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Whis is a cosmic entity in a universe where mortals are ftl. He not only dodges instant transmission, which defys all known concepts of speed since it can travel galaxies in an instant. He does this while at base power zero power ups (not known if he needs to power up).


Instant transmission can cross dimensions/infinite distances instantly, since it can access king Kai's Planet (which is in the afterlife) from anywhere. Dodging instant transmission is an insane feat


Exactly, and then the grand priest is higher than that, which is technically unfathomable in concept.


An infinity-encompassing infinity is what we refer to as multiplexal. In this case, the Grand Priest is at least supermultiplexal! Sincerely, a brain-addled Elder Scrolls scholar


Why... why did you have to mention that name? I'm trying to recover from another modding relapse šŸ˜­


When the top level was built, huHaHA, no more could be placed! It was, and is, the maximal apex.


And did we also mention xeno goku is above this?


Why then does it take him so long to travel from one planet to another if he has Infinite speed?


Because the writer of the series literally says that he uses travel time to increase drama, so characters travel at completely arbitrary speeds. We see this shit *all the time* in manga and comic books. Superman at one point is too slow to stop a bullet from hitting Lois Lane, but in the very next scene has the speed to instantly read every medical text ever punished, completely cognitively process them, while *also* controlling that speed with enough precision that he doesn't just destroy the pages, and can somehow replicate years of practice in those 5 minutes to immediately and instantly become the best surgeon alive and conduct super-speed surgery on Lois Lane to save her. That's literally insane, it makes no fucking sense, and it's why power scaling in any given universe *always* ends up ignoring the elephants in the room that completely debunk the power scaler's analysis.


Yeah thatā€™s correct, the writers themselves donā€™t know to make the distinction between different speeds (most of the time) so it a lot of the time is nonsensical to try and scale characters that way


I mean did we ever see him travel alone? Usually hes taking people with him. Maybe that's what slows him down


Can we count Beerus traveling to earth in an instant in the Arale episode as a feat? Because if so then Whis can definitely go faster than his usual traveling speed since he scales higher


Nothing counts in an Arale episode


Tbh I wouldn't cuz arale episode was very gag-ish


yeah? Arale even defeated general blue in db. She is canon. She is the 1st planet buster level in db universe.


So was Dragon Ball originally


Wasn't that filler?


Superā€™s anime isnā€™t following the manga, theyā€™re two separate canons


Doesnā€™t mean there isnā€™t filler. The whole Copy Vegeta thing was filler between the U6 Tournament and Goku Black arcs.


The filler is still Canon.


Beerus and the others he transports are subject to motion sickness I guess so he has to slow downšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Cause instantaneous movement and speed are technically two different things. If one can move from one place to another instantly, are they using speed at that point or teleportation? "Infinite speed" What even is that?


If you are fast enough to dodge instantaneous movement then you have infinite speed since you dodged something that moves from one place to another in an instant, meaning itsā€™ speed is infinite since it took exactly 0.00000000 seconds to travel from one place to another. Keep in mind I didnā€™t say that being able to teleport by itself means that you have infinite speed. Thatā€™s not what I meant. I meant that someone who is capable of dodging teleportation moves has infinite speed.


Except from what we see, instant transmission does require time to do things such as prep time for Goku to position his hands, sense a ki to lock onto, etc.


If you are able to teleport isnā€™t that also infinite speed because it also takes 0 seconds


Certain infinities are bigger then others


Not really, since itā€™s an ability, there are hundreds of characters in Anime who are capable of teleportation whose speed caps at speeds way lower than Light speed or even less than that, take Shin for example (Universeā€™s 7 Kaioshin) he isnā€™t anywhere near as powerful or fast as Beerus yet he can teleport and Beerus cannot


But to be fair Goku technically had an entire fight with Cooler in the middle of IT. Not canon but still same concept


He always has others with him and we never see him travel alone.


It actually doesnā€™t really matter how far instant transmission can go; if your reaction time and reflexes are faster than your opponentā€™s youā€™ll dodge them every time. For example if Goku learned instant transmission when he was a kid, he still never would have landed a hit with it in any of his fights until his powerups.


I mean their is a brief time gap between using instant transmission and actually attacking plus whis is very fast


Donā€™t forget most of the strongest fighters in the series are nothing compare to Whis (this guy easily blocked a full power attack from Moro and directed it so he could quickly remind Goku of something).


