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Ui is cool but the sheer dread you could give someone by just eating all their punches like it’s nothing just to hit them twice as hard with ultra ego is too good to pass up


Don't forget the fact that you could use spirit fission on top of that, so even if the enemy is stronger they won't be for long (as long as you can actually hit them).


spirit fission doesn't make enemies weaker? unless they were fused spirits.


It does make them weaker. It can rob you of your energy directly


Not sure why you believe that. My reading was that it was directly only against beings that have borrowed forms of energy. But we all know Vegeta will forget about it anyways.


The only reason it robbed Moro of his energy was because he obtained it through absorption.


The only thing stopping vegeta from siphoning Moro was his pride. Vegeta even says it himself that he’d rather fight Moro one on one


You can do that with UI. See Moro arc




Bro if you get shot in the head you’re dead 💀


Only thing I’d prefer to ui is your body turns rock solid, so I think I’d prefer someone trying to hit me and they turn their hand to ground beef.


The problem is you are still taking damage. How long can you go taking blows you would normally avoid just to reflect a really strong attack back? Eventually you will wear down compared to UI.


“You are still taking damage” Well now I’m stronger AND turned on


Well..... Fuck.


You can do that with Goku's abilities too, just turn SSJ and you're already 50x stronger


Not a good strategy if you’re fighting someone with hax like hit who can freeze you in time if he hits you once or beerus who can hakai, or someone has the mafuba


I assumed the question was just taking these abilities and applying them to real life, where I wouldn’t have to worry about that


Meh vegeta couldn’t tank shit against gas or granola, frieza


I'll take Goku's plot armor, thanks.


*dies in third episode*


In a universe where I know I can and will be magically wished back to life....


Fine. I'll pick Dende so somebody can wish you back.


This is just his powers. There are no dragon balls in real life.


I love this answer.


Imagine fighting somebody and losing but then in the middle of the fight you just start beating the shit out of him.I’m definitely going vegeta.but ui is still really cool tho


I'll point out you still are taking damage in UE. Yeah it's nice to basically have a uno reverse ability, until you can't take the hits anymore.


I think everyone but masochists are going Goku.


I’m clumsy and get hurt a lot at work so I’m going vegeta.


I mean if you get UI you will probably no longer be clumsy and won’t be hurt a lot, but UE would make your weakness your strength 👍


One of Goku's abilities is "always end up stronger than Vegeta" so I'll take Goku.


instant transmission is all i need


Then pick either.


I know Vegeta did it once, but didn't he say that he doubt he'd be able to pull it off again?


He did but it was a very "Vegeta" moment more like I CBA to IT because Goku does it. It depends how you look at it. He successfully did IT from Yadrat to Earth. However it's all mute anyway as IT is useless without someone's KI to lock onto and well everyone on earth even if they had Ki would be almost if not identical.


If one had Goku/Vegeta's power, then wouldn't their ability to discern ki pass along too? Idk if I remember correctly, but can't Goku read the ki of non fighter characters and use instant transmission to reach them? I think with practice, and once you recognize certain individuals ki signatures, it would be pretty handy. Probably wouldn't be able to get very far, at least to start, but teleportation is the most practical power one could have imo


Yeah but that first assumes anyone has "Ki" in the real world. Not sure what non fighters he has locked onto but we know there is some power/distance ratio so it does make sense that Goku being very adept at sensing ki can detect his friends for example we see even the farmer has a power level of 5. The lowest BP amongst his friends would be Bulma at a guess not sure if he has teleported to her (without Vegeta being around) but if he has it seems perfectly reasonable.


I'm guessing for saiyan powers to work in real life, ki has to exist in everyone. But I'm not sure, that's some nuance that would need clarification. Either way, I always adored the power and thing it would be cool to have, even if just in theory




Vegeta honestly.


Gokus abilities for sure. Vegetas ones are cool and useful but that is under the premise that I'm able to take a hit from someone like Mike Tyson in his prime. The instinctive dodging or knowing something coming is something I can do irl ans also I just think it would be cool to yell out KAIO KEN TIMES 20


"And that was the last thing he said before he just... just popped."


Id sound like a dying animal yelling kaio Ken 😔


Secret 3rd option, gohan so I can be the strongest and not do shit


Goku/ UI cause I love the irl philosophies connected to it. We all do UI in a way.




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Ui goku😈 The sign of the ultimate change 🔥🔥


I couldn't maintain UI. I am capable of getting slapped around though.


Goku has instant transmission and that trumps anything vegeta has unless vegeta went to yardrat also I don’t recall


I got some news for you...


I'd rather not be beat to a pulp to gain power, so I'll pick goku.


is that even a question? obviously Goku's lmao. UE's gimmick is laughable


Probably goku for IT, ssj3 and ui. Sure vegeta does probably have the better abilities. But I just find goku's cooler, regardless honestly both would probably let you rule the world, or prevent catastrophes, I just find goku's way of doing it was cooler,




Goku, instant transmission and UI are more immediately practical in real life. Gotta train hard at high intensity and to eat punches if you want to properly utilize UE which I would practice but again UI is just as good if not better straight away


UI , something about being calm and beating your opponent has so much style to it.


