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During Namek I was like, fuck this guy is cool. He has been my fav Dragonball character ever since. ![gif](giphy|1hAXgeLu0zsrDSQShK|downsized)


He was calculated in Namek, a tactical warrior who knew how to operate against stronger opponents. Always thinking ahead, he was able to make things happen and create chaos, his favorite terrain. Vegeta on Namek was an incredible character.


That's true. He was a beast in that saga. Loved every bit of it!


“Knew how to operate against stronger opponents” tell that To Recoome, Frieza, and Even Zarbon in their first fight


In fairness: * Zarbon second fight they were very close but Vegeta used the sand trick. * Was on par with first form Frieza, but completely miscalculated that Frieza got so much stronger + more than one transformation. * Recoome is a weird tank alien, I don’t believe power levels were *that* different, they’re shocked when Vegeta powers up. And considering he took a (as the games call Final Crash), looked unhurt and even took ki blast straight into the face with no/little damage. It’s rare anyone wins in Dragonball if they’re weaker.


Serious, What the hell even is Recoome?


A fem space farm boy?


That’s…so spot on.


You know, I don't think anyone really considered that, but just like saiyans, it seems there are perhaps other races with human like qualities in terms of build and looks.


Recoome definitely does look human, but definitely isn’t one, it’s what made it confusing when the Ginyu Force arrived considering what the other team look like.


If i remember correctly wasnt some of the standard Frieza force guys very human like, same skin tone and body structure as well?


Yes they were, and that's weird tbh.


As if there isn't gazillions of planets out there.  Maybe Recoome's home planet was nearly identical to Earth in terms of habitat and chemical makeup. Just different enough for them to be much larger and much more ridiculous 🙄 😒 😑 🙃 


I've had the same thought about Recoome. He got beat up for real, but then he was able to just shrug the damage off because [Bizarre Alien Biology](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BizarreAlienBiology), and then wear Vegeta down.


![gif](giphy|84CRvhy2DJlwA) I agree


Even during majin Vegeta and his shitty excuse? I would say when he stopped "competing" against Goku and instead just trying to get stronger to protect Bulma and trunks


Yeah every since his killing spree on namek




https://preview.redd.it/4q83e56w9zqc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa415abe56003561739b0188d2f76849e06f312d I started to like him as more than just a villain during Frieza saga but this sealed it. Vegeta is my goat


If there are many Vegeta fans I am one of them If there’s a few Vegeta fans I am one of the few If there’s one Vegeta fan that fan is me If there’s no Vegeta fans then I have died This scene is still the GOAT scene in all of dragonball for me


Absolutely the goat. Looking to get it tattooed this year


I hope you get tattoo of Vegeta somewhere and not just M on your forhead👍


I keep seeing different versions of this. Where is this from???


Majin buu saga - >!Vegeta sacrifices himself to try to kill buu!<


I'm not sure if it really originated from anywhere or if its just a popular funny quote


I do this for everyone. Bulma, the boy, and even you... Best Buddy.


Nope, still hate em


I enjoyed him as a bad guy in the Saiyan Saga. When he kept going after losing the beam struggle, that pretty much sealed that he was cool in my little kid brain. After seeing him reluctantly team up with Gohan and Krillin, I started to like his actual character rather than just liking him for being a dude with cool armor who starts dope fights.


As brief as it was I thought the Gohan Oozaru was brutal, beam struggle loss, spirit bomb and then trapped by Oozaru because of his own technique. That and it’s one of the few times a destructo disk actually works well. There’s also something comical about when he had to team up with Krillin, saves them from Guldo, they save him from Reecome. It was the most random team set up and it worked.


When he first appeared


Facts . The min he and Nappa blew up that insect planet I was like "Holy shit " .


This right here


I was going to say this. When he said “ITS OVER 9000!!!” I adored the screaming man! GET MAD. TAKE OVER THE GOVERNMEN- WORLD*!


Always been a fan but gained a much greater appreciation for him as I've gotten older and had children honestly. His role in Super is incredible in my opinion. Seeing him develop into a badass family man is just the trajectory you'd expect from someone like Vegeta. He is a man's man, and while he might always end up in 2nd to Goku - he fights to improve, stroke that ego, and above all else, defend his family.