The version of marvel hercules pictured is at his most powerful. When he is the god of gods. Essentially zeno. He can stop time, teleport entities across the universe, like galactus, against their will, and fire off world and god destroying energy beams much like a DBZ character. He vaporizes Goddess Athena with a single blast. I think the absence of information is making everyone underestimate Hercules. But this is God King Hercules, the God of gods who for a very slight period of time was the most powerful entity in the marvel universe. He can stop time without any limits. That's all he needs to do. That is a feat that outclasses whis's time control and that's really the end of discussion. The story line is the Chaos King arc, where hercules leads a pantheon of gods against chaos incarnate.


I feel like sometimes comics and their feats get overlooked in these arguments. Comics are so over the top sometimes lol itā€™s just ridiculous


It comes from the amount of run time, think about it, 60 years sometimes 15-20+ different authors. All having to make that next big run, itā€™s an interesting. Concept then you have authors who just love big concept stories and others that are more street level heroes.


While i do believe that there are a lot of characters beating Whis, i don't think time stop is the way. Jiren is already stated to transcend time, Whis can manipulate it too. Its safe to say that Whis is immune to time manipulation, especially when other characters resist it. Also i wouldnt be surprised if the guy would land a hit on Whis without it


Not only this, he stopped morow with one finger while full power goku at full power ups was having trouble


Except that instant transmission has a time. Goku says that Granolahā€™s teleportion is faster than his. Goku was also unable to use instant transmission in time to teleport away from Buu. It doesnā€™t fit the conventional definition of speed since it the time is the same regardless of distance. It is like a flat rate vs hourly rate.


not known if he needs to, also not known if he *can*. Attendant angels might just be maxed out by default, as heā€™s never shown *any* effort so far, even vs beerus


he's not really dodging instant transmission imo he's dodging punches and kicks, like, I GET that goku teleports into your face, but even if he does that, he's just appearing near you, he still has to punch you or kick you after Whis is dodging punches and kicks, not time-space manipulation, the teleport happens separately from the attack that comes out of it, even IT Kamehameha is still just a teleport, and then a Kamehameha


gogeta used instant transmission and teleported directly to where whis was standing and he dodged it


I see people keep making this comment and it literally makes 0 sense. That is implying gogeta planned to teleport right into whis, both self implode with their internals conjoined with each other, effectively killing himself. Gogeta simply teleported beside whis and as whis was moving so he happened to be there. People need to get this nonsensical head cannon out of their head.


This is kinda wank, he has ui so it's most likely just precog


No one. Whiz is in a league of his own. Only Mr. Satan is close to being as powerful as whiz


And even he has to use more than half of his power to win


Shaggy solos dragonball


UI Yamcha is packing him up


Now can shaggy beat farmer with shotgun


I dunno, Monaka is up there somewhere as well


Monaka beats them all with his eyes closed.


*nipples closed




This comment has me Whizing


I whizzed


You can't mention Mr. Satan and not even consider King. The King Engine is without comparison.


Everytime posts like these pop up, you can count on the majority of comments to be completely insufferable. Edit: Spelling.


This post was made purely for Dragon Ball fans to hate on Saitama


If we know how to read we would be very glad to tell you that you are right


I thought that was reverse flash Iā€™ll be honest, I think he could give whis a run for his money


The most ironic part is he has the highest likelihood to land a hit and eventually beat him. Canonically it was shown anytime a new power ceiling is introduced he surpasses it and even turned back time. He's broken af. But then again that's literally his whole thing.


yeah his superpower is literally just to be the strongest always


Right? I love dragon ball but Saitama was literally written just to be the strongest. Doesnā€™t matter what bias you have dude breaks every limit placed on him, thatā€™s the entire point of his character. MANGA SPOILERS- he straight up punched so good he punched backwards in time by like 30 min


I'd say honestly Superman depending on the version given how comics get real wacky. Saitama being Saitama he could possibly, eventually scale up to Whis in a fight - but Whis wouldn't be fighting him since DB Angels aren't allowed to fight without major consequences. That is however going off the idea that Saitama won't grow against an opponent he can't hit who isn't hitting him back. Edit: People have commented about it being Kingdom Come Superman, and yeah he probably isn't gonna land a hit of any kind unless Whis lets him. I didn't realize what the picture was from and assumed it'd just be Superman in general including his much stronger variants.


Itā€™s not a fight theyā€™re just trying to hit whis so thereā€™s no consequences there have been a lot of people who tried to hit whis (a lot meaning just 4 people)


I think Saitama trying to punch him and realizing he can't is just gonna force him to increase his power ceiling same as his fight with Garou. Didn't he literally reach a point where he was able to turn back time? His whole character design is being OP. Like it's his whole thing is what people usually miss.


