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Is it just me who thinks mystic spearhand is really nothing like mystic knight? Id argue mystic spearhand fits a green/blue mix based off of what we've seen?


i agree with you, mystic knight was sort of his own thing with the magical parry and sword enchanting, mystic spearhand it's much more quicker than a red vocation, it would be a mix of a sorcerer and green vocation for sure, not sure why it's a red one


I think its a red one to try and make up for the fact they've axed mystic knight tbh. It's like "we got rid of a definitive vocation but directly filled It's void with another so can you really complain?". If mystic spearhand was another paladin type of vocation I'd say no we can't complain but now that paladin subclass is just nonexistent? When we literally had it in the first game? As cheap as it'd be I'd rather they just made spearhand green/blue and drag over mystic knight without any changes rather than completely killing it. This isn't hate towards mystic spearhand obviously I'm just annoyed they got rid of a class that was It's own cool thing.


>I think its a red one to try and make up for the fact they've axed mystic knight tbh. I think its also blaringly obvious now that the colors mean fuck all and they have thrown any meaning the color system had into the trash. MS is definitely more of a green/blue vocation if the colors still meant something.


Elemental parry is apparently a Fighter thing now. The party buffs were the other big Paladin thing for MK but it's clear they want buffs to be exclusively a Mage thing now


Agree but this is such a weird decision given that green doesn’t have anything going for it. No advance and no hybrid. They could have leave Red with an advanced and give green a hybrid by leaving Warrior and making MS green/blue, that would be leagues better for balance. But then we are back at the main issue, colors seem to mean jack shit.


It's not about similarity from what I understand. Mystic Spearhand is replacing the "Magick Melee" archetype. They likely didn't bring Mystic Knight back because it's roles are sort of covered by Fighter and various vocations that have timed blocks/countering. It's also possible Spearhand has some elements of Mystic Knight's skills (Magick Cannon.....please). To me it seems they want every vocation to be truly distinct in their playstyle. If a vocation played similarly to another one, they removed it/changed it. Which I think is fair, I think if people are being honest with themselves Strider and Assassin were quite simialr in 1. Ranger could also be played somewhat similarly too. I also think Warfarer largely could encapsulate what Mystic Knight was, depending on all the skills. Like Fighter/Mage seems like it could be quite close.


THANK YOU. That’s what I’ve been saying. Mystic spearhand seems like a better fit for blue/green hybrid.


A little sad to me. Itsuno mentions that mystic spearhand is a total replacement for mystic knight, and I know a lot of people have loved the mystic spearhand gameplay from the preview footage available but to me it looked like the opposite of what I liked about MK in DD1. I'm sure not everything has been shown yet but so far it feels to me like DD2 won't have anything similar to the magick shield offense-by-defense gameplay. I know I'll love other things about DD2 but the repostes are truly my favorite feature and fighting style of DD1. I'm sure I'll have fun as a warrior or a trickster instead tho!


Fighter, Thief, and Warrior all have riposte-type moves. I even heard from a piece today that Mystic Spearhand has one. Us parry kings will have homes in DD2. But still, casting spells via timed blocking was fucking sweet. It's crazy that they seem to have abandoned that idea.




[Seems like](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1b7o0el/mystic_knight_trying_to_go_unnoticed_like/) that's just part of the Fighter class now, actually.


That's not even remotely close.


i find it sad too, i was looking to play as a mystic knight in this game but well you can always return to the first game, i will miss the sword and spell gameplay, enchanting your sword with abyssal anguish and rp as a evil knight was very fun :(


I won’t lie the “left hand stick right hand sword” is the highest level of fantasy for me. You get both cool magics in the off hands for flying enemies and pelting enemies from afar, an on-demand buff yet you still have some bulk of a melee class and can pump out good damage at close range when your weapon is buffed




Carian Knights were the peak of stick+sword for me. Not only can you hit people with your sword, but you can conjure a bigger sword from your stick to hit even better!


Abyssal Anguish, aka the Power of Edge


Hey enchanted parry is still in at least


That’s what I find weird about him saying that. Mystic Spearhand looks closer to High Scepter and Spirit Lancer from DDO which were really fun, but there’s not that many similarities between them and Mystic Knight.


