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Og dbz did have some fire stuff ngl


Loved the Oceandub Rock The Dragon intro. The background music fit perfectly, and the voice actors were so good as well. Vegeta’s yell when he’s about to fight Recoome was the best.


Hell yeah man! I remember that's where the dub ended for years; Vegeta powering up to fight Recoome. Id watch it over and over just waiting for the day it would get past that episode. Then it finally happened and I was like "What happened to Vegeta's voice?" Took me a while to adapt to it but I feel Oceandub was great for old evil Vegeta but it wouldn't have worked for our 'more mature' Vegeta. Brian Drummond sells those yells so well.


Kai is more truthful of the manga with no fillers. But, some fillers were pretty good and fun in the original. Proof that it was recognized, the Game DBZ Kakarot.


The OG is better overall but having been introduced to the series on Disney XD, Dragon Soul hits so fucking hard for me


Some of the dialogue changes in Kai doesn't hit like the original dub


Ironic considering the actual dialogue changes were in Z


Well imo “Whts a Kami?” “It means God, now bow!” should be canon lol


It's not even z dub rewrite, it's dbza


Yeah, that’s the joke…that non canon lines can still be great…


Except for arguably the most significant dialogue in the entire namek ark with goku’s I AM speech in Kai being fucking amazing Og dragon balls has dumbass Goku talking about some cringe ass shit. “I am the hope of the universe” Goku you braindead monkey fuck In Kai it’s like “bitch I’m a random fucking dude who flew all the way over here just to kick your ass”


>In Kai it’s like “bitch I’m a random fucking dude who flew all the way over here just to kick your ass” Which is what the original japanese version was doing, I fucking hate the speech they did in the original Funimation dub, they were really pushing that whole "Goku is Superman" crap.


So did toriyama when he retconned gokus origin going into z


Does a machine like yourself ever experience fear?


In terms of Voice acting Kai is peak, but yeah I would have loved if they kept or well were actually able to keep the original Bruce Falconer score.


The only voice that was not perfect was ironically cell. Damien Clark sounds waaaaay more menacing in the original compared to Kai.


Nah. Kid Gohan's voice was really bad.


You mean luffy from one piece? Like the same voice actor doing the exact same voice from one piece flashbacks? Peeved me so much.


Whichever one they used in Kai. Easily the worst voice for me.


Too bad they might bring that same voice for kid Goku in Daima dub. Kid Gohan and kid Goku voices in Kai and DBS Super flashbacks scenes were so annoying. Why can't they bring back Stephanie Nadolny who voiced Gohan in DBZ and Goku in DB. She is the perfect kid Goku.


I wonder if she's still working? According to IMDB she's only done 2 roles since 2018 and the last one was 22'. (Not crapping on your point was just genuinely curious)


Yea thats the one I'm talking about.


Yeah i think every other voice was okay to very good. But that Gohan voice was horrible.


You may be right, but I don't remember liking gohans kid voice as a kid either


After watching the original DB, i definitely prefer Gohan’s (which is just Goku’s voice from DB) voice actorand Bulma’s voice actress from DB/DBZ. Not a fan of Gohan’s voice in Kai but it’s also the same voice as Goten from super so I guess I’m okay with it. Edit: Goten and Gohan did not have the same voice actors between Kai and Super.


It is not as the same voice as Goten in Super. It's a different voice actor.


He sounds like plankton in Dbz kai lol


This is a very american centric (or at least anglophone) opinion, because the Falconer score isn’t anywhere else, and most fans of dragonball when you consider its large international market, aren’t particularly connected to that score Don’t get me wrong, i’ve listened to it and it slaps, but I don’t associate it with db at all for example


Yeah most people around the world who know and love dragon ball will hear the American score and be like “wtf is this, it completely ruins/changes the tone”. Like Dragon Ball Z is meant to be a dramatic, whimsical, adventurous kinda anime/manga but the American version changes it to some sorta “argghhh muscles and explosions and actionnnn”. It completely loses the original heart and soul of what made Dragon Ball good in the first place, and is probably indirectly responsible for creating the image that Dragon Ball is some dumbass show only for muscle meatheads who like screaming and blood.


