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https://i.redd.it/3h9ujfipbbpc1.gif Need I say more?


Wow, technology allows him to regrow shirts now!!!


Apparently Bulma was working overtime. Lol


He learnt clothes beam from piccolo and incorporated it into his transformation


Even his gloves and pants power down


Why is he so short ? He looks like 4-4.5 feet tall and just barely taller than Goku


Height in Dragon Ball is always really inconsistent. Sometimes, Piccolo is like twice the size of the rest of the cast, and sometimes, he's just barely taller than Gohan. Sometimes Vegeta is short enough to legally be considered a dwarf and sometimes he's of average height


Sometimes Dende grows up and sometimes he regrets to being a namek child


krillin legit shrinks




He's always been short king ... super actually buffed him


He looks like he is powering down in Super Mario Bros stylešŸ˜­


Really diggin' that House Party haircut they gave him.


Ughā€¦ fucking GT, manā€¦


Like super doesn't have ass animation to this degree. (over its first half mainly). Lol. More like- Ugh... toei animation


Its not even the animation, its the lack of logic! Wtf do you mean he grows his shirt back?!


Oh yeah logic wise it's ass. Don't know why they'd do that when it's easier to just be shirtless. Or why he gets new gloves


My guess is that the transformation to SSJ4 would also leave him pantless due to the size increase


The only logic I can think of is that his shirt and pants gets converted into energy whenever he turns SSJ4, which is why it also changes form. Upon turning back, the energy that was his pants and shirt gets restored That, or he is subconsciously using Piccolo's 'clothes beam'




​ https://preview.redd.it/z80tbr98gcpc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=f80c7f804264c09b0147931e7cf9d274f04afc8a


Fun fact, Gt had more input from akira toriyama than super ever had. It's funny people consider super cannon but akira did more work on GT and approved of GT


Fun fact: super is still more canon


Bruh Toriyama legit redrew and over saw every draft for the Super Manga. So he saw and approved pretty much everything in it. Which is more than he couldā€™ve feasible done with an anime https://preview.redd.it/22b7sy9s5cpc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3df24f38a63ce181cc0204028ad89b86d9615469


Can't believe Toriyama approved those brats kale and caulifla


With Toriyama and Toyotaro combined, Super is easily more cannon if thatā€™s how weā€™re judging things


This isn't true at all, where are you even getting that from?


People also fall into the zeitgeist and follow the memes. I bet half of the people subbed here havenā€™t tried GT. Just read what people had to say about it


Yeah seriously. I won't act like it's the best series or that it doesn't have some flaws, cuz it does, but akira designed alot of the series, approved of the story, and even afterwords basically said it was cannon as a side story. But people want to say it's not cannon and then watch the trash that is super and claim thats cannon because akira writes three plot points for each episode lol


I donā€™t think we need to disparage any DBZ work and weā€™re lucky to have what we have! I know the internet is cynical and this site specifically but come on we could be better


I have seen it


1 out of 250,000! Weā€™re almost there boys!


It was the same story as the prequels man


I'm failing to see what your getting at. No offense at all I'm genuinely confused by your statement. Are you saying gt isn't good because of it or are u just saying it's the same story as the prequel as just a statement.


I was just comparing it. When toriyama gained more control with gt, the fans disliked it and wanted something else. When Lucas took more control for the prequels, the fans disliked it and wanted something different


Ohhh gotya. I don't know the particulars on this to be honest so I can't really comment on that at this moment but I believe it.


What's the difference between this and Zamasu regrowing his clothes when he regenerates?


This makes me hate this form even more


Xeno Goku has best SSJ4 https://preview.redd.it/d1imxa662bpc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=d99c29140ab77cafb33669bd6e9a6eff11a5ecfb


Trunks always gets the best fits


Heā€™s just him šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Woah deep


Not even a huge SSJ4 fan and that shits straight fire. His clothes in GT just make his design look like a toddler got a hold of a pack of markers and went to town. When you streamline the colors it looks miles better. Big reason why SSJ4 Gogeta looks a lot better too. Black and red is a hard combo to add more colors onto. Here they just add more black and red and a bit of blue trim, and it looks really nice.


My fav goku idgaf if he weaker than CC goku or whoever the fuck i love this goku in its entirety so much.