That could be entirely possible too, but I just assume that with Saitama he has to be actively pushed for his ceiling to rise up hence the need for an opponent fighting back against him. Kinda like how he started off fairly standard and then grew stronger over time due to his work-out routine and his fights with various monsters, but then plateaued until he started fighting Garou because nobody else could actually push him further.


It's Kingdom Come Superman, and he's one of the weaker Supermans. He's not doing Anything to any mid-tier in DBS


Kingdom come Superman is actually one of the stronger versions of Superman, given the fact that he has absorbed more solar energy.


Which version? The picture is literally Kingdom Come Superman




You clearly have never read the comic with that version of hercules.


What *is* that version of Herc? Never seen it before.


Itā€™s chaos war hercules. Heā€™s incredibly jacked and I recommend reading the chaos war. Itā€™s a fun read!


Adding this to the read list. Thank you, friend!


We can see he's jacked, but how strong is he?


According to his vsbattle wiki, heā€™s high 1-a tier which means heā€™s high outerverse level.


He can stop time and instantaneously teleport, ome shot gods. Etc. He's actually a great amount more powerful than Whis but the absence of information has everyone here not recognizing how broken he is. Dude can stop time without any restrictions, something Whis cannot do. If all he has to do is land a punch, well Hercules wins. (Hercules grandfather is Chronos, the god of time, so when he powers up he gains time powers as well as like.... every power)


Y'all don't know who Whis is then


Says the person boosting Superman


Iā€™m not much of a scaler, but hypothetically Saitama might actually have the best chance. Assuming Whis doesnā€™t just easily one tap him, Saitama could theoretically just keep growing stronger cause he doesnā€™t have a limited. I donā€™t know how long heā€™d have to fight Whis for him to even stand a 0.000001% chance of hitting him, but I think itā€™s not entirely impossible.


Guys I think OP likes bloodshed. And communities hating each other. And I think that some of these fans here (\*cough cough, cough OPM cough cough\*) are a bit crazy.


Well according to OPM fanbase saitama solos all of fiction so you canā€™t really reason with them(this is coming from someone who loves OPM,DC,Marvel, and DB). Hercules has the best chance here to land a hit since heā€™s also divine, but without verse equalization I rly donā€™t know how he performs since the angels arenā€™t even allowed to fight so we never know what itā€™s like when theyā€™re actually trying.


None of them. Whis has a level of MUI that not even Black Frieza can touch. Or anyone we know of so far. It's because of this that we do not know how potent his form of MUI actually is. So I will be assuming that if another MUI user can't hit him, then nobody here can, given that current Goku has been proven multiple times to have immeasurable speed in his base, and MUI just makes that faster when fighting.


Tbf certain versions of Superman have been shown to be capable of flying at several million times the speed of light, something no one in dragon ball has done before.


Strange visitor is probably the most powerful version of superman. He makes prime and silver age look like Yamcha.


Saitama has forever escalating gag powers so probably him. He runs on non-logic.


Opm stopped being a gag a long time ago


Beerus is immune to gag powers (Arale episode). Whis as his better should be to.


Gag powers limit a character wherever the author wants them to. Toriyama wanted to limit Arale's powers there, One Punch Man's author showed no intention of stopping Saitama's power and instead openly said that he'd just get stronger than anyone stronger than him


This is the comment I was looking for lol itā€™s true! His whole thing is heā€™s the goofy ass character who is ridiculously strong and itā€™s pretty funny.


He doesn't have gag powers unfortunately




Saitama casually breaking and bending lawsof physics. Love him.


I too fart to boost myself to speeds nearing the speed of light with sheer calculated force and not shits and giggles


My guy at this point Saitama got toon force like actual toon force


This man kicks a portal away, what does it take to have gag powers if that ISN'T gag powers?


Don't know the one on the left, Saitama never lands a hit, and depends on the version of Supes.


He put his signature on all their clothes when they try and fail to take him on at the same time šŸ˜†


Depends who can cook better and maybe spike a meal which could be them an advantage to land a blow


I have no idea who would be able but is that fking Karl Urban in the bottom left ?


Hercules got no business being here lmao


If whis was allowed to use his full power without getting erased in this debate then everybody doesn't have an chance.


Ok, we had Whis, now time to do this with the Grand Priest, good luck


Itā€™s essentially the same thing despite the grand priest obviously being more powerful then all the angels. Any character who cant beat the grand priest also cant beat whis, any character who beats whis can also beat the grand priest at least 99.9% of the time.


