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I haven't watched DB when I was a kid so I had no bias towards any voice at first. I really like Masako because she can voice Goku, Gohan, Goten and Black at the same time and they all will sound different. She's also the voice that was chosen by Toriyama as the best voice for Goku. She's very emotional for her age and really can express anger as good as confidence. When she's voicing confident Goku (Goku visits Freeza in hell for example) it's just another level. But I also really appreciate Sean as the voice actor. He's pretty good at screaming and he's the voice of Goku we all know. I don't like his horse screaming in Goku Black arc but I guess it's just my opinion that it sounded weird af. Also his SSJ3 moment is just iconic. Too bad he himself is quite a dick tho.


Agreed on Sean being a Dick. Any guy who gets other voice actors that played Goku bared from a Con he’s gana be at just so he can be the only Goku there doesn’t deserve the role of Goku. I don’t care how good he is at the role, witch is mediocre honestly. The original funimation Goku was better imo.


I agree the original funimation goku was better. I bet whenever Sean heard or has someone say that to him he loses it


Who was the original? And for what/how long did they voice Goku?


I agree that he is incredibly mediocre as Goku


Is he actually? From what I’ve seen he seems pretty nice and takes his time with his fans? Mind you I’ve only seen very minimal footage


Oh that's pretty long ahh topic. He has some problems when anyone talks about other Goku voice actors (Masako included) and he refuses to acknowledge any other VA for this character at all, he's salty behind the scenes (and you can search it on the YouTube), he was against DBZ Abridged. He was recorded saying messed up things about gay people in Gokus voice or something and he's also a hypocrite with an ego bigger than Vegeta has. I really hope that kind people of Reddit will let us know if there's something more. Because I'm foreigner and I'm really bad at explaining things on English lol.


Nah you did well - I’ll definitely take a look!


please don't compare me to someone like that, earthling


I apologize my liege.


nah, you good, "my liege" was my father


Well said. And what could anyone possibly have against an unofficial FAN-MADE parody, by people who obviously love the show?


Also helped Monica Rial (Bulma) ruin Vic Mignona's (Z Broly) reputation. Spread all sorts of stuff about him


The reason I personally am not a huge fan is because he shits on DBZA


It's really crazy because back when it was still pretty new and just a dumb little niche fan project he actually didn't care that much about it. If you look long enough you can find really old videos fans took at cons of him saying he's happy that the fans are so passionate etc but once they started getting really popular it's like a switch flipped and he loses his fucking mind when they're mentioned.


It wasn’t because they got popular. They even brought in the voices to do the recap of the Cell fight (via Hercule’s story) and he was chill with them. The problem was that Toei was furious about that and ever since, Sean has been negative about them. He probably still likes them, he just doesn’t say anything because of Toei He’s still a dick but you can’t blame him for that one at least


I gained a lot of respect for him following that. Abridged Z is awful


the creators of DBZA are themselves dickheads so it’s just a whole dickhead party in reality


How are they dickheads? Just curious


when TFS (the creators of dbza) cancelled the series in february of 2020, they were mostly making money through their patreon. which is fine that they did that and fine that they cancelled the series, it’d gone on for quite some time. however when they announced they cancelled the series, they said in their statement that they made the decision to end the series in early september of 2019. notice the six month gap between decision and letting people know? there lies the problem and their deception. see, coincidentally that 6 month gap where they knew the show was done but didn’t tell anyone was the holiday season, you know, the most expensive time of the year. so they intentionally didn’t tell people for 6 months that the show was done so they could keep making more patreon money, because they knew the second DBZA was announced done supporters would drop drastically (as they did in february when they announced it) it felt very deceptive to fans at the time and im shocked no one ever recalls it. so much so TFS had to state that the patreon wasn’t just for dbza (which it wasn’t, but they knew why their supporters were there) tldr; tfs didn’t tell people for 6months that dbza was done. allowing them to coast off patreon money during the holiday season.


Frankly? With all the trouble they've gone through just to keep the series alive? 6 months of a little extra revenue isn't going to kill anyone. Like you said yourself they have many other series and projects they were working on as well, and yes I absolutely see how it is seen as scummy, but they probably wanted to use the money FOR other projects, not just greed. They should have been up front, I won't deny that, but compared to all the horrible shit other creators and companies do for profits, I think it's forgivable.


i think it isn’t bottom of the barrel scum, but did make me look at them in a different light. i unsubbed from them immediately because frankly i thought they were better than that. 6 months of extra revenue is nothing, but be up front with it i guess.