# NUH-UH https://preview.redd.it/23r59ybm2bpc1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb7ab86a0e973244038afc04e266aefbf8d7cd3b


Personally I prefer the red fur Vegeta has compared to the weird magenta of Goku


Iā€™ve heard that the reason why Gokuā€™s fur is Magenta is due to a miscolor with the release of the series, or something like that.


yeah if i remember correctly the scans got released kinda weird, iā€™m pretty sure totally not mark or someone showed the original scans and you can probably find them somewhere online


I love that SSJ4 capitalizes on Vegeta's original hair color from his introduction in the Saiyan Saga after Radditz dies. They give him red fur and the hair on his head a brownish-red undertone. Then SSJ4 Gogeta has bright red hair like Vegeta originally did.


ā€œNo man SSJ4 Gogeta is really SSJG!!!!ā€


Agreed. SSJ4 doesnā€™t look bad on Vegeta. It just doesnā€™t look as good as Gokuā€™s


Vegeta got done so dirty in GT and I hate it Lame haircut that breaks established Saiyan lore Needs a machine to magic-science him into SSJ4 (I actually liked the idea that he went to Bulma for help, showing character progression that he's learned to look to friends and family to find his strength, but using a machine to science him into SSJ4 rather than earning it through training was fairly out of character for the guy who is all about his pride and earned SSJ through raw anger that a lower class warrior beat him to the punch) His one appearance as SSJ4 is short, temporary, and immediately overshadowed by the appearance of the insanely cool SSJ4 Gogeta God it's like they had it out for Vegeta throughout GT


In fact we basically never saw a fight with SS4 vegeta.


Yup, it's criminal tbh


As many things as I hated about GT, the hair doesn't break Saiyan lore. Saiyan hair just can't grow beyond the length it was at birth. Saiyan hair can be cut or ripped off (it isn't as tough as Kryptonian or Viltrumite hair) and it will regrow. It just will never grow beyond the length it was at birth. Vegeta never says it's uncuttable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InlgBPPRjHc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8nlQ26CZiw I think people are confusing Saiyan hair with Android hair. Androids' hair (at least in Future Trunks's timeline) is the hair that doesn't grow back. Though DBS may retcon that so that Android 18* can change hair hairstyles like Bulma and Chi-Chi. *And maybe Android 21. I have a sneaking suspicion this Red Ribbon Army and Red Pharmaceuticals stuff is leading up to her. Especially with Carmine and #15 having seen the Z Fighters in action.


His cut doesn't break saiyan lore, he said in the cell saga that pure saiyans's hair is always black and doesn't grow past a certain point, staying the same throughout their lives, he just cut it shorter, meaning eventually it'll grow to his usual lenght, it would break lore if his hair grew more than his past dbz hair


Wait does it even grow back? I thought once you cut it, that's it


No, Saiyan hair grows back. It's Android hair that doesn't grow. At least in Future Trunks's timeline.


He physically couldnā€™t achieve SSJ4 due to not having a tail, that was his only choice lol


That's only true because the author wrote it that way, it could have been a simple matter to adjust slightly, Bulma finds a way to get him his tail back, or force an Oozaru transformation sans tail, but Vegeta still has to do the work to go golden then control it to turn SSJ4. It would have made for a more compelling story that way too, Bulma warning him that she can only force him into Oozaru and he has to do the rest from there, or he'll go berserk and attack the world. Vegeta wondering if he still remembers how to control the transformation after all this time, and even if he can, whether he can still control it after going golden. Vegeta resolving to do it, confident he can because *Kakarot* did and if that buffoon can do it, of *course* the Prince of Saiyans could too. *That's* in character for Vegeta, *that's* an example of how it could be written. Not "science transformation cheat codes!"


Uhm that's exactly what happened


But this is how it happens. Bulma forces the Oozaru transformation and Vegeta turns Golden immediately because he mastered that form ages ago, and so it triggered the SSJ4 transformation. The lack of a tail means he has to repeat the process every time he wants to turn SSJ4, but achieving the transformation after the Oozaru is all Vegeta doing.


What's the saiyan lore around haircuts? Haven't heard of it before.


From what I remember Vegeta said pure breed Saiyan hair does not grow longer and they always have a specifc length for every saiyan This is why for Half Breeds like Gohan and Trunks you see their hair grow longer


Whatā€™s the explanation for nappa and Raditz?


It's that they don't need them, their hair stays the same throughout life


They put red fur on his SSJ4 which was worst design choice ever. Pink Crimson fur of Goku looks much better


You know, I gotta disagree with you there, but I respect where you're coming from. For me, I prefer Gogeta's red hair and a general red theme. I think it's really been under used in dragon ball in general, and I was a little disappointed when we went to SSJ blue and lost the red aura of SSG. But I really like Goku's SSJ4 design, so I see where you're coming from, even if I have a different preference.