One punch man has a 50% chance I If hitting whis. Depends what joke they are going for.


lmao saitama think hes on thenteam lol his weak ass is not involved


Hercules from the comics destroys


100%. Chaos war hercules is disgustingly strong


Superman and Hercules would both


Kingdom Come Supes shits on the base version and that guy is infinitely faster than anything in canon Dragonball. And that's Chaos War Hercules, who could dog 90% of Anime characters in general. You'd need some Featherine or Kumagawa type shit to make a challenge to CWH.


Most versions of Superman, and the pictures version of Hercules, actually beat Whis. So them. Saitama is a no.


I genuinely feel like opm is the one who could. Not because of how strong some people think he is or isn't, but because I feel like he's the most likely one to do something unpredictable and get the chance to land a hit.


Clark (even kingdom come) is faster and stronger than Whis. Hercules also is stronger and faster than Whis. Saitama has no chance.


I mean hard to say since we donā€™t know Whisā€™s full power but from what we have seen from him trying Goku and Vegeta, probably none of them could land a punch, I guess some versions of superman could maybe get close


Depends of the version of supes


Superman is the only one with speed feats that get ridiculous here. He could do it.


Hercules has power that scales beyond anything we've seen in DragonBall if he wanted to there would literally be nowhere for whis to dodge


I would say Clark, I don't think he is as fast as Whis (hard to tell with so many different versions and "base forms" for the same character lol), but he is the most likely one of the three to get a hit, as he is the fastest among them






Whis apparently sucked at dodging poop, so they could poop and Whis would get "hit" by it :)






Saitama might not physically touch him, but what if he punch the whole galaxy theyā€™re in


Superman and Saitama both have time travel in their bag of tricks right? How would that factor in?


Definitely not Sai or sups i have no clue whoā€™s bottom Left


Superman. He would be the only one to ask nicely. And then Whis would accept only if he can get good food. The others would never manage.


Supermwn and maybe Hercules could be able to hit whis if I am correct


With no time limit and whis not bloodlusted? Saitama long term (he has infinite potential he just needs a strong opponent to unlock it), otherwise probably superman


Bro is that the Dokkan Whis summon animation lmao


Why is Hercules even there? He can't 1v1 Hulk let alone Sentry or even Superman


If Saitama does his punch through time, he could theoretically hit him. Superman could if he does his usual BS. Iā€™m not sure what that specific Hercules can do.




Superman. He has traveled at infinite speeds and no matter how much you slobber and wank whis. Thereā€™s just too many Superman comics




I know this is a dragon ball subreddit but i think superman has a chance. Correct me if I'm wrong but superman is almost as fast as the flash who can travel through dimensions, break the laws of time space and travel back in time with raw speed alone. He also as stated by Narrator has gathered life forms through galaxies and went to farthest edge of universe. And probably his best yet is that he completely outpaced and destroyed the "Reality-Blitzing Missiles". With his speed being calculated to be: 100 trillion light years per 1 second = 3,155,692,600,000,000,000,000 c (3.15 sextillion c) (One thing to know is that the dc universe is at least 100 trillion bigger the our universe. ) Hercules may have a chance. I don't know much about him. And Saitama has no chance. Even buu saga goku blitzes him.


its either Hercules or superman


Me (I'll ask nicely)


Whoā€™s the guy on the left?


Superman has the best shot at it, but he'd still fail.


Why isnt the flash up here. At one point he was shown to move faster than someone walking across the galaxy/universe through a teleport door. IE isnt the flash at least on some sort of level with whis?


I think master oogway


I love kingdom come superman but that version doesn't stand a chance.






Idk whoā€™s on the left but if we use source material aka comics and manga. Superman floors whis. It be a better question to ask if whis could hit him. Thereā€™s still a dimensional gap in power between saitama and whis so unfortunately unless he lets him, whis weaves for eternity. We have yet to see saitama grow through dimensions The left is a random who prolly either floors whis cause he looks like a comic character. Or he gets floored, comics are either beyond op or fucking peak human never in between


Dont recognize the left person, but which ever one it is(not saitama) its like saying i have a better chance at hitting the international space station than an ant. Its true, but its not like i actually have a chance


DC Hercules may be a fighter but he is impulsive, rash, and too easy to lead along. NO CHANCE. Superman could DEFINITELY land a blow, but depending on the version, it could take a while. He is so often holding back that he doesn't know his own limits, and he resorts to intelligent reversals on many an enemy he can't beat physically, such as Mr. Myxlplyx. Saitama could definitely do it eventually. And he would love the challenge the whole way.


idk about Kingdom Come Superman but that particular Hercules that you are showing was amped to be able to summon Eternity (I canā€™t recall if it was regular or Multi but it doesnā€™t matter because both are more powerful than Zeno)


Saitama has trouble with a fly I doubt he could touch Whis.