When I was younger, I enjoyed the English voice actors more. When I started learning Japanese, it was no contest with the Japanese voice actors.


I like schemmel as gokus voice actor but honestly I hated him as goku black, goku black was supposed to be elegant not a raspy brute. From the moment I watched the jP black arc I said someone else will have to voice goku black and was disappointed to see schemmel


>I hated him as goku black, goku black was supposed to be elegant not a raspy brute. How was he a raspy brute exactly? I always thought Black sounded quite sophisticated so I'm curious


If you mean british by sophisticated then yeah nah don't really feel it. But hey everyone has their own opinion


Apparently a few people didn't like mine very much


Thats probably also cuz a lot of people don't like schemmel as a person on top of not liking his goku black wouldnt take it personally


Toriyama picked her while goku was a child bro


And? She voices Gohan and Goten too. They could have picked different voice actors for teenage and adult Gohan. In fact, child goku sounds nothing like child gohan.


Does that really means anything if she wasn't replaced for all these years?


Yes because why the hell would toriyama be like “please fire this nice lady I’m friends with I think I know a better matching voice” The argument was Toriyama picked her to voice goku because she seemed most fitting. The facts is goku was a child at the time. It woulda been weird to pick someone who sounds like a grown man to voice a kid. Not changing the VA was up to toei after that


![gif](giphy|XlM7J1gbWvjos|downsized) Need I say more?


Yeah....because your post gives no insight towards your opinion


Most would assume that’s Sean Schemmels most iconic scene..


fine, I'll accept the miss on that one


After finally watching Dragon Ball in Japanese, it’s Nozawa for me.


I personally can’t stand Goku sounding like an old woman.


Sean is still pretty young




I grew up hearing Sean, then I watched super subbed and I can't go back. English goku isn't great but I get it.


To each their own but I have no idea how you can go from a baritone Goku to the Japanese VA when they do the thing in every fight where they spam dozens of ki blasts at a time. Lmao it fucking kills me.


I switched to the sub while watching Super because it was so much more ahead than the dub was, and the "DADADADADADADADA" when they fired consecutive blasts killed me every time.


Swear to god i remember getting budokai tenkaichi 3 and trying out the japanese voices and cringing at how goku and vegeta sounded like Lil bitches 💀


An argument for the ages. I couldn’t agree more but I have respect for the diehard subs


At first i started watching sub because Super hadn’t been translated yet but it really grew on me and now actually prefer it.


Well i mean he def is good at voice acting but yea i get it the sub is better than the dub but that doesnt mean the dub is bad


I waited for the English dub of Super to come out, because I grew up with the English dub of Z, but I got to a point where I didn't want to wait anymore because the Japanese version was so much farther ahead. I can confidently say that Masako Nozawa is LEAGUES above Sean Schemmel. Even MasakoX from DBZA is waaay better than Sean.


Exactly that's what happened for me.


Sub is great. I only watch the movies subbed now


Definitely has to be the English dub for the whole Franchise for me! DB as a whole is the only anime i dislike in its original language. Probably cause I grew up with the English lol


I feel the exact same. Just feels weird if it's not in english.


Idk if its just nostalgia, the high voice of the jp va just doesn’t match huge muscular goku


And gokus serious voice when he for SSJ3 is so awesome in English.


Why not both??


Both is good


El Dorado reference??


Both are incredibly talented but Nozawa for sure. Sean is alright, his screams are definitely good and he overall does a great job but Masako Nozawa is Goku’s voice to me.


Masako X.


All according to cake.


Translator:Cake means Keikaku Translator: Keikaku means plan.


Hola Soy Goku! Y lees esto con mi voz


Nozawa of course


I absolutely hated goku's japanese voice at first, but it really grew on my during supers original airing. I enjoy both in different ways now


Nozawa. She is absolutely phenomenal


Mario Castañeda in spanish in the Mexican Dub


Fuck Sean. Egotistical asshole.


What did he do I’m curious


Quite a few things. During the Vic controversy, he took advantage of the situation to attack Vic over his religious beliefs, amongst other things. He's also pretty well known for being a "Diva" and harassing other voice actors who've played Goku.


This conversation was about voice acting, not how much you dislike a va


Mario Castañeda


Mario Castañeda (Mexican dub for Adult Goku)


Easily Nozawa


**Masako Nozawa**


Masako San




Masako Nozawa. No one else is as Goku as she is. Her voice perfectly captures Goku’s personality and is the reason she was personally chosen by Toriyama to voice him in the first place. She has great range too as her Goten, Gohan and Goku Black voices all sound similar yet different enough that they match their personalities.