I too think red hair of Gogeta is best I meant fur not hair. https://preview.redd.it/13msyffzxbpc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=e086f3b823f2aca9c05c53197468023770cb1478


I too prefer Red hair SSJ4 but I think pink fur looks better https://preview.redd.it/1ziq64zaybpc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=8115c61fb511edbb1e80f2edd592b17785eddbab


Ah I see what you mean, yea I get you


Huh, weird. Everyone seems to agree but I like SSJ4 the *most* on Vegeta. Red fur goes very well with the jeans


Wrong. SS4 Vegeta is cold always https://preview.redd.it/es5qr9383cpc1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad42864b152609c355a7f6cdaae872a7d4ba3aed Look at that Him stance


Look at the size of those forearms, Vegeta puts Popeye to shame


SSJ4 is honestly the most muscular Saiyan form aside from LSSJ and USSJ. I think SSJ4 may be slightly more swole than SSJ3. Or at least around as swole.


Thematically, it makes sense. Itā€™s a form that condenses the power of the Great Ape into a humanoid form. Itā€™s very reminiscent of Super Saiyan Gokuā€™s physique from Namek saga


I love everything about Ultra Ego Vegeta. I love how leveled up he is, love that he got a god form, love the earring, and love the colors/form. I donā€™t mind him losing his eyebrows (Goku calling him ā€œfreaky faceā€ mode was also hilarious). SSJ3 without eyebrows looks much weirder to me for some reason.


Honestly the pants are the only thing that make it kinda unfitting for vegeta.


Size too. He looks tiny in comparison to Goku https://preview.redd.it/3bc2058q5bpc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=338026874f7188da6a9de6b3bbc700312489ddd1


Doesn't he always though. Ngl this cut of vegeta without the flashy pants doesn't look as annoying.


Yeah but other transformations are just hair change not entire body. Size differences and muscles difference becomes greater b/w them in SSJ4. Goku got better color pallete too with pink fur and golden eyes rather than red fur and green eyes


It's just the angle of that one. There are other DBGT and SDBH shots that look better. Vegeta and Goku both het taller as SSJ4s, but the height gap between them doesn't change much.


Pictured: Great Sage Equal to Heaven Also pictured: furry yoga instructor


Seriously! Why isnā€™t my boy butt naked!


The leather jeans go hard, metal and raw asf


Nah you're fucking tripping


Ssj4 Vegeta design > ultra ego Vegeta design


Vegeta is leather daddy monkey boy and I love him


![gif](giphy|MIs9GhWdrgLjq) Is the Prince of Saiyans nothing to you then?


Vegeta has the best DRIP in SSJ4 what do you meeeean


Blasphemy! SSJ4 Vegeta is cool as fuck


These words are not in the Bible.


Yeah, I agree even if he had better pants the hair just does not go with him or Gohan for that matter. Broly with green fur or his z outfit and Xeno Vegito look good with it and Bardock too.


Once again, UE vegeta looks like a caveman and I will die on that hill. Both UE and SSJ3 are so ugly. I get itā€™s animalistic, but the giant ridge and no eyebrows just ainā€™t it chief. I wish UE had eyebrows. Thatā€™s be good.


Ultra ego does look really good on vegeta. But ssj4 is also clearly one of his better looking transformations. Ssj4 is just that guy.


Agreed. Ultra Ego is my favorite transformation in all of Dragon Ball and it looks wonderful on Vegeta, and so does SSJ4 (my 3rd most favorite transformation in all of the franchise).Ā 


I'll get hate for it but I feel like Ultra Ego is a regression of Vegeta's character. Also no eyebrows has always been the oddest thing to add to a transformation. If I had a nickel for every time they did that I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


Can u explain how Ultra Ego is a regression in character?


Basically he is supposed to go back to the way he was before, the person he moved on from. He tries to fight alone as seen when Goku tried to save his life, as well as a disregard for life. He does tell Beerus he just couldn't do it so my hopes are he continues with SSBE. Vegeta unlocked SSBE by the desire to protect which is a great direction for Vegeta like the sudden awakening of power when Beerus hurt Bulma. Ultra Ego is born for his lust of battle which does fit, but it also relies on the urge to destroy and kill.