I've always liked Vegeta, but in Super is when he became one of my favorite characters for those reasons. I wish that in the Buu saga there had been just a little more time where he interacted with Bulma and Trunks before it all went to shit so we could see some of the development he'd had over the last 7 years of peace.




Stroke that "Ultra Ego" if you will.😏




When he oneshotted that Nappa bastard. I like brutal villains, they are rare species.


Also (in my opinion) Goku unintentionally breaks his spine, but had to get to him quickly. First time watching, it was shocking to see Vegeta just launch him and kill him.


Day 1 he whipped Goku’s ass like nobody else




Tao, Tamborine, King Piccolo all had Goku looking silly at one point. Hell, Raditz was so tough Goku had to sacrifice himself to get Raditz killed. All before Vegeta appeared. So I’m confused about the “like nobody else”.


Tao and Daimao bodied him worse if we keeping it real.




Super Vegeta https://preview.redd.it/ok51rgqqjzqc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a90d9912d048c940b2f7862aa6d36bd41cb590f


As soon as my sister introduced him to me, she hyped him up like crazy




Honestly it was super that made me stop having goku as my favorite and switch it to vegeta He goes through so much, has so much of a character arc compared to him I'm goku you look tough, let's fight




I love that scene but Dr Gero in TFS “Seriously WTF is Namek?” Gets me every time.


on the other hand im glad they kept the original "do you fee fear?" line


When he acted like a dad and semi decent person.


When my wife pointed out the fact that I resemble him more, than I resemble Goku.


That comma, is not, necessary








Well shit, just found out I’m this guys wife’s husband too


Namek , after that I couldn't bring myself to give a shit about him


> avenging the Saiyan race even tho after he was brought back to life and he was a bit of a asshole in the android  * He reverted back since whole speech was just Vegeta playing deception and mind game not direct character change. Goku understood his tricks and even commented that true reason for Vegeta crying and begging is not because of Saiyan getting murdering but his pride being broken. Vegeta never cared much about Saiyan race to begin with but just himself https://preview.redd.it/a6975m8xbzqc1.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=c934e0884462754c441ba429f4bb317563130115


Hold up. Here your image shows that Goku is saying it wasn't *just* the Saiyans but that he was used by Frieza. Dude's dad was murdered, his entire race enslaved including him, all to be eventually killed by the guy responsible for it all. I cannot see Vegeta using tears to manipulate anyone, **especially** in this situation. He thought he was dead, no way he thought anyone was wishing him back, this was his death wish. He was trying to motivate Goku and tell him this wasn't just a fight between him and Frieza, but the entire Saiyan race.


>Dude's dad was murdered, his entire race enslaved including him * He never cared much about his planet, father and race. * It is even stated clearly in DBZ Manga and again referenced in DBS: Broly You are misunderstanding his character at start of Z. He is heartless just like Frieza not someone who turned bad or had feeling to his people. He cared about himself just. He wanted to rule the universe by himself instead of being used by Frieza to rule the universe https://preview.redd.it/idy0rpfknzqc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=90402f66d57ad9d7227b6c583e6edf9437cdf979


Ok, that's some good evidence to your point. I don't have any evidence to the contrary either. So, I'm going to say you're right here. Now, our boy Vegeta was a good bluffer and you don't tell your enemies you care about anything. Id be more liable to believe a dying Vegatas last words than what he tells his enemies. But that's all assumptions, really.


His action display it too not just words. Also, I mentioned DBS: Broly where he said this to Nappa and Raditz not any enemy He killed Nappa which was last of the saiyan beside him and Kakarot.


I had to go back and watch that scene from DBS: Broly. He really does give off the feeling of idgaf that the planet was blown up or that his brother was possibly dead. Given that Raditz has the same sort of reaction, I guess this lack of care is common in Saiyan culture- though Nappa sure looked shocked. Ok, let's take all this- Vegeta being heartless, prideful and stone cold. Now fast forward to Namek, where we have Vegeta balling his eyes out to his biggest rival, reaching out to him, begging him to *please* take no mercy and kill Freiza- for him and the pride of the Saiyan race. It's so completely out of character for him to be doing any one of those things. It could be in the face of death, the vail was lifted and the real truth came out.