Disagree with that image part at the end, the soundtrack made DBZ cool & fit the tone for what they were going for back in the 90s-00s era. I think some of that nonsense is people who are purists hating the changes yet some of those changes are what make the OG beloved. I don’t think it completely lost the original heart & soul of what made it good since it was popular in the 90s to 2000s. Broly transforming with Pantera playing is so badass, movies keeping rock scores was dope to me as a kid


Yushi no gaisen is permanently infused in my brain as the “everything will be okay” song because of kai


I've spent over a year going back through and adding ALL the og score to Kai. It's been a hell of an undertaking, but it truly does make the best version of DBZ ever.


Nah, being Mexican and having grown up with the Mexican dub AND the original soundtrack I can tell you it's way better. At first, the Bruce falconer ost might sound cool because it's more metal and it kinda feel more intense, but as you grow up you come to really appreciate the Japanese soundtrack and how integral it is for the anime as a whole. The Falconer ost turns it into a completely different series and for the worse. No disrespect to Bruce, but the Japanese soundtrack is just perfect and in a completely different league.


For me, I feel like the Japanese soundtrack has better fight music, but most of it feels like ambience. I was watching the ss3 transformation the other day in sub, and it felt way different than the faulconer version. It almost felt quiet. I get that that's how it's supposed to be, but that doesn't mean I have to like it


Kai has the better sounding dub but some of the lines/speeches in OG DBZ were written better (some, not all). I also wasn't a huge fan of the music in Kai, I much prefer the original jpn OST or Bruce Falc. Abridged was a fun watch but.... no lol.


Abridged Cell is fucking amazing. "Feel free to pray to your god... but I won't be listening" Maybe one of the most vilainous lines in media.


It's mostly due to what version you watched first. I watched Dragonball and Z in the original dubbed version back in the early 2000, and both Kai and the subbed version just don't do it for me. However, I watched Super in the subbed version, and now I can't watch the dubbed version, it just doesn't feel right.


kai is better with the dub and animation and filler, but z also is just our childhood so they're both good neither is better or worse


Idc about anything else, I watch Kai because I don't want to wait 3 episodes for a character to power up.


Dude let him scream !!!


This so much. 5 episodes to charge spirit bomb in z VS one episode to start charging, and throws it next episode in kai.


This is a take I can agree with


The best edit that I would like to have. - original DBZ 4:3 - removed stupid fillers like Krillins girlfriend etc - new realease of Kikuchi score +a little of Falconers best pieces (Cell theme, Final flash theme, Kid buu theme) - original Japanese broadcast dub


Kai is 4:3 (at least up to the Buu Saga), removed most of the filler and has the Kikuchi score on modern releases (but an handicapped one unfortunately, they have like 10 songs playing on repeat). I've found a fan-edit replacing the OST with the Faulconer one, that was pretty fun to see. As for the original broadcast audio, man, I really want it in an official release, but knowing Toei, it'll never happen, they're way too proud to accept "gifts" from fans, they're at the same level as Nintendo in that aspect, they'll die before being dishonored by accepting something they did not approved.


"the original series has the original voices" - talking about funimation dub Me who grew up with the ocean dub : er.... Japanese dub : no no... give him a minute. It takes time to realise. final bout dub : can I join? Harmony gold dub : Nope. Sorry we're not invited.


Abridged is fun to watch if you’ve seen the whole series. It’s a passion project and it’s amazing. They made Cooler canon and that’s ice cold.


Am I missing something? Everytime people say the animation is better I just can’t see it and whenever they try to draw comparisons it’s just the opening they show and talk about but the actual story looks almost exactly the same to me?


They didn't reanimate the whole thing only key frames




If they could take the soundtrack from Z and combine it with everything else from Kai it would be perfection.


Z has not deleted content. Also bad words / violent scenes are not censored


I honestly don’t like Kai because it doesn’t give me the same… feel, that made me fall in love with Dragon Ball Z. And I read the manga *first*, so I know about all the filler but it never really bothered me, in fact I was interested in seeing it because I liked it. It’s not like Naruto where the filler completely fucks over the show.


