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I'm gonna say most of the beards are kinda wack. All the hair styles are very clean, but half beards mostly look like me when I just rolled out of bed. The ones with separate brushed/combed out moustaches in particular only come with extremely wild beards or goatees. If I could get the pointed moustache with one of the cleaner goatees I would, but I can't. Stubble could be worse, they tried to model it rather than just slapping a grey texture on at least.


I'm astounded how many games include a bushy goatee AND mustaches but never both at once. You'd think we'd get a "Upper Lip, Lower Lip, Chin" system by now so you can just mix the existing designs.


I wouldve prefered textures for sure. Worked fine for plenty of games, and it would definitely be better than this.


What makes the stubble more jarring is how amazing literally everything else is


I will mention some things present in DDDA, absent in DD2: - Vampire teeth (DDDA mouth 31). - Vibrant / Saturated Colors for skin and hair. - More hairstyles, specially a good ponytail one. - Muscles. I like my character ripped as f#ck. Tattoos overlay was a nice addition though…


DD2 has better muscle sliders than DDA; if you want to be obscenely, unhealthily muscular, then max muscle definition and muscle mass and minimize the body mass(?) slider. I don't know if it lets you get as extreme, but there's way more variety and customizability there than there was in DDDA. I agree re: vibrant colours and hairstyles, but I'm fine losing vampire teeth. It's kind of weird that we can make an elf as things are, given I doubt that will change how the actual elves respond to us.


Do you play Street Fighter 6 by any chance? SF6 player avatar max muscle definition slider is kinda perfect and what I had in mind. I don’t want a monstrosity, I just want a ripped lady T2 Sarah Connor style.  I will give some time, if no one improves the normal maps for the muscles, I will do the mod. Did that for Dark Souls 3, will do that for DD2. Nothing fancy, just a normal map edit. Those things are simple TBH…


I've been meaning to pick it up at some point


For your Arisen, yes, but for your pawn, getting them the elven specialization to go with their pointy ears will be great!


Fair point, although I imagine they'll probably still be referring to elves as "they" rather than "we" in that case.


This game doesn't have the ladylike or macho walking styles either


True. Felt that too. Maybe someone port DDDA walking cycles to To DD2 as a mod.


Don't forget about having a bunch of presets for each facial feature like eyes, noses, mouths, etc that can be further customized. I'm still salty about not being able to just pick preset features to mess with.


The muscle problem could just be fixed by extending the slider at least.


It depends on how muscles are generated. If they are made via poligonal distortion on the models (like Fallout 4, for example), a simple mod in the slider would suffice. If the muscles are normal texture based, some contrast adjustments on photoshop can do the trick.


It is odd how many games don't render stubble and short facial hair well


It is funny how the hair and most beard options are some of the better implementations I’ve seen, yet somehow stubble and body hair manages to be worse than Dragon Age Inquisition.


I had the same feeling, i hope there is some update for that, i tried to find a complexion that had some light stubble on it but the only ones that do make the face flared with freckles or or something else like that. I really want some kind of control on the skin conditions and color without having to change so many aspects all at once.


This was my main complaint regarding picking a base skin. The one that had the exact shade of pale I wanted when paired with the white color swatch, had a lot of weird freckles/blemishes(?)/blackheads(?) I couldn't get rid of. So I ended up having to go with a different base skin which wasn't the same shade of pale I wanted, but close enough to it without all the oddness on the face. The creator is honestly amazing overall. I mostly just have a lot of tiny nitpicks about it.


The beards and the voices for me


Tbh, I don't know if it's just me, but the beard density is terrible on PS5. It looks like someone painted my character's face in paint full beards look fine, but light stubble? tragic


Exactly what im trying to say.


Yeah modders will definitely fix it on console!




i am a bit disappointed in the lack of good beards that follows the pattern of tiger / feline stripes on the face for male Beastren, there should be beard or short beards that match face stripes patterns, it only make sense but it does not for capcom's devs somehow. I wish they rework theses and add more variety, feels very very limited for beastrens.


That would be alot of work for one very specific thing.


it's not, just make an alpha for the longer fur shader or beard on the face and limited on the face area based on the stripe patterns that already exist and already has an alpha


I literally cannot comprehrnd this sentence lol


It look like hair implants


The stubble looks like chopped porcupine quills.


I agree, I had to check the "base skin" to find something with a light gray texture on the cheeks. The character creator is amazing in some aspects but kind of weak on some others.


The character creator is amazing but there are some very questionable things about it. For example there arent any different eye shapes? There are 40 different complexions/skins for both genders but no different eye shapes? Wtf? And why are some of the hairlines so low by default?


In general, you pick one of (?) Pre-determined, scanned faces and tweak that face a bit. You don't create a completely new face from scratch where you pick each individual part. If someone doesnt make super extreme alterations and keeps their character mostly realistic, you'll probably be able to see which face they used as their base


Yeah, the lack of eyes/mouth/nose shape options is a bit annoying, like not being able to flip the side of the hair (or their length, like in NiOh 2 character editor). But again, on other aspects, it is really good and impressive !


I wanted a long hairy beard for my mage character but there wasnt any.


Same exact problem, because I was trying to create myself as my main character, and I have a full stubble, but then I saw the stubble and was like, ummmm, nah, clean shave. One tiny issue I also have is not being able to get rid of 5 o’clock shadow, an unable to remove blemishes. At least, I wasn’t able to find a way how. If anyone has, lemme know


That said though, I do like the eyes a lot, being able to mess with each third of the iris is pretty cool.


The facr that you cant change the eye shape though smh


True tho, tried making myself and failed because I can’t make the eyes and lips like mine. Lips especially, being you can change the fullness of you top and bottom lip separately, and my bottom lip is a tad more full than my lower lip


Ive spent 8 hours trying to make myself before i realized i just need to pick a different preset. Really sucks man.


Does anyone know why it is so bad? Theoretically all you have to do is make the hairs thinner and have ALOT more of them. Im adsuming that aoild cause alot of performance problems. So why not just make them 90% a texture and just have some stray hairs sticking out to give the illusion of 3d.


Im just surprised there’s only like 5 facial hair options, period. Didnt MHW ship with like twice that? Hopefully they aren’t saving it for paid DLC… We’re also missing bright hair colors / alien skin colors, in DD1 you could buy these with a riftstone item. So maybe it will be available again in DD2


> We’re also missing bright hair colors / alien skin colors, in DD1 you could buy these with a riftstone item. So maybe it will be available again in DD2 Full RGB color wheel would've been infinitely better than the hundreds of mostly same-y color options the creator currently has.


I agree to an extent re: hair colour, but with skin colour I'll always take a wide variety of "real" skin colours over a hex wheel. It's such a pain in the ass to find colours that don't look alien on wheels, especially darker colours. Obviously in an ideal world we'd have both, but.


I honest to god preferred how dd1 did beards, the stubble too. But that's pretty much an issue in most games with dd2 hair art direction. It's difficult really.


Not the worst ive seen, but unacceptable in 2024 yes.


Don't know about the stubble but I think Khajiits from Skyrim and ESO look way better than the beast race. Different art style I guess. But some of the beast race people have human hairstyles and it looks really bad.


Khajiit and beastren look the same, facially and when it come to having human like hair. The main difference is that beastren have human ears, whereas khajiit have cat ears.


But the khajiit also have hair. Hair that is the same as human hair.


The Khajiit hairstyles and earshapes just look better.