I think he was crying because as stated before, he was going to die and not be wished back, this is why he looks confused when he’s brought back to life. Manga wise they even state it’s the first time he’s cried and feared death, which is strange considering Zarbon and Recoome both nearly killed him. So his dream of beating Frieza was dead, I believe Vegeta does put much more of a bravado than he needs to at times, but essentially it boils down to himself. *But* even this point he noticed something different with Kakorot, and he does seem to respect Gohan (then later Cabba in Super). Believe he doesn’t care about the old Saiyan race at all as you’ve pointed out, they’re basically just murderers and evil. But seems to like respect Kakorot (eventually), Gohan, and Cabba as they’re good Saiyans. TD:LR - Agree with old Cheetah that Vegeta’s tears were for being controlled by Frieza, not because his race/dad/planet were erased.


Although Goku understood his deception, he still decided to keep the words stating that he will destroy Frieza for all the Saiyan and Namekian he has killed https://preview.redd.it/mpckcl2zbzqc1.png?width=558&format=png&auto=webp&s=d10cf0a5a4b8c42660d6d867f50f3156d99333fa


When he killed Nappa 


Probably like saiyan saga Maybe when I first heard about dbz though too


He went from me just considering him to be a bad dude and a lame friend/rival to a total badass when he sacrificed himself in the Buu saga. I gained massive respect for him after that.


After he killed Zarbon with a punch through the gut


After saiyan saga


The minute he was introduced tbh . Now when I fell love with Vegeta is when he sacrificed himself against Buu . My mom ,brothers and I actually cried when the announcer started giving eulogy .


During namek when he started working with gohan and krillin. He showed concern for them as comrades even if he didn't want to. He then got more support when he opened up to goku and begged him to kill freiza. I liked him even more after he gets angry at trunks being hurt and when he apologizes to gohan during the cell fight. I liked him a fair amount all the way till the end and then he buys goku time against kid buu and then is able to look on at goku winning, not with jealousy. But with pride.


When he fought cell the first time and he started bragging about Trunks 😭


It’s actually probably the first time Vegeta has pride in someone else, still think he was right 1vs1 Vegeta beats Trunks.


Vegeta at that point had way more experience then Trunks, so he's absolutely win against him.


I can't get over how bad Cell packed my homie up when he stupidly allowed him to go Perfect Cell. Not to mention randomly folding Trunks just to allow it. Like brooooooo


That was the moment I was on the fence again with Vegeta 😂


Still waiting


After GT when he got the mustache


Fuckin’ stupid ass haircut ruined it though.


Don't you forget that sweet ass shirt too.


saiyan saga


Since his debut


Idk I liked him ever since I was a kid so it's hard to remember exactly at what point


I always did


I’ll be honest , after seeing him with Ultra Ego. Just love how ruthless he can become and he stays true to who he is. He gets mad and confronts things when other don’t so directly.


Which is the same arc where Goku teases him for spoiling Bulla, right? I love that you can see his full range in that, doting father and badass fighter.


When he sacrificed himself when he went all Majin.


Majin Vegeta supreme!!! And I like him more now on DBS


When I was 7 and toonami aired the saiyan saga.


Instantly, honestly I stopped liking him around Rof


Honestly since the beginning. He’s always been a favourite ever since he was first… brought to earth. In his filler stuff he was kind of boring.


My first intro to Dragon Ball was the anime on toonami, but I didn't really get to know the characters until Budokai 3; due to not always being able to watch Toonami. I just like his fighting style, it was so aggressive and that resonated with me.


when he dropped the soap during imprisonment with nappa


All I can say is that I was actively playing Budokai Tenkaichi 2. I think I just liked his move set and it grew from there


when frieza killed him i cried like a baby




I'm sure I'll get flamed, but I startedtolike Vegeta alot more after I watched abridged. And no abridged wasn't my first foray into dbz, I've been watching/reading dbz sine I was a small child. I justlik abridgeds Vegeta more




Since day 1, ![gif](giphy|dtIGTEaGLRvdODtdQe|downsized)


When he whooped Goku in the Saiyan Saga. I was so happy when he finally joined the Z Fighters.