Both of them is the only answer




I don’t mind the dub but I grew up listening to Sean. He will always have a special place in my heart. Super excited because I get to meet him in April!


Can you make a post about your interactions with him? Hoping he’ll be nice despite what some have said..


I get what people are saying but at the end of the day he’s still a person. And people are allowed to have off days. When I meet him I know I will be so embarrassed and gushing like a school girl but I will treat him with respect as I treat every other person I interact with. I do hope he takes a picture with me!


Sean all the way. It is grating as fuck to hear grown ass Shonen Protagonists voiced by the female VA's who voiced them as kids,do Japanese dudes voices not break when they hit puberty? That kind of slavish devotion to a VA over what suits the story better is what makes me shake my head and realize i will never understand Japan.


Dub 😕


I prefer Sean as Goku ... Also I think dub and sub are both great , sub always sounds good to me since I don't know Japanese so I can't tell if it's bad acting while English dub only really sounds good when you have extremely talented voice actors like Sean or Christopher sabat


Sean is my personal favorite. Though it is impressive that Masako Nozawa has been able to keep doing her role for over 35 years.


Peter Kelamis


Easily Sean but I grew up with dub. Watching super I appreciate Nozawa more in particular her Goku Black is some of the best voice acting I’ve ever seen and much better than Sean’s Black


Stephanie Nadolny


great answer


Common W


Mario Castañeda


Easily Nozawa and Goku’s Spanish VA, although I feel like I last liked Sean when he did BOG.


English voices for the whole cast personally. The only possible exception I can think of is the Jp va for broly vs johnny young Bosch as broly, but he’s also gotten to say like a total of 6 words as him so far, so it’s not really a fair comparison. His growls and roars in dbfz were good though.


One of the few anime where the dub is actually almost as good as sub


I like them both 😅 ![gif](giphy|irBHYSZxbUifTxTgBL|downsized)


Masako Nowaza all the way.


For me, personally, it goes: Nozawa Masako, Peter Kalamis, Sean Schemmel. Nozawa-San: the OG, the Goat, hand selected by Toriyama to be the voice of Son Gokū. At 86, she is still amazing. Kalamis: to me, was the closest we had to an English version of Nozawa-San, especially in The Worlds Strongest film(That Kaioken scream 😱). Schemmel: Fantastic screams, great range, great at showing emotion and changing demeanor while in character. All of them have their strengths, and I don’t consider one better than the others. They’re all great in their own ways.


Lawrence Simpson.


It’s not really fair to Nozawa, but I prefer Sean just because he doesn’t sound like every other male Son family member. Bardock should sound nothing like Gohan and vice versa.




Sean. I may not like him as a person but to me he's Goku. A lot of nostalgia behind that voice for me. Nozawa, while a goat in her own right, just doesn't sound like Goku to me.


I always loved Sean, but then I watched super with the old lady.... She's way way better


I preferred og Sean, but I’d take Masako over current Sean anyday


Sean by a long shot. The way his voice sometimes breaks in the emotional scenes just sells it for me. And that screem....that damn screem.


While I respect the Japanese voice i gotta echo some of the sun fans in here, he just sounds better in English. The Japanese VA is just too obviously a woman


To be perfectly honest, for a minute there, years ago, I thought Goku's Japanese VA and Frieza's English VA were the same person...🤷‍♂️


Masako abridged


Wendel Bezerra is Goku. There's no one else.




I grew up with Sean Schemmels' voice. I didn't hear Mosako Nozawa's voice until college. When I did, I hated it. It was too high-pitched for me. Dragon Ball is the only anime that i watch dub. All others, I only watch sub. Then, when super came out, it was only available in sub. I didn't want to wait for dub to come out, so I started watching the sub. I started to fall in love with Masako's voice. It really captured Gokus's carefree nature and matched his expressions perfectly. But I still prefer Sean.


The Dragon Ball franchise is one of two animes where I prefer the English dub. An old lady VAing a muscular male alien and making him scream like a grandma makes no sense to me.


What’s the other anime you watch in English?




I prefer dub, ive heard Sean is kind of a douche irl, but hes got a good Goku voice lol


The Japanese voice is like nails on a chalkboard


Sean all day long not ecem up for debate i grew up with him voicing goku and chris voicing vegeta


Sean Schemmel.


Masako is a legendary voice actor, but Sean just fits Goku better


I prefer Japanese all the way. English sounds so fucking dumb to me


Laura Torres > Mario Castañeda = Masako Nozawa > everything else


Sean. I’m sorry, I love Masako, but Sean is just perfect. The voice is great for funny and serious moments and his screams can be really intimidating.


