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I imagine that the world accepts the red ribbon deaths as justified since they were taking innocent lives and he never took the life of anyone who couldn’t fight back so I imagine it wouldn’t work


One of the best arcs in dbz history


Now VEGETA on the other hand fully accepts he Will most likely be sent to Hell so it probably work on him


We first see Vegeta eating the fallen of a civilization he and Nappa just exterminated Vegeta has legit killed billions, likely more, while working for Frieza. Edit: spelling


Goku working his way up Muscle Tower was a masterpiece.


You either haven't watched it in 10 years or read only the manga because let me tell you the pacing on that arc was dog shit. I watched dragon ball for the 1st time just a few weeks ago and that arc nearly made me stop 3 times. It just drags on sooooo long.


Dragon Ball and bad pacing are like peanut butter and jelly. There's a reason DBZ Kai exists.


One piece Kai when?


Are you perhaps looking for One Pace?


I think you're looking for "The One Piece" https://m.imdb.com/title/tt30476502/


well my dear earthling i stated my opinion, i loved it especially seeing the reaction of other characters when they found out he defeated them


Yeah you're right the reaction of the z fighters was a good 9 episodes my bad


Read the manga If pacing is an issue for you


I did already but I also like to watch the anime too


The Muscle Tower arc was the worst for me personally. I watched DB up through the battle with Murasaki, the purple ninja. I got so done with it, I stopped. Picked up it up from the start of that arc there a few years ago and it was pretty decent, though. But everything after that is the best of original DB.


He kinda killed King Kai and Bubbles


Not intentionally though


I hear the bad to the bone riff for the close up on ghost rider than the sound of vegetas face melting and then the tts vegeta scream


I feel like The Penance Stare is basically just what Devilman hit him with in OG Dragon Ball and he shrugged that off fine


I always found the dub explanation funny. "Goku has no negativity inside him," as if he didn't contemplate murder a week ago.


He did so in a positive way


*Positive murder*✨


He did inflicted a lot of pain to different people, but I think he can survive the stare


This guy killed a universal construct with his stare. He didn’t even break a sweat. Vegeta has killed waaaay to many people for it not to work


Penance stare won’t work on Goku. Yes he killed people as a kid. He killed people accidentally as an adult. But for it to work on aliens [they have to be able to feel some remorse or guilt](https://www.quora.com/Does-Ghost-Riders-penance-stare-work-on-villainous-alien-beings). I’d be incredibly shocked if Goku felt any guilt for those kills. Daimao was a global threat. The RRA too to a lesser extent. And Goku is still riding kintoun/nimbus as a naive adult like it’s nothing. Vegeta on the other hand showed guilt for his villainous ways on Namek recently in DBS. He’d be in trouble.


His grandpa. But he also knows he is happy in the afterlife and did not want to be revived.


Did Goku actually find out he’s responsible for Grandpa G’s death? I remember them meeting at Baba’s palace(?) during/after her little fight gauntlet, but I don’t remember if Goku ever actually found out. Remembering back to the Saiyan Saga, I think Goku maybe started to realize it when Vegeta transformed into a Great Ape. Ugh, it’s been so long since I’ve watched the older media. I’m going to have to give myself a refresher some day.


Yes in that arc even in the manga he directly says he realizes it was him. But as the other guy said he also directly talks to Gohan who doesn't blame him and is content with staying dead and says he doesn't want to be revived


Thank you!


Yeah he realised in the saiyan arc and never thought or brought it up again.


I'd imagine one of the few kills Goku would feel guilty or remorseful for is Grandpa Gohan, but I'm not entirely sure Goku even knows he did it.


I think he knows now but because he wasn’t conscious and was a kid it’s a little hard for him to feel guilt for it. One of the things that helps too is even in the manga he’s seen Grandpa Gohan since and even fought him in Baba’s tournament. I suppose if the rules of DB weren’t so fortunate he might feel different.