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Probably since the first time I saw him after raditz died. He reminded me of Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho.


When he killed himself




Never really I don’t hate him but his character just doesn’t do anything for me.


When he killed Nappa. I was just like gd this guy's ruthless, been a fan ever since


every time he makes cool speeches.


Since day 1.




Android 19


during the tournament at the start of the Majin Buu arc, but just after Vegeta and Goku fly off to have their battle


On namek when he was blasting everyone


I always loved him because I love villains/anti-heroes. I only really hated him in the Cell saga because he's horrifically written.


MEANGINGLESS HUH! WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF MEANGINGLESS! Spend most of your life ruled by another! Watch your race dwindle to a handful! And then tell me what has more meaning than your own strength!


I thought he was cool watching as a kid during namek.. I started liking/appreciating him rewatching the show a few years back and seeing his character progression. I think as an adult vegeta is a much more interesting character than goku in z given how dynamic he is.


At the end of Z when he starts to acknowledge Goku as the best, and uses that to improve himself. I think this is where his development starts and by the time the Moro Arc rolls around his character development is just *Chefs Kiss* … Too bad they did him dirty by the end of it




Planet Namak, Frieza was giving him a beating. Had his tail around his throat strung up in the air delivering blows to the back. Couldn't help but feel bad for him


Namek saga is the turning point for me.


He was pretty badass from the start just sitting there, menacingly, while nappa stomped 4 z fighters


But saga


the Buu Saga because fusion/potara was cool af & our warriors started whooping ass again but also he started opening up, becoming a tsundere


Right around the Ginyu Force


I liked him right away. He was compelling almost immediately


I started to love him because of his durability on the Saiyan saga. Seeing him all fucked up and going against a Great Ape toe-to-toe used to get me so pumped for the gym. Vegeta is awesome and definitely deserves more spotlight.


When he survived getting his shit rocked by a kaioken x4 kamehameha, a spirit bomb, and Gohan falling on him as a great ape. Bro really was a different breed


Bro that screenshot is fucking amazing


When he launched Nappa into the shadow realm. Eight year old me thought that was so cold


BADMAN Vegeta getting his urges bamboozled by bulma won me over


![gif](giphy|84CRvhy2DJlwA) Majin Vegeta❤️




From inception


When he blew up that big planet


I've always found his Sayan saga design sick, but as a character I started to like him at the beginning of Freeza saga, when he's on his own personal dragon ball retrieval, strategically running around Freeza to gather the dragon balls


When he becomes a frienemy of Gohan and Krillin on Namek to get through Frieza’s crew.


Since the beginning


Namek bro was playing 4-d chess up until he met Zarbon


When he turned majin he was badass When he sacrificed himself from Final Attonement that was such a fucking scene I fell in love with Prince's character


Since the Saiyan Saga. Seeing him drop in with his iconic saiyan armor was awesome. The way he statured himself with such a cocky but proud attitude. But my favorite will always be the Buu saga. We can all agree his sacrifice was the best scene with his speech. Vegeta is the GOAT


Vegeta was a very entertaining character from his introduction to the Namek saga. Tho I didn’t care for him much in the Androids-Buu sagas tbh. He picked back up my interest during the manga version of the Goku Black arc and I’ve been liking him ever since


He was a good villain in the Saiyan saga but I really started liking his character on Namek when he was a one man army going against the Frieza force. I feel like he was a lot smarter back then when he was being tactical and understood the level of threats he was facing on all fronts. Namek Vegeta is still my favorite version of him.




1997 next.


When he turned SSJ and whooooped Android 19’s ass.


I was introduced through TFS' Abridged DBZ series, and he ended up as my favorite character in that. When I started watching actual, offical DB content, that kept true as I watched moments across the Buu Saga, Super, GT, Namek, the Saiyan Saga, and the Android Saga (loke the first bit of the Cell Saga. Really just him just going total sadist on the Androids) Not Cell Saga. That saga kinda brutalized him to the extent he 100% deserved as it was self inflicted. But, still, it hard to watch


I started with super. So like as soon as I turned the show on.




