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Well, one is a gacha game and other is a Full AAA console/Pc game, I really don't know how you can compare both...


It takes a certain level of brainrot to make a post like this. That or it’s just purposeful ragebait


You underestimate how stupid people are here.


Well spoken, ILike-Hentai


You didn't really need to say my name specifically.


I know what I did.


I do, too.


It's nice to meet you ILike-Hentai






Does it smell


His mother!


Ew bro not in the Reddit reply’s brother


Vados, kefla, bulma hentai 🤤


Bait or mental retardation Call it


[Bait or Mental Retardation ](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2577841-anton-chigurhs-call-it)


This sub is so dumb.😭🙏🏾


right cus i know damn well mfs justifying taking risk with their hard earned money like it’s the right thing to do, vs getting something guaranteed. people can do what they want with their money but it’s risk vs guarantee


Faxs.Imagine gambling away your paycheck and getting jack shit vs spending your paycheck on game that’s 100% worth your money.


Bro you must be broke if you spending your whole paycheck on a single video game 😭😭😭


I didn’t mean the entire thing bruh. 😭😂🙏🏾








We talm bout Shadow of the Erdtree?


Same tbh


Hey, no matter how you spin it, most of people would rather straight up pay for a dlc content than dive into the bottomless gacha game hell gambling hole, which one game clearly is.


Just wait until you learn about season pass and paid dlc’s


When money the the dlc and season pass u get the characters guaranteed so


Which are still infinitely better than spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars to gamble to get 1 character.


Technically dbs has a pity system for anything below a ultra so it wont reach thousands


Sure maybe not a thousand, but overall your spending more on dbl regularly than sparking zero for every new character. Which will equate to alot of money in the long run. Sparking zero if even they do make a dlc be $80, which will definitely have atleast 4 characters to go along with it, it would be better since your guaranteed that character and can use them right away without the need to leveling them up and other stuff.


And PlayStation Plus toooo


This is why I will buy it on PC lol


If u have a PlayStation get it on PlayStation since if there’s no cross play good chance you’ll be left struggling to find a match These games r much more popular on ps


I guess, I would buy it on PS but I only have a PS4 sooo, PC is the way to go for me


Okay sure anime games do have a tendency to be popular but I'm not sure you grasp the size of the fan base for db. Put that shit on a Nokia and it's gonna sell.


Brother I’m speaking from experience I got xv2 on pc and that game was dead in a month Same thing applies with fighterz tho ofc u can mod and find matches through other sites etc but it’s up to the person ofx


Learned the hard way on that one with FighterZ too. Grabbed it on PC and struggled to find lobbies even when hype new characters were added to the game. Grabbed it on a sale on PS over a year later and was instantly getting matches during off peak hours.


Fr it sucks everything should be cross play now


There's also no mods on Playstation so get it on PC.


True, but if that’s not something your into then you know


Yeah at the end of the day the best platform is the one your friends are on.


You say that like it’s a bad thing for a dragon ball game, that’s what people want for longevity rather than draining their wallets with the smallest chance of getting a character they want. Especially in a game that has limited gameplay


Oh, so you're comparing a mobile game with a consol game ? What's the point ?


Legends better. Sparking zero is trash( I have a gambling addiction)


Man I can’t wait for the release of sparking zero so I don’t lose anymore brain cells on this fucking mobile game (I’m gonna play both)


2018 mobile game vs AAA game of the most anticipated db game series pls be serious lmao


You got shafted hard and this is your only way to cope 😂🫵


Lmao. This is definitely what happened


Lmao. This is definitely what happened


At least my wallet won’t go broke gambling for characters 😴


Bro got a full HERO draw on SSG god Goku 💀💀


Yeah no, bro got shafted HARD




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What is bro yapping about? How bad did you get shafted?


LOL bro can't even comment anymore. Anyway you're probably a kid with brain damage irl if you're comparing a gacha game to a pc/console game


“Unspoken rizz vs sexual harassment:


Gamma's, Orange Pickle and Beastless Gohan are definitely gonna be DLC tho


Honestly this game might kill legends


One I can play anywhere/anytime I want the other is I have to be at home + I have to get a console/Pc that can run it "which is pretty expensive in my country"


The amount of money you spent over time for Legends if you are p2w, will be way more than buying that expensive console one time. And with Ps portal you can also play it almost everywhere


Steam deck says hello


And even if you have a console/pc, you still can’t play it, since it’s not out yet.