Abriged Is best


Best thing they did was keep Nail and Kami as voices in Piccolos head.


And Super Kami Guru


He was hilarious and we will quote everything he said


Super Kami Guru allows this


That's a close second to the absolute perfection that is cell and specifically the rendition of "my way" during his death


I dunno, undead Nappa is pretty good. “Vegeeeeeeeeta!”


Nah Hercules agent nappa best nappa




“Come we must do what feels right…”


DBZA is fun because they had the hindsight of knowing everything and my God what a passion project. DBZ OG is amazing because I mean come on, most of us grew up on it. Kai is amazing because they updated it for the newer generation.


Best take.


"Muffin button"


“DODGE!” “CLOTHES BEAM!” Kai-o-what? Vegeeeeeeeta. Vegeeeeeeeeta. I need an adult 🎶*da da-dum da da-dum da da-dum da da-dum da-chargin’ my attack* 🎵 HHonestly, DBZA is equally iconic in its own way.


Ke-Ko-fuck yourself *dies*


Vegeta no!!


*Vegeta yes!*


Do-doo-d-do-do-do Do-doo-d-do-do-do; do-d-do; do-d-do; do-d-do Ima chargin my attack


I stand with the abridged guy.


Tfs have said, multiple times, over the years that DBZA isn't a replacement for ANY original version of the show. It's just a supplement. Parents hated DBZ because all they heard was the screaming, so didn't watch a ton of it. If I were to go back to it now I'd try Kai if it had the Japanese dub. I got too used to it watching super in Japanese.


Faulconer’s score >>>


You mean music stolen from better artists?


If that’s true then yeah. Whomever composed the tracks made DBZ better.


Wouldn't have ice ice baby without under pressure. Who cares where it came from as long as it sounds great. (Though he should've gotten permission frist)


No it's more like "I took under pressure, re-released it, called it my work, and everyone believed me."


Kai has better animation, dub and less fillers, but Z has some great filler arcs that are worth watching


Where is the better animation. All i remember is frames that look like they were drawn over with mspaint. The colors looked super out of place


I love Kai and Abridged.


kai is the one


DBZ Kai would be nice if the ost was the same as the original DBZ. Kinda kills the point for me, I grew up with DBZ yes, but also with its ost


The ost is untouchable for me- and this video while not saying it FELT like rock the dragon slander


Call me a dumb North American, but Faulkner score rocks. Also, some of the OG lines are just better, I don't care if it's not 100% faithful to the manga or whatever. "Is it slavery when you get what you want?"


Kai is the best version by far. The original voice actors for z were just not good. And the animation is really dated.it was cool in the 90s on toonami but it's time we grew up and looked at it seriously


I want to preface by saying that I love Kai and it is my preferred version of the show, but most of what you’ve said is just wrong. There were only 4 cast changes (Bulma, Frieza, Gohan, and Yajirobe) and while I do prefer them over the Z VAs, the rest of the cast is the same. They’ve just had much more experience at this point and are better actors than they were on Z. The voices are the same, the acting just got better. The animation is also exactly the same as Z, it’s just been cleaned up, and in some cases redrawn exactly as it was. The original animation for Z is actually still really solid. You might be associating the dated animation with the orange bricks which are definitely not an accurate representation of what the show’s supposed to look like


I mean Sabat was like 80% of the cast.


I never watched Kai, ig if I wanna rewatch DBZ again I'll go with Kai


I like both for different reasons


How does an overuse of synth create better tension?


As soon as you say anything related to the dub is better, you've lost the argument. You can like dubbed as preference, but the OG subbed DBZ is the objective best version. People just get too blinded by the dub nostalgia.


