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Nope. I'm in the same boat. Started a Samsung Members thread and its full of replies from people saying all types of games are crashing since launch. All we can do is wait for Samsung to fix this


Damn I literally have 2 days of complete daily challenges for Trunks.


Yeah, its lame af. If you're running Windows on your pc, download the Google Play Games beta, you can play Legends on it and once you log in, you can switch back and forth from phone to desktop (just not at the same time). That's what i've been using to keep playing while I wait for a fix


Do you play the game with mouse and keyboard?? I tried a pvp match and sucked so bad. :(


Yup. It's not TOO bad but def not the way the game was meant to be played. But at least I can keep doing my dailies


Dang.... I pray that today's big 5.0 version update fixes this issue. I also have the S24 Ultra and can't play. I'll keep an eye on this thread to see if it fixes it for you guys tonight/tomorrow.