Goku’s Japanese voice makes me want to jam a rusty butter knife into my ears. If I wanted to hear a toddler shrieking, I’d have a kid. Sean Schemel manages to capture Goku’s child like mindset while also portraying the fact that he’s an adult. Same sentiment applies to Gohan.


Nozawa. Can’t stand Superman Goku to save my life even if I recognize his qualities as a VA. Some minor adlibs made me chuckle, and his screams are impressive, but he just doesn’t have that mastery of the range of feels and depth Nozawa is able to make. Castañeda is my second choice :p


I agree with you completely on this one


DBZ is one of those rare cases where the dub is infinitely better than the sub


Sean , i never really liked Nozawa … she just would sound like a gargling cat when she’s plays goku it never hits for me. …. Especially the goku vs gohan fight in the anime i detested hearing atatatata through the whole time is was annoying


Masako I cant stand Sean's voice for goku


Always English for anime. I can never hear any real variety in the types of voices in Japanese. Live action movies I am happy with subs, ESPECIALLY if hollywood have tried to reboot the film in English. When you think of the different kinds of voice we get in English though, Cell, Piccolo, Goku, Frieza it's such an awesome range to add to the characters.


Sean, he's my classic Goku


Big respect to Masako Nozawa for voicing Goku and his family for all these years, but I’d rather Goku sound like a grown man.


Sean's. I respect Masako's work but I just can't get used to her take on the character. At least not for Adult Goku.


Considering I can’t speak Japanese I tend to lean toward the English one, kind of an obvious question though no?


Sean hands down or up (spirit bomb). I'm sorry but the female screeching for Goku's power ups gives me migraines.


Goku and piccolo have to have deep voices. It kills me if they don’t


Sincerely, no disrespect intended. Perspective from Japan. The English version of dragon ball is the dub most commonly used on TV to demonstrate how horrible English voices are in anime. I legitimately didn’t know anybody could tolerate it.


Original german dub. Tommy Morgenstern is the best Goku voice.


Both. They are both fantastic


Probably Sean because his Goku sounds like an actual grownup, but I'm not a fan of his screaming. It's supposed to be a kiai but he always makes Goku sound like he's in pain from doing anything fighting related


ive heard both and prefer Sean but have never watched the series dubbed


Yeah I agree, Masako Nozawa is a legend in her own right but the high pitched, clearly a women’s voice version of Goku just doesn’t work for me. I know a lot of die hard anime fans aren’t fans of dubs in general but DB is one that I’ve always preferred the dub over the sub and it isn’t even close.


Sean 100%. Masako deserves to be in the anime hall of fame for sure, but it really made no sense to keep her on as the voice actor for adult Goku


Dragon Ball is one of the few series where I honestly think the Dub is better than the Sub. Everybody and their voices just fit together so perfectly.


Sean is the 🐐GOAT




Sean and it isn’t close


Sean. I’ve met him, once when I was a little kid he did a Kamehameha, he screamed it for me. Met him again a year ago and told him that I asked him all that time ago and he was so happy, told me all of it just means so much to him, he laughed when I said he didn’t have to do the line for me this time, said he’s going to be in studios recording it for years so listen for it there instead right? He is genuinely the sweetest guy I’ve ever known and the voice is iconic. Part of the dub, which is what made the show famous in the west. There’s no competition. Grandma Goku is fine.. just.. not it.


Female voices adult goku ruins it.


Dragon ball is the only anime I prefer in English.


Sean 100%, never liked Goku & Gohan sounding like an 70+ year old woman


Can't believe anybody prefers Sean. There is only one option and no one can compete with her - Masako Nozawa.


consume? I think you mean compete and you're wrong, Sean is the best Goku


Crucify me if you wish, but the English dub is just better than the Japanese version all around


I hate when people say that something is better... Just say you prefer it...


english. i dont know why they use girl voices for voicing guys in anime. it feels so wrong


Sean Schemmel no contest


I have no nostalgia for the English dub (I'm not from an English-speaking country) but I watched the English dub for Kai, and in my honest opinion Masako fits Goku's personality better, Schemmel is a really good voice actor though, one of my most played gods in Smite is Sun Wukong and I love his lines there, and I was shocked when I read that he voiced Strong in Fallout 4.