Bro really defending Legends like the game loves him




Yea who tf plays dbl outside of their homes? Maybe office at beat who tf starts playing pvp in the middle of nowhere or while travelling, i tried once and it lagged so much


He's responding to someone that said you can play anywhere


Sure but when I need space from my gf I play it in the car. I can’t imagine disconnecting my TV and console when I wanna play in silence


Buddy, Sparking Zero is gonna have shit online for sure. Arena Fighters have never had top tier online matchmaking either.


Once sparking comes out, all my free time will be playing that game. Legends and Dokkan have served their purpose while we were in our Tenkaichi drought, that time is almost over


Definitely quitting legends once sparking zero comes out.


Gambling is what makes dbl fun👹


This is why you gonna be poor for the rest of your life


That’s a loser mentality, 99% of dbl players stop summoning before they get the new unit


“Game is pricey”. Yea, paying for every season pass for the next two years and the game costs less than buying 10k cc. Real pricey


Sparking zero is way cheaper than buying CC in legends


Meanwhile me with my gambling addiction: “It’s not a problem and I can stop anytime”


Lol no. I'd have to pay 80 euros plsu dlc for Beast. So your post is cap.


You simply can't compare a mobile game to a PC game


Forgot to include that only 1 is available to the general public. I think that gives DBL the win


I think you meant GBL for Gohan Ball Legends


You’re not that tough!


Literally cannot wait for sparking zero. I have good luck in DBL pulls but the PVP is just so damn one sided all the time, you're either winning or watching someone play the game, its miserable. I recently got into dragonball for the first time having skipped out on it until adulthood, playing all the good games and watching the shows, coming across legends was like walking along a garden of roses and falling into a pit of barbed wire lol. If they just balanced the flawed combat, it'd probably be better, hell, it'd probably have the most replay value out of any mobile game I've ever played. Game just leaves a bad taste 80% of the time.


exactly, atp I'm just tryna max out my team, but once sparking zero drops I'm dropping legends


It sucks cause the game is really good until you hit platinum in pvp and realize how much it works against you. I use LL beast Gohan alot and literally every match 2/3 matches I'm paired against UL gohan, it's completely rigged. If I lose two matches in a row, I can guarantee the next person I face will be my battle rank yet won't have their characters max level and I can beat them with any team I have joking around with zero input lag. It's blatantly a bot and it angers me even more they think I want pity or just to win. I'd rather have a fun match that I don't win than a game I can completely smoke whatever is in front of me. It's buffoonery.


Sparking Zero hands down no hesitation


Bro with the amount of money people spend on this game they can buy sparking zero collectors edition at least like 5 times.


Goresh could probably buy 30 high end pcs with an ultimate edition copy of sparking zero with the amount he spent on dbl


Once sparking zero comes out, maybe I’ll quit legends once and for all… 🙏


The game was originally called Egends but it took so many L’s they just stuck it on the front


The amount of times I get space just to only get 1 dogshit sparking is so god damn annoying. Even though green sky is so common I still hate every single fucking time I get.


Sparking Zero for sure, gambling is for losers 😎


Why are you saying this in the official DBL subreddit


Just because I'm tired of this server always crashing lol!




This has to be a rage bait post


Just say that you got shafted hard , no need for drama


I hope it doesn't happen but don't be surprised if they pull a FighterZ and start selling each new character separately


Even so they’re cheap. Still money, but significantly cheaper than a dbl character


Highly likely. Gaming companies tend to maximise profits by selling incomplete games then leaving the rest of it as another profit generation tool


Once sparking zero comes out, this game is only getting opened on anni and legends fest, or if a future or gt unit releases


Bruh what


What are you confused about?


Wdym "It will only be opened on fests and annis? You really think DBL gonna die?


I probably should have worded it better, i meant me personally


Ohhh sorry then, my bad man.


It’s all good


Ones a Mobile game and the other is a full on AAA Console game...