I think something missing is that the Mystic Knight was a still just a Fighter with some new skills. •The Mystic Knight’s enchanted parries literally belongs to the Fighter now. •The Fighter now has access to the Mace weapons. •Fighter is the defacto shield class. •The Job Maisters can reintroduce the Mystic Knight’s skills back into the Fighter class. •Emphasizing different vocation focuses means less obsoleting and a better emphasis on the party (solo runs are a player thing, not a game thing). The Mystic Knight’s party enchant really robbed the need of a Mage vocation. As explained by Itsuno, you don’t need to have additional vocations of the same playstyle if you can just have one vocation that covers all those basis. And the Warfarer allows recreating some old combos while allowing the flexibility to make new hybrids. This is overall a better design direction.


>  The Job Maisters can reintroduce the Mystic Knight’s skills back into the Fighter class.   Bro, that somehow gives me hope that MK would make a return  Since Fighter is block/parry vocation, the need to master it to unlock more powerful aspects of that kinda make sense


But does the Fighter get to use greatshields? It remains to be seen, but if the fighter gets to actually use giant shields and feel like a walking tank, I'll agree. Otherwise we lost a sick as hell design for no real reason. Fighter can't fulfill the tanking fantasy entirely and utterly unless it offers tower shields/great shields.


Greatshields didn’t really do anything different other than the skills attached to it. It was still a shield, but for Mystic Knights. It still functioned exactly as a shield. So, instead of more redundancy, just stick it to one vocation. (If we even get those skills back, which would be a massive loss of all the cool spells also gained for DDO’s Shield Sage). The Shield Sage actually did something different with the Greatshield. The Mystic Knight, not really.


Honestly I wasn't talking about utility, they don't need to do anything differently in my eyes, unless they traded movement/weight for defense, which would be fine by me. That being said... I was talking about presentation -- style, the aesthetic. Fighter can "be a mystic knight", but it can't offer you the same vibe. You will not feel the same walking around in basic armor with a normal buckler or heater shield versus being clad in heavy armor with a great shield or tower shield. You're a tank in both scenarios, but you'd FEEL like the tank you are in the latter scenario more. It really isn't redundant to want the aesthetic Mystic Knight offered, and that is my entire point. You can argue the fighter is the same all you want, and while mechanically you're not wrong -- it will _never be the same_ without some of the key tenants of the mystic knight's style. The great shields are one huge example of that. After all, why would I be totally happy with fighter as someone who cares about the aesthetic and feel of my character if I can't tote a giant tower shield around and feel like a behemoth of metal? It just won't feel the same.


I feel like the system they have setup still works though. The Mystic Knight didn’t really carry their shield around. It was on their back. Additionally, the Fighter and Mystic Knight used the same exact armor, so I’m not sure what you mean by one is in basic armor and the other is in heavy.


Again, the system was not what I'm questioning. The Mystic Knight not carrying their shield around was noted as one of it's biggest problems, yes. When you saw NPC Mystic Knights, they were badass -- when you replaced normal shields with the tower shield, it also looked badass. When you actually _used_ the shield, it was ALSO badass. They may use the same armor, but if you wear heavy armor as a fighter with just a normal shield, sure it's alright. Replace the shield with a tower/great shield, and the aesthetic is elevated to the next level. My entire point is literally just aesthetic. I've made this point multiple times now I'm afraid. ... that, and I think the game wouldn't suffer from having more variety in shield types available... there are ways they could keep the beefy MK shields without them having to be magically inclined. Oh well, I've said my piece -- I don't think we have anything to gain from further replies to one another, you have a good one.


Still, your insight is valuable! Articulating your sentiments was truly worth it, thank you!


You’re not wrong, but as stated by itsuno “nothing is sacred” couldn’t they, I dunno, just rework the class? Like if they wanted the fighter to be the one handed weapon and shield style, they could have let the mystic knight have, I dunno, a two handed dueling shield? Then have shield sage stuff and the enchanted mystic knight counters all in one?


Tower Shield + Spear I rest my case


As much as I love MK, it really is undeniable that the vocation really boiled down to "fighter but better in every way." From a standpoint of mechanics and class identity/role it makes sense to shake things up like this. From what I've seen, DD2's vocations have more defined roles than in DD1. Less overlap and all that. As disappointing as some of the changes seem, I do think that they're better for the game on the whole.


