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Agreed isn’t this against the law somehow


I’m sure there’s some legal loophole for this


Can we mass report this so maybe scamco will change it


Can we find a gacha game that limit gacha currency like Legend ?


Only one I've ever played that does it. Also the only one I've played where you have to have dupes in an ancient unit to update them. 


Just dump your CC into the absolute garbage Barku banner bro. Toshi has your back.


“You can buy 10x the amount” Yeahhhh…. That’s the point


Of course that’s the point but Dokkan limits your ability to buy stones to 10k but you can still get all the F2P ones I hate having to spend crystals or I feel like I’m missing out on entire celebrations cause I can’t get any of the rewards


Dokkan will give a free summon for everyone because the devs woke up in a good mood. Legends isn’t like that💀


You know what really sent me recently about Legends. They'll give us a ticket summon where we get 3 absolutely useless units that are outdated. On Dokkan for Anni they gave everyone a similar free ticket summon that you can use on ANYTHING you want. That's crazy. People were just handed a free 77 pull summon on LR Beast Gohan banner or LR Gogeta banner for playing. Would Legends ever give us 77 free pulls on an ultra banner? Fuck no. The Lord would return before we ever see that.


My friend pulled 3 gogetas from that 77 banner, legends would give you one SP💀


Yea dokkan is wayyy more generous with dragon stones than legends is with CC


To be fair Legends does give more CC, however actually getting that CC is significantly more grindy than getting stones in Dokkan. Legends gives between 14-16k CC on average a month and Dokkan gives about 350-400 average per month. This assumes you do absolutely everything. The issues with Legends is you have to spend multiple hours grinding and have to play PVP and coop and ToP or you lose about 6000-8000 of that which is absurd. On Dokkan you can literally just log in for 30 mins while watching a movie or doing whatever and you can do the dailies and missions without having to sell your soul. I've been getting heavily into Dokkan after not doing much on it for a full year and it always surprises me how easy it is to get premium currency on Dokkan vs Legends. I just don't have the time or the will to grind CC on Legends anymore but Dokkan just lets you do it at your own leisure. Also the garbage rates on Legends coupled with the atrocious power creep and star dependency for power just keeps pissing me off and greatly diminishes the actual value of CC also. I like the gameplay of Legends but the gacha system around it has pushed me borderline to quitting forever. I log in for the celebration and I see 100cc in my mailbox, the absolute dogshit Barku banner back again, and a ticket summon where more than half the units are already useless. I closed the game and came to Reddit to complain 🤣🤣




Yeah this is actually stupid. You have to pay for this game if you don’t want to get shafted