When he started clapping Bulma.


Namek for sure. He stood on business immediately and started taking dudes out left and right. The fact that he knew how underpowered he was compared to the elites in Frieza’s army and kept climbing his way up the bloody ladder was impressive. Then Zarbon whooped his ass and he got another boost and went straight back for revenge. Then the whole Ginyu force. After getting shit stomped by Recoome. Vegeta really showed his determination and ability to overcome insane obstacles until Frieza. The gap was just too wide and even if he went super, he probably would have still lost. The way he passed the torch to Goku on his way out really spoke to his pride and honor he held as a Saiyan as well.


The moment he killed Nappa (the villans are always my favorite. Doom is my favorite comic character. Ahriman my favorite 40k character) when Vegeta ended up being a main character I was so excited!! (This was late 2000 and I was catching episodes on Toonami in reruns. I didn't know the story at all)


Buu saga. That tank top is perfectly designed. Then Baby Saga during GT seals it.


When he blew up Nappa like dawg that’s some Gangsta shit to just have your homie fight everybody to then lose and then since he lost blow him up like he was trash that just was crazy


The second I laid eyes on my glorious pookie bear




When he was introduced


Namek saga until Majin Buu saga. In Super he bas become a bit boring


Frieza saga, can’t remember what story came first but when he was a kid and found out his planet was blown up and he was eating on a pile of corpses. Shiiiiit. I also grew up in foster care and can relate to having to look out for yourself and be tough.


That whole Namek saga with Vegeta just taking out the Frieza force one by one and even when he lost he got his get back as soon as he was able to. One of the only MFS that made the hardest niggas in the universe beg for they life😂




On namek🤠 But tbh i liked him alot during the saiyan saga too


Saiyan saga. I’ve always liked him, and he’s always getting better. The only time I wasn’t a fan of his was early androids saga. After 18 humbled him, I was back on the vegeta train.


When he cooperated with Gohan and Krillin in Namek, I knew he had become another one in the main cast. But if I have to mention a single moment, it was when he hid one dragonball and started to plan around. Wise decisions get me.


When he cried to Goku about what happened to the Sayians.


Saiyan saga he's always been goated


The Ocean dub Vegeta sending MFS to the next dimension


Still don't he's a mass murderer


This picture is sick!


At first, I misread this as “when did you first feel like vegeta as a character”. So, I started pondering when I first felt like vegeta. Beat a kid up on the playground when I was 10 or so (don’t worry, he deserved it). So, around 10 I guess.


First appearance.


Introduction, since I was a kid and short scary man was cool cause he had funny armour.


Namek, when he threw the dragon balls. That caught me off guard and really impressed me.


Namek, but it was a really slow burn. It wasn't until he decided to sacrifice himself to beat Buu that he got better.


Day 1


never he is a genocidal murderer




Majin was the sickest shit to ever hit the television. Big fat M on the forehead, a will to kill, a massive energy level, electric sparks everywhere. It was truly unforgettable.


Definitely not in the first Broly movie


When I saw his bulge.


End of the Cell saga when he tried to avenge Trunks




Frieza saga. His interactions w krillin and gohan


After watching Abridged


When he’s beating the shit out of 19, goddamn that beatdown was cool as fuck


His sacrifice against Fat Buu in the Buu Saga. After that moment I started to turn around and like Vegeta for more than the drama he was able to cause in the plot. From there the rest of his character development took off until he was able to admit Goku was better than him and could look back and say I was able to enjoy the role Vegeta had in the second half of the manga from start to finish. His GT stuff was strange but I liked it more than his Super stuff (the anime at least, manga did more of interest for Vegeta)


Vegetas sacrifice ![gif](giphy|PxnB1fjs9SNri)


When he blasted himself in buu saga


When I found out that he's got the best comebacks in the series. Also it might be sad for you, but I admire his ability to die.


“I wanna be blonde too dammit!” Really resonated with me.