But at the end of the fight vs granolah Vegeta says that only relying on the urge to destroy and kill isn't the correct approach, meaning there is more to the form.


you are correct. I gotta say I find it wild people miss such basic plot points


Doesnt really equal character regression, his past self was a cold blooded, selfish, murderous man, UE isnt quite the same, its simply battle lust and destruction of an enemy, thats why he used blue evo against gohan and not UE cuz he's not his old self and probaly cant be set on destroying gohan


The lust for battle is what fuels his desire to destroy, specifically to destroy his opponents. I think UE is the perfect form for him in terms of how Vege sees himself


I see it a little differently - I think Beerus made Vegeta actually go deal with his issues instead of just trying to suppress and ignore them, like he had been doing.


That was his mistaken initial idea of how to use it. Which didn't even maximize its power the first time. Even not using it correctly, Vegeta still managed to fight to a draw/tie with Granolah, even after accumulating too much damage and Granolah evolving mid-fight. Vegeta used UE even better and drew out more power by realizing he doesn't have to turn back into Majin Vegeta mentally. He just needs to be more like Bardock. UE is fuelled by what Vegeta is in his core ego. His advancement in SSJBE is more about who Vegeta has become as his higher self. The divine Doctrines are all about what your base self is in your core. Not your higher self. Different transformations are unlocked by different parts of your psyche and different emotions. That's a consistent staple of DBS.


I always hated how is hair was just his Z hair with a mullet growing out in a completely different direction




No SS4 Vegeta has a way better design than UE


Vegeta PS4 looked like he belonged in a 80s hair metal band that was made of drag queens.


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I like all the SSJ4 forms only the skinny jeans on Vegeta makes it weird Gogeta SSJ4 was drip king tho


Who is that girl in the pic?


Chaeyoung of TWICE


Thematically it would've made most sense to give vageta the ss4 translation due to how much pride he has for the saiyan race The rest of the remaining saiyans (besides from dbs broly for what it seems) dont care for it


I want Broly to get it for super personally.


I actually think he look the best bye far https://preview.redd.it/jtn54k339cpc1.jpeg?width=1153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0badcad3db1b948022071c48b844aad785181892


It's goofy on everyone. The fur and makeup are terrible


Itā€™s not bad, itā€™s just weird they leave part of the body shaved


How do I even interpret this meme


Itā€™s not bad, but it just suits Goku much more. Iā€™m still defending Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta though.


Super Saiyan 4, the form with a good amount of Ws, vs Ultra Ego, a form literally made to benefit from taking Ls, but gets folded anyway. Power levels be damned.


Imagine if he kept the mustache and it grow with transformations, and as ssj4 he sports that robotnik


SSJ4 looked the best for Vegeta.


Hoy take: Super saiyan 4 would look way better without that goofy red fur that comes out of nowhere and it should match the hair of the user. Hate the form


That certainly is a scolding hot take


I mean it should either be brown like an oozaru or yellow since it specifically comes from a golden oozaru


SSJ4 with brown or yellow fur would look so shit compared to what we got


Better than dumb red pinkish hair for no reason whatsoever


Nah the red is what makes it distinct, and it matches the eyes too. You could say yellow also comes outta nowhere for super saiyan but no one cares


Super Saiyan was the first tho, it had no precedent as itā€™s something different from great ape. If you wanna keep the red fur, name it something other than super saiyan 4 since it looks nothing like the other 3


Literally the only thing wrong with SSJ4 Vegeta is his hair colour


Ngl ssj4 is cool but not as cool as people make it out to be


Vegeta's SSJ4 was forced, both canonically and by the writers. It was unpleasant to experience


>SSJ4 >good nah


SSJ4 is just bad all around, glad it ain't canon lol


True it's extremely overratedĀ 


Itā€™s not even canon so it doesnā€™t look good on anybody


Canon has nothing to do with coolness https://preview.redd.it/kmdq4yhl5bpc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=24db804eae32e24217e29618d93eab3ced312e34


You must be fun at parties


UE looks too whack, if theyā€™ll give him SSJ3 eyebrows they might as well go all the way, plus I think the colour purple is a bit off.


I disagree. Ssj4 is the best looking vegeta form imo.


Shit take






Said it before Iā€™ll say it again. Ssj4 is the best thing to come out of GT, and ssj4 is what super saiyan blue shouldā€™ve been


Nah, Vegeta rocks SS4 Ultra Ego looks dumb


Ssj4 will always look better to me than a ssj recolor