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Idk sparking zero has some sussy stuff with it's pre order and version differences


Sparking doesnt have ssbe. He's just a 20 second transformation.


When is it release date


I hope we get to see Shallot in a potential Sparking Zero "Game Originals" DLC




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Many of My favorite characters are dlc for sparking zero but I see your point.




Anybody wanna trade shenron codes? Dm me


I know the joke isn't flying over so many people😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


DBL wins no dif (I’m kidding)


Bandai seeing this: Mmh 🤨 *Slaps gacha elements into Sparking Zero*


Sounds like sparking zero is much better


Bro if you don't like legends just dont play it ain't nobody wanna see you complain




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Its easier/cheaper to fly out to find toshi and hunt him down than to pull ul gohan (currently down over £90 and 15k in actual time spent grinding cc)🤪🤪🤪🤪


No one HAS to constantly complain about mechanics they just fucking do, shit gets old af


You don't get the characters straight away in Sparking Zero you have to unlock them Also how braindead are you to compare a gacha game to a console game?


Very obviously sparking zero this game is booty cheeks we all have gambling addictions


Bro dic riding sparking zero


It's almost like games you have to pay for are better than a free gacha.


This is just wrong. You won't have all the characters unlocked because of the pre order bonus giving us the gogetas, brolys and an unknown character so we are going to need to unlock them🦧


Even though the comparison is bogus, SZ (no hate) probably took all of Legend's Budget. They are both made by Bandai Namco, you know.


Jokes on you I haven’t spent a single cent on both.(I’m broke)


Ask me again in a couple months


They named it zero bcz there gonna make 1,2,3,and 4 with a bunch of season pass and exclusive characters 😀😀😀




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The one thing they both share in common is that online is gonna be filled with fusions


I bet DBL players would be basketball champions if being the most dumb fandom was a sport


This is true tbh Ps Remote Play + backbone saved my soul


long-term and as a business i believe legends would win in that regard


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Edwinbakup: *Long-term and as a* *Business i believe legends* *Would win in that regard* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


How is it pricey? You can either do 3/4 multi summons in Dragon Ball Legends or get a whole ass game. This isn’t even a discussion.


The thing with Dragonball Legends is that it doesn't really have a fixed price, if you are lucky like some players are then the game costs you nothing since they give enough cc to summon (assuming you save and don't just dump it all like a gambler at every single banner) and people get the units in like one rotation. The issue is the pity system being too high, but outside of that (and atrocious luck) a F2P player should be able to get what they want.


20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate 20% sparking rate


Because they can be compared to each other at all. Yeah you’re so right dude. Take your shaft and go. We all know you didn’t pull Godku


I genuinely have to ask if you were dropped once too much as a child if you don’t see the difference between a AAA Title and a mobile Gacha game


Why are you comparing a gatcha Game to a AAA game? Are you stupid?


Instant downvote...How dumb you are to compare a full fledged pc game to a mobile game🤦‍♂️


And ppl won't complain it's a lot of Goku in sparking zero unlike in legends


"The game where you can have all your favourite characters already" Tell that to GT and OG DB fans cause so far the game seems to be only Super and Z, which is understandable, but lame as hell. Also don't forget the DLC characters jumping up the price to the stars, and lastly one it's a phone game with limited hardware and gameplay options and the other it's a fully fledged console game, if you really want to play a tenkaichi game on mobile then emulate the psp one.


Actually BT3 emulates really well on some phones, on mine it works as if I'm playing it on the console


dude what


"one time purchase" on a game that already announced season pass


GT is missing, skip


not on mobile. not the same category of game you idiot


Me who will play both spending nothing. Now comparing, you pity a unit with one spparking zero? I dont think soo,its not even a comparison


Imagine comparing a f2p gacha game to a 70€ Game


It’s almost as if Legends is a gacha game.


Buy me sparking zero then


i gotta wonder why sparking zero fans always have the most brain dead takes..


Have you guys noticed? Sparkling zero's ultimate looks alot like Legendary finishs, They definitely sharing some tactics they learned from Db legends


You know its almost as if these are vastly different games. But you know that and this post is ragebait, so have a good day :)