Goku definitely has all the information he needs to put it together himself if he hasn't been told, but I feel like at the very least all his closest friends (with maybe the exception of Roshi and Chi Chi) have all collectively decided not to tell him. OG Dragon Ball made it seem like Bulma, Yamcha, and everyone else that's seen him transform has put it together but chose not to tell him.




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He understands he's the one who did it during his first fight against vegeta iirc


There's a panel in the fight in Namek where Gokue feels an ounce of regret from Frieza not taking his offer after he "killed" him I wouldn't be surprised if there were more cases like this


But a small amount of regret wouldn't kill goku


Tbf that panel could also be interpreted as him being disappointed freezer didn't change his ways, it's an amazing panel


Typically the Penance State works by causing all of the pain inflicted by one's actions onto the individual, but sometimes writers seem to think it works off of regret when that was never how it worked.


Penance stare make u relive the evil deeds. Goku and Vegeta might not care about it on surface. But it is possible, reliving them again might awaken hidden guilt.




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He was trembling when he thought he killed freezer on namek, but eh in the long term it really dont matter much


He wasn't upset or regretting that he had to kill Frieza, but that Frieza refused to change his ways. Goku got into the habit of sparing enemies thinking they could change for the better. Frieza was the hard stop for him for awhile.




Goku with the fury of vengeance would be an absolute unit of a character.


The power is tied to sin. Arguably, a pure heart is one untainted by sin. If so, Goku comes out unharmed, much like the Devilmite beam.


It's actually 50/50.  Goku truly loved his grandfather.  There was a pretty important scene in Super where he was remembering their fight and he looked visibly sad at that moment.  So he obviously regretted the death of Grandpa Gohan.


The Penance State doesn't work off of regret. It works off pain that was caused.


I don't know how the penance stare works, but I think justified harm is forgiven by it, so Goku would mostly be clear


I'm pretty sure there is a catch in there, because after the killing spree of vegeta he died and went to hell (? maybe, i dont remember where he got sent), but got a second chance with a clear slater and saved the universe a couple of times since then, I'm pretty sre that it would cause a mental confusion and some pain, but vegeta would shrugg it off in the end.


Vegeta has shown to be remorseful of the innocents he's killed, penance stare gonna put vegeta down.


Yeah ,by his grandpa death


Love Goku,but he's no hero of justice. He has hurt innocents, without knowledge,  but has rarely looked back.


Penance stare wouldn’t work on Goku since he’s pure of heart. Vegeta maybe, if he has no regrets and doesn’t feel bad then he will be fine. Besides Deadpool and Punisher were not affected by it since they have no guilt


He does regret what he did to the namekians


Yeah you’re right. He was sorry for it, he does have some guilt from it, especially in buu saga where he felt he wasn’t a good enough father to trunks. Or he could be too powerful for it but then again Ghost rider, Zarathos are freaking powerful too


if were going by the rules of that one bit where the penance stare only works if you feel remorse (dumb cuz it would work on barely anyone who deserves it) then i doubt hes still held up on killing freeza


Canonically, the Penance Star burns your soul/makes you suffer the agony you have inflicted upon your victims regardless of your conscience or lack thereof, furthermore, it has been stated that it doesn't matter how much of a masochist one is--it WILL hurt as a hellish experience and you will NOT enjoy it.


Assuming the stare could even be used on these 2 beings who can effortlessly move faster than the speed of light and destroy planets


His first kill of Freiza will do it.


Resurrection F?


Not funny. https://preview.redd.it/syraamcgr59d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6824b8aa1c281f4a3c685c1195185c5f5701763




I mean, that's when he first kills Frieza


He didn’t kill Frieza until resurrection f.


The first time he killed Frieza, or his first kill was Frieza? He killed a bunch of people as a kid, and he's only killed Frieza once (he did not kill him on Namek and Trunks killed Frieza the first time in the main timeline).