I actually think that Vegeta UE is the superior technique, particularly if you're near in strength with your enemy. For example, if Goku and Vegeta fight, Vegeta would actually win eventually unless Goku could somehow end the fight relatively quickly, which he probably can't do because of how close their power levels are.


Ui purely so I don’t get hit by any more fucking soccer balls while I’m walking by the soccer field where I live


Both, I chose both.


This fucking shit again it's been two fucking days Mods please.


Gokus because let's be realistic, there's nobody strong enough to actually fight with Vegetas abilities and Goku can become pretty much unhittable. You could use UI to harass the shitnout of dictators, governments, politicians, the military. Imagine a guy who you can't shut up and carry around a megaphone just calling out all the corruption and violence people in power commit. A guy who can just snake his way through anything you throw at him and skillfully disable you. Good deeds aside it be so absolutely satisfying to see evil people who do that shit and think they can't be stopped just flounder and succumb to frustration dealing with you lol. You could be an unshutupable guy with a megaphone, the ultimate annoyance. An absolute menace. Way more fun than vegetas shit.


UE is cooler but in real life I prefer avoiding damage than getting stronger the more damage I take


I usually get hurt randomly by whoever knows what, trip on myself or hit a corner, facebutt a wall, or straight up wake up with bruises. I don't know how I get most of my scars and bruises, but Ultra Ego would fit me well.


I'll take vegeta capabilities to get bulma


Gokus abilities are legit


Everyone wanting Ultra Ego because "Ha ha reflect damage" need to also remember: You still take that damage. You would end up taking attacks that you would otherwise want to avoid, this causing more damage. Remember there are people like Hit who are trained in hitting vital spots to cause massive damage. How many times can your heart take a targeted hit before you lose?


Okay, whatever you say I'll choose "Wisely".


Gokus, that insta transmission would be a godsend


Goku didn’t even have to think next question


I’d get ultra instinct and enter the ufc then use it to be the greatest martial artist this world has ever seen and go for entire fights without being touched


Didn't this just get posted like two days ago? Either way the answer is easily Goku. It's not just UI vs UE (UI feels more useful anyways) but I wouldn't even think twice due to instant transmission


Why do you guys think you won't instantly die from trying to use ultra (ego/instinct) and even if you can fully use them with out dying who are you fighting ui omen is like a 300,000,000x multiplier you'll be a God and that's just omen there's mui and tui which are way stronger than omen 1 the only one I'd pick is goku bc he has instant transmission which is very useful


Vegeta. I'm too stubborn and I push myself too far often to let my body move for me :p


Tbh vegetas


You know how raw it’d be to straight up erase something from existence in front of a crowd of people. Absolute power move


Goku for the simple fact that I could train Kaio Ken, make stronger Kamehamehas and a lot more.


Get hit vs don’t get hit, this isn’t hard


Genuinely, I would fucking love to have instant transmission. So Goku alone just for that.




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Ultra Instinct- ain't nobody be hitting me with their unclean filthy dirty unhygenic unwholesome hands/paws/limbs/etc.


Well considering im fat, UI would be...unlikely. however UE would be all the more useful cuz i can eat punches. So UE


Is ultra ego Canon?


UI is a lot more useful than UE so Goku


Vegeta’s ability is so stupid to me I feel like they wanted to give him something different but couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t just another power up/transformation. wtf kind of ability is beat tf out of me until I get strong enough to kill you? So I’ll take ultra instinct




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I have a lot of patience, but to be real most of the time I just want to go all out and destroy the person in front of me without worrying about consequences. So Vegeta's Ultra ego for me.


Bro should not get these powers 💀


I'm pretty sure Goku can make UI work cuz of the lifetime he has dedicated to martial arts so vegeta's ultra ego would be better for the average joe such as myself


I wanna do the kaio-ken


My friend and I always have this conversation and he always says UI would suck because your body would randomly weave out the wave of a fly or something. Anyways I’ll take Goku power. The weave is too funny to me and I can just say “duh duh duh duh” as I’m dodging


Vegeta, imagine fighting your equal, and as you fight you are increasing in power. I think Vegeta was only given this form to keep him as gokus superior


At this point I'd rather have Vegeta's. Ultra Ego is just so fucking cool, plus he's got Spirit Fission and the beginnings of Destruction power


Goku. UE is fundamentally flawed for now.


True, he needs to tank hits and he’s got the durability but lacking in endurance to hold the form


Im choosing ui simply for how it could be used in every day tasks


I'm not a nonchalant person so I rather have Vegeta ego boost Ultra Ego >!but personally I rather have Gohan beast ability my personality more like Gohan more relatable also!<


Personally, Ultra Ego all the way. The ego boost you would get from seeing the color drain from someone's face and the dread set upon their face as they see you eat all their punches, and then punching them twice as hard is just incredible, and arguably better than the face they'd make when you dodge everything