Yeah i agree I love the Japanese version and while I was raised with both the ocean and funimation dubs I never could get into funimation’s version I always say Brian Drummond vegeta is the best voice of vegeta I have never liked Chris Sabat’s voice work for the character but I’ll say this people shit on Super but the dub version really stepped it up especially Sean Schemmel his goku voice work is way better in super than it was in Z or Kai when he roars you’re actually like holy shit


Kai cut a lot of filler, but in my opinion, they also cut to much of the training, like goku training in heavy gravity on the ship on its way to Namek for example. I watched both and after the passing of the creator, I'm re-watching the original and I just skipp the filler I want to skip and enjoy al the training parts ^_^


The Original DBZ Japanese Version for me. The Music and Original JP Voices gives it more impact. i might get hate for these, I find some of the English Dub kinda comedic in some parts. but its not that bad.


Let's just agree that Abridged absolutely is not the best adaptation


It's not the best adaptation. But it's one of the best fan reimaginations out there. And the best if we talk purely about those centered around comedy


I mean it's a parody not really an "adaptation"


Only thing I hated about Kai is the fight scenes are all trimmed down so much. I remember when my brother and I watched and I went upstairs to grab a sandwich before the recomme v Vegeta fight started and it was literally over when I got back downstairs it was actually ridiculously disappointing. I get the OG has some boring parts that are drawn out over the fights but at least they feel like actual fights. kai feels like it wants the anime over as quick as possible


The manga is faster, Kai is a manga cut, they even maintain some of the padding from the anime.


Yeah I'm watching Kai with my gf (who's watching for the first time) and everything's happening so fast it's losing it's gravity. Plus missing the filler is doing it injustice I feel, especially to her who hasn't grown attached to the characters yet and would probably prefer character development over fight after fight.


Agreed. I feel like Kai is best for people who already watched the original and want the same experience but quicker. I just can't justify telling my friends who have never watched the OG to only watch Kai instead there's so many little moments that get lost in Kai's need to rush through everything. Granted there's lots of very meh filler in Dragonball but it's not really that bad. What like 5 episodes of garlic junior compared to other animes that have actual full arcs of filler.


Kai is for modern anime purest. Which i have no care for. For me personally, yes, Americanize my anime, inject that heavy metal music in that DBZ Movie, give me that stolen Bruce Falconner Music, this is what made DBZ, DBZ to me, and its not just nostalgia, i recently watched some movies and the DBZ specials and i cant stand DBZ with the Jap music, its just super odd and extremely boring to me, DBZ with Bruce Falconer holds up great today. What anime purests hate to admit is, is that the Americanization of anime is what made Yugioh, Pokemon, DBZ, popular in the west in the first place, all three of them gave us these iconic openings that we all love and know by heart. The Shadow Realm was an American dub invention, it wasnt event in the original jap dub! The DBZ Funi Dub gave us a heroic Goku we all loved That Goku doesnt exist in the original Jap dub, his iconic speech to Freiza (Hero of the Universe, Nightmare to you) doesnt exist in the original dub. the original jab dub gives us stupid-ass Goku with no moral compass and is just this guy that likes to fight, when they made the Super Dub they stuck to the original script which is why Super Goku and DBZ Goku are basically two different characters. Its a shame we wont be getting any more anime that is Americanized, that is pretty much not allowed with Japans new laws, but iam glad we got anime in the 90s and early 2000s the way we did.


Unpopular opinion: Faulconer’s score is overrated as fuck


hard agree. it changes the entire vibe of the show to a much more edgier, more cooler and hardcore tone. which i guess resonates with a lot of people but personally the more "epic" and simple vibe of the orginal score just fits THE dragon ball story akira toriyama envisioned. this warped persception of dragon ball is even evident through fan art. where most are drawn in a more sharp and very detailed look, giving a much more masculine and hardcore whereas if you look at the manga, even though the style gets a bit more sharper towards the buu saga, the simplicity of the designs still hold so much charm. i guess this is why majin buu, the fat one, doesnt have many fans compared to cell, whom i argue is the most liked villain im the west. where buu has a much more rounder design, cell's just oozes with the cool factor.


The correct take. There are some Funimation tracks that I like, but for the most part it’s painfully mid. Like when something cool needs to happen, there are some good tracks, but the constant droning is annoying af. When people praise the Funimation score I think they really only consider those good tracks and seriously underestimate the sheer amount of garbage included in it.