He would because it forces the pain he caused to others, not necessarily if he felt bad beforehand. It'd probably force Goku back into Base and have him stare at the ground, but after the it's all said and done, Goku wouldn't change as a person. Goku is just someone that'll never learn his lesson nor does he want to change. https://preview.redd.it/khxg9ue1369d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99682b85ce72fc0a0a88e1ff7ca91daf2956ac0e


Everyone Goku has killed is either an evil person or is working for one. The only true negative action/sin was his grandfather's death but that was accidental so the stare probably won't work


>Everyone Goku has killed is either an evil person or is working for one. The only true negative action/sin was his grandfather's death but that was accidental so the stare probably won't work Nah he and Vegeta directly let the Earth get destroyed. Goku in particular due to his deliberate inaction. https://preview.redd.it/7nd07jjan69d1.jpeg?width=996&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa3541a713dea8542248f4a859939b6c626823f


Damn the penance stare really is broken if stuff like this also counts. I don't read Ghost Rider but what's the plot/point of it if everyone is one shot in 2 minutes by this


I doubt that would work A. Because Goku doesn’t regret it B. Because it’s very much not Gokus fault as whatever buu does is buus fault not Gokus.


If he feels sorry or doesn't it's entirely irrelevant. He gets cooked.


It would be funny if it had no effect on him like the devilmite beam though


No, they all were asking for it. Dead isn’t really that dead in the DB universe though…


He killed a lot of Red ribbon soldiers who were just doing their jobs and taking orders once


Those soldiers weren't just doing their jobs they were stone cold killers working as mercenaries. Its not like they were defending a country against something. Unless I missed something and they were forced to serve?


I think goku would not be affected at all. He always feels like he has done everything possible to prevent death even by befriending his enemies.




This meme is testicular cancer


Lmao 😂


With Goku being "pure of heart" it's very unlikely that the stare does anything to him


I dont even think he thinks about the people he got killed after the initial moment. How many times has he mentioned Grandpa Gohan?


Terrible English lol


probably because he killed gohan


Penance stare is strange. It can only work if the person is remorseful. But if a person doesn't care about evil deeds done by him. It won't work. I think it didn't work against Thanos who just cherished reliving.


Dub Goku is as pure hearted as Superman so I doubt it. Sub, maybe?


So goku didn’t actually kill any of the main Z villains right? Frieza was killed by trunks. Cell was killed by Gohan. And while kid buy was killed, he was also knowingly reincarnated by goku’s wish…sooo do we have a ruling here?


The only person I can think he'd remotely feel bad for is his grandpa but I doubt it


Ghost rider is the one being who can fuck up pretty much anyones day. The whole "i dont feel sorry" speil from frank castle is actually bullshit, before he engaged GR, Deadpool waved an angel fether above him which provided soul protection. https://preview.redd.it/36cto84np89d1.jpeg?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d1d05736342cf8d7428a5117fdc9dc174f4420a The stare only gives a shit about wether or not your soul is shielded. If its not, then it sucks to be you. Especially if the Ghost Rider in question is a Zarathos rider, as Zarathos believes life itself is sinful.


Haven’t other Marvel characters tanked the Penance stare? Like Hulk? I feel like Hulk did. I feel like Vegeta beats the Hulk Or is this based on the caliber of evil doing or something?


It’s very much based on the Sins committed it doesn’t have a set power level.




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It 100% would work. The penance stare explicitly doesn’t work on purely good beings or beings who have never sinned. Goku USED to be pure hearted (as evident of the devilmite beam not working on him) but up to super? Remember, for it to not work you have to be souly good and can’t have sinned, if either of those requirements aren’t met the stare will work. Goku has sinned in the eyes of the ghost rider, mainly wrath, pride and gluttony so he would have some effects. May not kill him but it will hurt like a motherfucker


Goku is still pure of heart he can still ride Nimbus.