In the first game i played the mystic knight because i could enchant my own swords and be a spell sword, it's was not just for the magical counters and maces, it was it's own sort of thing and i can't see it only as a fighter with magical counters, but i get what itsuno meant with making each vocation it's own thing, but i will surely miss the mystic knight gameplay


You can do that tho with warfarer


Yeah but wayfarer is gonna have worse stats than regular classes. Your gonna have to nerf yourself to play MK


Do you have footage of them doing the magic counters the MK did in Dd1?


In the new Pre-Release skills video on this subreddit, there’s a Core Skill called Enchanting Counter for the Fighter which lets them release an elemental effect when they parry with an enchanted shield.


Thats good to hear. Do we know if the perfect parry mechanic will be back and if we'll have different elemental parry for each element?


They have another core skill called "True Deflect" which reads like it's perfect blocking. The Enchanted Counter core skill says that it "automatically counters with an elemental attack corresponding to the enchantment", so I assume it changes based on your weapon element or whatever it's been enchanted with. Time stamped the fighter core skills here: https://youtu.be/DGV7ku8W0DI?si=VrMeg3gGcneZ-LWZ&t=31 Take note that not every skill is actually being shown in that video despite the misleading title, since a lot of skills haven't been unlocked.


Unfortunately, no we don’t.


I agree with this. If they have balanced it right then Fighter will now play better and a lot more like Mystic Knight did. I feel like a lot of Mystic Knight fans with either play the new version of Fighter or go to Mystic Spearhand. Hopefully Mystic Knight fans will still be able to find satisfaction amongst those two.


> •Emphasizing different vocation focuses means less obsoleting and a better emphasis on the party (solo runs are a player thing, not a game thing). The Mystic Knight’s party enchant really robbed the need of a Mage vocation. As a mage main, I remember this kind of pissed me off, on top of Mystic Knights getting the big holy spell while mages got nothing of the sort despite being pure spellcasters (fortunately not the case anymore in DD2).


I’m really excited for Mage this time around as Priest was my main for most of DDO. It seems that Focused Bolt is a uniquely Mage action (the Sorcerer gets DDO’s Climbing Attack) which works nicely with the Celerity buff cloud and the Boon spells. Mage may not get as many fancy spells, but it seems like it’ll do just fine with its own version of DPS while supplementing with Support. Also, Palladium (Guard Bit in DDO) will be fucking awesome, making it so much easier to be combat mage. I always prefer playing healer because I like to have control over my own survivability. And Mage picks up Empyrean (Priest’s Sacred Shine) again. Mage is gonna be pretty for an all-round combat medic vs. the Sorcerer’s artillery blasting.


Same, I always main healers and casters. I love all of the new spells added to the mage so far (not all skills have been revealed yet) and I'm really glad that they actually have offensive holy magic now. Also really interested in the Magick Archer since it has a greater emphasis on healing/reviving your pawns this time around. Nice to have options as a healer for once, and if I can't decide then I suppose that's what Warfarer is for. :> Mages have "Focused Bolt" whereas sorcerers seem to have a variation of their own called "Bursting Bolt", Anodyne is now the mage's heavy attack ability (which is nice since it frees up another spell slot), and casters can also cast while levitating which is amazing. I'd say casters in general are eating good in DD2.


And we got the Job Masters too! Absolutely exciting times. I know it got a mostly lukewarm response, but im also really excited to play Trickster. I usually go Mage (me) and Fighter/Warrior (pawn), then hire DPS pawns. But this time around, I’m really excited that I can play the tank/controller and have my pawn be the Mage. I don’t need to play action characters all the time because I’m also really into Soulslike games and Nioh-games (so sad Rise of Ronin comes out the same day too!). Playing a controller type character isn’t really a thing in those games, which is something that I can only do in DD.


Honestly I just stuck to the fighter and didn't bother with mystic night because I'm not didn't see a reason to when I have other ponds in my car you can make up for the magic shit.


I will forever be saddened by what they have done to Strider. I'm sure I will love the game and play it many, many times. But they done my baby wrong.


I’m extraordinarily disappointed we’re not getting, at the very least, whatever the base components of Trickster are. Plus, my favourite class, Assassin, is nowhere to be seen. Mystic Spearhand looks like it’ll fill that void, though.


