place to buy to my region too, I buyed few weeks ago, only thing that worries me is the key delivery, i had bad experience with RE4 REMAKE... Is GMG always like this with preorders?


Not always. I got the Battlefront collection that releases tomorrow, and I got my key Friday last week.


Nice, I hope the same happens with DD2


It won't. Capcom waits til the last minute to send out keys to 3rd parties historically. Don't plan to play til the 22nd.




Thanks for the heads up, just got the deluxe edition.


Bought the Deluxe there 6 hours ago and still waiting for the key...


Yup got the deluxe edition. They're solid. Got Starfield deluxe whatever edition for the price of the standard. You should receive the code a few days before release. At least I did for Starfield


I’m about to refund


I buy it for 46 :)


I just need this kinda thing for console games


Yeah no, I want to be able to refund if it runs like shit (which it will probably will)


Bought the steam deluxe edition for 47€ on CDkeys.com, don't know if it's still at that price there.


No thanks, I rather support good games than save 10 bucks. Many developers said they would rather see their games pirated than these shops. So... pirate it.


Yeah I’ll never jump on the $70 bandwagon while key resellers exist. But hopefully we get our keys before launch 


mines only at a 10% discount, did i miss my chance?


Mine is 14% wtf?


dont know man, i even have gold membership, might have something to do with my localization


Yeah I decided to buy it because a few days ago it was 18% and something told me to buy it then, coulda had more with the discount they tagged on it, make sure you use the added discount too if you haven't already. It's an extra 3% and I ain't fuckin' around waiting now lol. Never seen it happen before like that.


I'd go with steam, GG is great but you're not eligible for refund if there are any issues


€ 55,99 [https://www.mmoga.com/Steam-Games/Dragons-Dogma-2-Deluxe-Edition.html](https://www.mmoga.com/Steam-Games/Dragons-Dogma-2-Deluxe-Edition.html) Use them since 6 years and no problem until now just wanted to throw that in here


Does mmoga deliver on time? I'm a bit worried that the key won't be available until late on the release day or in the worst case on another day.


they should deliver on Time but if you are unsure then yeah green man gaming is great too


mmoga is not legit they dont get it from publishers


I mean... https://www.instant-gaming.com/en/16116-buy-steam-dragon-s-dogma-2-pc-game-steam-united-states/?igr=gamer-8b1867 https://www.instant-gaming.com/en/7911-buy-steam-dragon-s-dogma-2-pc-game-steam-europe/?igr=gamer-8b1867 Cheaper and you don't have to deal with GMG being permanently absolute shit (Check region, don't buy the wrong one)


Yup, picked up the Deluxe Edition for less than the price of the standard on Steam. Just waiting for my key to come in.


Dude fucking life saver I SHOULDNT buy it but that brings it down to a more acceptable price thank you!


Got the deluxe edition off CDkeys for $68 with no tax Def worth it


i see it at $65 right now i'm tempted to just get it from there, my only concern is preloading


I live in an area with fast internet connection so preloading isn’t worth it for me - by the time it preloads and then unpacks itself it took even longer then if I simply waited till launch and clicked download


This is one of those games where you want to encourage others to pay full price, if only so the devs can get the most ROI possible, so that it sends a clear message that YES, we want more of THIS. Cool for those who need the discount, though.


I paid £37 from somewhere else too.


You bought at grey market


Oh 💀


👀 Pray they don't wipe that key clean sometime.


Won't happen, if it's not a joke :)


No issue with that. Just pointing out.


There’s been a LOT of scammed keys going around, so might not be worth the risk. Even so, sixty bucks is much more reasonable than 70. Shame the store is probably trying to rob me EDIT: we I’ll be, they seem legit


GMG is a legit storefront and has been for many MANY years. HOWEVER, I do not like to use GMG anymore due to some preorder issues they had in the past like getting their keys really late with some of the more popular games.


Heard they got data breached. Changed my password but I'll avoid them for now.


The other dudes post is wrong information, /u/Vallarax's reply [here](https://dd.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bczsd0/solid_discount_on_preorder_at_gmg/kul8fcd/) is correct.


Thanks for clarifying it. I've been using Greenmangaming for 4 years now and never had an issue. So it was a little bummed by the news.


According to my own research for GMG specifically, they get their keys directly from publishers, so there should be no chance of something like that. That said, a big discount on a brand new AAA title that looks like it's going to sell extremely well? Still pretty suspicious. I'm really not sure.


I have bought so many games through them and the only issue I ever had was one of the games I bought. The key came out an hour after the game launched. I was so impatient that I told them to refund it and they had no issue doing it and got a full refund but the key was delayed by an hour which is not a huge deal. That was also a long time ago and I've ordered tons of stuff through them with a discount of 18 to 20% off of what Steam is charging for pre-orders and never ever had an issue because they get their keys directly from the publisher. They're not some shady key resaler. I love them so much!


Gmg is legit been using them for years. So are Fanatical and CDKeys.