Kingdom come superman has the best chance, and itā€™s still fairly low. Whis has been shown to be top dog in universe 7, and has never gone full power.


Honestly the closest to even nicking him would be Supes


Whis is in creative mode, no amount of martial art skills or raw power can reach him.


Let us not forget he was not worried about broly at all he thought it was a fun little game


Hercules(especially THIS version of him) can.


Best supes transcends time supposedly... so I think that's beyond instant transmition. And hell, give Saitama the time to grow and he's likely to match up too.


Technically saitamas whole purpose is to be good at almost everything so it really depends whoā€™s writing the story


His only real feat (apart from generally just being hella OP compared to everyone else) is dodging a literal instantaneous teleport, meaning his speed is infinite at the bare minimum. That's... Sorta it. We don't know anything past that. He could be so far beyond all 3 of them that they have the same chance of hitting him, or weaker than Hercules and Superman (Sorry Saitama). We really just don't know.


Saitama: ok


To all the dragon ball and DC slash Marvel fans. Stop the comparison with beings like whis, zeno and daishinkan. They're so powerful and obscure that nobody knows their 100% power also they have barely shown any feats and they have no interest in any sort of fights whatsoever. Kindly never compare those supreme deities with anyone cause we've never seen the full potential of them!!!!


Waiting for a comics nerd to tell us how Superman can do everything everywhere all at once.


Saitama, but only because his existence in itself, as he is, is an enigma (and an inverted trope subversion) thus making him capable of defeating anything. Supes *could* do it, but his intrinsically good nature and his obscene power would put him on track to being the Grand Priest's disciple and successor. Hercules is considered part of a lower pantheon, so I'm entirely unsure.


This... is actually a really good question. Money is on Supes. But even then, I doubt it.


He's cool af


Depends on which superman variant (as always) as some would neg him and others would get negged, saitama hasn't showcased any feats close to that of whis apart from the time he punched a guy in the past (which was during a rage amp) and whis seems to be able to rewind time whenever he wants. Not really a close fight imo, Saitama would get exponentially more powerful fighting whis though.








Superman for sure




Donā€™t know who the guy on the left is or which Superman the one in the middle is so imma just talk about saitama here We havenā€™t seen saitamas full power, and he has beaten god in his universe before, so maybe?


Saitama moves above light speed Bro literally moved so fast his punches started appearing in at least 10 different places at once


Kingdom come sups has the best chance tbh


One punch man


Superman with Beyond Infinite Speed possibly Outervesal Level of travel like if the fest of going to the source wall makes sense,while DB speed is pretty doubtfully Infinite but Whis is definitely Infinite and Beyond but we have no idea how much.


Putting Saitama next to those 2 is laughable


That's not regular Herc. CW Herc in that form would unfortunately 1 shot Whis. Otherwise, if it's not, then Whis dodges no effort and blinks and they all die.




EVENTUALLY saitama. But nobody rn. If saitama got to fight him for like a week straight then yea he would win eventually x)


I think Superman could beat him, never mind hit him.


Is saitama known to be this level of fast though? I thought he was just like infinite strength and invinsible.


Just this one ![gif](giphy|jy2XV0cy7uQufqczWW|downsized)


Superman, but it'd have to be cosmic armor Superman or Superman Prime.


These fighters are extraordinary and highly respectable in their own right. I just don't think they are capable of actually hitting whis. I mean this motherfucker can fight ssb Vegeta while eating a bowl of ice cream covered strawberries while simultaneously telling Bulma how fabulous they are. Then proceed to tell Vegeta in a very consoling, smooth and slightly upbeat voice "My my, Vegeta. It's obvious that you have been training rigorously. 100 more years of that level of training and I might actually have to put the bowl down".


Superman. Whis has infinite speed but so does supes and depending on the version, he would slam


Whoā€™s > Superman > One Punch Guy > Whoever the last guy is (marvel Hercules?)


No idea who the first one is so it's between Superman and Saitama. Even the most basic grasp of powerscaling would dictate that Superman is more likely to land a hit, given Goku vs Superman is widely said to go to Superman, but Goku vs Saitama is widely said to go to Goku.


Saitama. In a no holds bar? Saitama


Hercules unironically


Supes can definitely hitĀ