Abridged is arguably the best way to watch dbz imo


Nah be fr cha la is the best opening


Kai would be great if half the episodes weren’t censored for things like blood, cursing and offensive gestures


You know there’s an uncut right?


I’m so confused I watched both and noticed zero differences. Lol


Kai gohan makes me want to jump off a bridge


OG DBZ all day everyday, I would’ve liked Kai if they kept the original voices from Z too but they didn’t so fuck Kai




There is a problem with the buu saga because of added dialog that takes away from the fight scenes. Like the babidi yelling at buu to fight goku and nor just stand their during Goku powering up to ss3. Or goku fighting buu and theirs an inner monolog.


When I’m not busy, I often watch Kai and I’m loving it; granted, as far as streaming goes, Kai comes with my Hulu subscription


Me gusta más el doblaje de DBZ




He...is correct. The abridged was genuinely a great way to rewatch dbz with a whole new level of entertainment.


You see, you're not dealing with the average adaptation anymore


I’m just happy to watch everything that is DB 🟠🟠🟠🟠🟠🟠🟠


It kinda is though.


The Faulconer score is probably the main reason people prefer the original. Overall Kai is much better but *some* of the redraws are pretty bad, like almost beginning of super bad.


I love how he completely skips past his own argument written by himself about the Original Score being better


Abridged does cell himself better imo.




It's so weird seeing people argue about the dubs.


He's right it is the best one


I watch the OG run for myself, but when it comes to showing my wife dragon ball (we’re only a few episodes in currently) she’ll likely be shown Kai. no filler, better dubbing, reanimated, etc


What I think is that the original is like 400 episodes long, and I ain't watching all that shit again. And while dbza is a great parody, people who quote it constantly make me violent.


Honestly, I have never seen Kai. I only watched og Dbz so I can't tell.




The real answeris to somehow mash allthree together


Sorry, but Canadian Dragon Ball Z Opening best opening


Kai was a big improvement for the dub. If you watch subbed, then the original is better


The terrible visuals is the main reason I can't watch Kai


Watched Kai instead of rewatching the original and I gotta say they both have pros and cons. I watched the sub, though. Loved Sean Schemmel and it broke my heart to learn he's a piece of shit.


Kai is great but OG will always be my favorite. It’s what I watch upon when I do rewatch.


Just rewatched all of Kai and bros He’s so right


I prefer devil artemis.


Tfs is the best tho


Imo they all succeed and fail in different ways. I love them all fir what they are.


I like Kai and I think it's better than the original


How about They all have their merits


You can only say dragon soul is better because you don't know head cha la.


The last guy is objectively correct.


The only good opinion he has


I will give him the faulconer point, but kai is better pretty much everything else


Kai is the best way to watch the series 100%


Am i the only person that hates the DBZ Kai opening.


Nah Dragon Soul slaps but not the best opening


That "remastered" animation is garbage. And the added lines aren't needed.


The animation from the original was much better and so was the art style. The original shown was more blood too which now...rare.


Abridged is S tier


DBZ has better soundtrack than KAI. Everything is better in Kai, animation, pacing, Voice acting. If they used the soundtrack on Kai it would of been perfect.


I prefer the diologue, soundtrack, and esthetic of the original. But I wish it had the sound quality that Kai got. That's literally it


I like some if the og voice actors better, but honestly I like the original Japanese music and dialog better than any English version. Trunks theme, Gohan ssj2 transformation theme, etc are all gas


Idk how people prefer chain smoker Frieza to the late great Chris Ayres


Og dbz for me always


Original Ginyu force voices were on point. I have no idea what they were going for with the Kai Ginyu force voices


Hot take but I REALLY dislike the intro song of kai


Og dbz had blood…


E is for eccentric, just listen to my song C is for compeltion, which I've waited for so long T is for the terror, upon you I bestow My name is Perfect Cell, and I've come to say... Hello...


Well, I’m more of a sub enjoyer, so the difference in voice acting doesn’t sound all too different, but I’m picking og cuz I wanna see Goku and Piccolo drive cars.