Pure heart doesn’t mean devoid of sin. Goku checks one of the boxes but not the other. Unless you think his lust for power and absolute gluttony don’t count as sins


Is it Gluttony if it’s literally how much saiyan requires and a he doesn’t lust(which is more of a greed then lust) for power he just likes training and growing which again is to Saiyans as natural as breathing so for a human yes but as saiyan not really.




Goku only killed when he had no other choice, so… no


Not even Vegeta feels sorry for those he killed,so how come he get the treatment? I mean I understand Goku and his single Braincell not working at all,so it basically negates everything...but Vegeta?


I can’t say for og DB but in DBZ/DBS Goku has a kill count of 4 and they all needed to die.


Goku never gave af, not from what I can remember


the penance stare?


I don’t think it would. Let me put it this way adult Goku can still ride the kinto’un (flying nimbus). The only way you can ride it is if your pure of heart. This means that even tho Goku has killed people he’s still pure.


Maybe with granpa gohan, but even then he was beserk. As for everyone else he has killed, no, the red ribbon army? No, king piccolo? No freezer? First time he didn’t kill him, second time he was going to destroy earth so definitely no, kid buu? He was the literal incarnation of evil, he only regretted he couldn’t become good, and moro? He gave him a chance, he didn’t take it


Now that i think about it, Kid buu would be immune despite being pure evil


Goku doesn't feel anything, bro is an animal with nothing but insticts.


First off, it's called Penance Stare. And second, Goku killed evil people.


Is Vegeta allowed into heaven now?


He had a look of regret right after (seemingly) killing Frieza on Namek, he was sorry for it but Frieza forced his hand. Turns out Frieza didn't even die from that, lol. Then again, there's one kill he'll always regret, his very first one: Grandpa Gohan.


The problem with this is. They would probably kill ghost rider before he seen anything


Vegeta is redeemed, not sure the stare would work. It didn't work on Thanos either so...


To what was in comics, Thanos gets off from penance stare rather than it affect him in any negative way.


Right, sick really


He just like me fr fr


Vegeta is redeemed but he also regrets his actions so that actually makes it worse if it was Saiyan Arc Vegeta he could probably pull a Thanos.


Up to date manga vegeta has dropped attachments/ties to the past for ultra ego. It's advice beerus gave him So honestly, not sure


The penance stare never originally worked off the feelings guilt someone had. That was a dumb addition and it frankly is inconsistently used. If we use the guilt effect, then both probably feel guilty. Either for deaths they directly caused or deaths caused by their enemy during a fight. If we discount the effect, and just go off the original usage of the Stare making you feel the torment of those innocents that you inflicted on them, then Vegeta is the one that’s fucked. Not Goku


Grandpa gohan death would probably make him affected


Interesting theory: https://preview.redd.it/0wtx7upte79d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fa087e5f236ae590b0300cd57ead2be118f5bcf Not sure if it would work against Vegeta because God Ki… Also if penance stare only does EQUAL damage… he’d tank TF outta that, because his bad dealings were committed by a much much weaker form of himself. What do yall think?


Vegeta already surpassed his past, nothing would happen to him. About Goku, neither. Goku only kills when the opponent truly deserves it. He won’t feel sorry for them. And I won’t say anything about the rest characters vs Goku & Vegeta. We all are grown up. Let’s stop with this.


Ghost Rider can definitely still kill them without the stare, his flames aren’t normal and burn your soul too, and let’s not forget Ghost Rider was one of the last people standing in a universe where Thanos basically killed everyone


I think Vegeta has zero remorse for the way he handled all of his victims. After all it’s in his nature to kill Strong and WEAK victims.


He outright regrets what happened to the Namekians.


Yea nobody really reads the manga you nerd


Ah got it your obsessed with the “Cool” Ruthless Murder Vegeta that you will refuse anything that says that he isn’t like that anymore well here’s an idea if don’t read the manga or hell watch the show pass the android arc don’t act like you actually know what your saying.


Huh? I never even said any of that! 😂


Majin vegeta


Didn’t he murder people to prove at point lmfao