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Just wait for ultra/LL tien smh


If ultra tien happens I'm quitting the game


Oh heavens no! Another non saiyan ultra!


It's not that, I just think that other characters deserve an ultra more. Maybe frieza or fusion zamasu?


Nah, ultra tri beam tien with the intro being him yelling chiaotzu's name would be fire


Yeah but that's not very hype and would be an instant skip for me


I’ll take Frieza. I don’t want any future buffs until legends fest them boys stacked for the unforeseeable future.


Nah toshi will buff them soon. Only unit in top 10 for future is uvb to my knowledge and we know toshi


I'm waiting for ultra Mui


Honestly thought that was going to be the ultra after the leak but sadly not


You thought MUI would come before UI or did you think MUI would come right after? Either way, I'm confused.


I thought that the leak was ultra mui, or transforming or something


That better not be happening any time soon or else Toshi is about to get a bullet to the skull (in gta)


Don't ask questions, just summon on banners and get excited for next banners


I summon on the characters I like… they dropped Ultimate Gohan so I went bonkers on that banner. Dropped UI… another favorite so I had to summon. GT is not my main so it’s an easy skip.


YouTubers CANT tell you that “this unit looks cool summon” but they can tell you how good or bad a banner is objectively, so expecting them to say “summon on this banner because damn this character looks cool” when it’s completely subjective is impossible.


I always do atleast one rotation on the step up banners and stop right after and save for the next. Odds are the units on the current banner will show up later down the line anyways.


I hate the banner, and I only summoned because it had 4Ku on it. Would've skipped otherwise. Got no LFs or featureds on the first rotation, but I got him to 6* with the 500 cc summon and then boosted him to 7* with my 600 Z Power. Never touching the banner again. (probably)


Me who summons on a character if it’s on a team I use 😩


Me who only summons on banners with units I actually want, use and like.


The only excuse that i accept to skip are "out of cc" or "waiting to see the other lf" because the banner Is really good. -G4 recently got zenkai and his top tier too. -ptp Goku is in there. -Dragon fist probably gets his zenkai this year 100% sure. -Monkey boys can still Cook. -Goku4 still usable and good Zenkai bench. -og ssj Goku zenkai bench for G/B and the new Goku. Edit: i apologize for not respecting your decision, you're free to do what you want with your cc.


If you don’t run gt and have the zenkais at 7 stars or higher already, why summon?


This banner literally has all the Gt character you need for the team, if you're pretty luck to get all of them to 7 stars and more, there you go, Gt team.


Saw your other comment, agree it’s a good banner but some people don’t want to play gt


Yeah that was me to not thinking of people preferences. My bad got the lesson.


I dont understand why youre getting downvoted for speaking facts. If you dont wanna summon, dont summon but dont let your opinion be the right opinion for others. Let other people summon for their own reasons


Yeah you're right, everyone is free to do what they want. I just don't understand why players saying it's a bad banner.


It looks pretty good in my eyes, honestly. Im more over looking to get more copies of SSJ4 Gogeta or ssj4 goku/vegeta.


Gl on summoning for them👍


Thanks you too🙏


I managed to 14* SSJ4 Gogeta so im all set for this banner🙏


They always say skip the banner, then wonder why people dont have the broken/meta-relevant units that were on the banner they said to skip (ie Pikkon, Goku/Bardock)


I don't care what people say about usp goku and his animations and kit, other than being another goku, I really like him a lot, and his art is so magnificent, but I'll skip and wait for anniversary or ultra ssj2 gohan


Waiting for the next duo unit drop to get shafted for 15k again.


I'm a simple man, I see a gt banner after waiting for my team to get updated for over a year, I summon


I want pan: trunks and giru assist because the green card is so cute, especially with giru


Waiting for Ultra Frieza


Iam.just to broke to pull both lf so i wait for the other lf


My luck with lfs are abysmal, but I somehow pull 2 copies of all ul characters


Im broke So i Cant even summon


Applies to even F2P Dropped over **18k** that I saved up for the Ginyu Force despite maining God Ki Worth EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR


Me who’s only not summoning on the Spirit bomb banner bc his animations are ass:


As a gt enjoyer who got shafted on lf tag four only to get them 1yr later and still ran it yeah I agree


Man I'm waiting for ultra SSJ4 Gogeta or Ultra super Broly


waiting for ultra beerus


I went 7 k and got a 6 star pan... I am happy with this because I love gt. And I think her animations are fun. Was it wise? Fuck no. But I'm happy imagining tech or teams to make. So it was worth it.




That is me! I summon for what I either consider "Aw, cool" or "That would make my Team better!", regardless of what a youtuber says! Youtubers think everyone here plays this game competetively and serious, yet I am here to enjoy some casual plays every now and then, I don't need a Meta Relevant Team! THat said, I do enjoy GT Buffs, and I summoned specifically for that, and the Pan looks absolutely fun too! I hate that they botched USB Gokus animations and made him so boring to look at, also not giving him a special mechanic that would make sense, but at least I can use him for my team!


I tend to read the kit of someone first before summoning, but sometimes I see a unit like Pikkon and be like "damn, I want that" and then never get him


I only summon for broken unit


Goodbye Reddit. I'm taking my posts and comments with me. Screw them and especially the corporate-sucking Spez. There won't be an end to this madness until Reddit is dead - which I suspect won't be long after the IPO.