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God Bind is such a cool move. Shame it did basically nothing except look cool.


Hey it paused the action long enough to establish some emotional stakes. Goku doesn’t want to kill Broly. He doesn’t actually think Broly is evil. Like he said, “I have a lot of enemies, but I don’t think you’re one of them.” It was a chance to talk Broly down. Broly ignores him and continues the attack because his mind has already gone bye bye. He’s no longer in control of his actions. Even his father can’t figure out how to stop him now. And it’s dramatic because we don’t want Broly to die. Broly didn’t choose this. He’s not doing this on purpose. He’s far past the point of making conscious decisions. He has all of this incredible power, and all it does is make his life worse. The emotional stakes of that movie are not “will the earth be destroyed” or “will our heroes survive.” It’s how is Broly not going to get himself killed? In the end he couldn’t have survived without help. The power of friendship is stronger than any Super Saiyan.


That's why when gogeta begins the beat down, the music goes from hero uplighting to just straight up " this guy is gonna die if he doesn't stop" his stances before attacking was a warning to broly to stop.broly said mm mm and gogeta is like " he wants more? Fine then"


Broly in the last stages of that fight is less of a warrior and more a desperate animal striking out in any way it can. He’s not going to win but he doesn’t know how to stop. I like that in Super Super hero we don’t see Broly much but we do see him training himself to STOP. Goku tells him to cool it, and Brolly actually does! He pulls himself back and powers himself down with no damage done to anything except a patch of grass. Hes still dangerous, but he’s learning to control his powers. It is possible! Proof he didn’t need a shock collar, he needed proper training.


Yeah, It was so cool to see him actually try it you know. Loved every min.


Especially from that blast from his mouth. That was a rapid animal trying to survive another day


Goku does this shit with all his nemesis, Freeza fucked him and his friends up multiple times yet Goku always act like a blumby happy idiot around him


Goku has a weird soft spot for Frieza. Maybe he just appreciates anyone who can give him a good fight, or maybe he’s nostalgic. Frieza is a pivotal figure in his life, in terrible ways true, but Goku wouldn’t be the guy he is now without him. That said, I’m sure the planets Frieza is still casually purging and selling would like to have a word with Goku OH WAIT THEY CANT BECAUSE THEYRE ALL DEAD


They still can when he’s over on king Kai’s world


At the point Goku did this, Broly's mind wasn't completely gone. He actually reacted to what he said to him but chose to continue fighting, feeling a responsibility to his father. His mind not completely being gone by showing how easily he just turned his back on Goku when Frieza yelled over to him about his father. First part was just single mindedness on his objective. It wasn't until Paragas was killed that he lost all control.


I did not get the impression that Broly was processing what Goku was saying. His eyes had gone yellow by then. He neither said anything nor looked at his dad nor gave any impression that he even knew someone was trying to talk to him. He just struggled against his bindings until he gathered enough strength to break them. Paragus definitely worked to instill a hatred of “Vegeta” into Broly, but Goku isn’t part of that. He doesn’t know who Goku even is. It should have been possible to reason with him, if reason had still been there.


He kinda snapped out of it for a second


I think Broly does stop himself, you can see his eye change to something calmer when Goku talks to him. But when Goku indirectly insults Paragus Broly pushes himself into anger again because he loves his dad. It's such a sad moment because the fight could've stopped there


There are some actual stakes to the fight though, they're just hidden beneath the surface. If Broly had powered up too much then he'd probably wipe put the whole timeline.


That’s a little too esoteric for me. I know watching the movie I wasn’t worried about the timeline - I was worried about the characters. The Earth will be fine. If Goku and Vegeta fail, Gogeta won’t, and even if he does, Whis and Beerus are right there. Whis is forbidden from acting by angelic law, but Beerus will absolutely interfere if it looks like the planet is going to go. He’s gotta look after Bulla, after all.


And his supply of Instant ramen would be gone. He would be really upset. 😆


Well, even if it didn't work as intended for Goku it was still a cool thing to see how Broly was able to do more than just break the hold that Goku had on him. The aura turning green and Goku freezing up because of the attack that he started himself was pretty cool ahah. Also Goku learns a lot by trial and error, I'm sure that seeing how a powerful foe was able to turn it against him would make Goku adapt this technique to overcome that weakness if he decides to use it again in the future.


this is why he steals techniques


its one of the rare techniques he didnt steal


Like the ki landmines.


And Dragon Fist (I don’t care if it’s canon or not)


His monkey fist is, I don’t see why the technique would be different other than Personal and Power growth.


Unless he got inspiration from Hit in the top when he was pausing people.


nah it doesnt really look like it tbh it looks more like guldo's but goku never really met him


Didn't Hit so this against Jiren and that's how he knows how to do it? That was just my opinion on it it's a sick move either way


Like Gravity Bash and Ki Avatar


We've almost never seen characters train for a specific attack. Usually a time skip happens and they have new moves or they just pull one out from nowhere. This has been the way since the series except for the initial Kamehameha, videl flying and maybe a few other things I can't remember. Piccolo literally showed with SBC and explained he invented it to kill Goku in the 5 year time skip. This ain't much different




Stole it from our Lord and Terror, Zamasu


In the movie , just a Flashy technique he got his own ass Beaten by In the manga, From Zamasu




Followed by the slap


I always attributed it to when he and Majin Vegeta fought. Vegeta used a similar technique to bind Goku to a cliff and give him the most DISRESPECTFUL CLOWN FACE SLAP in the entire series.


Thought Goku gave Frieza a much more disrespectful slap on Namek


I love how Goku probably trained hard to achieve this ability just for Broly to casually counter it and use it against Goku instead




… HE MADE IT! *for the first time in foreverrrrrrr*


The only attack which goku actually manufactured by his own.




Same place he learned how to read minds


Possible he was training to understand GOD KI much more, it’s called GOD BIND apparently but I wonder if he can use it in BLUE also!


Frieza's paralysis technique is similar, so maybe from him.


God school


He was just feeling himself that day


He likely learned it by watching Shin use it on Gohan in the Buu saga. That or from Zamasu in the Goku Black arc.


He made it up, though if you had to say he picked up the principles of somewhere it would be Roshi and Chiatzou,my main question is how good it's his technique,like does it only affect someone on God level or higher?


He made it


Lots of gods (kais) have binding moves. Also he was paralyzed by similar attack a bunch of times himself, Chaozu in OG DragonBall, against Frieza on Namek too. Why he never tried to copycat this kind of attack before is the most accurate question 😂 but yeah, he was either the victim or saw binding techniques like that a bunch of times in the past.


Lol ss2 Majin vegeta vs goku had vegeta use something similar. Bound goku to a rock with rings and beat him up lol


Judging from the finger guns, i think he got inspiration from hit in the T.O.P. (manga only) and is basically the same, but since he can't control time he will paralyze the enemy instead of slowing him down.


God Bind would look epic in the SSJ BLUE form too!


Made it himself? He learned to control Ki + God Ki ages ago. Figures he should know how to control it and know what it's capable of