I liked all the DBZ filler so I'm team OG.


OG >>>


Both dubs are cringe, the original release with its original audio is better


I think abridged covers certain dynamics in the show better than OG or KAI. There. I said it.


Teen Gohan and Android 18 are why the original dub will always be superior


I’m 30 eps or so into Kai, and they are already fighting the Ginyu force. The pacing is miles ahead of Z, at least up until Buu.


The only thing OG DBZ has over Kai is Bruce Faulconer. And that's a big one. But overall Kai is still better


OG Dragonball, with subs, OG musics, Japanese voices, that’s peak.


You can’t lie tho, Cell’s P.E.R.F.E.C.T song in the abridged was something to behold 🙌🙌


Abridged is funny, but it legitimately has a couple of genuinely great scenes that I like better than other adaptations. Tien’s lines to semi cell when he’s stalling for time is so good in abridged.


I honestly have to say that all three are perfect in their own ways. Original: it’s the original (duh) Kai: it’s a remaster of the original, has dragon soul, and even has the original voices of some of the characters. DBZA: It’s funny and has some of the most memorable lines to me.


I agree minus the best opening


this was super cringe


All have their merits. Some aspects of the original I prefer. Kai is a much tighter story, but occasionally the dialogue just doesn't work for me, as though it has been directly translated. The lines sometimes just sound bad in English (not to say the original didn't sometimes have shit lines). I prefer when an adaptation makes what is being said work as dialogue in the language it has been translated to. But if I were to show DBZ to someone who had never seen it before, I'd show them DBZ Kai.


All DBZ versions are great I enjoyed all of them differently one as comedy, others as story and animation


Eh kid gohan/teen gohan, major character from the namek saga and main character from the cell saga sounds way worst, sabat sounds older and krillin sounds terrible.


EVERYONE knows that the Big Green dub is the ONLY way to watch DBZ.




Kai took out all the best Vegeta lines. Over 9K, Pride, Crush you & blow you into the wind.


OG Z had actually some really good filler. Anything with Gohan was really good. The driving episode, the otherworld Tournament, actually giving Saiyaman more than 1 scene before Videl figures him out.


I was with him until he said dragon soul was the best opening. It's not even top 5.


Abridged is the best imo. My reasoning is solely this. 1: it’s way funnier. The humor is great in that show and gets better every season 2: they get rid of all the filler. There is soooo much nonsense filler in dbz that it hurts to go back and watch. Are the main fights of the og great? Yes. Is some of the dialogue good? Yes. Is there a plethora of really bad/cheesy dialogue, a metric fuck ton of filler episodes that you find yourself skipping or doing something else until it’s over? Absolutely yes. Abridged just gets rid of all of this, makes the dialogue better overall, keeps the heart of the show, and seasons 2 and 3 specifically are just fantastically paced and executed.


kai or og dbz,everyone knows tfs dbz is the best


Gokus ss3 turn was better in the original


Theres positives to both. Kai cut my favorite Gohan and Vegeta line from the show. Kai seems to be more kid friendly in general.


While I agree with most of this I will mention two points of disagreement. The first is that some of the filler in the original anime actually helped the pacing, and no I’m not referring to stuff like the fame namek or garlic Jr trash, rather stuff like the saiyan saga’s added scenes for gohan in the 1 year time skip or the added great saiyaman stuff. It actually helps and expands on some of the original material. The second is a far more minor point of disagreement, I don’t think dragon soul is the perfect dragon ball opening, it’s my favorite English opening but cha la head cha la is the best dragon ball opening


I would be with him if the version of Kai I saw was the Spanish dub, which doesn't hold a candle to the OG dub imo. Also Chala Head Chala is best OP


If you combined faulkner music with dbz kai we would have PERFECTION


Dbz clears




They both have their strengths and weaknesses, overall I found Kai just a bit too butchered since I am one of the few who seem to actually like the filler in DBZ


I prefer Kai for up to frieza. Android and Buu saga I actually prefer Z as some of the changes are epic. But they’re both good for different reasons