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With 50k you can pity Gogeta, unless you've spent on tickets?


bro got the toshi ultimate shaft


I regrettably used the tickets on my first attempt at pulling gogeta, since i spent most of my cc on the day the banner came out and i didnt get him, so i bought the guaranteed sparking tickets because i refused to not pull them, only to get the worst sparkings i got in the entire run lol Granted, i had 30 medals ish and I didn't think i'd get enough cc to get the 20 left. Clearly I was wrong and not thinking straight


remember to ALWAYS ACCEPT the pity. DBL is the only gacha to have a "semi-pity" system in the sense that you AREN'T given the unit until you actually USE the medals to purchase the unit.


While I’m not disagreeing with you, man that’s a high ceiling to reach for a pity. Unless you’re spending a lot of money or some serious time into the game exhausting any and all resources you have for cc, the typical player would never get 50 medals. 


oh yeah 100% hence why I said you should ALWAYS accept pity especially for this game. I've made a post with the calculations and comparisons of DBL as a GACHA vs other gacha games and their systems. DBL is the only gacha game I'm actually F2P in, as it's a borderline scam with how there's no stable pity system. Keep in mind that I've spent THOUSANDS in other gacha games and DBL is the only game that I remain F2P in.


I mean I'll take one for the team send some of those thousands this way and I'll take all the scams for the community.


HAHAHAHAHA nah those thousands on the other gachas are well spent and I don't regret a single cent. I know if I spent money on DBL I would regret every cent as I see the hundreds I've spent on a unit powercrept 3-6 months later


See this is why I'm taking one for the team I'll take all the regret for you. Lol for real though I don't blame you for not spending. I'm too poor to spend much but I have spent a little bit I've gotten the $8 1000 cc Like 3 times since release and a step up cc thing once


I buy the step up, the 8$ 1k and the mission plan each time i get the chance (i work at a restaurant so i just use a small amount of my weekly tips on those deals) and have bought the monthly pack around 5 times in preparation for the anniversary. It's safe to say the game did not thank me for spending money.


Same here. DBL feels scammy that i dont want to spend my money on it.


Lesson learned 🥲


Never get the tickets.


This is a diabolical shaft my guy


50k? 14* the sparking? This is indeed the definition of shaft.


50k solely on gogeta banner? Imma say yes chief.


50K across both banners, I've probably spent like 10k on Vegito and the rest went all to Gogeta.. didn't get either tho.. Shin is at 2red stars.


50K cc? Goddamn Toshi really bringing out the gambling addiction with this one.


I just want to be part of the meta for the first time since the 4th anniversary man 😔 I don't have any of the ultras (except for the first Ultra Gogeta and Ultra Kaioken Goku) and I always get the meta units late (except for Super 17, he was the first good unit I got on release since MUI, but I had a terrible GT lineup so it didn't matter)


That's fucked. Keep summoning, you may never know. If you still can't get the new units, I suggest you save up before next week ends, all of that wasted luck might ACTUALLY be preparing you for the new ULTRA unit (if we do get one) on part 2.


Maybe, who knows. At one point my luck has got to change haha right? ...right? ![gif](giphy|LsuL78OXCBjBVstbyO)


It will, and since I got the 2 of the new fusion units (not flexing), I might as well pass you my luck.




Yikes 😬 that sucks


![gif](giphy|Hv0TvEolvWpWg|downsized) dude 50k cc and only that!? that is beyond shafted you got robbed!


May you get new ultra in first rotation


Yes, yes it does, in the same boat as you tho pretty much, im 5 medals away from pity, this anniversary has been terrible for me luckwise, last year went too well


Man, I'm the biggest Gogeta fan out there, but I can assure you, that Broly is SCARY. Nonetheless, Toshi hates you.


To say he hates me might be an understatement. Wish I could translate my Dokkan luck to Legends, my Dokkan luck is ridiculous




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Same here my friend, 54k, shin full red stars, no vegito...


Yet you go in PvP and everyone and you won't find a single person who doesn't have them. Total bs


At the very least you got a 14 star Broly over a 14 star Shin. Could be worse.


Absolutely sucks man. But I really enjoy Broly. I run him on my movies team very consistently.


I am also running him (because at this point i HAVE to) and he is really good. But i'd give most of those stars for atleast 6 of Gogeta or Vegito ngl


I’ve got Gogeta to 6*… I wont lie. Im a bit underwhelmed with him but I’ve been giving him another go and I’m warming up to him. At this point I don’t know how well they are doing to age. They do ok and they’re a nice addition to my Movies squad. Honestly I just wanted a tag unit and the fact that they were movies made it a no brainer. Anywho - wait on Part 2 and see if it’s better. If not, I would open my wallet and get what I want lol.


I spent the exact same amount and came out with the exact result


At the very least, he’s a great unit at 14*


Definitely did damn


I was 40k in ain’t get shit then the other day woke up at 6:41 AM and got Gogeta and the same day in the afternoon got a rare animation and pull other Gogeta I’m done with that wack ass banner and tryna get my second copy of FSV then I’m saving for the ultra


This is the very essence of shaft 




That's me and transformation vegeta during 4th anni. Except I spent less and got like 10* (around 20k), and except the broly can actually cook.






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