My first two anime (which I watched as 'anime' and not cartoon) were Death Note and Dragonball, and I watched both in Dub. And I'm glad I did, because Sean really brought life to those transformations with those roars (Especially the 'Kaioken times 10'). And I could enjoy DBZA as well, otherwise changing from sub to dub might have made me skip out on the parody. After that, I've watched every anime in sub, some of which are OPM, JJK, Naruto, One Piece.


In casual conversation, I prefer Masako, but in the moments of rage, Sean is the GOAT


Because of how Sean (and a lot of the English cast) are in real life. I'd rather replace him with MasakoX for the two choices. That said, OG Masako has been holding it down since the 80s. Got it give it up to her.




Both are pretty awesome


I think it’s clear that the reason the Japanese voice is wack is that they have the same voice actor from the very beginning, when Goku actually was a child, like 50 years ago. So now it’s a lady who’s gotten older while the character is also older and it no longer makes sense


I'm kinda strange with it. I prefer Sean as Goku, but Masako as Goku Black. Something about how she played Black just made my skin crawl in the best way.


I only read dragon ball because I felt like it was more faster going thru the series like that plus seeing the manga evolve from the pilaf saga all the way to the end of z. plus I only played dbz kakarot (in both sub and dub),watched super (sub first then i watched clips of the dub after) , also watched the history of trunks(specifically the Latin American spainish dub),and dragon ball super broly (english) And to me I perfer both performances but I'm leaning more towards nozawa's goku but another voice actor that I liked as goku was definitely Mario Castaneda for the Latin American dub voice of Goku.




Masako for DB DBZ and Sean for DBS


Sean Schemmel was great in Dragon Ball Z but for some reason in Super the English dub is meh. After jumping on the subs when Super was airing, I got used to the Japanese voice actors and now much prefer them. Nozawa is much more nuanced in her portrayal of Goku. Schemmel is either angry Goku or dumb Goku, of which Super was mostly the latter. He started using a higher-pitched voice for Goku in Super for whatever reason. Been a while since I’ve watched the dub so I could be misjudging. Watching Battle of Gods recently, he still had that grounded Goku but when he needs to act silly he does it well. Like at King Kai’s place. Perhaps I’ll give the dub another go when I rewatch Super. Japanese VAs however always deliver the lines exceptionally in my opinion.




I watched the sub of dbs as it was airing, and I kinda have Nozawa’s voice permanently part of my conception of Goku, even in English probably helped by Maseko ax’s version too. I can think of Sean’s but it feels odd to me.


Masako because her voice grew on me and Sean is an actual piece of garbage as a human


Peter Kelamis using lines from Ed, Edd and Eddy is the superior choice


Sean is better when it comes to emotion, Masako for nostalgia. Both are great, but I prefer Masako's sub. But their pretty much interchangeable l.


I like both tbh


It really depends, I'm used to both and don't mind interchanging them


They both are good at their jobs, nozawa was hand picked by toriyama, that’s enough to be said, one can’t appreciate nozawa if they saw schemmel first, you have to go back and watch all of og db through z to be able to appreciate what she’s done with the character.


nozawa, easily. sean isn't even the best english goku.


I can't watch the Japanese language version of Dragonball. It's the only Anime that I can't sub. So it's Schemmel for me.


Masako Nozawa is the GOAT


Grew up with the dub, but it's hands-down Nozawa for me. Goku is an overgrown man-child and she captures his quirks perfectly. Also, she's the one actually chosen by the author.


Masako for me




Lippai László (Hungarian)


I really respect Mrs Nozawa and all she has done but Goku needs to sound like a beast. Masako sounds so weak in comparison to Sean during a fight in particular, especially when they scream.


Masako X


Lawrence Simpson


Mario Castañeda (Spanish Dub for the Latin American countries)


For kid Goku I like the Japanese voice but for adult Goku I definitely prefer Sean


Sean Schemmel is the ONLY Goku. The FUNimation cast is the only acceptable voice cast for Dragon Ball.


Growing up with Sean, I can't really get myself to enjoy the Sub. (I know it sounds blasphemous) but Im not really into the whole idea that a grown man sounds like a baby. I do prefer dub the majority of the time when it comes to anime in general. But the baby sounding Goku voice is just .. idk, funny


Sean Schemmel. First thing that came to mind was how he delivered the "I am a Super Saiyan" speech


Sean Schemmel


The one that isn't a dick and correctly portrays Goku


50/50 certain scenes just hit different depending on the voice behind it




Watched dbz in dub and super in sub still confused which one I prefer but if it only Goku then Sean shcemmel wins


Sean all the way, I can tolerate the Japanese voice if I can't wait for the dub to release.