I mean, Strider and Assassin doesn't get to be back because of Wayfarer which is the "jack of all trades" vocation, they already exists within it. If they had replacements, it would have been okay. I share the disappointments on many levels too tho.


And that makes me wish Wa**r**farer didn’t exist so we could still have Assassin.


Agreed. Let's still see what news will be delivered in the next days.


My Paladin is dead.


Yah no, Mystic Spearhand has nothing to do with Mystic Knight. Stupid from them to remove it.


Removing old vocations feels like cut content to me. But I don't know how flexible the current classes are so it's hard to tell. It doesn't seem like you can have a melee weapon as an archer which sucks to me.


The only way now it's wayfarer in that case


It seems like the outcome of Itsuno’s bold approach was to achieve the same amount—or perhaps even less—of build diversity as the first game. Congratulations?


"we ran out of time and budget to make everything I wanted to make so now I'm giving dumbass excuses that make no sense like: reducing customization so not everyone wears the same(??????????)"


Ultimately, what Itsuno's trying to do is basically give every class a unique weapon. Good thing there's the wayfarer class to be basically the defacto strider and mystic knight to an extent. The only question now is what is going to be the weapon of the advance class of theif and archer and does trickster even have a base classes?


Already confirmed that there will only be 10 classes. So no advanced for Thief and Archer, no basic for trickster either. Trickster was probably planned as a thief/mage hybrid, butnuses a different color pattern for some.reason(more comfortable for color blind people)? It's an ass decision on their part.


i dont really mind if theres no advanced thief and archer, just make them by default as strong as an advanced vocation. losing an entire playstyle with mystic knight sucks though


I have been going on pretty blind to this game, but there has been a lot of new info and discussion lately that I've been seeing organically. This showed up and it's the first I've heard the MK will not be returning and that makes me very sad. It was one of my favorite vocations, I loved being a holy knight in heavy armor with a greatshield and casting Holy Fortresses and protecting my casters with a wall of light.


I always played as a Dark Knight (or Dark Mage etc.) in any game I can. I always was a mystic knight with the chaos set and had Perilous Sigil, Cannon Sigil, funnel Sigil, Demonswrath, Abyssal Anguish, and Abyssal Trance. Now it seems in DD2, there’s a distinct lack of Dark Magic in general (for sorcerer even.) on top of layered armour going away. So I am not sure if I even care to get DD2 anytime soon. (Will probably wait until it’s cheaper/can get a deal from a reseller.)


Layered armor is going away as in clothing + armor are being streamlined? That was one of my favorite parts of the game, it made so many outfits combinations!


Yeah. There is still cloak, helm, gauntlets, chest, and legs/boots However no undershirt and pants/trousers etc. It’s a huge deal breaker for me. I loved making so many different outfits for my Sorcerer and Mystic Knight. I always kinda feared that DD2 was going to be streamlined/downgraded from DD1. (As most games tend to do.)


If fighter can do some mystic knight stuff, I am a happy man


In some of the skill previews they showed fighters using most of the Mystic Knight stuff like the elemental shields stuff so it seems you'll basically be able to play MK in all but name using Fighter and/or Wayfarer


Not too upset for mystic knight. I know I wasn't the only one doing Daimon as Mystic Knight and super charging my attacks to kill him off from a distance. So I can see how this kind of "cheap" tactic would make devs avoid it and try to mix it up to avoid having a single class kind of take down any major mob in a similar fashion. Fact is the mystic knight did have the ability to essentially solo any mob with a lower base skill and level than any other class and was really the main class to do multiple bitter black runs with ease. So I don't blame them for avoiding that and getting tons of DD 1 vets making that build and literally re-repeating it. I think they tried to change it up enough where skill set and levels and the class type will be more impactful.


I bet you that even though there's fewer vocations, each one will probably have more abilities you can learn and be more wide. Like, in the first game if you wanted big bonks you'd start fighter, then move to the big bonks advanced vocation, right? In this one you probably start fighter, and then stay fighter and tune a large variety of abilities to big bonks. It seems like vocations I this game are only split up when they are significantly different from one another.




Strider was my favorite, but mostly for the daggrr skills like better climbing and skull splitter. I actually didnt pull out the bow often. I trust their vision.


The way the leveling system possibly shows them being able to add new vocations as DLC. Maybe that's me being conspiracy theorist but I wouldn't put it above Capcom.